






Texas DMV Website(德克萨斯州机动车网站)


Texas Office Locations(德克萨斯州政府网)



* Instruction permit(学习驾照): $5

* Driver’s license examination(驾照考试): $10

* Original driver’s license (原驾照)(under 18 - one year)(十八岁下,有效期1年): $5

* Original driver’s license (原驾照)(18+, 6-years)(十八岁上,有效期6年): $24


You must bring(你要带): (a) One piece of Primary Identification (主要识别)

or (b) One piece of Secondary Identification plus two or more pieces of Supporting

Identification(次要识别或一到两件支持身份识别证件); or (c) Two or more pieces of

Secondary Identification.(两件或以上次要身份证明)

Primary W/ Photo, Full Name And Date Of Birth (最主要的要带来的,照片,姓名和生日)

* Valid or recently expired Texas driver license/ID(有效或过期的德克萨斯驾驶执照/ID)

* Valid US Passport, Citizenship certiicate(有效的美国护照,美国公民身份证)

* Valid US INS document with verified date(有效的美国移民文件)

* US Military identification card(美国服役军人身份证)

Secondary Identiication(次要身份证明)

* Original or certified copy of a birth certiicate (出生证明原件或副本)

* Original or certiied certiication of birth abroad(国外出生证明原件或副本)

* Valid, out-of-state drivers license(有效的外州驾驶证)

* Original or certified court order name and DOB(原名或法庭承认的新名字和出生年月)

Supporting Identification(支持身份识别)

* School records (病例)

* Insurance policy (valid for the past two years) (保险单,过去两年都有效)

* Vehicle title (车牌名)

* Military records (Form DD 214) (服兵役记录 表DD214)

* Unexpired military dependant ID card (actual card) (有效的军人家属抚恤卡)

* Original or certified marriage or divorce decree (结婚证明或离婚证明原件)

* Voter registration card (actual card)(选民登记卡)

* Social Security card (actual card)(社保卡)

Proof of Social Security Number(社会保险号的证明)

* Federal issued Social Security Card. (联邦发布的社保卡)

* Health Card w/ SSN(健康卡和社会保险号)

* Military identiication (no for dependents)(军人身份证明)(不适合家属)

* Peace officer’s license()

* Medicare/Medicaid Cards (医疗保险卡)

* Certified college/university transcript w/ SSN(大学成绩单)

* Veteran’s administration card w/ SSN (退伍军人)

For a complete list of acceptable documents, visit(详情访问)



1. Who has the right-of-way in the following scenario: (下列场景应该怎么做)

A car is going straight ahead or is about to turn right, while the other wants to make a left turn?


The car turning left must yield the right-of-way to the other car. (左转车辆应该让其他车辆)(Pg.


2. What should you do when coming onto a street from a private alley or driveway?


You must yield the right-of-way to all approaching vehicles and pedestrians.


(Pg. 4-2)

3. Who has the right-of-way when approaching an intersection with no traffic signals or



You must yield the right-of-way to any vehicle which has entered the intersection on your right or

is approaching the intersection from your right. (你必须给任何驶入你右车道或靠近你右边车


(Pg. 4-2)

4. What should you do at a railroad crossing that is marked only with a crossbuck sign?(在只有


Reduce speed, look both ways, and listen for audible signal whistle. If a train is approaching -

STOP; if not, proceed with caution.


(Pg. 4-5)

5. What does it mean if you see lashing red lights at a railroad crossing?(当你看到铁路公路交


You are required to STOP and remain stopped until the train passes by and the lights stop.(你必须

要停车而且要等到火车开过后灯灭了才能行驶) (Pg. 4-5)

6. What should you do if you are approached by an emergency vehicle (from the front or rear)

with its red or blue lights lashing and sirens going? (当你碰到后方或前方有打着红或蓝的闪烁


Every vehicle must yield the right of way. You must stop and remain stopped until the

emergency vehicle or vehicles have passed, unless otherwise directed by a police officer. (每辆车

都应该绕行,你必须停车并且直到所有急救车都过了才能启动,除非有警察指挥)(Pg. 4-6)

7. If you approach a school bus from either direction and the bus is displaying lashing red lights,

what should you do?(如果你从任何一个方向靠近一辆打着红色警报灯的校车,你该怎


You must stop and not pass until (你必须停车直到)(a) the school bus has resumed motion,

or (校车继续行驶)(b) you are signaled by the driver to proceed(校车司机让你继续行驶), or

(c) the red lights are no longer lashing(红灯不再闪烁). (Pg. 4-7

Under what circumstances are you NOT required to stop for a school bus that is stopped and is

displaying lashing red lights?(什么情况下你不应该因为一辆闪烁着红灯而且停着的校车而停


When the bus is on a different roadway, and on a controlled-access highway where the bus is

stopped in a loading zone and pedestrians are not permitted to cross the roadway.(当公车在另外

一条路时或在公车停在卸货和禁止行人穿越马路的高速公路) (Pg. 4-7)

8. Which of the following must you obey over the other three: steady red light, lashing red light,

STOP sign, or police officer? (以下几个信息中哪个你必须优先服从,稳定的红灯,闪烁的


You must obey the instructions of a police officer even though they may be contrary to laws, signs,

signals and markings.(你必须遵守交通警察的指挥,尽管他们有可能违规) (Pg. 5-1)

9. What does a green arrow displayed with a red light mean?(当一个绿色箭头和红灯一起亮时


Proceed carefully in the direction of the arrow after yielding the right-of-way to other vehicles and

pedestrians. (Pg. 5-2)(在让道给其他车辆和行人后往箭头所指方向小心行车,)

10. What does a lashing red light mean?(闪烁的红灯是什么意思)

The same thing as a stop sign: STOP. (停止)(Pg. 5-2)

11. What does a lashing yellow light mean?(闪烁的黄灯什么意思)

Slow down and proceed with caution.(减速慢行) (Pg. 5-2)

12. What does an illuminated red “X” posted over a traffic lane mean?(在车道上方的红色X


Driving is not permitted in that lane.(禁止通行) (Pg. 5-17)

13. What does a steady illuminated yellow “X” mean posted over a traffic lane mean?(道路上


The driver should prepare to leave the lane; a lane control change is being made. (司机必须离开

那条路,道路变更了)(Pg. 5-17)

14. What does a broken yellow line mean?(一条断裂的黄线表示什么)

You MAY cross the lane to pass if it is safe to do so. (你可能通过一条有安全隐患的路)(Pg.


15. What do two solid yellow lines indicate?(两条黄色双实线什么意思)

You may NOT cross the lines from either direction.(你不能越线行驶) You can only cross to

turn into a driveway or side road if it is safe to do so. (只有在安全情况下才能行驶)(Pg. 5-20)

16. There is a solid yellow line AND a broken yellow line(有一天黄实线和一条黄色断裂的

线): If the solid yellow line is on your side of the lane, are you allowed to pass?(如果黄实线


No. (不能)(Pg. 5-20)

17. What does it mean if you see a barricade or vertical panel with diagonal strips sloping

downward toward the right?(当你看到有路障或有向右转的路标时怎么做)

The driver should bear right.(司机要向右行驶) (Pg. 5-24)

18. In what situations should you always use your turn signal?(你什么时候打方向灯)

When changing lanes, making a turn, pulling away from a parking space next to a curb, and when

slowing down or stopping.(当换车道时,转弯时,发动车的时候,减速或停车时) (Pg. 6-1)

19. What is the hand signal for a left turn?(向左转的手势怎么打)

Put left hand and arm straight out, keeping hand and arm still.(伸出左手臂和左手,保持伸直状

态) (Pg. 6-1)

20. What is the hand signal to stop or slow down?(停止和减速的手势是什么)

Put left hand and arm down, keeping hand and arm still. (左手和手臂向下,保持伸直)(Pg. 6-1)

21. What is the hand signal for a right turn?(右转的手势是什么)

Put left hand and arm up, keeping hand and arm still.(抬起左手和手臂,保持伸直) (Pg. 6-1)

22. In what situations is it permissible to pass a vehicle on the right?(什么情况下可以从右路


1) The other vehicle is making a left turn and there is room to pass; (另外的车辆正在左转或有

足够空间)2) on a road where the road is wide enough and the way isn’t obstructed;(在足够宽


3) and where the pavement is wide enough for 2 or more lanes of traffic in the same direction.(在

同方向的人行道有足够2条以上宽的路) (Pg. 6-3)

23. When passing another vehicle, how can you tell when it is safe to return to the driving lane?


When you see the car you just passed in your rearview mirror. (当被超车出现在你后视镜里)

(Pg. 6-3)

24. At what distance are you required to signal a left or right turn?(多久的距离就要求打方向


100-feet.(100英尺) (Pg. 6-5)

25. When is it permissible to park: on a sidewalk, in a tunnel, or in front of a driveway?(在人


Never. It is illegal to park in any of these locations. (任何一种情况都是违法的)(Pg. 7-1)

26. How many inches must your curb-side wheels be from the curb when parallel parked?(停车


18-inches. (18英寸)(Pg. 7-4)

27. When parking on a hill headed downhill, with or without a curb, in what direction should

you turn the wheels of your vehicle?(当你在下山坡路停车而没有路缘时,轮胎应该往哪里打)

To the right.(往右) (Pg. 7-5)

28. When parking on a hill headed uphill, with a curb, what direction should you turn the wheels

of your vehicle?(当你在上山坡路停车而有路缘时,轮胎应该往哪里打)

Toward the center of the street with the back of the front tire against the curb. (前轮铐住路缘往

路中央打)(Pg. 7-5)

29. When parking on a hill headed uphill, without a curb, in whatdirection should the wheels of

your vehicle be facing? (当在上山坡路停车没有路缘时,轮胎往哪里打)

To the right.(往右) (Pg. 7-5)

30. What is the “two second rule?”(什么是两秒法则)

Allow two-seconds between the time the vehicle ahead of you passes a given point and the time

your vehicle reaches the same point to ensure a safe distance between the two cars.(有两秒时间

给超车的车辆和你确认保持安全的距离) (Pg. 8-1)

31. Must you always drive at the speed limit(你必须总是限速吗)?

No. While you cannot exceed the limit, often road conditions require that you drive more slowly.

By law you have to slow down when conditions demand it.(不必,当你不能超速时,一般都是

道路状况决定,因为法律所以要遵守法规减速行驶) (Pg. 8-2)

32. What is the speed limit when driving in an urban district?(市区行驶最高时速多少)

30MPH.(30英里每小时) (Pg. 8-3)

33. What is the daytime speed limit when driving on a highway numbered by the state or the US

outside an urban district?(美国高速公路或市区外行驶最高时速多少)


(Pg. 8-3)

34. Is it best to keep your headlights on high beam or low beam in rain, fog, or falling snow?


Low beams.(近光灯) (Pg. 9-1)

35. What should you do to avoid being blinded by the glare of headlights from an approaching


Avoid looking directly into the headlights of approaching vehicles. You should shift your eyes

down to the lower right side of your traffic lane. (避免直视车灯照射,你该将视线移向右边车

道)(Pg. 9-1)

36. Under what conditions must headlights be used? (什么情况下要打前照灯)

Between one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise and any other time when

persons or vehicles cannot be seen clearly for at least 1,000 feet. (Pg. 9-1)



37. When entering or merging with traffic, should you enter at the same speed, a slower speed or

faster than the traffic that is moving on the roadway?(当遇到堵车时,你应该保持原来速度行


Enter at the same rate of speed that traffic is moving. (和车流同速)(Pg. 9-2)

38. What should you do to bring your vehicle under control in a skid?(在车打滑时该怎么做)

Don’t jam on the brakes.(不要急刹车) Take your foot off the gas pedal(放松油门), and turn

the steering wheel in the direction of the skid.(车轮往打滑方向打) As you recover control,

gently straighten the wheels.(控制住车后,轮胎打直) (Pg. 9-5)

39. What should you do if your brakes fail while driving?(行驶时刹车失灵怎么办)

Apply your parking brake cautiously so that you don’t lock the brakes, and shift to a lower gear

(运用驻车制动以防锁住刹车, 换低档位行驶). (Pg. 9-6)

40. What should you do if you have a lat tire or blow out?(爆胎了怎么办)

Do not slam on the brakes.(不要猛踩刹车) Take your foot off the gas pedal and gently apply the

brakes.(放开油门慢慢刹车) Steer straight ahead to a stop.(轮胎保持笔直) (Pg. 9-6)

41. What is the most common motorist caused car-bicycle collision?(什么样的交通事故最普


A motorist turning left in front of an oncoming bicycle.(左转的车撞上驶来的摩托车) (Pg. 9-8)

42. How can you let the driver of a truck or other large vehicle know that you are about to pass?


Blink your headlights, especially at night. (闪烁你的前大灯)(Pg. 9-9)

43. What facts should you keep in mind when sharing the road with large vehicles?(当你和大型


They have bigger blind spots than cars, take longer to stop, need more room to maneuver and it

takes a car longer to pass them (他们有比轿车更大的盲点,要更多的时间停车,更大的空间

去移动和被超车)(Pg. 9-9 to 9-10).

44. What rule of thumb you should remember when sharing the road with trucks and other large


If you can’t see the truck driver in his side mirror, he can’t see you.(当你透过测镜看不到卡车司

机时,他也看不到你) (Pg. 9-9)

45. As a motorist, what does “Implied Consent” mean for you? (作为一个驾驶员,默示同意


Any person who drives a vehicle in Texas is deemed to have given consent to a chemical test to

determine the amount of alcohol in his/her system if arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI).

(在德克萨斯驾驶员被默许在事故被捕后要接受酒精测试)(Pg. 10-4)

46. What is the penalty for refusing to comply with a request for a chemical test to determine the

blood alcohol content in your system?(如果拒绝接受酒精测试有什么惩罚)

Driver license suspension of 180-days.(扣留180天驾照) (Pg. 10-7)

47. At what Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is someone considered legally intoxicated?(酒


0.08% or more.(大于等于0.08%) (Pg. 10-7)

48. What is the penalty for a irst-time driving while intoxicated (DWI) offense?(醉酒驾驶惩罚


A ine of up to $2,000, 72 hours to 180-days in jail and driver license suspension of 90 – 365 days.


49. True or false:(判断题)

Coffee, food or fresh air are effective ways to sober up after drinking.(咖啡,实物和新鲜空气是


The only way to reduce the effects of alcohol is time.(时间是最好的醒酒方法) (Pg. 10-8)

50. What are the seat belt requirements for operating and riding in a motor vehicle?(在开车的


The driver and front seat passengers are required to use safety belts(驾驶员和前排乘客要系安全

带); children under 4 years of age or under 36 inches in height (regardless of age) must be secured

in a child passenger safety seat.(4岁一下孩子和36英寸下必须要安排在安全的座位) (Pg.


Regulatory Signs(禁制标志)

(停车) (让行) (右行但不能超车)(禁止转弯) (禁止右转)(保持右行) (残疾人停车)

Warning Signs(警告标志)

(前方停止) (注意非机动车) (注意红绿灯) (注意道路合并) (注意山坡)

(地面易滑) (没有超车地带) (注意行人) (注意分岔路入口) (分岔路出口)

Guide/Informational Signs(指示路标)

(美国道路最高时速40 MPH) (城市道路最高时速27 MPH) (前方1003公里左转)(洲际最高时速22

MPH)(服务区) (医院)

本文标签: 行驶车辆应该停车美国