





Few men who find themselves cast as heroes early in life continue to

command universal esteem till the end. Sir Edmund Hillary was one. To be the first to

reach the top of the world’s highest mountain ensured international celebrity and a

place in history, but the modesty of a slightly awkward New Zealand beekeeper never

departed him. Nor was mountaineering, or indeed beekeeping, his only

accomplishment. Two views are often expressed about his life. One is that

conquering Everest was everything. No one would play down the role of Tenzing

Norgay, the Sherpa who reached the peak with him, possibly even before him; their

partnership was like that of Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. But it was Sir Edmund

who first struggled his way up a crack in the 12-metre (40-foot) rockface that had to

be overcome after the south summit if the real one was to be achieved, and below

which only oblivion awaited. News of the British-led expedition’s triumph on

May 29th 1953 reached the world through a report in the London Times four days

later. The Times, a sponsor of the expedition, had used an elaborate code to trick any

rivals monitoring the radio waves. Its scoop was indeed a coup: June 2nd was the day

of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation, at which her majesty was crowned. Sir Edmund

was a man of action. After Everest came more expeditions in Nepal, a race to the

South Pole and further adventures in the Antarctic, the Himalayas and India But for

some onlookers neither these nor even the Everest expedition was especially

remarkable: fitness and physical courage are all very well, they argued, but the

world’s highest peak was simply waiting to be scaled, and a steady traffic nowadays

makes its way to the top unnoticed, except for the litter it leaves. Both the

indifferent and the awe-struck, however, agree that Sir Edmund’s other life was

wholly admirable, and he himself said he was prouder of it than of anything else. This

was his tireless work for the Sherpas, of whom he had become so fond. Through his

efforts, and those of Tenzing, hospitals, clinics, bridges, runways and nearly 30

schools have been built in the Solo Khumbu region of Nepal just south of Everest. If

New Zealand claimed Sir Edmund’s loyalty, Nepal, and especially its Sherpas, could

surely claim his heart.

1. Which of the following is true of Sir Edmund Hillary?

A.He never left the awkward New Zealand beekeeper.

B.He is the first person to reach the top of Everest.

C.Neither mountaineering nor beekeeping was his accomplishment.

D.He didn’t command universal esteem until the end.


解析:事实细节题。第一段第三句的To be the first…表明“埃德蒙.希拉里爵



2. The Times was the first to report the news of expedition’s triumph in that

_____. was one of the major sponsors of this expedition

B.its headquarters was located in London used the code its rivals could not comprehend was much smarter than its competitors





3. The sentence “a steady traffic nowadays makes its way to the top unnoticed”

(Para. 4) shows that_____.

A.conquering Everest is not special since more people set foot on it

B.people could reach the top of Everest with the help of vehicles

C.people would not respect those conquering Everest by vehicles

D.the world’s highest peak would be conquered anyway




形象地说明上山的人越来越多。A项set foot on it和not special与原句make its way

to the top和unnoticed对应,故A项为正确答案。

4. According to the passage, Sir Edmund’s other life refers to _____.

A.the modest life of working as the beekeeper in New Zealand

B.the exciting life of adventures

C.the meaningful life of working hard for the Sherpas

D.the busy life of being an international celebrity


解析:事实细节题。根据Sir Edmund’s other life定位至第五段。他的其他事


5. An appropriate title for the text is most likely to be ____.

A.Expedition’s Triumph in Everest

B.Plain Man Mighty Deeds

C.A Man of Action

D.Sir Edmund’s Expeditions


解析:主旨大意题。B项的plain(平凡的)对应文中slightly awkward New

Zealand beekeeper,mighty(强大的)对应埃德蒙。希拉里爵士勇攀高峰和帮助夏尔


Last year the nation’s best-known business consulting firm ran an

international survey to try to determine why certain countries—like Canada, Finland,

Japan, Singapore and South Korea—seem to have the best schools. The answer came

back, somewhat unsurprisingly, that these countries have the best teachers; educators

who are respected, rewarded, and held accountable for their performance in the

classroom. This may seem obvious, but you would never have guessed watching

the Democratic debate in Las Vegas the week before Thanksgiving. All the candidates

give lip service to the importance of education to the nation’s future. And it goes

without saying that accountability is the key to performance in any job. Yet when John

Roberts of CNN asked the candidates if school boards should be able to reward

teachers or fire them based on performance, all the Democrats headed for the hills,

hemming and hawing and obfuscating their answers. What’s going on here? In

short, the power of the teachers’ unions. The National Education Association is a big

hitter in the Democratic Party. The NEA is all about job security, so you won’t find

Democrats leading crusades to weed out bad teachers. The Republicans don’t do

much better. They say they are reluctant to meddle in local school governance and

instead push for vouchers so kids can go to private or parochial schools. In New

York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg hired Joel Klein, a former Justice Department

antitrust chief in the Clinton administration, to run the city’s chaotic schools. Klein

managed to get a third of the school principals to sign an agreement that would allow

them to be terminated for cause. And he got the teachers’ union to agree to give up

this absurd privilege: in New York, for many years, teachers with seniority could

show up at any school they wanted and teach there, shoving aside teachers with less

seniority. Klein won the right to stop low-performing senior teachers from exercising

this droit du seigneur. Some of them just went home rather than teaching wherever

they wanted to—and were still paid in full. That doesn’t sound like an enormous step

toward teacher accountability, but it was a struggle for New York to extract even these

comparatively modest concessions from the teachers’ union, and it shows how far

there is to go. Teacher accountability is at the heart of true education reform. If only

the presidential candidates would even dare to discuss the problem.

6. According to the survey,the common feature of the best schools is that they


A.better financial position

B.first-class teaching faculties well-known presidents

D.more excellent foreign students




所以有一流的学校,是因为他们有一流的教师。所以[B]“一流的师资”正确。 知


7. According to the text,what is the essential quality for teachers?









本处语境,故排除。因此[D]“责任心”为答案。 知识模块:阅读理解

8. It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3 that_________.

A.the NEA doesn’t assess teachers based on their accountability

B.many kids would rather go to private schools than public schools

C.the Democratic Party has the right to reward or fire bad teachers

D.the Republican Party can intervene in local school administration









校读书”,故排除[B]。 知识模块:阅读理解

9. In the text,the word”droit du seigneur”(Line 6, Para. 4) most probably


A.the privilege to retire earlier

B.the right to get a higher salary

C.the right to stop their teaching

D.the privilege to teach anywhere





历深却不称职的教师享受特权。因此droit du seigneur的意思是“任意择校任教

的权利”,故[D]为答案。 知识模块:阅读理解

10. We can conclude from Paragraph 4 that the candidates_______.

A.are unwilling to tell the truth directly to the media

B.hold the view that education reform is not that necessary

C.don’t consider teacher accountability as a serious problem

D.believe that keeping out of trouble is the safest way to live






“坚信明哲保身”,故[D]为答案。 知识模块:阅读理解

Billions of people across the world are in need of and demanding a better

globalisation—one that puts the economy to work for people and not the other way

round. The financial crash exposed just how detached the global economy has become

from our values—a misalignment that is most pronounced in the world’s response to

the global epidemic of youth unemployment. The impact is also felt closer to

home, with industrialised countries experiencing large spikes in worklessness among

young people; in both Europe and the US, one young person in five is looking for a

job. But it doesn’t need to be this way. In developing and developed countries

alike, education is the key to giving young people the skills they need to be successful

in a modern economy. As Nelson Mandela wrote in his autobiography: “Education is

the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of

a peasant can become a doctor.” For that reason, I was delighted to accept an

invitation from the Global Campaign for Education—an organisation that brings

together some of the world’s leading NGOs, trade unions and campaigners in this

field—to convene, in the company of the activist Graca Machel, Mandela’s wife, a

“high-level panel” to promote the cause of education throughout the world. In that

capacity, I have authored a report on education and growth to argue the case for a

global push on education. The case, I believe, is compelling. It is built on the twin

pillars of ethics and economics: ethics because it is unfair that so many young people

are being denied—through no fault of their own—the opportunity to develop their

talents and are condemned to poverty, and economics because this waste of human

capital is grossly economically inefficient. New research presented in the report

shows that a renewed push towards the Millennium Development Goal of quality

basic primary education for all the world’s children by 2015 could increase per capita

income growth in the poorest countries by 2 per cent over projected levels. That

would be good news for developing countries and would make a big difference to the

fight against global poverty—but it would be good news, too, for western economies.

People are often surprised to learn that sub-Saharan Africa is now a trillion-dollar

economy and that it grew faster than India and Brazil between 2000 and 2010. In an

era when both Europe and America appear set for sluggish growth in the short term,

we need to do everything we can to support the development of alternative poles of

growth in the global economy—poles that can boost global demand for our goods and

services. Tackling youth unemployment in developing countries and addressing it in

the developed nations are, therefore, two sides of the same coin.

11. The current globalization is probably one that______.

A.exposes the misalignment between economy and values

B.enables economy to become a servant to ordinary people

C.constrains ordinary people’s life with economy

D.causes the world epidemic of youth unemployment








中生有的错误,文中并未提及青年失业是由全球化所引起,故错误。 知识模块:


12. The reason why the author accepted the invitation of the Global Campaign

for education is that______.

A.the organization can put many influential organizations and people together

B.he will get the opportunity to meet with the activist Graca Machel

C.the organization will give the author a capacity to publish his report on


D.he wants to promote a global push on education to solve the youth









就业难的问题,故选项D符合题意。 知识模块:阅读

13. The underlined phrase in Paragraph 3 refers to______. the enterprise of

B.within the corporation of

C.among the squad of

D.accompanied by










正确。 知识模块:阅读

14. The author writes about the sub-Saharan Africa to demonstrate______.

A.the inevitability of Europe’s declining

B.the importance of new growth point

C.the significance of educational development

D.the influence of poverty fighting


解析:属逻辑关系题。通过题目中的“sub-Saharan Africa”可定位至文章第







于对抗贫穷,故错误。 知识模块:阅读

15. Which of the following will the author most agree?

A.Sub-Saharan Africa area grows faster than India and Brazil in the 21 st


B.Addressing youth unemployment in developed countries may sacrifice that of

developing country.

C.Youth unemployment results from educational problems but not the youth


D.Per capita income growth of African countries may increase by 2% in 2015.








人均收入可能增长2%,而最贫穷的国家并非所有非洲国家,故错误。 知识模


Even the most uninformed student of climate change could tell you that the

solution to global warming is to alleviate global greenhouse gas emissions, and fast.

But the problem is that the sheer amount of greenhouse gases we’ve already pumped

into the atmosphere has irreversibly bound us to a certain amount of warming over the

next several decades. No matter what we do, we’ll have to adapt to it. 【R1】

______Already precipitation patterns seem to be changing, making some drier areas

—like the arid American southwest—even drier, and rainy regions even wetter. As

warmer temperatures creep northward, so do insects and other pests that are adapted

to the heat. The results can be distressing. The tiny mountain pine beetle, which

infests pine trees in the Rocky Mountain region, used to be controlled by freezing

winters. But as temperatures have warmed over the past decade, the mountain pine

beetle’s territory has spread, destroying millions of acres of Canadian pines. 【R2】

______Generations of American conservationists have fought to preserve wildlife and

to keep nature pristine in the face of a growing population and pollution. To a

remarkable extent, they’ve succeeded—almost 16% of the entire landmass of the U. S.

is protected, and the Endangered Species Act has helped save countless animals from

extinction. 【R3】______What good is a wildlife reserve if the protected animals

can’t live there, because climate change pushes them out? What difference does it

make to defend trees from logging, if global warming will allow a new pest to destroy

whole forests? 【R4】______ Last week the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

brought together conservation leaders from around the U. S. to discuss how to cope

with warming, trying to work out a new framework for the biggest challenge facing

conservation. 【R5】______ So too is the scale required to properly adapt to

climate change, which will almost certainly continue for decades into the future.

“Climate change will affect agriculture, water resources, forestry, transportation,

waste management, energy generation, national security, immigration patterns,

fisheries, food security, you name it,” said Lara Hansen. “We need to change the way

we allocate resources, plan economies and protect livelihoods. “ That means that

the way we’ve been carrying out conservation—picking the right land spaces and

playing goalie—won’t work anymore, as climate change keeps moving the target.

Regardless of what we do, the changes will be coming fast. We need to begin cutting

our carbon immediately, but we need to adapt now as well. The world is changing

because of us; to save what’s left, we’ll have to change too.[A]But global warming

threatens to change all that, by altering the very foundation on which the conservation

movement was built.[B]Global warming was already having “profound effects” in the

American West, and that the future would bring increased drought, heat waves,

rainstorms, extinctions and more.[C]That means climate change isn’t a problem for

tomorrow; the effects are happening now.[D]The conference was fruitful, if a bit

depressing. What’s clear is that the sheer speed of the changes already taking place

due to warming—like the mountain pine beetle infestation— are catching us off

guard.[E]Conservationists will have to work even harder, trying to minimize non

climate-related threats to land and species.[F]The pine beetle infestation is just one

example of global warming’s present clanger. It also represents the unique challenges

that warming will pose for land conservation managers on the front lines of the battle

against it.[G]The answer is to adapt the way we practice wildlife and land

conservation to climate change. There’s a term for this—adaptive management.

16. 【R1】





说明,因此[C]是正确答案。 知识模块:阅读

17. 【R2】



松树。[F]中的Thepine beetle infestation is just one example of global warming’s

present danger.很明显是承接上文山松甲虫的事例,同时指出气候变暖对土地保


明。故[F]为正确答案。 知识模块:阅读

18. 【R3】







树木免遭砍伐又能起什么作用?”故[A]符合语境。 知识模块:阅读

19. 【R4】




物和土地的保护措施以适应气候变化。”[G]中的The answer is…显然是承接上文



论。 知识模块:阅读

20. 【R5】





化会影响到人们生活的方方面面。故[D]符合语境。 知识模块:阅读

Despite its name, Smugglers’ Gulch is one of the toughest places to sneak

into America. The narrow valley near San Diego is divided by a steel wall and

watched day and night by agents of the border patrol, who track would-be illegal

immigrants with the help of helicopters and underground pressure sensors. Rafael, a

cement worker, has already been caught jumping over the fence fivetimes. Yet he still

wanders on the Mexican side of the fence, waiting for nightfall and another chance to

cross. How much longer will he keep trying? “Until I get through,” he says. Last

week the Senate tried, and failed, to deal with the problem of illegal immigration.

After much debate it abandoned a bill that would have provided more money for

border security but also allowed many illegal immigrants to obtain visas. Yet the

collapse of the Senate bill does not mean illegal immigration will go away, either as a

fact or as an urgent political issue. Indeed, one likely consequence will be an outbreak

of ad hoc law-making in cities and states. One such place is Arizona, where the

governor, signed a bill this week imposing rigid penalties on employers who hire

illegal immigrants. Those who are caught once will have their licenses suspended; a

second offence will put them out of business. Even the governor admits the bill is too

broadly drawn and will be hard to enforce. She signed it, she explained, because the

federal government has shown itself to be incapable of dealing with illegal

immigration. One in ten workers in Arizona is illegal, according to the Pew

Hispanic Centre. So the law, if rigorously enforced, could disrupt the state’s economy,

which suggests it will not be. One landscape gardener in Scottsdale who worked

illegally for three decades and now pays illegal workers $7 an hour thinks the measure

is ridiculous. “Who else is going to pick lettuces and trim trees in this heat?” he asks,

pointing to the sun on a 47°C day. He has no plans to change his ways, and says he

will simply move if he is caught. Laws such as Arizona’s will make life more

unpleasant and unpredictable for illegal workers. But they will not curtail either

illegal immigration or illegal working as much as supporters claim. In any case, the

border has been so porous for so long that people now have plenty of reasons to steal

across it other than work. Of five aspiring immigrants who spoke to the correspondent

in Smugglers’ Gulch earlier this week, three were trying to join their families.

21. We can learn from Paragraph 1 that _____.

A.people are misled by the name Smugglers’ Gulch

B.Smuggler’s Gulch is the toughest entrance to steal into USA

C.Rafael will continue his risky attempt to jump the fence

D.Smuggler’s Gulch is secured by advanced tracking tools




22. The bill abandoned by the Senate last week implies that_____.

A.the cost to tackle illegal immigration has overrun budget

B.political intrigues can deal with illegal immigration effectively

C.the Senate once considered to grant illegal immigrants more visas

D.cities and states are pushed to put immigration laws into force


解析:推理判断题。根据the Senate定位到第二段。由该段第二句修饰a bill

的定语从句可知,与that从句内容相吻合的选项即为答案。该句中的allowed many

illegal immigrants to obtain visas与C项中的grant illegal immigrants more visas同


23. The governor of Arizona believes that _____.

A.the newly-signed bill is more likely to become an empty talk

B.deprivation of employment helps to drive illegal immigrants away

C.the biggest difficulty of the bill lies in rigorous implementation

D.discussion should be held to make the broadly-drawn bill practical



该州州长的看法,其中用到了too broadly drawn(涉及范围过广)、hard to enforce(难


24. In Paragraph 4, the landscape gardener in Scottsdale is mentioned to _____.

A.display the ill-effect the bill has caused to Arizona’s economy

B.demonstrate illegal immigrants’ contribution to local society illegal immigrants’ desperation about the measures to be taken

D.reveal the bill’s inhumanity to those self-made illegal immigrants





25. In the author’s opinion, the illegal immigration issue in America _____.

A.calls for more forceful laws on illicit working

B.derives from a long history and various reasons

C.stems mainly from people’s longing for family reunion

D.brings illegal workers an unpleasant and unpredictable life


解析:推理判断题。从最后一段第三句提到的the border has been so porous for

so long(边界线长久以来千疮百孔)及plenlty of reasons(许多理由)不难得出答案为


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