



1. 连词成句。

(1)go , I , bed , early , to , morning , every , ( . )


(2)have , a , cold , I , got , ( . )


(3)to , I , bed , went , late , yesterday , ( . )


(4)healthy , fruit , pig , is , ( . )


(5)to , be , you , do , healthy , want , ( ? )


【答案】(1) I go to bed early every morning .

(2) I have got a cold .

(3) I went to bed late yesterday .

(4) Fruit is healthy , pig .

(5) Do you want to be healthy ?

2. 根据图片提示,将下列字母重新排列,组成正确的单词。

(1) ______________ (2)______________ (3)______________

(4) _______________ (5)________________

【答案】(1)see (2)black (3)stand (4)picture(5)football

3. 你还知道其他有关天气的单词或句型吗?情把他写出来。


【答案】wind 风 cloud 云 snow 雪 rain 雨


4. 选择填空

on by in to from

e ____ Beijing.

brother lives _____ New York.

3.I went to a pop concert ______ holiday.

postcard is _____ my sister.


【解析】 欢迎来......。


holiday 在度假中。


5. 选词填空。


A:________ you at home yesterday?

B:Yes, I________.


A:Shenzhen wasn't big________.

B:It is a big city________.


A:________ he strong then?



A:Where________ he now?

B:He________ at school.

【答案】 was




【解析】1.你昨天在家吗? 是的,我在。


3.他那时很强壮吗 是的,他是。

4.他现在在哪里? 他在学校。

6. 将下列汉语的英文颜色对号入座。




















7. Turn ________


【解析】图片的箭头是像左的,所以是向左转turn left。


8. My house is ________ the school and the park. (between, behind)





9. — Where's the dog?

— The dog is ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.


【解析】句意:狗在哪里?观察图片得知,狗在房子前面。in front of 在……前面。故填in front

of the house。


10. 填字母,组单词,译中文:

(1)frin( )

(2)hn( )

(3) nglnd( )

(4)Cnd( )

(5)mrc( )

(6)whr( )

(7)br d ( )

(8)clss( )

(9)nm( )

(10)wht( )

(11)nmb ( )

(12)lk( )

【答案】(1)fri e n d(朋友)

(2)C h in a(中国 )

(3)E ngl a nd(英国)


(5)A m e r i c a(美国)

(6)wher e(在哪里)

(7)bread (面包)


(9)n a m e(名字)

(10)wha t(什么)

(11)n u mb er(号码)



11. 分别写出两个以字母a、b、c、d、e为首的单词,并在下面的括号里写出其中文意思。(








12. 写下列字母相应的大小写,注意格式。(每小题1分,共10分)




13. 写出下列字母的大写或者小写。(8分 )

(1) A



(4) f



(7) H

(8) I


14. 走迷宫:请按先后顺序标一标。

【答案】1.J K L M N O P

2.l m n o p q r


15. Fill in the blanks.(填入所缺的字母,大小写要统一)7%









16. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)

(be) strong .

(have) short black hair .

3. (he) name is Tim .

many (book) can you see ?

5.I have some (candy)


17. 根据内容给图片标号。




4.a hot dog

( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )

【答案】3 6 1 4 2 5


18. 选词填空。

it ______ (sunnybe sunny) next week?

_____ (will bewill) cold tomorrow.

it _____(rainsnowy) on Sunday.

4.--Will it be hot tomorrow?

--No, it _____(willwon’t).

5.I will _____ (flyflying) my kite.

【答案】 sunny be ’t

【解析】 sunny be后面接形容词。 下周将会是晴朗的。

be cold是形容词,所以选择 明天将会是冷的。

windy是形容词, 要与be一起连用 周日将会下雨。

’t 由于回答是No,所以后面也用否定形式won’t。

will+do 动词用原形 我放我的风筝。

19. 根据句意,选词填空。

you _____football?

2.I ______a headache.

3._____is she today?

4. What’s the _____?

5. He is _____basketball.

【答案】 4. matter g

【解析】1. 此句意是:你会踢足球吗?play football踢足球,在情态动词后跟动词原形,应填


2. 此句意是:我头疼。have a headache头疼,应填have

3. 此句意是:她今天身体好吗?How is she?她身体好吗?应填How.

4. 此句意是:怎么啦?What’s the matter?固定用法。

5. 此句意是:他正在打篮球。play basketball打篮球,此句是现在进行时态,be+v-ing构成,应


20. 根据句意,选词填空。

1.I like vegetables, bananas ____oranges.

2. Let’s _____and buy some food.

3. ___you like bread?

4. What _____you?

5. ____you very much.

【答案】 4. about 5. Thank

【解析】1. 此句意是:我喜欢蔬菜、香蕉和橙子,此句是肯定句,用and连接。

2. 此句意是:让我们去买些食物吧. go去。

3. 此句意是:你喜欢面包吗?此疑问句借助于助动词do, 注意第一个字母用大写。

4. 此句意是:你呢?What about you? 固定用法。

5. 此句意是:非常感谢你。Thank you谢谢你。

21. 读下面短文,选择正确单词填空。

Hi, Lily. It’s 1____to pack the clothes. This is my dress. These are your2____. And 3____are

my shoes. Wait! Here’s your4____. It’s sunny and 5____outside. Put it on, please.

【答案】1, time 2, pants, 3those, 4, hat, 5, hot


22. My________(小的) sister is only one.

【答案】little/ younger



23. 将下列英语单词与汉语对号入座。

yellow black orange blue green white purple pink



























24. 看图,选词填空。

Where What at in

A: ________ is your mother?

B: She is ________ the car.




25. — How many tomatoes are there?

— There are ________.




26. 单词归类。

student coat tie bus stop vet policeman panda pajamas shoes socks lion leopard

post office jeans jacket sweater dancer zebra toilet

rabbit pilot juggler snake swimming pool tiger movie theatre goat trousers sheep

bank fox fire station squirrel monkey frog zoo horse giraffe shorts shirt library park

hospital restaurant skirt dress pants train station teacher

police station school nurse supermarket doctor





【答案】(1)student, doctor, nurse, teacher, vet, policeman, dancer, pilot, juggler

(2)snake, tiger, lion, panda, zebra, rabbit, leopard, goat, sheep, fox, squirrel, monkey, frog,

horse, giraffe

(3)swimming pool, train station, police station, bus stop, movie theatre, supermarket, hospital,

school, park, zoo, bank, toilet, library, restaurant, post office, fire station

(4)shorts, shirt, skirt, pajamas, shoes, socks, trousers, jeans, jacket, sweater, coat, tie, dress,



(1)student, doctor, nurse, teacher, vet(兽医), policeman, dancer, pilot(飞行员), juggler


(2)snake, tiger ,lion, panda, zebra(斑马), rabbit, leopard, goat, sheep, fox(狐狸),

squirrel(松鼠), monkey, frog, horse, giraffe(长颈鹿)都是动物类。

(3)swimming pool, train station(火车站), police station, bus stop, movie theatre(电影院),

supermarket(超市), hospital(医院), school, park, zoo, bank, toilet, library(图书馆),

restaurant(餐馆),post office(邮局), fire station都是地点。(4)shorts ,shirt, skirt(短裙),

pajamas(睡衣), shoes, socks, trousers(长裤), jeans(牛仔裤), jacket, sweater(毛衣),

coat, tie, dress, pants都是衣服类。


27. 改变下列单词中的任一字母,使其成为另外一个新单词(每题1分,共10分)。

For example: far → fur

(1)shirt →

(2)coat →

(3)boy →

(4)cat →

(5)pig →

(6)truck →

(7)ship →

(8) in →

(9)donkey →

(10)doing →


28. 将下列中文翻译成英语。







29. 按四线三格的要 求抄写下列单词。(5分)

father boy home plate nurse


30. 英汉互译。(10分)

(1) 一间电脑室 (2) 我们的操场

(3) 一张漂亮的图片 (4) 去看看

(5) 在窗户附近 (6) open day

(7) lots of (8) big and bright

(9) a map of China (10) read the new words

【答案】(1) a computer room (2) our playground (3) a nice picture (4) go and

see (5) near the window (6) 开放日 (7) 许多 (8) 又大又明亮 (9) 一张中

国地图 (10) 读新单词


31. 根据图片提示,将下列字母重新排列,组成正确的单词。(15分)

【答案】(1) flute (2) competition (3) music (4) tree (5) cup


32. 根据图片选词填空。


1. He is ________ pictures.

2. Look at the ________.It's so cute(可爱的).

3. The girl is ________.

4. —What are they doing?

—They are ________.

5. Look. She is ________.

【答案】1. drawing 2. clock 3. jumping 4. singing 5. dancing


33. 看图选词,补充句子。

【答案】 living room 2. chairs bedroom


34. 看图片,填出正确的单词。

Look at this p______(图画),this is a Amy's l______room(起居室). Her English book is

n (附近) the lamp . The keys are on the t______(桌子).The big s______(沙发) is in front of

the TV. Her room is very nice, isn't it? picture, living , near, table ,sofa

【答案】picture, living , near, table ,sofa


35. 根据汉语提示并联系上下文补充句子。(20分)

(1)These are __________(图画). Those are ________(灯).

(2)It’s 9:30. _____ ________ _______ _________ ________(是上英语课的时间).

(3)How old are you ? I am ________(13) years old.

(4)Today is _________(多云的)and cool,I want to wear my _______(夹克衫)and


(5)I want some_________(香蕉),some_________(橙子), some__________(梨).

_______ _______ _______ _______ ? They are 18 yuan.

(6)What’s on your farm? There are many __________(兔子)and _______(鸭子)


36. 用下列词的正确形式填空:

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