


Pilot QA(QAD/LP)


粗纱Rough yarn

针洞Needle hole

色差Color shade

色纱Color yarn

单毛Single yarn

毛头Yarn end

线头Thread end

线仔毛Yarn thinness

粗细毛Uneven yarn

杂毛Mixed yarn

花毛Shade yarn


错花Wrong pattern

花针Tuck stitch

走字码Uneven tension

起横Uneven course

字码不均Uneven knitting tension

混毛不均Uneven twist yarn

混毛不均,起横纹Uneven yarn and show horizontal stripe


挑撞Hand stching

错缝线Wrong linking thread

夹缝线起蛇Puckering at armhole seam

胸贴不平均Placket not balance

笠错横行Incorrect course

粘边Selvage not straight

缝骨不对齐Seam not match

脚边起豆角Hem wringing

缝线太紧Linking tension too tight

缝线太松Linking tension too loose

侧骨手挑太紧,欠水平Hand stitch too tight at side seam not level

锁眼起蛇Interline zig-zaging

断锁眼线Broken interline

铡骨起蛇Over locking line zig-zaging

缝法埋堆Linking peaking

缝线松紧Uneven linking tension

挑撞欠佳Poor hand stitching

领子口不均匀Uneven seam of collar

落坑Run off

锄歪眼Wrong position of needle and point

领内子口不均匀Uneven seam allowance inside neck

珠路不均Uneven stitch density

铡骨散口Over- locking seam open

起耳仔Pull loop

领起耳仔Loose loop at neck

拆纱不清Unclear finishing yarn

断毛Broken yarn

袖口脚收口欠佳Poor stitching on cuff or bottom

食针Overlapped stitch

甩间纱Loose finishing yarn

铡骨线露面Wrong tension of over- locking

领口不能过头Narrow neck opening

单缝线Mis-linking yarn

夹花不对称Unmatch armhole fashion mark

挑贴跳线Stitching placket skipped stitch

膊骨止口太厚Too much seam allowance in shoulder

V领嘴挑线太松Hand stitching tension too loose inside v neck point

侧骨图案不匹配Pattern not match at side seam

膊骨和侧骨止口太厚Shoulder seam and side seam too bulky

膊带不留止口No shoulder tape allowance

不对坑(支)Unmatched rib

挑贴Stitching placket

挑脚线不牢Insecure blind stitches

挑脚线漏挑Blind stitches not securely caught inside

断缝线Linking yarn breakage

驳线欠佳Poor overlapping stitches

拆纱线后没拉眼Loops on collar stitch out of trimming

V领不对支Rib collar of 〝V〞 point not match

领内包止口厚Thick seam inside on neck

领谷起Bulky at neck

哈须Flat lock

夹缝线色不对衫身色Armhole linking thread color off body color

缝毛与衫身色不对Used wrong sewing color

空边、边缘缺棉Empty hem

棉絮不均Padded cotton is uneven

夹位露缝线Linking seam at armhole is too much visible

缝线松紧不均匀Uneven yarn tension

锄高Stitch on the higher position

崩边Broken selvedge

边不直Selvage not straight

对位不符Poor matching on cuff or bottom

上领扭纹Twist collar

缝线起蛇Puckering at seam

漏钑骨线Missing over-locking

爆口Open seam

针数不对Stitch not as specified

线色不配衫身色Mismatch of thread

领边缝线松紧不均匀Uneven linking at neckline

挑错针数Incorrect hand stitch count

V领尖不对支Rib collar of v-point not match

拆纱不良导致抽筋Poor trimming

本文标签: 欠佳身色线色缝线领内