


What the hell was that? 那他妈是什么鬼

Mum? 妈

Mum! 妈

Mum! 妈

I think the tumble dryer might be on the mend. 坏了的烘干机好像变好了

What? 什么

Hello? 有人吗

Is there anybody here? 有人在吗

Wait. 等等

第一季 第一集 真相探寻者

Balls. 妈的

All right, let's have a look at what we have. 好吧 来看看是什么情况

Let's see if this does the trick. 看看这样能不能行

Ah, yes. 太好了

Tormilade. 电气石

Wonderful. 太好了

Hey, did you steal one of my digestives? 嘿 你偷了我的易消化饼干吗

No. 没有

You did, I can see you chewing. 你肯定偷了 我还能看到你在嚼呢

You don't have to creep around here, Dad, 你在这里没必要鬼鬼祟祟的 爸

just nicking things, it's daft. 还偷东西 太傻了

I like it. 我喜欢这样

Makes me feel like Raffles, the gentleman thief. 让我觉得自己跟绅士大盗拉夫勒斯一样

When are you gonna fix the upstairs/downstairs? 你打算什么时候修这个滑梯装置

I'll look at it when I come back from work, all right? 等我下班回来后会检查修理的 好吗

But please, if you're gonna use it, 但是拜托 如果你真要用那个

put on some underpants 'cause it's really unhygienic. 请你穿上内裤 因为这样真的很不卫生

Oh, stop trying to control me. 别再试图控制我了

Oh, damn you! 你个该死的家伙

Oh, damn you! 暗域号军舰

Hello, Dave. 喂 戴夫

Morning, Gus. Are you here yet? 早上好 格斯 你到了吗

Yeah. Just pulling in now. 是的 正要停车

Bang on time as always. 一如既往地准时

Would you mind popping into my office? 你能来我办公室一趟吗

I have a surprise for you that I think you're going to like. 我给你准备了个惊喜


I have a surprise for you that I think you're going to like. 斯迈尔

No. 不是吧

Gus, I need to train up more people like you, 格斯 我需要培训出更多像你这样的人才

and who better to train up more Gus Robertses 有谁比格斯·罗伯茨本尊更适合培训出

than Gus Roberts himself? 更多的格斯·罗伯茨呢

I work better alone. 我独自行动时表现更好

Well, you worked very well with Paul. 你跟保罗就合作得很愉快啊

How did you like that copy of "The White Sheet?" 你觉得那本《白床单》怎么样

Some pretty good articles in that one. 那上面有不少好文章哦

It's only 200 printed. It's very rare. 只印了200份 非常珍稀

Listen, Dave, 听我说 戴夫

babysittin' some greenhorn 给某些菜鸟当保姆

who doesn't know his RG142 coaxial cable from an eight inch heliax.


No. 不了

The last thing I need is 我最不需要的就是

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