


re(前奏曲)- 乐器

of me(想想我)- 卡尔洛塔、克里斯提娜、拉乌尔

of music(音乐天使)- 梅格、克里斯提娜

Lotte/The Mirror(小洛蒂/镜子)- 克里斯提娜、魅影、拉乌尔

Phantom of the Opera(剧院魅影)- 克里斯提娜、魅影

music of the Night(夜的音乐)- 魅影

7.I Remember/Stranger Than You Dreamt It(我记得/梦中的陌生人)- 克里斯提娜、


l Lasso(魔法套锁)- 布盖、吉莉夫人、梅格

/Prima Donna(信件/首席女高音) - 吉莉夫人、费尔明、安德烈、拉乌尔、卡


Fool, He Makes Me Laugh(可怜的傻瓜/他真搞笑) - 卡尔洛塔、皮尔吉

Have You Brought Me Here?/I've Been There(为何带我到此?/我曾去过)-


I Ask of You(别无所求)- 拉乌尔、克里斯提娜

I Ask of You Reprise (别无所求-回响) - 魅影

rade(假面舞会)- 吉莉夫人、费尔明、安德烈、克里斯提娜、拉乌尔、梅


/Twisted Every Way(信件/诸事不顺)- 安德烈、费尔明、吉莉夫人、魅影、


sal (彩排)- 卡尔洛塔、皮尔吉、雷耶尔、吉莉夫人、克里斯提娜

g you were somehow here again(真希望你还在这里)- 克里斯提娜

ing Child/Bravo, Bravo(迷惘的孩子/万岁,万岁)- 克里斯提娜、拉乌尔、


Juan Triumphant (凯旋的唐璜)- 卡尔洛塔、皮尔吉、帕萨里诺

point of no return(覆水难收)- 克里斯提娜、魅影

Once More/Track Down This Murderer(再探地穴/找到凶手)- 费尔明、


point of no return reprise / All I Ask of You Reprise(覆水难收-回响/别无

所求-回响)- 克里斯提娜、魅影、拉乌尔

1. Think of me

2. Think of me,

3. think of me fondly,

4. when we've said goodbye.

5. Remember me, once in a while ,

6. please promise me you'll try.

7. when you find that,

8. once again,

9. you long to take your heart back and be free -

10. if you ever find a moment,

11. spare a thought

12. we've never said our love was evergreen,

13. or as unchanging as the sea -

14. but if you can still remember,

15. stop and think

16. think of all the things we've shared and seen -

17. don't think about the things which might

18. think of me,

19. think of me waking,

20. silent and resigned.

21. Imagine me,

22. trying too hard to put you from my mind.

23. recall those days,

24. look back on all those times,

25. think of the things we'll never do -

26. there will never be a day,

27. when I won't think

28. flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade

29. They have their seasons, so do we

30. But please promise me

31. That sometimes you will think of me spare a thought for me

32. we'll never do -

33. there will never be a day,

34. when I won't think of you .

35. ( Angel Of Music )


37. Insolent boy!

38. This slave of fashion,

39. basking in your glory!

40. Ignorant fool!

41. This brave young suitor,

42. sharing in my triumph!


44. Angel! I hear you!

45. Speak -

46. I listen ...

47. stay by my side, guide me!

48. Angel, my soul was weak -

49. forgive me ...

50. enter at last, Master!


52. Flattering child, you shall know me,

53. see why in shadow I hide!

54. Look at you face in the mirror -

55. I am there inside!


57. Angel of Music!

58. Guide and guardian!

59. Grant to me your glory!

60. Angel of Music!

61. Hide no longer!

62. Come to me, strange angel ...


64. I am your Angel of music

65. Come to me: Angel of Music ...


67. whose is ?

68. Who is that ?

69. Christine! Christine!


71. I am your Angel of Music ...

72. Come to me: Angel of Music ...

73. m of the Opera


75. In sleep he sang to me,

76. in dreams he came ...

77. that voice which calls to me

78. and speaks my name ...

79. And do I dream again?

80. For now I find

81. the Phantom of the Opera is there -

82. inside my mind ...


84. Sing once again with me

85. our strange duet ...

86. My power over you

87. grows stronger yet ...

88. And though you turn from me,

89. to glance behind,

90. the Phantom of the Opera is there -

91. inside your mind ...


93. Those who have seen your face

94. draw back in fear ...

95. I am the mask you wear ...


97. It's me they hear ...

98. BOTH

99. Your/My spirit and your/my voice,

100. in one combined:

101. the Phantom of the Opera is there -

102. inside your/my mind ...


104. He's there, the Phantom of the Opera ...

105. Beware the Phantom of the Opera ...

106. 括号里的是舞台版的:


108. In all your fantasies,

109. you always knew

110. that man and mystery ...


112. ... were both in you ...

113. BOTH

114. And in this labyrinth,

115. where night is blind,

116. the Phantom of the Opera is there/here -

117. inside your/my mind ... )


119. Sing, my Angel of Music!


121. He's there, the Phantom of

122. of the Night

123. 这首歌MC版本参见括号里的


125. Night time sharpens heightens each sensation ...

126. Darkness stirs and wakes imagination

127. Silently the senses abandon their defenses

128. Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor.

129. Grasp it, sense it -

130. tremulous and tender

131. Turn your face away from the garish light of day,

132. Turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light

133. And listen to the music of the night

134. Close your eyes

135. and surrender to your darkest dreams,

136. Purge your thoughts of the life you knew before,

137. Close your eyes

138. Let your spirit start to soar

139. And you’ll live

140. as you’ve never lived before.

141. Softly, deftly, music shall caress you ...

142. Hear it, feel it, secretly possess you ...

143. Open up your mind let your fantasies unwind

144. in this darkness that (which) you know you cannot fight -

145. The darkness of the music of the night ...

146. Let your mind start a journey

147. Through (into) a strange new world,

148. Leave all thoughts of the life (world) you knew before.

149. Let your soul take you where you long to be (burn)

150. Only then can you belong to me

151. Floating, falling, sweet intoxication

152. Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation ...

153. Let the dream begin

154. let your darker side give in

155. to the power of the music that I write -

156. the power of the music of the night ...

157. You alone can make my song take flight

158. help me make the music of the night.

159. Donna

160. ANDRE

161. Your public needs you!


163. we need you, too!


165. Would you not rather have your precious little ingénue?


167. Signora, no!

168. The world wants you!

169. Prima Donna, first lady of the stage!

170. Your devotees are on their knees to implore you!

171. ANDRE

172. Can you bow out when they're shouting your name?


174. Think of how they all adore you!

175. BOTH

176. Prima Donna, enchant us once again!

177. ANDRE

178. Think of your muse ...


180. and of the queues round the theatre!

181. BOTH

182. Can you deny us the triumph in store?

183. Sing, prima Donna, once more!

184. RAOUL

185. Christine spoke of an angel ...


187. Prima donna, your song shall live again!


189. Think of your public!


191. You took a snub, but there's a public who needs you!

192. GIRY

193. She has heard the voice of the angel of music ...


195. Those who hear your voice liken you to an angel!


197. Think of their cry of undying support!

198. RAOUL

199. Is this her angel ?

200. ANDRE

201. We get our opera ...


203. She gets her limelight!


205. Follow where the limelight leads you!


207. Leading ladies are a trial!


209. Prima donna, your song shall never die!

210. You'll sing again and to unending ovation!

211. RAOUL

212. Orders! Warnings!

213. Lunatic demands


215. lunatic demands are regular occurrences!


217. Think how you'll shine in that final encore!

218. Sing, prima donna, once more!


220. Surely there'll be further scenes -

221. worse than this!

222. RAOUL

223. I must see these demands are rejected!


225. Who'd believe a diva happy to relieve a

226. chorus girl who's gone and slept with the patron?

227. Raoul and the soubrette, entwined in love's duet!

228. Although he may demur, he must have been with her!

229. You'd never get away with all this in a play,

230. but if it's loudly sung and in a foreign tongue,

231. it's just the sort of story audiences adore,

232. In fact a perfect opera!

233. RAOUL

234. His game is over!

235. GIRY

236. This is a game you cannot hope to win!

237. RAOUL

238. And in Box Five a new game will begin ...

239. GIRY

240. For, if his curse is on this opera ...

241. MEG

242. But if his curse is on this opera ...


244. Prima donna, the world is at your feet!

245. A nation waits, and how it hates

246. to be cheated!

247. Light up the stage

248. With that age-old rapport

249. Sing, prima donna, once more!

250. I Ask of You

251. RAOUL

252. No more talk of darkness,

253. Forget these wide-eyed fears,

254. I'm here, nothing can harm you -

255. my words will warm and clam you.

256. Let me be your freedom,

257. let daylight dry your tears,

258. I'm here, with you, beside you,

259. to guard you and to guide you .


261. Say you love me every waking moment,

262. Turn my head with talk of summertime,

263. Say you need me with you,

264. now and always,

265. promise me that all you say is true -

266. that's all I ask of you ...

267. RAOUL

268. Let me be your shelter,

269. let me be your light.

270. You're safe:

271. No-one will find you -

272. your fears are far behind you ...


274. All I want is freedom,

275. a world with no more night ...

276. and you, always besides me,

277. to hold me and to hide me ...

278. RAOUL

279. Then say you'll share with me one

280. love, one lifetime ...

281. let me lead you from your solitude ...

282. Say you need me with you here, beside you ...

283. anywhere you go, let me go too -

284. Christine,

285. that's all I ask of you ...


287. Say you'll share with me one

288. love, one lifetime ...

289. say the word and I will follow you ...

290. BOTH

291. Share each day with me, each

292. night, each morning ...


294. Say you love me ...

295. RAOUL

296. You know I do ...

297. BOTH

298. Love me -

299. that's all I ask of you ...

300. Anywhere you go let me go too ...

301. Love me -

302. that's all I ask of you ...

303. rade


305. Monsieur Andre?

306. ANDRE

307. Monsieur Firmin?


309. Dear Andre, what a splendid party!

310. ANDRE

311. The prologue to a bright new year!


313. Quite a night! I'm impressed!

314. ANDRE

315. Well, one does one's best ...


317. Here's to us!

318. ANDRE

319. The toast of all the city


321. What a pity that the 'Phantom' can’t be here


323. Masquerade!

324. Paper faces on parade ...

325. Masquerade!

326. Hide your face, so the world will never find you!

327. Masquerade!

328. Every face a different shade..

329. Masquerade!

330. Look around -

331. there's another mask behind you!

332. Flash of mauve .. Splash of puce ...

333. Fool and king ... Ghoul and goose ...

334. Green and black ... Queen and priest ...

335. Trace and rouge ... Face of beast ...

336. Faces !...

337. Take you turn,

338. Take a ride on the merry-go-round ...

339. in an inhuman race ...

340. Eye of gold ... Thigh of blue ...

341. True is false ... Who is who ...?

342. Curl of lip ... Swirl of gown ...

343. Ace of hearts ... Face of clown ...

344. Faces ...

345. Drink it in, drink it up, till you've drowned

346. in the light ... in the sound ...

347. But who can name the face ...

348. Masquerade!

349. Grinning yellows, spinning reds ...

350. Masquerade!

351. Take your fill -

352. let the spectacle astound you!

353. Masquerade!

354. Burning glances, turning heads ...

355. Masquerade!

356. Stop and stare

357. at the sea of smiles around you!

358. Masquerade!

359. Seething shadows, breathing lies ...

360. Masquerade!

361. You can fool any friend who ever knew you!

362. Masquerade!

363. Leering satyrs, peering eyes ...

364. Masquerade!

365. Run and hide -

366. But a face will still pursue you!

367. GIRY

368. What a night!

369. MEG

370. What a crowd!

371. ANDRE

372. Makes you glad!


374. Makes you proud!

375. All the creme de la creme!


377. Watching us watching them!

378. ANDRE

379. Three months Of relief!


381. Of delight!


383. Of Elysian peace!


385. And we can breathe at last!


387. No more notes!


389. No more ghosts!

390. GIRY

391. Here's to health!

392. ANDRE

393. Here's a toast: to a prosperous year!


395. To our friends who are here!


397. And may our splendor never fade!


399. What a blessed release!

400. GIRY

401. And what a masquerade!


403. Think of it! A secret engagement!

404. Look - your future bride!

405. Just think of it!

406. RAOUL

407. But why is it secret?

408. What have we to hide?

409. You promised me


411. No, Raoul, please don’t. They’ll see

412. RAOUL

413. Let them see

414. It's an engagement, not a crime!

415. Christine, what are you afraid of!


417. Let's not argue ...

418. RAOUL

419. Let's not argue ...


421. Please pretend ...

422. RAOUL

423. I can only hope I'll ...


425. You will understand in time

426. RAOUL.

427. I will understand in time

428. ALL

429. Masquerade!

430. Paper faces on parade!

431. Masquerade!

432. Hide your face, so the world will never find you!

433. Masquerade!

434. Every face a different shade!

435. Masquerade!

436. Look around -

437. There's another mask behind you!

438. Masquerade!

439. Burning glances turning heads ...

440. Masquerade!

441. Stop and stare at the sea of smiles around you!

442. Masquerade!

443. Grinning yellows, spinning reds ...

444. Masquerade!

445. Take your fill -

446. let the spectacle astound you!

447. g You Were Somehow Here Again


449. You were once my one companion ...

450. you were all that mattered ...

451. You were once a friend and father -

452. then my world was shattered ...

453. Wishing you were somehow here again ...

454. Wishing you were somehow near ...

455. Sometimes it seemed,

456. if I just dreamed,

457. somehow you would be here ...

458. Wishing I could hear your voice again ...

459. knowing that I never would ...

460. Dreaming of you won't help me to do

461. all that you dreamed I could ...

462. Passing bells

463. and sculpted angels,

464. cold and monumental,

465. seem, for you, the wrong companions -

466. you were warm and gentle ...

467. Too many years

468. fighting back tears ...

469. Why can't the past just die ...?

470. Wishing you were somehow here again ...

471. knowing we must say goodbye ...

472. Try to forgive ...

473. teach me to live ...

474. give me the strength to try ...

475. No more memories, no more silent tears ...

476. No more gazing across the wasted years ...

477. Help me say goodbye

478. Help me say goodbye

479. Point of No Return


481. Passarino - go away!

482. For the trap is set and waits for its prey!

483. You have come here in pursuit of

484. your deepest urge,

485. in pursuit of that wish,

486. which till now has been silent,

487. silent ...

488. I have brought you,

489. that our passions may fuse and merge -

490. in your mind you've already succumbed to me,

491. dropped all defenses,

492. completely succumbed to me -

493. now you are here with me:

494. no second thoughts, you've decided,

495. decided ...

496. Past the point of no return -

no backward glances:

Our games of make-believe are at an end ...

Past all thought of "if" or "when" -

no use resisting:

abandon thought, and let the dream descend ...

What raging fire shall flood the soul?

What rich desire unlocks its door?

What sweet seduction lies ?

Past the point of no return,

the final threshold -

what warm, unspoken secrets will we learn?

Beyond the point of no return ...


You have brought me to that moment

when words run dry,

to that moment when speech disappears into silence,

silence ...

I have come here,

hardly knowing the reason why ...

In my mind, I've already

imagined our bodies entwining, defenseless and silent -

and now I am here with you:

no second thoughts, I've decided,

decided ..

Past the point of no return -

no going back now:

our passion-play has now at last begun ...

Past all thought of right or wrong -

one final question:

how long should we two wait, before we'?

When will the blood begin to race,

the sleeping bud burst into bloom?

When will the flames, at last, ?


Past the point of no return,

the final threshold -

the bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn ...

We've passed the point of no return ...


Say you'll share with me one

love, one lifetime ...

Lead me, save me from my solitude ...

Say you want me with you, here beside you ...

Anywhere you go let me go too -

Christine, that's all I ask of ...

to be lonely

Child of the wilderness

Born into emptiness

Learn to be lonely

Learn to find your way in darkness

who will be there for you

Comfort and care for you

learn to be lonely

Learn to be your one companion

Ever dreamed out in the world

There are arms to hold you?

You've always known

Your heart was on its own

So laugh in your loneliness

Child of the wilderness

Learn to be lonely

Learn how to love life that is lived alone

Learn to be lonely

Life can be lived

Life can be loved


One Would Listen

No one would listen

No one but her

Heard as the outcast hears

Shamed into solitude

Shunned by the multitude

I learned to listen

In my dark, my heart heard music

I long to teach the world

Rise up and reach the world

No one would listen

I alone could hear the music

Then, at last, a voice in the gloom

Seemed to cry "I hear you"

I hear your fears

Your torment and your tears

She saw my loneliness

Shared in my emptiness

No one would listen

No one but her

Heard as the outcast hears

No one would listen

No one but her

Heard as the


Down once more/Track down this Murderer


Down once more to the dungeon of my black despair!

Down we plunge to the prison of my mind!

Down that path into darkness deep as hell!

Why, you ask, was I bound and chained to this cold and dismal place?

Not for any mortal sin, but the wickedness of my abhorrent face!


Track down this murderer! He must be found!


Hounded out by everyone! Met with hatred everywhere!

No kind word from anyone! No compassion anywhere!

Christine, Christine ...

Why, why ... ?


Your hand at the level of your eyes!


... at the level of your eyes ...


Your hand at the level of your eyes!

Track down this murderer - He must be found!

Hunt out this animal, who runs to ground!

Too long he's preyed on us - but now we know:

the Phantom of the Opera is there, deep down below ...

He's here: the Phantom of the Opera ...


Have you gorged yourself at last, in your lust for blood?

Am I now to be prey to your lust for flesh?


That fate, which condemns me to wallow in blood

has also denied me the joys of the flesh ...

this face - the infection which poisons our love ...

This face, which earned a mother's fear and loathing ...

A mask, my first unfeeling scrap of clothing ...

Pity comes too late -

turn around and face your fate:

An eternity of this before your eyes!


This haunted face holds no horror for me now ...

It's in your soul that the true distortion lies ...


Wait! I think, my dear, we have a guest!

Sir, this is indeed an unparalleled delight!

I had rather hoped that you would come

And now my wish comes true - You have truly made my night!


Free her!

Do what you like, only free her!

Have you no pity?


Your lover makes a passionate plea!


Please, Raoul, it's useless ...


I love her!

Does that mean nothing? I love her!

Show some compassion ...


The world showed no compassion to me!


Christine ... Christine ...

Let me see her ...


Be my guest, sir ... Monsieur, I bid you welcome!

Did you think that I would harm her?

Why should I make her pay for the sins which are yours?

Order your fine horses now!

Raise up your hand to the level of your eyes!

Nothing can save you now - except perhaps Christine ...

Start a new life with me -

Buy his freedom with your love!

Refuse me, and you send your lover to his death!

This is the choice -

This is the point of no return!


The tears I might have shed for your dark fate

grow cold, and turn to tears of hate ...


Christine, forgive me, please forgive me ...

I did it all for you, and all for nothing ...


Farewell, my fallen idol and false friend ...

We had such hopes, but now these hopes lie murdered


Too late for turning back,

too late for prayers and useless pity ...


Say you love him, and my life is over!


Past all hope of cries for help: no point in fighting ...


Either way you choose, he has to win ...


For either way you choose, you cannot win!

So, do you end your days with me, or do you send him to his grave?


Why make her lie to you, to save me?


Angel of Music ...


Past the point of no return -


For pity's sake, Christine, say no!


... why this torment?


... the final threshold ...


Don't throw your life away for my sake ...


Why do you curse mercy?


His life is now the prize which you must earn!


I fought so hard to free you ...


Angel of Music ...


You've passed the point of no return ...


... you deceived me - I gave my mind blindly ...


You try my patience - make your choice!


Pitiful creature of darkness ... What kind of life have you known ... ?

God, give me courage to show you you are not alone ...

MOB: Some:

Track down this murderer - he must be found!

Hunt out this animal, who runs to ground!

Too long he's preyed on us - but know we know:

the Phantom of the Opera is there, deep down below ...


Who is this monster, this murdering beast?

Revenge for Piangi! Revenge for Buquet!

This creature must never go free ...


Take her - forget me - forget all of this ...

Leave me alone - forget all you've seen ...

Go now - don't let them find you!

Take the boat - swear to me never to tell

The secret you know of the angel in hell!

Go ... Go now - go now and leave me!

Masquerade ... Paper faces on parade ...

Masquerade ... Hide your face, so the world will never find you ...

Christine, I love you ...


Say you'll share with me, one love, one lifetime ...

say the word and I will


Share each day with me ...


... each night ...


... each morning ...


You alone can make my song take flight -

it's over now, the music of the night ...

本文标签: 魅影傻瓜括号歌词首歌