


Understanding the text


1 He achieved fame for his wit, wisdom, civic duty, and abundant courage.

2 They were thought to be slow learners in childhood, but they overcame their

childhood difficulties and made magnificent discoveries that benefit the entire

world today.

3 His strong will.

4 It means to keep their focus on achieving a positive end result, instead of

letting small problems get in the way of good results.

5 Because they have the will to overcome profound obstacles and to work

diligently in the pursuit of their goals, and have the passion for success.

6 Because firms preferred to hire less qualified men rather than risk hiring a

female lawyer, which was unprecedented.

7 We should never give up on our dream, and one day we can change the

world and make it a better place.

8 The secret of success is built upon a burning inward desire – a robust, fierce

will and focus – that fuels the determination to act, to keep preparing, to keep

going even when we are tired and fail.

Critical thinking


1 You may have tried and failed many times before you finally get success. But

it does not matter. What matters is whether you can summon up (鼓起) all your

courage again and again to face the hardships standing in the way of success.

2 Luck, talent, good relationships with your colleagues, etc.

3 • When I have realized that I am pursuing something that is hard to

achieve, I would try to stick to the goal. But I will begin to think of what I can do to

improve the situation. When it still doesn’t work, I would try to analyze what the

problem is and then make some changes and probably reset my goal.

• Yes, sometimes we are pursuing the wrong goal which can never be

achieved, only to find

ourselves in deep frustration and profound fatigue. In this situation, I may give

up the wrong goal and set up another goal that is achievable.

4 • Following the guidance of senior people.

• Getting sound advice from our parents.

• Setting a correct goal.

• Achieving success step by step.

• Developing good interpersonal relationships.

Language focus

Words in use


1 whereby 2 pursuit 3 inhibit 4 maintain 5 patriotic

6 transcended 7 endeavors 8 dedication 9 prestige 10 nominate

Word building


Words learned New words formed


inhabitant inhabit

participate participant

attend attendant

pollute pollutant



















1 resultant 2 tolerant 3 pollutants 4 inhabited 5


6 descendants 7 attendants 8 respectful 9 participants 10


11 resourceful 12 boastful

Banked cloze


1 F 2 G 3 H 4 J 5 E 6 A 7 N 8 I 9 K 10 M

Expressions in use


1 removed from 2 failed in 3 in the pursuit of 4 deviated from

precludes; from

6 triumph over 7 work their way into 8 written off

Structure analysis and writing

Structured writing



They say there’s no place like home. In my case, there isn’t much that is

good about my apartment. My apartment has given me nothing but headaches.

From the day I signed the lease, I’ve had to deal with an uncooperative landlord,

an incompetent janitor, and inconsiderate neighbors.

First of all, my landlord has been uncooperative since the first day I moved to

the apartment. He didn’t let me bring my fish into the apartment. He said that

pets are not allowed even though it’s just a fish. Because of that, I must leave my

fish at my parents’ house. He also forbids me from using water from until 3

p.m. Because of that, I must wake up at every day to take a bath. Of course I

complained about this to him, but he said that is the apartment’s rule. Before I

leased the apartment, he didn’t say that there are such rules in the apartment.

I’ve had problems not only with my landlord but also with an incompetent

janitor. The janitor is a retired policeman. He tried to fix the pipe in the apartment,

but he flooded the apartment instead.

He also broke my air conditioner when he tried to fix it. Because of that, my

apartment becomes as hot as a desert every afternoon. Not only that, but he also

broke my antique vase that cost me $100. Even worse, when he plugged his USB

flash drive into my laptop to copy my songs, the viruses from his flash drive spread

into my laptop. I had to reformat my laptop, and because of that, all of my

important documents are gone.

Perhaps the worst trouble of all has been with the inconsiderate neighbors

who live in the apartment above me. My neighbors are two university students.

They have lived upstairs for about one year. They like to party, so I can’t sleep.

This happened not only once, but every Saturday night. I tried to speak to them,

but they suggested putting in ear plugs when I’m about to sleep. On top of it all,

they always turn up the volume of their music to the maximum.

Sometimes, my apartment seems like a small, friendly oasis surrounded by

hostile enemies. I never know what other trouble is going to come from next: the

landlord, the janitor, or the neighbors. Home may be where the heart is, but my

sanity is thinking about moving out.












Section B

Reading skills


2 Denotation: a large project, especially one that is difficult

Connotation: Les Brown took his dream as an enterprise, a lifelong career, to

which he attached

great importance. At the same time, to become a DJ was by no means an easy


3 Denotation: take in or absorb liquid

Connotation: Soak up implies that Les Brown was eager to seize every

opportunity to learn

something new in order to be better prepared to become a DJ in the future.

4 Denotation: take or hold sb. / sth. with your hand suddenly

Connotation: Grab in this context means to pick up the phone in a very quick

movement, implying a sense of anxiety.

5 Denotation: turn over into a different position with a sudden quick


Connotation: Flip shows that Les Brown had become quite familiar with the

machine because he practiced a lot in his free time.

6 Denotation: move, drive or push forward or in a particular direction

Connotation: Propel here suggests that Les Brown was driven to go forward by

his strong determination and adequate preparation.

Reading comprehension

Understanding the text


1 C 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 D 6 B 7 C 8 D

Critical thinking


1 Those who are well prepared are most likely to get success. Determination

and preparation are two important components of the secret of success.

2 Family background can have both positive and negative effects upon one’s

success. Many people believe that a wealthy family should have positive effects on

one’s personal development, while a poor family is more likely to cause negative

impacts on one’s success. However, sometimes things could be completely

different. If born into a very wealthy family, you may lack the iron will to achieve

success because everything is there for you and you are born to enjoy all these

good fortunes. But if you are brought up in a poor family, you can only depend on

yourself, which will strengthen your determination to pursue your dreams.

3 We should judge whether the goal is accessible or not. If the goal is not

accessible, we may well give it up. If the goal is accessible and we have not tried

our best yet, we should work harder.

Language focus

Words in use


1 indulged 2 propelling 3 aggravated 4 dazzled 5 alleviating

6 renowned 7 eloquent 8 destined 9 scorned 10 applause

Expressions in use


1 up 2 in 3 on 4 up 5 to / for 6 on 7 as 8 out

Sentence structure


1 He always prefers to start early rather than leave everything to the last


2 She prefers to be the boss, to be in charge and to organize others rather

than be organized by someone whom she may not even rate very highly.

3 My brother preferred to take the whole blame himself rather than allow it to

fall on the innocent.


1 Try as he would, he was not able to think up any way to find the place where

the first black men

had dug their diamonds.

2 Search as they would, they were unable to find anything that was at all

different from other well-known portions of China.

3 Try as we might, we could not get out of the difficult situation that we are in

at the moment.



1 1) repeated 2) overwhelming

2 1) heroic 2) sound

3 1) attained 2) fueled


1 sudden opportunity

2 immense obstacles

3 amazing determination

4 profound difficulties

5 overwhelming failures

6 poverty-stricken

3) immense

3) substantial

3) achieve

7 substantial hardships

8 repeated misfortunes

9 sheer persistence

10 dazzle ... audience

11 achieve fame

12 strong will

Unit project


• Help students gain deeper insights into the factors that contribute to


• Develop students’ ability to collect and summarize information from

various sources.

• Improve students’ analytical skills and the ability to make a public speech.

Teaching tips

To engage students in the theme of the unit and to provide a good

opportunity for students to learn about the truth of success, the teacher will assign

the class the current unit project which is to be accomplished by groups consisting

of four to five students each. To better conduct the project, the teacher needs to

make sure each group finishes the steps exactly as required in the Student’s Book.

The following tips are offered for reference.

1 Help each group determine a successful person for their exploration. It is

preferable that each group talk about a person different from those of other


2 Encourage members in each group to make joint efforts to collect

information about the person they are interested in. They can focus on how he /

she started to become successful in his / her professional field or industry; what

difficulties he / she has encountered; how he / she overcame them; what

achievements he / she has made; and what comments people have on him / her.

They should take detailed notes to prepare for the discussion.

3 While the students are working in groups to share and discuss the

information collected, tell them to give special attention to the exploration of why

the person they are talking about has become successful and to the traits he / she

possesses that are critical to his / her success.

4 After the discussion, ask each group to choose a representative who is

expected to present a comprehensive report to the whole class. The report is

supposed to summarize the common traits of the successful person they have

explored, and reflect on what they can learn from this person and how his / her

success can guide them in their future career.

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