


User Manual

TestLink 1.6

Copyright © 2004,2005 TestLink Development Team

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the

terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version

published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no

Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. The license is available in "GNU

Free Documentation License" homepage.

1. General information

TestLink is web based Test Management system. This manual should serve as source

for users to understand processes and organization of testing with TestLink.

See to Installation manual for more information about system requirements,

installation steps and configuration. The latest documentation is available on

or .

See an example of TestLink workflow:

1. Administrator create a product “Fast Foo” and a user Adam with rights

“leader” and Bela with rights “Senior tester”.

2. Adam imports Software Requirements and for part of these requirements

generates empty Test cases.

3. Bela describe test sneario of these Test cases that are organized

according to Components and Categories.

4. Adam creates Keyword: “Regression” and assignes this keyword to ten

of these test cases.

5. Adam creates a Test Plan “Fish & Chips”, Build “Fish 0.1” and add

Test Cases with keywords “Regression”.

6. Adam and Bela execute and record the testing with result: 5 passed, 1

failed and 4 are blocked.

7. Developers make a new build “Fish 0.2” and Bela tests the failed and

blocked test cases only. Exceptionaly all these five Test cases passed.

8. Manager would like to see results. Administrator explain him that he can

create account himself on the login page. Manager do it. He has “Guest”

rights and could see results and Test cases. He can see that everything

passed in overal report ;-) and problems in build “Fish 0.1” in a report

for particular Build. But he can change nothing.

2. Overall structure

There are three cornerstones: Product, Test Plan and User. All other data are

relations or attributes for this base. First, definition of a couple of terms

that are used throughout the documentation.

2.1 Products and Test Plans

Product: A product is something that will exist forever in TestLink. Products

will undergo many different versions throughout their life times. Product

includes Test Specification with Test Cases and should be sorted via Keywords.

Test Plan: Test Plans are created when you'd like to execute test cases. Test

plans can be made up of the test cases of one or many products. Test Plan includes

Builds, Test Case Suite and Test Results.

2.2 Test Case Categorization

TestLink breaks down the test case structure into three levels components,

categories, and test cases. These levels are persisted throughout the


Component: Components are the parents of categories. Each component can have

many categories.

Category: Categories are the parents of test cases. Each category can have many

test cases.

Test Case: Test cases are the fundamental piece of TestLink.

Test Specification: All components, categories and test cases within Product.

Test Case Suite: All components, categories and test cases within Test Plan.

2.3 Users

An User has a Role, that defines available TestLink features. See more in chapter

User Administration.

The next picture shows common activity according to user roles:

Illustration 1: Functionality overview

3. Test Specification

3.1 Creating Test Cases

Tester must follow this structure: component, category and test case. At first

you create component(s) for your product. You can fill description which can

be printed then. Component includes categories. Category has the similar meaning

but is second level of Test Specification and includes just Test Cases.

User can also copy or move Test Cases.

Test Cases has next parts:

Title: could include either short description or abbreviation (e.g.


Summary: should be really short; just for overview.

Steps: describe test scenario (input actions); can also include

precondition and cleanup information here.

Expected results: describe checkpoints and expected behaviour a tested

product or system.

3.2 Deleting Test Cases

Test cases, categories, and components may be deleted from a test plan by users

with lead permissions from the "delete test cases" screen. Deleting data may

be useful when first creating a test plan since there are no results. However,

Deleting test cases will cause the loss of all results associated with them.

Therefore, extreme caution is recommended when using this functionality.

3.3 Requirements relation

Test cases could be related with software/system requirements as n to n. The

functionality must be enabled for a product. User can assign Test Cases and

Requirements via link Assign Requirements in the main screen.

4. Keywords

4.1 Using keywords

Keywords were created to give users another level of depth when categorizing

test cases. Keywords serve as a collection of Test cases with some attribute

within a Test specification. You can use it to

Regression or Sanity set

Reviewed Test cases

Set of test cases valid for one platform

4.2 Keyword Creation

At this time keywords can only be created by users with the

mgt_modify_key rights.

These rights are currently held only by Leaders. Once a keyword or grouping of

keywords have been created users may assign them to test cases.

4.3 Assigning Keywords

Keywords may be assigned to test cases either from the assign keyword screen

(in batch) or via the test case management (individually).

4.4 Filter by Keyword

Users have the ability to filter by Keywords for:

Search Test Cases in Test Specification.

Add groups of Test cases in a Test case Suite (Test plan).

Execute test screen.

5. Requirement based testing

5.1 Introduction

To proof that a system is build as specified, testers use requirement based

testing. For every requirement, they design one or more test cases. At the end

of the test execution a test manager reports on the tests that are executed and

the requirements that are covered. Based on this information the client and the

various stakeholders decide whether a system can be transferred to the next test

phase or can go live. To ensure that a system is build as specified, test managers

use a combination of risk and requiremetn-based testing to ensure that a system

is build as specified from the customer and stakeholders perspective. As a result,

this complete testing delivers the following advantages:

Linking risks and requirements will reveal vague or missing requirements.

This is especially interesting for risks with a high priority.

Testing can be focused on the most important parts of an information

system first: covering the risks with the highest priority.

Communicating in the same language as the client and the stakeholders.

This makes it easier to report on the status of the test project. Beside

that a better founded decision can be made whether to invest more in

testing or take the risk.

The risks and their priority make negotiating on the test project in times

of pressure easier. What risks have to be covered within this test project

and which ones can be postponed. Risk and requirement-based testing

results in a better controlled test project. The communication with the

client and the stakeholders improved. The test manager begins testing

with risks with the highest priority. The process is streamlined and the

end result is higher quality.

5.2 Availability

The functionality is available on product level. I.e. Administrator should

enable it for a specified product (Edit Product link in Main window). Otherwise

links are not shown.

There are two user levels for this feature. The most of roles can view requirement

but not modify. Refer to User section for more.

5.3 Requirements Specification

Requirements are bunched to one or more System/Software/User Requirement


Illustration 2: Dependencies between requirement related objects

Create a document with Requirements:

1. Click Requirements Specification in Main window. The List of Requirement

Specification window is shown.

2. Press Create button to create a document.

3. Adjust


Scope and eventually

Count of Test cases. The last

parameter is used for statistics. Use only if you have a valid Requirement

document but not all requirements are available at the moment in TestLink.

Default value 'n/a' means that the current count of requirements in a

specification is used.

4. Press Create button to add data to database. You can see the title of

your new created document in the table of List of Requirement

Specification window.

5. Click the title of document for next work. The Requirement Specification

window is shown.

Each Requirement Specification has own statistics and report related to included


All Specification could be printed via Print button in the Requirement

Specification window. Administrator can define company, copyright and confident

text via configuration files.

5.4 Requirements

Each requirement has Title, Scope (html format) and Status.

Title must not be

unique and has max. 100 characters.

Scope paramter is text in HTML format.


can have vale VALID or NOT_TESTABLE. A NOT_TESTABLE requirements are not counted

to metrics.

Requirements could be created/modified or deleted manually via TestLink

interface or imported as CSV file.

5.4.1 Import requirements

TestLink support two types of CSV. The first 'simple' is composed from title

and scope in each row. The second 'Export from Doors' try to detect header and

chooses correct fields. Import compare titles and allow to solve conflicts. There

are three ways: update, create requirements with same title and skip adding the

conflicted ones).

5.4.2 Requirements to Test Case relation

Test cases are related with software/system requirements as * to *. I.e. you

can assign more Test cases to one Requirement and more requirements could be

covered by one Test Case. User can assign Requirements to Test Cases via the

Assign Requirements link in the Main window.

A coverage of Test Specification could be view via pressing the button Analyse

in the Requirement Specification window.

5.4.3 Requirement based Report

Navigate to Reports and Metrics menu. There is Requirements based Report link.

Requirements in currect Requirement Specification and Test Plan are analysed

for this report. All the latest result of test cases (available in Test Plan)

are proceeded for each requirement. The result with the highest priority is

applied for the requirement. Priority from the highest are: Failed, Blocked,

Not Run and Passed.

Example of requirement coverage

A requirement is covered by three Test Cases. Two of them are included

in the current Test Suite. One passed and one was not tested for the Build

1. Now Requirement has overall result: Not Run. Second test case was tested

with Build 2 and passed. So Requirement passed too.

6. Products

6.1 Overview

Products are the cornerstone of TestLink. Products are releases of your company

that may change their features and functionality over time but for the most part

remain the same.

6.2 Creating new products

Create a new product is admin right. You cannot create products with the same

name. You can assign a color of backgroung to product for a better lucidity.

Things to note when creating a new product:

Deleting Products themselves is not recommended from the system, because

the deletion of products would either orphan lots of test plan cases or

lead to their deletion.

Test Plans represent the testing of a product at a certain point of time.

What this means is that All Test Plans are created from Product test cases.

TestLink has the ability to import your data into a product. Data is read

in CSVs form and is explained further in the import section.

7. Test Plans

7.1 Creating a new Test Plan

Test plans are the basis for test case execution. Test plans are made up of test

cases imported from products at a specific point of time. Test plans can only

be created by leads. Test plans may be created from other test plans. This allows

users to create test plans from test cases that at a desired point in time. This

may be necessary when creating a test plan for a patch. In order for a user to

see a test plan they must have the propper rights. Rights may be assigned (by

leads) in the define User/Project Rights section. This is an important thing

to remember when users tell you they can't see the project they are working on

7.2 Builds

Builds are a specific release of software. Each project in a company is most

likely made up of many different builds. In TestLink execution is made up of

both builds and test cases. If there are no builds created for a project the

execution screen will not allow you to execute. The metrics screen will also

be completely blank. Builds currently cannot be edited or deleted.

7.3 Deleting TestPlans

Test plans may be deleted from the main page by users with lead permissions.

Deleting test plans permanently erases the test plan and all of its corresponding

data (test cases, results, etc). The deleting of data is a scary prospect and

should be reserved to extreme cases. TestLink also allows users to deactivate

test plans so that they no longer appear as a menu option.

8. Test Case Suite

8.1 Adding new Test Cases

Test Case Suite is set of test cases which are defined to be run within Test

Plan. Test case Suite is created via Add Test Cases from Test Specification to

Test Plan. Test cases are added including Steps and Expected result. So, you

must use 'Update modified Test Cases' page to update test scenario (version of

test case).

Data from multiple products can be added into one test plan. Test Specification

data can be filtered by keywords (adjusted in navigation pane).

Once data has been imported into a test plan it will be marked with checkmark.

If a test case has already been imported it will be ignored if it is imported


8.2 Removing Test Cases from Test Case Suite

Test cases, categories, and components may be deleted from a test plan by users

with Leader permissions from the "Remove test cases" page. Deleting data may

be useful when first creating a test plan since there are no results. However,

Deleting test cases will cause the loss of all results associated with them.

Therefore, extreme caution is recommended when using this functionality.

8.3 Priority

TestLink gives users with Leader rights the ability to assign ownership and

priority to test cases. General Risk/Ownership is done at the category level.

TestLink currently does not allow users to assign risk or ownership at the

individual test case level.

Risk levels are low, medium, high and Importance levels are 3, 2, 1. Users can

rank the combinations of risk and importance (L1, L2, L3, M1, H2, M3, H1, H2,

H3) as priority A,B,C.

Assigning risk, importance, ownership, and priority are all optional and will

default to priority B in the metrics screen.

8.4 Ownership

Ownership affects both the execution and metrics screens. In the execution screen

users have the ability to sort the executable test cases by the ones they have

ownership of. In the main metrics screen there is a table that shows the remaining

test cases by ownership. If there are no test case owners it defaults to none.

A Tester can also see a metrics of own executed tests in main page if these metrics

are enabled (see Installation manual).

9. Test Execution

9.1 General

Test execution is available when:

1. A Test Specification is written.

2. A Test Plan is created.

3. Test Case Suite (for the Test Plan) is defined.

4. A Build is created.

5. The Test plan is assigned to testers (otherwise they cannot navigate to

this Test Plan).

Select a required Test Plan in main page and navigate to the 'Execute tests'

link. Left pane serves for navigation in Test Case Suite via tree menu, filtering

and define a tested build.

9.2 Navigation

The navigation pane consists from a 'Filter & Settings' box and a tree menu with

Test Case Suite.

9.2.1 Filtering Test Cases

This table allows the user to filter test cases for smart navigation before they

are executed.

Owner: Users can filter test cases by their owner. Ownership is

determined at the category level, is determined by leads, and can be

changed at the Assign Risk and Ownership page under metrics.

Keyword: Users can filter test cases by keyword. Keywords are set either

using the Create/Edit/Delete Test Cases or by the Assign Keywords To

Multiple Cases. Keywords can only be created, edited, or deleted by leads

but may be assigned to test cases by testers.

Result: Users can filter test cases by results. Results are what happened

to that test case during a particular build. Test cases can pass, fail,

be blocked, or not be run.

9.2.2 Define a tested build

Users can filter test cases by builds. Builds are the basic component for how

test cases are tracked. Each test case may be run once and only once per build.

Builds can be created by leads using the Create New Build page.

9.2.3 Tree menu

The tree menu in navigation pane includes Test Case Suite colored by results.

Menu colored: By default the tree will be sorted by the results for the defined

build that is chosen from the dropdown box.

Example TC colored according to the build

User selects build 2 from the dropdown box and doesn't check the "most

current" check box. All test cases will be shown with their status from

build 2. So, if test case 1 passed in build 2 it will be colored green.

Second possibility Last result is that menu is colored according to the latest

test result.

Example TC colored according to the latest result

User selects build 2 from the dropdown box and this time checks the "most

current" check box. All test cases will be shown with most current status.

So, if test case 1 passed in build 3, even though the user has also selected

build 2, it will be colored green.

9.3 Execution

9.3.1 Test Status

Execution is the process of assigning a result (pass, fail, blocked) to a test

case for a specific build. 'Blocked' test case is not possible to test for some

reason (e.g. a problem in configuration disallows to run a tested functionality).

9.3.2 Insert Test results

Test Results screen is shown via click on an appropriate component, category

or test case in navigation pane. The title shows the current build and owner.

The colored bar indicate status of the test case. Yellow box includes test

scenario of the test case.

The indication that the test case was updated or deleted in test Specification

is not supported in 1.5 version.

Updated Test Case: Users will see the American flag if the original version of

the test case (on the management side) has been updated. If users have the proper

rights they can go to the update/delete test case page either through clicking

on the test case number next to the flag or through the link on main page. It

is not necessary for users to update test cases if there has been a change. They

simply have the option of doing so if they wish.

Deleted Test Case: Users will see the "x" symbol if the original version of the

test case (on the management side) has been deleted. If users have the proper

rights they can go to the update/delete test case page either through clicking

on the test case number next to the "x" or through the link on main page.

10. Test Reports and Metrics

The metrics pages sum up the results of execution into reports. Metrics are broken

down by both individual builds and across all builds.

10.1 General Test Plan Metrics

This page shows you only the most current status of a test plan. For instance,

you have test case 1 which was executed in builds 1,2, and 3. Build 1 2 3 Status

Pass Fail Blocked Since the most recent result of the test case is blocked the

result on the "Across All Builds" page would be blocked. If a user would go and

change the status of build 3 to something else or not run the current result

would be fail.

(in TL 1.0.4: View Project Status Across All Builds)

10.2 Metrics of active Build

This report shows the detailed results for a particular build defined in

navigation pane.

(in TL 1.0.4: View Status by an Individual Build)

10.3 The Overall Build Status

View The Overall Build Status This report show a high level view of each build's


10.4 Query Metrics

Query results for specific test cases based on keyword, component, owner, last

result, and 1 or more builds. For example if you wanted to know if a test case

has failed, passed, blocked, or has not been run in builds 2, 3, and 4 you would

want to use this query functionality. Additionally you could determine if test

cases assigned to a tester have been executed in a set of builds. This is important

because test passes may occur over multiple builds, and multiple test passes

may occur during the development cycle. This is especially handy at the end of

a development cycle when you want to know if certain cases have been run over

the past few builds of the product. This functionality differs from other reports

which display results on a specific build, or all builds.

Export to MS Excel is also available.

10.5 Test Report

View Status By Individual Test Cases This report shows each test case's result

for every build. An user can navigate to Test Execution screen via link for each

test Status.

Export to MS Excel is also available.

10.6 Blocked/Failed Test Cases

These reports show all of the currently blocked or failing test cases.

10.7 Total Bugs For Each Test Case

This report shows each test case with all of the bugs filed against it for the

entire project. This metrics are available only if Bug Tracking System is


10.8 E-mail Test report

Email Test Plan Info This page allows users to email the results of the entire

test Plan or for a particular build. It also allows users to email the status

of a component

11. User Administration

11.1 Account settings

Every user on the system will also be able to edit their own information via

the Account settings window (link Personal in menu bar).

TestLink allows users with administrator rights to create, edit, and delete users

within the system. However, TestLink does not allow administrators to view or

edit user's passwords. If users forget their passwords there is link on the login

screen, that will mail the user their password based upon their user name and

the email address they entered.

11.2 Role Permissions

TestLink is built with 6 different default permission levels built in. Changing

of these rights is handled by the user administration link which is accessible

by admins. These permission levels are as follows:

Guest: A guest only has permission to view test cases and project metrics.

Test Executor: A tester outside of the company that only has permissions

to run tests allotted to them. (initially in 1.0.4 - otester)

Test Designer: A user can fully work with Test Specification and


Test Analyst: A tester can view,create, edit, and delete test cases as

well as execute them. Testers lack the permissions to manage test plans,

manage products, create milestones, or assign rights. (initially tester,

senior tester)

Test Leader: A lead has all of the same permissions as a Tester but also

gains the ability to manage test plans, assign rights, create milestones,

and manage keywords

Admininstrator: An admin has all of the same permissions as a lead but

gains the ability to manage products

Note: Test plan related features needs also assign a Test Plan to be

available. See Test Plan Assignment.

11.2.1 User Roles

There are predefined user roles. Adminstrator gives appropriate ability to

modify data within TestLink. Each user has assigned just one of these roles.

If you view the table you will see rows for each of the permissions levels

(guest ,tester, senior tester, leader, admin). The column next to the row holds

all of the different rights levels which will be defined below. These levels

have been determined as standard for the use but they are free to be edited or

define a new roles (for experienced administrator). The user table contains a

foreign key that points to the appropriate permission level in the rights table.



List of Rights

mgt_view_tc, mgt_view_key, tp_metrics


Browse data only.

Execute test only. Test Executor tp_execute,tp_metrics


Test Analyst mgt_view_tc,


tp_metrics, tp_create_build,

Edit test Specification

mgt_modify_tc, mgt_view_key,

and execute tests.

tp_metrics, mgt_view_tc, mgt_modify_tc, Edit Test Specification

Test Designer

mgt_view_key, mgt_modify_req, mgt_view_req and Requirements.


All Test Plan right, edit

tp_planning, tp_assign_rights, mgt_view_tc,

Test Leader test Specification and

mgt_modify_tc, mgt_view_key, mgt_modify_key,

execute tests.

mgt_view_req, mgt_modify_req


Everything possible.

tp_planning, tp_assign_rights, mgt_view_tc,

Only this role can

Administrator mgt_modify_tc, mgt_view_key, mgt_modify_key,

maintain products and

mgt_view_req, mgt_modify_req,


mgt_modify_product, mgt_users

tp_execute, tp_create_build,

tp_execute, tp_create_build,

Table 1: Role description

11.2.2 Rights Definitions

Next tables list keywords used for definition of role abilities.




Viewing Test Specification (data of component, category, and test


Edit Test Specification (create,modify,delete,order, move, and copy

components, categories, and test cases)

Viewing keywords






Modifying keywords

mgt_modify_product Create,edit and delete products



View requirements

Create,edit, associate and delete requirements

Table 2: Product related Rights




Ability to execute test cases (insert test results)

tp_create_build Ability to create builds



Viewing metrics

create, edit, delete Test Plans, assign risk/ownership, milestones,

edit Tes Case Suite

tp_assign_rights Assigning the rights to view projects

Table 3: Test Plan related Rights

11.3 Test Plan Assignment

Users can see only assigned Test Plans. In order to gain test plan permissions

a user with lead or admin status must give them rights through the “Define

user/project rights” link under “Test Plan Management”.

All users in the system will by default not have permissions to view newly created

test plans (except for the test plan creator who can give themselves permissions

at creation). Zero test plan permissions means that users will not see any Test

Plans in the Test Plan dropdown box on main screen.

There is a table with Test Plan rights (i.e. which users can see which Test plan).

This table is made up of a combined user id and project id. The main page contains

code which checks to see if the logged in user has the appropriate permissions

(and then shows the allowed projects. It is not recommended that this be hacked


本文标签: 测试用例管理工具开源