


Mac OS X Lion虚拟机完整镜像_Intel版

发行日期: 2011年03月17日


【Mac OSX Lion v10.7 11A390虚拟机镜像】






【适用于AMD CPU的引导盘】












【Mac OSX Lion v10.7 11A390虚拟机镜像】





【适用于AMD CPU的引导盘】




Mac OS X Lion v10.7 11A419 DP 2原版DMG



[虚拟机完整镜像_Intel版(已更新2.&.2)].VMDrivers_详情 865.8KB



















Mac OS X Lion虚拟机完整镜像_Intel版

运行于Windows操作系统下,使用VMWare 7直接加载(VMWare7需补丁)


AMD CPU不能保证成功,请务必确认您的CPU为Intel系列的!

运行在PC机器Windows操作系统下的Mac OSX Lion ( 10.7 Build 11A390 )虚拟机。

可以直接在Windows 7环境下通过VMWare加载虚拟机文件即可!

Mac OS X Lion为Apple最新于2011年3月发布的第一版测试预览版,增加了诸多改进和优化。


1、您的内存大于等于4G。建议 安装有Windows 7 -64位版本宿主操作系统,可以调度更大内存。



4、您的CPU务必为Intel CPU,并支持硬件VT技术以及64位技术


由于Mac OSX Lion测试版并不很完善,此虚拟机内的OS声卡未驱动,分辨率可自由调整!






Step 1: 请先安装VMWare 7.1.x版本(在VC中搜索可找到)

Step 2: 将macosx_guest_vmware_解压缩到一个目录中(这是VMWare的补丁)

Step 3: 用系统管理员身份运行命令行程序,切换到macosx_guest_vmware_解压缩的目录中

Step 4: 关闭所有VMWare程序,在命令行运行 ,补丁安装完成

Step 5: 重启计算机,运行VMWare,加载下载下来的vmx文件即可运行。

有关Xcode 4.1

资源中单独提供了Xcode 4.1,给需要尝试开发的同学使用,或者你需要用Xcode 4.1来打开iPad手势操作,那可以下载第三个文件,如果不需要则只需要下载前两个文件即可!



如果找不到,就去 系统偏好设置 -> 显示器 中进行修改



其中系统管理员(不是root)密码 sssssssss

如何在Windows和Mac OSX虚拟机中共享文件

Step 1:打开虚拟机,选择Options,选择Shared Folders

Step 2:选择“Always Enabled”,点击Add,选择Windows本地目录(注意不能是中文目录)

Step 3:点击 OK,启动 虚拟机即可

Step 4:进入Mac OSX后,共享目录就在桌面上,双击打开即可!



1、更新最新版VMWare - VMware-workstation-full-7.1.3-324285





4、更新Mac OSX 10.6.x 系统引导盘(Intel / AMD)


1、 加入Mac OSX Lion原版安装盘,有兴趣的同学可以自行安装


[Working Method] Install Mac 10.7 Lion on

VMware – Windows 7 Intel PC

March 14, 2011 By Dinesh 7 Comments

Probably this is the first complete and working guide available on internet to install Mac OS X 10.7

Lion on VMware in Windows 7 Intel PC. After several days of searches, attempts, reading and

collecting information from different places, I managed to install latest Mac OS X Lion 10.7 on my

Intel Core2duo computer with VMware workstation in Windows 7.

This method should work in VMware Player also, but I prefer workstation because of Snapshot

feature. I don’t think you would face any issues on other types of Intel processors, but make sure

you have Hardware Virtualization Technology (VT), 64 Bit, and Core2duo or later supported

processor. I’m not sure about AMD processor users. Someone please try and update in comments

area for AMD processor with Lion on VMware.

This method is completely for testing and learning purpose only.

What You Need?

1. VMware workstation 7

2. Lion OS X bootable VMDK file created from original installation medium (DVD or ISO file) – Check this

guide and make this bootable image as described.

3. Additional Files (Click here to download) – Its a zipped file from two sets of files and a file.

One for patch your VMware software to support Mac OS X server guest ( Original Source), second one

with pre configured Virtual machine files (Original source) and file to install VMware tools on

guest to get more screen resolutions and VMware shared folders.

4. Check the VT in your host BIOS as shown here with some tools.

5. Just little bit time to read the complete guide

The Demonstration PC Configuration

I’m doing and taking screenshots for this guide from my Intel Core2duo 2.66GHz, 3GB RAM, Intel

P35 chipset and Windows 7 32 Bit host Operating System

Steps to Install Mac 10.7 Lion on VMware–Windows 7 Intel PC

1) Download the additional files and extract the macosx_guest_vmware_.

Before run the patch, I highly recommend to take a full backup of VMware Workstation/VMplayer

programs files (Normally located under C:Program FilesVMware).

By running this patch, it will modify some VMware exe files and unlock VMware to support Mac

OS X server guest versions in Windows host.

Close the all virtual machines and VMware program completely, then open the command prompt

as administrator in Windows OS, execute the file.

2) Extract the Lion_ file which you download in additional files set. Make sure extracted file

location is having enough of disk space to grow (may be up to 10GB).

Open Mac OS X Server 10.6 file in VMware workstation or VMPlayer.

Go to the settings of virtual machine and add a hard disk, select existing option and browse the

Lion installer image VMDK file we created by previous guide.

You can modify the memory size and increase number of processors based on physical computer

processor cores.

Remove the CD/DVD drive file attached with this pre configured file.

3) That’s it. Start the virtual machine now. It should boot now. It will boot from 5GB vmdk file we

created as bootable installer image.

Select the Language in first screen and start the installation.

4) Select ‘Macintosh’ disk in the next screen. If you can’t see the disk to select and continue, then

go to ‘Utilities’ and click on ‘Disk Utility’. Create a partition as shown below.

5) I’m sure installation will end smoothly. Complete the initial configurations and setups at the

next boot. You can remove the 5GB installer VMDK file from virtual machine to avoid any over

writing on this virtual hard disk.

6) Here is the working Mac OS X 10.7 Lion on VMware workstation as a virtual machine in

Windows 7 Intel based computer. It’s really nice to run and play around with Apple’s latest OS on

normal PC. I’m sure this method will work with final release of 10.7 too.

Take a Snapshot before do anything now!

Some Post Installation Checkups and Configurations

1) Network

Network inside Lion virtual machine worked out of the box. I configured NAT and Bridged network

types which worked nicely with my physical internet connection.

2) USB storage Access

USB storage access including Flash disk and external hard disk works fine in VM.

3) Increase Screen Resolution and VMware Shared Folders in Lion OS X

You will get only one screen resolution size inside Lion OS in VMware. Install VMware tools to

increase the screen size and get more resolution options, also VMware shared folders work fine

without any network between Lion guest and Windows 7 host. This helps to share data between

host and guest easily.

There are two issues in VMware tools.

a) Full screen view is not working properly. You can’t switch the guest lion virtual machine to ‘Full

Screen’ in View menu, its just breaking the desktop and need to be restarted.

What I did was, setup the resolution size to match my physical monitor’s size then used ‘Quick

Switch’ in View menu. Its very similar to full screen mode as I’m getting the virtual machine’s

screen fully in my monitor with 1400×900 resolution.

b) Sound is not working. The pre configured VM file (VMX) which you download already not

having sound card. After adding sound card to virtual machine and install VMware tools, still

sound is the problem.

I have tried several other packages including EnsoniqAudioPCI and AppleAudio kext files, but no

luck. If sound works for someone, please share how you did.

To Install VMware tools, mount the to DVD/CD drive and run the installation. Restart

the VM.

Here are the available screen resolutions after VMware tools installation to increase the screen


4) VMware Shared Folders in Lion OS X guest and Windows 7 Host

Go to Settings of virtual machine and select ‘Shared Folders’ under ‘Options’. Select ‘Always

Enabled’ and add the Folder or Partition from Windows host Operating System. That’s it, now try

to open the ‘VMware Shared Folders’ shortcut from desktop of guest machine.

You should be able to access the host’s shared folder or partition from Lion virtual machine now.

5) Sound

As I said earlier, its not working with me now. I’ll be keep trying possible methods to make this

work in Windows host. It may work inside Lion virtual machine when you run this Mac host with

VMware Fusion.

I’m not a Mac user, but while comparing with Snow Leopard 10.6, Lion 10.7 looks good with new

features and new interface to work.

Now, I expect your comments, successful and failure attempts by this method. Feel free to drop a

comment if this works or not. As I said earlier, I did this in Intel Core2duo computer, So I need your

inputs on other types of processors including Intel i-series and AMD processors.

Help others by your comments and share this guide to install Mac OS X Lion on VMware with

Windows 7 host.

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Have Fun.

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本文标签: 运行文件安装下载硬件