







1. Genre (题材)

Film and television productions are often categorized into different

genres. Some common genres include action, comedy, drama, romance,

horror, and science fiction. Understanding the genre of a movie or TV

show can give you a general idea of its content and style.

2. Plot (情节)

The plot refers to the storyline of a movie or TV show. It includes

the sequence of events and the development of characters. Key

elements of a plot include the introduction, rising action, climax, falling

action, and resolution.

3. Character (角色)

Characters are the individuals or entities that appear in a film or TV

show. They can be main characters, supporting characters, or minor

characters. Each character has their own traits, motivations, and

relationships with other characters.

4. Dialogue (对话)

Dialogue refers to the spoken words exchanged by characters in a

movie or TV show. It helps to advance the plot and develop the

characters. Understanding the dialogue is crucial for understanding the

story and the interactions between characters.

5. Scene (场景)

A scene is a unit of storytelling within a movie or TV show. It

represents a specific location or time in the narrative. Scenes are often

used to establish mood, provide exposition, or showcase important


6. Cinematography (摄影)

Cinematography involves the art and technique of capturing moving

images on film or digitally. It encompasses aspects such as camera

angles, lighting, framing, and composition. Effective cinematography

enhances the visual experience and storytelling of a film or TV show.

7. Soundtrack (配乐)

The soundtrack refers to the music and audio elements used in a

movie or TV show. It includes background music, sound effects, and

dialogue. A well-crafted soundtrack can heighten emotions, create

atmosphere, and enhance the overall viewing experience.

8. Special Effects (特效)

Special effects, often abbreviated as VFX (Visual Effects), are

techniques used to create illusions or enhance visuals in movies and TV

shows. They can include computer-generated imagery (CGI), practical

effects, and digital enhancements. Special effects play a significant role

in creating visually captivating and immersive experiences.

9. Sequel (续集)

A sequel is a movie or TV show that continues the story of a

previous installment. It maintains continuity with the original work and

often features the same characters or settings. Sequels are a popular

way to extend successful franchises in the film and television industry.

10. Box Office (票房)

The box office refers to the financial success of a movie in terms of

ticket sales. It is an indicator of the popularity and commercial viability

of a film. Blockbuster movies are often those that achieve significant

box office success.







本文标签: 电视电影英语词汇