





1. Vocabulary is the most ______ element of a language as it is undergoing constant changes both

in form and content.A. unbalanced B. unstable C. unhinged D. undoubted

2. Shakespeare is difficult to understand than contemporary writings because many of his words

were used in different ______ from what they have now in dictionaries.A. senses B.

forms C. dialects D. terms

3. In Shakespeare's well-known Hamlet, rival means "______" and jump means "just".A.

janitor B. partner C. collector D. observer

4. Among the types of word-meaning changes, ______ and narrowing are the **mon by far.A.

degradation B. transfer C. elevation D. extension

5. Extension of meaning are known as ______.A. elevation B. generalization C.

transfer D. degradation

6. Extension refers to the ______ of meaning which some words undergo.A. widening B.

narrowing C. degrading D. specializing

7. Loud colours belongs to ______.A. transfer of sensations B. transfer between abstract and

concrete meanings C. transfer from objective to subjective D. transfer from subjective to


8. The original meaning of barn is ______.A. a place for storing only barley B. a

storeroom C. a restroom D. a bathroom

9. The original meaning of manuscript is ______.A. any author's writing B.

handwriting C. any author's works D. a piece of paper

10. The meaning of picture changed by the mode of ______.A.

extension B. narrowing C. degradation D.


11. The four major modes of semantic change are ______.A. extension, narrowing, elevation and

degradation B. extension, generalization, elevation and degradation C. extension, narrowing,

specialization and degradation D. extension, elevation, amelioration and degradation

12. Extension can be illustrated by the following example: ______.A. butcher—one who kills

goats B. journal—periodical C. companion—one who shares bread D. mill—places

for grinding

13. A legal term "alibi" signifying "plea that the accused is not at the place when the crime is

committed " now means "excuse". This change of word-meaning is called ______.A.

transfer B. narrowing C. extension D. degradation

14. ______ have experienced the extensions of meanings.A. Polysemic words 01 modern

English B. Technical terms in the past C. Proper nouns in the past D. All the above

15. When a common word is turned into a proper noun, the meaning is ______ accordingly.A.

related B. narrowed C. created D. suggested

16. Narrowing of meaning is a process by which a word of wide meaning acquired a narrower or

______ sense.A. typical B. specialized C. general D. particular

17. The original meaning of wife is ______.A. a married woman B. a young

woman C. woman D. widowed woman

18. The meaning of meat changed by the mode of ______.A.

extension B. narrowing C. elevation D.


19. Which word that formerly meant animal, and later animal from Latin and beast from French

found their way into English?A. Deer. B. Cattle. C. Sheep. D. Bird.

20. The semantic change of the word "girl" from "a young person of either sex" to "female young

person" is called ______.A. extension B. narrowing C. degradation D. elevation

21. The original meaning of "nice" is "ignorant" or "foolish" and its modern meanings "delightful".

This is ______.A. extension B. degradation C. transfer of word

meaning D. elevation

22. The meaning of "fond" changed from "foolish" to "affectionate" by mode of ______.A.

extension B. narrowing C. elevation D. degradation

23. Degradation can be illustrated by the following example ______.A.

lewd→ignorant B. silly→foolish C.

last→pleasure D. knave→boy

24. The original meaning of success is ______.A. result B. progress C.

event D. incident

25. The meaning of criticize changed by the mode of ______.A. elevation B.

extension C. degradation D. narrowing

26. The original meaning of minister is ______.A. head of a ministry B.

tutor C. farmer D. servant

27. The meaning of knave changed by the mode of ______.A. elevation B.

extension C. degradation D. narrowing

28. The opposite of semantic elevation in meaning change is called ______.A. derivation B.

deterioration C. purification D. pejoration

29. Dreadful and hateful belong to ______.A. transfer from subjective to objective meaning B.

transfer of sensation C. transfer from objective to subjective D. transfer between abstract and

concrete meanings

30. The well-known semanticist Ullmann notes, "language is more ______ than civilization,

material as well as moral."A. creative B. conservative C. radical D.


31. Extra-linguistic factors of word-meaning change include ______.A.

historical B. psychological reason C. class

reason D. all the above

32. Which of the following words was used during the American Civil War to refer to those

northerners who were secretly aiding the South?______A. Rattlesnake. B. Villain. C.

Informer. D. Copperhead.

33. Linguistic factors of word-meaning change exclude ______.A. internal factors within the

language system B. the influx of borrowing C. analogy D. grammar

34. Angel, martyr and paradise have their meanings ______ because of the influence of

Christianity.A. elevated B. degraded C. narrowed D. extended

35. In the sentence "Just after two years he is quite a grown boy now." The word grown can be

classified into ______ sense of transfer.A. physical B. objective C.

sensational D. subjective

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