


Adobe Media Encoder 视频生成出错 解决


在Premiere CS4里输出视频到 Adobe Media Encoder时,出错并出现黄色叹号,如图所示:


"Encoding Failed. Could not read from the source. Please check if it has moved or been deleted."





方法 1: ① 关闭所有Adobe应用程序。

② 打开资源管理器,定位到Premiere CS4的软件安装文件目录(如:C:Program

FilesAdobeAdobe Premiere Pro CS4)。

③在目录下找到 Adobe Premiere 程序运行文件,单击右键创建它的快捷方

式并重命名为 Premiere (注意此处吴后缀名)。

④ 然后选中 Premiere 快捷方式,右键剪切, 把它粘贴到 C:Program

FilesCommon FilesAdobedynamiclink 目录下,完成后重新运行程序,错误解除。

方法2: 卸载掉Premiere Pro CS4 所有组件并重新安装。

Adobe Links: /cps/407/

Error: "Encoding Failed. Could not read from the source" (Adobe Media Encoder CS4 on


When you attempt to encode media with Adobe Media Encoder CS4 on Windows, the following

error message appears in the text file () that opens when you click the

error icon:

"Encoding Failed. Could not read from the source. Please check if it has moved or been deleted."


You removed an earlier version of Adobe Premiere Pro or Adobe Creative Suite on the same



Do one or both of the following solutions:

Solution 1: Create a shortcut to the Premiere Pro executable file, rename the shortcut to Premiere,

and move the shortcut to C:Program FilesCommon FilesAdobedynamiclink.

Close all Adobe applications.

In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Premiere Pro CS4. (If you

installed Premiere Pro CS4 in a location other than the default of C:Program FilesAdobe, then

navigate to your custom installation location.)

Right-click on Adobe Premiere (which might appear without the .exe extension) and

choose Create Shortcut.

Rename the newly created shortcut to just Premiere.

Important: The name of the shortcut must be exactly Premiere with no other characters.

Open a second Windows Explorer window, and navigate to C:Program FilesCommon


Move the Premiere shortcut that you created into the dynamiclink folder.

Solution 2: Remove and reinstall all Premiere Pro CS4 components or all Adobe Creative Suite 4


Do one of the following:

Windows XP: Choose Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs.

Windows Vista: Choose Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features.

In the list of installed programs, select Adobe Premiere Pro CS4, Adobe Creative Suite 4

Production Premium, or Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection.

Click Change/Remove (Windows XP) or Uninstall (Windows Vista).

Follow the on-screen instructions to remove all components of Premiere Pro CS4 (including

Adobe Encore CS4 and Adobe OnLocation CS4) or to remove all components of your edition of

Adobe Creative Suite 4.

Re-install your Adobe software.

本文标签: 出错错误文件快捷方式解决