





As is vividly presented/depicted in the drawing,… /As can be seen from the

drawing, …


For many children, learning to bike can be fun, but

this is not the case with the girl in the picture, who

obviously has no fun at all. For fear that she may fall off

the bike, her parents are holding the handles, with her

grandmother giving a hard push from behind. The three

adults are dripping with sweat while the girl is sitting on

the saddle wondering who actually is learning to bike a

bike. They have without doubt gone too far protecting the


Today's parents seem to be too protective of their

children, which can de a barrier to their growth and

development. Rather, children should be encouraged to

learn to do things on their own. Of course, they are likely

to run into setbacks, but it is these setbacks that can teach them to be mature and independent.

Don't you think so? (148 words)



Due to the one-child policy in China, most families have only one child and therefore this

child is regarded as the treasure of the whole family. Both the parents and grandparents usually

spoil the child too much.

As is depicted in the picture, when a child is learning to ride a bicycle, her parents and

grandparent are sweating, running alongside the bike and trying their best to protect the child for

fear that she should fall and get hurt.

We all know the greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

So I think, for the parents, they should be aware of the negative effect too much spoiling has on

their child. Under the parents’ protection, the child knows only comfort and ease. If they don’t

learn how to live independently, how can they cope with the hardships and trials which they will

meet in the future? For the children, they should let their parents know that they have confidence

in themselves and are able to exist in the competitive community without the constant watchful

eye of an eager parent.

The path to success is filled with various kinds of difficulties and obstacles. Only when we

have learned to stand on our own feet, can we survive the challenging world.

(219 words)


In this picture we can see a girl learning to ride a bike with her parents and even

grand-parents running around her, sweating. Obviously, they intend to protect the child, for fear

that she might fall off the get hurt. (简述图片,忽略不重要的细节,只抓住与主题有关的内容)

Due to the one-child policy, the only kids in many families are considered as kings or queens.

The parents, consciously or unconsciously, have offered too much help and make too many

decisions for the kids themselves, which definitely spoil the children. As a result, children become

so dependent and incapable that they may find it hard to survive the fierce competition in future. It

is also likely that they will have trouble handling future problems on their own. (此段陈述此图片反映的社会现象,用词精确,句型多变)

Many measures can be taken to prevent this problem getting more serious, but the following

are among the most effective. Firstly, it’s better for parents to provide guidance as well as

opportunities for kids to fall and fail, as they are recognized as an inevitable way to grow up.

Secondly, it’s high time that children learned to say no to their parents’ unnecessary protection. At

the same time, young as they are, they should make parents believe they are old enough to

accumulate practical experience in real life and prepare themselves for the future. (三点建议,句型的变化尤其值得关注)

In conclusion, only when kids depend on themselves rather than their parents can they get

mature and face everything with confidence and courage in the future.





From the picture, we can see that a

young man, with a heavy burden on his back,

feel at a loss when faced with the problem of

choosing a job. There are two ways in front of

him, to choose a job according to his personal

interests or based on employment pressure.

Nowadays, many college graduates may

well face the same situation as the young man in this picture. What can we do in the presence of

the pressure from both society and family? Many people, regardless of their own interests, may

choose the highly-paid professions to ensure their bright future and live up to their parents’

expectations. But for my part, I think we should follow our own interests. Only when we are doing

what we like, can we do our work better. What’s more, the purpose of choosing a career is to

satisfy ourselves instead of our parents.

When it comes to a bright future, I think not only the highly-paid profession can contribute to

it, but also our personal interest. Do not allow yourself to be limited by others. Just do what you

like. I believe that we can fly higher with our own wings.


The College Entrance Examination of 2010 is coming and all the Senior 3 students are facing

the same problem ---- how to choose their major in university. As is depicted in the picture, a

student with heavy burden is urged by his parents to choose his major according to the market

needs. He becomes tired and powerless, and seems no confident in himself.

It is not an exceptional phenomenon. All senior school graduates are faced with the inevitable

problem. In my opinion, when we choose a major or a future job, we should take both the social

needs and personal interests into account. The society offers job to us and we should meet its

requirement, so that we can adapt ourselves to society and achieve our goal in life. In addition,

parents shouldn’t decide the child’s future. Instead, they are supposed to give child some space,

since every child is like a bird, and they have their own wings.



In the picture stands a boy with furrowed brow and

drooping mouth. He was dreaming of playing plane models

and sports all the time, yet he is unfortunately compelled to

attend different kinds of extra classes. This picture ironically

depicts a typical Chinese student.

Although taking extra courses sometimes does help, the

positive effects are overshadowed by negative ones. First,

theses courses make them sit all day long working problems

out. It certainly consumes a lot of time which otherwise can

be spent in developing plenty of hobbies. Second, these extra

courses are tiresome. Attending so many courses, students

may feel fatigued both physically and mentally. Scientific

studies clearly show that the better sleep people enjoy, the clearer mind they will have. And there

may be another point we must consider. I think the main reason why many students attend extra

classes is that they hope to keep up with the Joneses. And that could bring them so much trouble.

I'm deeply convinced that children under a low compulsory system would actually develop in

an all-round way.


In the picture, a boy is tightly tied up in all kinds of training programmes and extra classes,

giving up his hobbies. The boy is sad, but he can’t free himself and have his own spare time. What

a pity!

There is no doubt that youngsters should take in as much knowledge as possible and learn as

many techniques as they can. However, it is even more important for parents and teachers to help

them grow up to be healthy, strong and intelligent. As the proverb goes, work without play makes

Jack a dull boy. In order to have no dull boys, I think, it is wise for the children to decide whatever

they like and learn what they think is useful for the society. Only in this way can they grow up

happily and creatively. And only in this way will they become the pride of the family, school and


(152 words)



The two pictures look so similar at first glance, but they are

totally different. In the first picture, a peasant boy, carrying a heavy

bundle of rice straw is out of breath under the great pressure. His hope

is to have a school to attend. In the second picture, a student is on his

way home from school, with a heavy bag of books on his back. What

he wishes is that he didn’t have to go to school any more. How can

the two boys of the same age have such strikingly different ideas

about attending school?

Actually, the two pictures reflect some problems in the present

educational system in China. In the poor countryside, especially in

some western parts of China, there are no buildings for classrooms, let

alone good teachers. Children there cannot have access to regular

education and they are sometimes forced to drop out of school because their families cannot afford

the necessary fees. However, the situation is totally different in the cities, where regular education

is accessible to almost all the children. They can enjoy the bright classrooms and adequate

facilities. But they have their own problems. What they face is the endless homework, which puts

so much pressure on them that some students don’t want to continue their studies.

Given the problems above, our government has taken some measures. “The Hope Project”

has been in operation to ensure that children in the poor areas can receive education. And some

strategies have also been put into force to reduce the students’ academic pressure. Teachers are

asked not to give too much homework and emphasis should be put on the improvement of the

quality of the students. However, there is a long way to go in the improvement of our

education conditions. The whole society should be united to make some contributions to our



请根据下面的漫画,以“What Will the Child Become?”为题,描述漫画画面并谈谈自己的看法。

参考词汇:电子琴—— electronic piano


✓ Parents love their children by nature, and

Chinese mothers and fathers are no


✓ Parents extend excessive care and love to

their children.

✓ Parents place too much hope on the treasured

child that if he wants the star, they might

even climb to pick it. And those self-centered, spoiled children always depend on their

parents for everything.

➢ As a result, once confronted with harsh reality, children are more likely to yield to

hardships and difficulties in life, let alone shoulder any responsibility.

➢ Children under such circumstances are likely to become selfish, arrogant and spoilt.

They have poor sense of independence.

➢ Actually, excessive care and love are likely to spoil their children , who easily become

selfish, arrogant and dependent.

➢ When this group of children grow up, they may care about nothing but themselves. Let

alone to have spirit of devotion to the progress of society. Some of them may have some

sort of strange character and habits.


Nowadays, the “one-child per family” policy has been practiced all over the country. So far

the policy has been showing positive effective. It controls population growth, reduces the

economic burden on family, and gives parents more time and energy to look after their children.

As a result, children become healthier in every aspect.

However, the policy also has some side effects. For example, a number of parents have gone

too far in raising their children. They try to satisfy every demand of their spoiled kids, thus turning

them into “flower in the nursery(苗圃)” that cannot bear any hardship or difficulty rather than

“flower of our motherland” that represents our bright future. Some people think that children from

only-child families have more merits than shortcomings.

However, some people believe that the only children have more shortcomings than merits.

For example, many show much dependence on parents. And some never learn to do elementary

household chores. It is even worse that most tend to be spoiled, irrational and self-centered. They

are "the little emperors" in families and schools.

School, family and society must give them room to use their creativity, skills and ideas.

Remember, don't lavish (慷慨给与) them with too much concern and material goods, or "the little

emperors" today will not be their own masters tomorrow.

What Will the Child Become?

Look at this picture. It is a picture of a family of five.

Who is the “King” of the family? The only child! He is riding his “horse” – his father. What a

proud “King” he is! His grandfather is holding an umbrella over him and cooling him with a fan.

His mother is carrying his schoolbag and lots of other things for. What is his grandmother doing

behind? She is trying hard to carry an electronic piano and a drawing-board.

But what will the child become in the future? He’ll think of himself more than anyone else.

He’ll be unable to do anything without help. He’ll become no good for the world.





1. 在图画的基础上可有适当的联想。2. 评论要切中要害。3. 字数:120-1504. 日用品:daily


One possible version:

In this picture, we can see that a woman is doing shopping in a supermarket. She chooses a

pair of slippers and buys other daily necessaries. Walking beside the place where fresh fruits are

sold, she suddenly finds it unnecessary to buy slippers. So she throws them away without any

hesitation. Seeing what happens, a customer behind her is shocked by her behaviour.

We can learn much from the picture. This phenomenon often occurs around us. Most people

hate it when someone does something like this. Those who throw things without thought are

believed to lack responsibility to society. That is to say, they only think of convenience to

themselves but ignore other’s feelings. So what she does is absolutely wrong. We should establish

a good situation where we can do anything delightedly. It is everybody’s duty to keep a clean

environment in our world.

2010 同济二附中5月听力试运行

Directions: Write an English composition in 120~150 words according to the picture and

instructions given below in Chinese

From the picture, we can see that a young man, born with

some talent, is standing still and can’t fly any more due to his

laziness. The majority of students around us may well face the

same problems as the boy in the picture. So recently many

professors and educators have defined “Laziness” as the biggest

enemy which prevents us from going ahead and achieving


What should we do when coming across “laziness” on our

way to success? Surely, we should fight against it, not only

because it’s an obstacle to our learning process, but also because it

may have a negative influence in our future. Supposed that some

people are born with some talent in a certain field, such as

painting, singing, dancing, writing and so on, they fail to become

a painter, a singer or a writer only due to their laziness. How pitiful it is! As an old saying goes,

where there is a will, there is a way. Only when we devote ourselves to our own business can we

become successful

In the course of fighting against laziness, everyone must take full advantage of their talent

through hard work for the sake of themselves.


As is shown in the picture, a half-empty bottle is going to stick a label

on its body, feeling proud and confident.

The picture seems to be reflecting a kind of social phenomenon. We

might often meet some people who look confident, trying to impress others

with their “rich” knowledge. However, just like the bottle in the picture,

what they really know is just a little. There is no doubt that they need to learn more because what

they have in their mind is far from enough. As an old Chinese saying goes, “empty bottles makes

the loudest noise.”

As a result, it is wise to enrich ourselves with knowledge and try to make our heads full.

本文标签: 图片内容作文谈谈描述