


百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上



Modern construction machinery industry of technical progress

Large-size mechanical mining excavator is used widely in international and

domestic engineering construction and mining performance, and its property

defines the efficiency because the international market is opened step step,

how to promote the quality of excavator is the key that a factory reinforces its

competing force.

In our country,the designing elevation and production quality on excavator

can not keep up with international advanced technology applying on the

advanced technology has already applied advanced designing method on

excavator designing,such as electronic simulating theory,dynamic design,

reliability design and so in our country ,the most excavator design has still

applied the traditional design method ,the modern design method has not

began to be actually applied .The prime display is that the capability of

self-design is not enough and the basic work has not done perfectly especially

the excavator kinetics .

The construct of excavator is very complex and the multiple movers often

work the same time its working environment is very bad and the eternal load

varies a result ,when designing the new product of excavator ,in order to

ensure the performance safety,the designer not only has the basic theory



百度文库 - 好好学习,天天向上

analysis on static load computing ,but also do necessary work about the kinetics

of mechanism to qualify the dynamic reliability in the period of

designing .Trough the kinetic analysis ,the load property of all the elements in

excavator can be decided so as to design reliable product .

From the 1980s of the 20th century to the beginning of this century.

Chinese and foreign engineering machinery technology products come from a

maturity period of modernization along with a new technological revolution,

Mechanical engineering products integrated technology to a new level.

Electronic technology, micro-computer, sensors, electro-hydraulic servo control

system integration and transformation of the traditional mechanical

engineering products, Computer-aided design and computer-aided

manufacturing and computer-aided management of construction machinery

and equipment manufacturing, IT network technology equipment, construction

machinery sales and information transfer systems, thus enabling people to see a

brand new construction machinery industry. New construction machinery

products in the efficiency and operational quality, environmental protection,

performance and automation are many areas due to the past. and toward the

further robotic and intelligent direction.

1、 operating principles of Innovation : groundbreaking new law with the

high-frequency vibration

With scientific and technological research in the development, engineering

machinery operating theory is constantly innovating. Operating mechanical



本文标签: 文库机械专业百度好好学习