



Exercise One

I. Write the English words or expressions according to the following definitions.

1. put, fit, place ( in, into, between )

2. give too little attention or care to

3. try to find out information about

4. very important; very serious or dangerous

5. (cause to) develop gradually

6. directly connected with the subject

7. sth. that one must do before anything else; sth that holds a high place among competing


8. extremely large

9. make (sth.) seem larger, better, etc. than it really is

10. better than average or than others of the same type

II. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the following :

neglect; priority; insert; principal; superior; not in the least;

critical; exaggerate; in due course; contrast.

1. “Would you mind if I put the television on ?” “ No, ______.”

2. Some of us often ______ such investigation and study.

3. We are at a ______ time in our history.

4. The government gave top ______ to reforming the legal system.

5. The importance of this matter has been ______.

6. An advertisement is often ______ in a newspaper.

7. Your request will be dealt with ______.

8. The low salary is her ______ reason for leaving the job.

9. There can be no difference without ______.

10. The machine is ______ in many respects to that one.

III. Choose the best answer

1. After stopping to rest on the hillside, he ______ to his destination.

A. went B. proceeded C. processed D. set off

2. A prefix is the part that’s sometimes to the front of the word.

A. attracted B. contacted C. fixated D. attached

3. I couldn't _____ who the lady with the sunglasses was when I came across her at the party.

A. figure in B. figure on C. figure out D. figure off

4. How can we _____ to you for what you have suffered?

A. make out B. make up C. make for D make over

5. These fire fighters _____ from the building many official papers.

A. neglected B. applied C. assisted D. rescued

6. All these new gadgets are in deed ingenious inventions, but he's _____ when he calls them the

greatest inventions ever made!

A. exaggerating B. creative C. bold D. overstated

7. The scientist corresponds with his colleagues in order to learn about matters _____ to his own


A. relevant B. critical C. needy D. initial

8. Our head praised us all, with two _____, for their never-ending quarrel certainly spoiled our

appetite for the banquet.

A. attendant s B. staff C exceptions D. observers

9. The developmental history of the society tells us that man has _____ from the ape.

A. evolved B. promoted C. fostered D. emerged

10 But sometimes, she sat down near the window and thought of that gay evening of long ago. It

was, in _____, the happiest day of her life.

A. exception B. extreme C. retrospect D. performance

11. I cannot make it because of a _____ engagement. I promised her last week.

A. tender B. prior C. superior D. temporal

12. At the age of six he was already composing at the piano. So someone thought he was _____ of

a musician at that time.

A. slightly B. somewhat C. relevant D. worthwhile

13. The attorney's summation was telling, for he had listed so much _____ evidence.

A. contrast B. well-intentioned C. valid D. technological

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14. The principle of diligence and frugality _____ all undertakings.

A. applies to B. applies for C. is applied for D. applies in

15. The resolution was _____ by a vote of 180 in favor to 10 against it.

A. adopted B. ended up C. protested D. devised

16. All the _____of the firm must be certified as correct. I want you to account for each sum of

the money you spent.

A. resources B. sums C. accounts D. solutions

17. The police were suspicious of the two journalists, thinking they had drugs with them. The two

_____ with one accord that they had not used any drug.,

A. frowned B. assisted C. awaited D. protested

18. American educators fear that _____ creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge.

A. if B. only when C. if only D. unless

19. On my first day, I found no _____ cooking in the kitchen, which aroused my curiosity.

A. facility as B. facilities for C. facilities in D. facility for

20. There will _____ be trouble with the union if the union leader is dismissed.

A. annually B. undoubtedly C. prospectively D. certain

IV. Cloze

On my first day of teaching, all my classes are going well. 1 a teacher was going to be

something easy and sure, I decided. Then came Period 7, the last class of the day.

As I walked 2 the room, I heard furniture crash. Rounding the corner, I saw one boy

pinning 3 to the floor. "Listen, you retard!" yelled the one on the bottom, "I don' t 4 a

damn about your sister!"

"You keep your hands 5 her, you hear me?" the boy on 6 threatened.

I drew 7 my short frame and asked them to stop 8 . Suddenly 14 pairs of eyes were

fixed on my face. I knew I did not 9 convincing. Glaring at each other and me, the two boys

slowly 10 their seats. At that moment, the teacher from 11 the hall stuck his head in the

door and shouted at my students to sit down, shut up and do 12 I said. I was left 13


I tried to teach the lessons I had prepared, but was 14 a sea of guarded faces. As the

class was leaving, I kept back the boy, Mark, who had instigated(挑起) the fight. "Lady, don' t

15 your time," he told me, “We're the retards.” Then Mark wandered 16 the room.

Dumbstruck, I 17 into my chair and wondered 18 I should have become a teacher.

Was the only 19 for problems like this to get out? I told myself I' d suffer for one year, and

after my marriage that next summer I'd do something 20 rewarding.

1. A. As B. Being C. For D. To

2. A. from B. for C. to D. toward

3. A. other B. others C. another D. the other

4. A. deliver B. have C. give D. make

5.A. off B. on C. with D. out

6. A. top B. ground C. floor D. bottom

7. A. forth B. off C. on D. up

8. A. fought B. fight C. fighting D. to fight

9. A. show B. look C. like D. be

10. A. kept B. sat C. took D. made

11. A. through B. about C. over D. across

12. A. what B. as C. that D. which

13. A. felt B. feeling C. feel D. to feel

14. A. meeting by B. meeting with C. met with D. met by

15. A. use B. take C. spend D. waste

16. A. out of B. away of C. outside D round

17. A. upset B. dropped C. left D. fell

18. A. what B. if C. how D. why

19. A. cure B. method C. means D. way

20. A. even B. less C. fewer D. more

V. Reading comprehension

Passage A

Are some people born cleverer, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence developed by our

environment and our experience? Strangely enough, the answer to both these questions is yes. To

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some extent, our intelligence is given us at birth, and no amount of special education can make a

genius out of a child born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in a boring

environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in a rich and varied environment.

Thus the limits of a person's intelligence are fixed at birth, but whether or not he reaches those

limits will depend on his environment. This view, now held by most experts, can be supported in a

number of ways.

It is easy to show that intelligence is to some extent something we are born with. The

closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are likely to be in intelligence.

Thus if we take two unrelated people without any plan from the population, it is likely that their

degree of intelligence will be completely different. If on the other hand we take two identical

twins, they will very likely be as intelligent as each other. Family members like brothers and

sisters, parents and children, usually have similar intelligence, and this suggests that intelligence

depends on birth.

Imagine that now we take two identical twins and put them in different environments. We

might send one, for example, to a university and the other to a factory where the work is boring.

We should soon find differences in intelligence developing, and this shows that environments as

well as birth plays a part. This view is also suggested by the fact that people who live in close

contact with each other, but who are not related at all, are likely to have similar degrees of


1. From the first paragraph we can infer that _____.

A) no way can make a stupid child cleverer

B) environment plays a more important part in intelligence developing than birth.

C) a rich and varied environment enables one to reach one's highest level of intelligence

D) if one is born bright, he can reach his highest limit of intelligence whatever environment he

lives in

2. The expression "identical twins" can best be replaced by _____.

A) two boys born together by the same mother.

B) two girls born together by the same mother.

C) two children of different sexes born together by the same mother.

D) two children born together by the same mother and are exactly alike.

3. The 3rd paragraph argues that _____.

A) twins should be sent to universities instead of factories.

B) environment has more influence on intelligence developing.

C) environment is not as important as birth in intelligence developing.

D) both birth and environment play a part in intelligence growth.

4. Which statement would the author probably DISAGREE with?

A) Intelligence is given at birth and developed by environment.

B) It is impossible for people without any blood relationship to have similar intelligence.

C) People who have similar experience are likely to have similar degrees of intelligence.

D) One cannot control his own birth, but can choose a favorable environment.

5. What is the best title for this passage?

A) Intelligence.

B) Degrees of Intelligence.

C) Intelligence Is Given by Birth.

D) Intelligence Depends on Environment.

Exercise Two

I. Write the English words according to the following definitions.

1. in general

2. make (sb)feel awkward or ashamed

3. (of a feeling) affect

4. foolish; unable to speak

5. lose colour or brightness; disappear slowly

6. wonderful; splendid

7. the people living in one place, district, or country

8. be sure

9. delay telling (sb.) what they are eager to know

10. be wise or well-trained enough not to do (sth)

II. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the following :

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know better than consist of overall bet keep in suspense;

come over embarrass trade for fade dumb.

1. The sound of the cheering ______ away in the distance.

2. Don’t ______ us ______ any longer, tell us what happened.

3. You ought to ______ to trust him.

4. If the police question you, act ______, ie pretend you don’t know anything.

5. The apartment ______ two rooms and a kitchen.

6. ______, it’s been a good performance.

7. A look of disappointment ______her face.

8. I was ______ by his comments about my clothes.

9. She ______ her stamp collection ______ Billy’s Walkman.

10. You can ______ your bottom dollar he won’t have waited for us.

III. Choose the best answer.

1. I think we’ve _____ this subject; let's go on to the next.

A. faded B. narrowed down C. exhausted D. distracted

2. It was his peculiar doctrine that a man has a perfect right to _____ by force with the

slaveholder, in order to rescue the slave.

A. embarrass B. interrupt C. interfere D. clench

3. The United Kingdom _____ Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

A. consists of B. makes up of C. composes D. constitutes

4. You can tell me what you think, and you may just as well be _____.

A. embarrassed B. frank C. constant D. humiliate

5. The teacher _______ the examination papers, wondering whether the students had mastered

all the learning points.

A. handed out B. handed down C. handed in D. handed over

6. He found himself _____ with debts, and didn’t know when he could pay off all the debts.

A. fell into B. clenched C. hysterical D. embarrassed

7. Many years have passed, and many people are still cherishing the _______ feelings of


A. brilliant B. frank C. exceptional D. glorious

8. The American government always interferes _____ our Taiwan problems, which arouses our

indignation, because they are our internal affairs.

A. in B. with C. at D. on

9. When the police arrived, he has destroyed all the _____ that showed he was guilty.

A. proof B. proofs C. evidence D. evidences

10. They filled _____ with diesel at the petrol station on their way home.

A. in B. out C. on D. up

11. The constant drip, drip, drip of the water off the roof lulled him to sleep.

A. continuous B. continual C. everlasted D. perpetual

12. When the last echo had faded, there was a dreadful stillness.

A. died out B. died away C. died off D. die on

13. If you don't like your book, I'll trade with you.

A. deal B. barter C. exchange D. change

14. I give you this advice for your own sake.

A. benefaction B. purpose C. reason D. personal benefit

15. He swallowed the insults and kept on working, not knowing how long he would suffer.

A. put up with B. took in C. clenched D. bet

16. It is universally acknowledged that dogs have an acute sense of smell.

A. responded B. justified C. granted D. aware

17. The small boat was turned over by the enormous waves.

A. overwhelmed B. surged over C. poured down D. flowing over

18. The mountain was clearly defined against the light of the eastern sky.

A. explained B. described C. characterized D. outlined

19. The principal doesn't seem to be aware of the coldness of their attitude towards his appeal.

A. realizing B. vigilant C. conscientious D. conscious

20. Four years of prep school should polish those children.

A. refine B. improve C. purify D. perfect

IV. Cloze

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In Japan it is not at all unusual for children to live at home well into their twenties---until

they can stand on their own feet and start a family of their own. Japanese parents not only don' t

1 this, they actually prefer to 2 their kids at home with them as 3 as possible. This, I

think, would come 4 a great surprise to most Americans, because in the United States the

5 is very different.

As soon as American children---male or female, working or going on to college---get__ 6

high school, they want to 7 out and live on their own. This often means 8

near-poverty; but being poor, they say, is the 9 of freedom. Parents, meanwhile, far 10

being sad to see their children go, actually 11 them to get out. It is 12 as if the

children were being kicked out of the family 13 like baby birds---flying away never to return.

But now, they are returning, and the old fashioned life-style of 14 generations living

together under one 15 may be coming back in vogue (流行).

Of course, freedom and privacy are sacrificed for 16 parents and children, and the clash

of values between the 17 can cause a lot of friction. But one novelist whose daughter

recently moved back home 18 four years of university thinks it's a good idea. "It's a step

19 , because in order to get along in the world, you have to get along with your parents--- 10

if they are difficult."

1. A. mind B. dislike C. tire D. disgust

2. A. ask B. let C. keep D. stay

3. A. far B. well C. long D. much

4. A. as B. to C. forward D. with

5. A. environment B. surroundings C. standard D. situation

6. A. off B. out of C. away D. on with

7. A. remove B. leave C. move D. make

8. A. putting up with B. getting along with C. going in for D. looking upon as

9. A. pride B. price C. advantage D. benefit

10. A. from B. away C. into D. off

11. A persuade B. frighten C. talk D. encourage

12. A. always B. mostly C. almost D. often

13. A. members B. nest C. house D. belongings

14. A. various B. room C. house D. attic

16. A. those B. both C. either D. such

17. A. pants B. children C. generations D. Americans

18. A. after B. before C. for D. in

19. A. upward B. inward C. backward D. toward

20. A. as B. often C. well D. even

V. Reading comprehension.

Thousands of young people visiting the Isle of Wight for the pop music festival are finding

that they have themselves become a tourist attraction. Family men driving past the festival site in

family cars stop to let the children see the hippies'.

In their view anybody with a rucksack and long hair is a hippy. One can almost imagine the

children being ordered not to open the doors.

At Yarmouth an elderly woman is supposed to have jumped into a stranger' s car and asked

for a lift because she was afraid of the hairy youngsters, , It would not be fair to say that the whole

island regards all young people attending the festival as creatures from another world, but there is

ample evidence of a gap between the pop culture which this week's event represents and the

attitude of many of the island's usual visitors.

Yet on the 200-acre festival site the show is being put together efficiently. Supplies of food

are being brought in ahead of time to cope with the numbers of hungry people who are expected

to arrive. A huge tent has been erected to store tons of tinned food, fruit and vegetables. Trucks

loaded with country produce give part of the site the appearance of a vegetable market.

In case of trouble, extra police are being called in from the mainland. Hundreds of tents

have been put up, and some temporary huts made out of straw and plastic materials.

Behind the site the East Afton hills rise pleasantly before dropping to the sea. The hills

belong to the National Trust and have been fenced off to prevent too many visitors from camping

on National Trust property and, incidentally getting a free seat for the concerts.

The White Panther' revolutionary movement, which has attacked the festival as ‘an obvious

example of capitalist interests seeking to exploit the people's music’, has pointed out that the

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concerts can be listened to from the hills. But most people seem happy enough to pay to go in.

They have to do so only on the third day. As a gesture of good-will the organizers have decided

not to charge for admission on the first and second days. Less well-known groups and artists will

perform during this warming-up period.

But obviously the promoters who have spent 500,300 pounds on the open-air festival hope to

make a profit and with about 40,000 fans already present, and perhaps another 200,000 on the way.

No doubt they will, unless the weather lets them down.


Notes: produce农产品 2. National Trust国家文物名胜托管处, 3. White

Panther白豹,党 4. the promoters=organizers

1. Young people going to the pop music festival have found that they themselves have become a

tourist attraction because ______.

A. people are interested in the way they are dressed.

B. people want to see hippies.

C. People are curious about their hair-style.

D. all of the above.

2. There is a _____ between the pop culture and the attitudes of many usual visitors.

A. difference B. borderline C. mystery D. mismatch

3. The warming-up period refers to _____.

A. the first and second days when admission is free.

B. the first few clays when the Island is most crowded.

C. the opening ceremony of the pop festival.

D. the days when people can enjoy free food.

4. East Alton hills are fenced off _____.

A. to allow for temporary huts.

B. to limit the number of visitors.

C. to prevent visitors from camping there.

D. so that more people can come to join in.

5. The promoters of the pop music festival _____.

A. can make no profit.

B. can become millionaires.

C. can jump to great fame.

D. can make a profit of far more than 500,000 pounds.

Exercise Three

I. Write the English words or expressions according to the following definitions.

11. run away;

12. wrong or excessive use; cruel treatment

13. bring back to a former condition

14. visible; likely to come soon

15. draw liquid or air into the mouth

16. a person who judges or criticizes

17. not stable, likely to change

18. give (sth.) to sb. so that it may be formally considered

19. revise or correct

20. a particular way of considering an issue, etc.

II. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the following :

emotional take in virtual interaction routine

abuse remark interpret submit cue.

1. The new government is making an effort to put a stop to political ______.

2. She is embarrassingly ______ in public.

3. Critics ______ that the play was not original.

4. We plan to ______ more new Party members.

5. Poetry helps us to ______ life.

6. Our deputy manager is the ______ head of the business.

7. You are required to ______ an essay to your tutor.

8. Increased ______ between different police forces would improve the rate of solving crimes.

9. When I nod my head, that’s your ______ to interrupt the meeting.

10. It’s necessary to establish a new ______ after this.

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