



Once upon a time, there was a king who loved fine

clothing. He spent all his time and money on buying exquisite

garments. One day, two cunning weavers arrived in the kingdom

claiming that they could weave the most splendid cloth that

was invisible to anyone who was unfit for their position or

was stupid.

The king, eager to have this magical cloth, immediately

hired the weavers. Though the weavers pretended to work

diligently, they were actually doing nothing at all. They

asked for the finest silk and gold thread, which they

promptly stuffed into their bags and pockets.

After a few weeks, the weavers informed the king that the

magnificent robes were ready. The king eagerly went to see

them, but he couldn't see anything at all! Fearful of being

seen as foolish, the king exclaimed, "Oh, what a marvelous

design! These clothes are truly magnificent!"

The whole kingdom heard about the incredible cloth, and

everyone wanted to see it for themselves. People gathered

outside the castle as the king paraded through the streets

wearing the so-called clothes. Nobody wanted to admit that

they couldn't see anything, afraid of being labeled as stupid

or unfit for their position.

Suddenly, a small child exclaimed, "But the king is

naked!" The people paused and looked at each other, realizing

the truth in the child's words. Soon, everyone began to

whisper and share their opinions. The king realized that he

had been deceived by the weavers and that he was indeed naked.

Though embarrassed, the king laughed at himself and

admitted his mistake. From that day on, he decided to be

honest and not let his pride cloud his judgment. The weavers

were quickly exposed as frauds and were chased out of the


And so, the king learned an important lesson about

honesty and the danger of seeking only external appearance.

He ruled with integrity, making decisions based on truth

rather than outward appearances, and was loved and respected

by his subjects.

本文标签: 新衣故事简短