



Unit One

Passage A.

1. He has no longer been writing to his friends ever since he got a mobile phone.

2. Even though he is very busy, he spends at least two hours every day surfing the

Internet in order to find out about / learn about the latest developments in this


3. Professor Li gave a short speech at the commencement. His words were / What he

said was strongly impressed upon my memory.

4. Talking of the final exams the students were not nervous at all. There was full

confidence on every one’s face.

5. To write a short passage of about 100 words in 30 minutes would be a snap to

most students in their class.

Passage B.

1. I’ve found myself having great interest in spoken English.

2. Driving on the highway, I realized that enormous changes has taken place in

China’s highway system in recent years.

3. I can hardly believe that he ahs learned how to work a computer so quickly / in

such a short time.

4. Three years has passed and, the final moment has come. In less than two weeks, I

will return home / go back to my country.

5. I know a lot of people who can’t wait to go abroad, but I prefer to say with my

family in my own country.

Unit Two

Passage A

1. His life experiences have always been playing a big role in his academic career.

2. The restaurant has recently extended it opening hours / business hours.

3. I’ve just read an interesting book which has a new approach to Shakespeare.

4. With the wide use of email, the issue of spam has drawn much concern.

5. In traditional / conventional education there are more limitations on

communication and interaction between teachers and students than there are in

online education.

Passage B

1. Jim had no intention of arguing /to argue with him, since it’s obvious who was

right and who was wrong.

2. To my surprise, it was the chance meeting with Prof. Wilson that later on

afforded me an opportunity to study at his university as an exchange student.

3. Our university will extend the opening hours of the library and the classrooms to

meet the students’ needs at the highest possible level.

4. The development of information technology has begun to have profound effects

on all aspects of social life.

5. We have no doubt that, with his high level of English, he will surely have an

excellent performance in the university-wide English speech contest.

Unit Three

Passage A

1. Something is wrong with the piano, but I can’t put my finger on what it is.

2. Apart from being too large, the trousers don’t match my jacket, either.

3. I love pop music, for whatever reasons.

4. He has great interest in foreign cultures, often browsing through piles of books to

look of any useful information.

5. Opinions on whether we should start a new society vary a great deal.

Passage B.

1. You can’t get to the island other than by boat.

2. Some students are crazy about pop music while others prefer classical music.

3. The media are playing an increasingly important role in leading fashions and


4. I tried every means to get a copy of his newly issued album, but failed.

5. Without the encouragement and help of my friends, I would have quit school.

Unit Four

Passage A.

1. I have faxed my resume and a cover letter to that company, but I haven’t received

a reply yet.

2. John will not hesitate for a second to offer help when others are in trouble.

3. I have to admit that I desire very much to work or study abroad for some time but

I know it is not easy to get a visa.

4. It was not until 2 years after he arrived in London that he found / took a job in an

international bank.

5. After finishing his teaching, Tom traveled throughout China for 2 months before

returning home in America.

Passage B

1. It was the first time for the freshmen to attend an American professor’s lecture,

and they had trouble understanding what he was talking about for the first twenty


2. There are still ten minutes left. Now that you have finished your test you may

hand it in now.

3. It took them nearly three months before they made their final decisions without

hurting anybody’s feelings.

4. It is appropriate to Chinese college students to learn at least one foreign language

before they graduate so that they can keep up the world’s advanced science and


5. Mr. Smith was a hard-working movie director and at the same time he was a

responsible father.

Unit Five

Passage A

1. The audience must have missed their musical performance, or they would have

spoken highly of it.

2. Somehow she could sense her mother’s deep concern though she was far away

from home.

3. The operator had to spend two hours or so on her way from her home to

workplace every day.

4. He appreciated her sympathy and understanding, which meant a lot to him during

that time.

5. She finally arrived at a telephone booth and put in the coins before dialing Paris.

Passage B

1. The better you can use a computer, the more likely you are to find a job as a


2. He likes to share information with his colleagues by email rather than by


3. For Americans, it’s hard to imagine living in a place where there are no cars.

4. They came to the conclusion that it’ll be cheaper in the long run to use real leather

because it will last longer.

5. These days he has been involved in seeking out effective websites.

Unit Six

Passage A.

1. Little did I know that things would turn out like that.

2. He wasn’t keen on buying a car, but I talked him into it.

3. Being a volunteer in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games would be a

once-in-a-lifetime experience for me.

4. Cigarette smoking is a major factor contributing to lung cancer.

5. The two universities will unite to stage an art show next month.

Passage B

1. Beijing will host the 29


Summer Olympic Games in the year 2008.

2. Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health.

3. No matter what happened, he would not say a word.

4. I learned from her that you undertook another important job as well.

5. I long to have the opportunity of participating in the volunteer activities for the

2008 Beijing Olympics.

Unit Seven

Passage A

1. The trade negotiation is a big success, so it can be uniquely beneficial to both


2. Our classmates have been involved, one way or another, in the activities organized

by the Student Union.

3. It’s one of the most desirable jobs available to a man without higher education.

4. Doing research can spur undergraduate students’ independent thinking and

effective learning.

5. The cost of tuition continues to climb each year, which has constituted a heavy

burden upon students from poverty-stricken backgrounds.

Passage B

1. The new era calls for creativity among the work force, rather than just loyalty to

the employer.

2. The shipping company, starting with nothing in 1952, has bloomed into a leading

enterprise in the shipping industry.

3. Haier’s success lies in its management system that has been envied and emulated


4. The joint venture has set a goal of increasing this year’s total sales by 50%.

5. I’ve tried to stop smoking several times, but it’s really difficult for me to quit

smoking for good.

Unit Eight

Passage A

1. In his poem, Robert Burns compares the girl he loves to a rose.

2. No matter how busy you are, you should try to make it back to the class reunion.

3. After her divorce she needed a shoulder to cry on.

4. He graduated 20 years ago, so he could barely recognize his former classmates.

5. Nothing can replace the friendship between intimate friends.

Passage B

1. He ordered a bunch of roses for his sweetheart in advance from the florist for

Valentine’s Day.

2. She couldn’t endure to live in loneliness and solitude after her husband’s death.

3. Should I ever find out her address, I’ll forward it to you immediately.

4. You’d better take some chocolates with you in case you want to cheer her up.

5. This is such an amusing romantic novel, it should certainly provoke your interest.

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