





A beagle (猎兔犬) in the USA named Wolfgang had to go on a diet. He was three

times (36) ____________ (heavy) than normal, which was quite a danger (37) ____________

his health. Poor Wolfgang, (38) ____________ owner had abandoned him and left him in

an animal shelter, risked (39) ____________ (have) many diseases and problems. Many

visitors came to the shelter for a dog, (40) ____________ no one took Wolfgang because

he ballooned in size. Then, the dog lover Erin McManus came to the rescue. She

looked at Wollgang and found he was quite (41) ____________ (love), so she took the

overweight dog home. (42) ____________ (help) him lose weight, Ms McManus put him

on a diet.

Wolfgang is now doing very well. He (43) ____________ (limit) to just 600 calories a

day. He swims in the pool every. day and goes for walks. The weight is falling off him.

Ms McManus is very happy with his progress. Beagles (44) ____________ (normal)

weigh around 13 kilograms, but Wolfgang weighed 40 kilograms before. He now has

37,000 followers on his own Instagram account. Ms McManus said, “His (45)

____________ (personal) shines through. He’s just such a nice dog. It’s so hard to say

no to that face.”One fan on Instagram wrote, “That boy touches my heart.”


China has made great achievements in the space development over the years. On


November 24,2020, China launched a spacecraft to the moon’s surface, aiming to

be the first nation (36) ___________ (bring) back lunar rock and soil samples in more

than four decades. The mission, Chang’e-5, is the latest step in an (37) ___________

(ambition) space program that China hopes will end with an international lunar

research station in the mid-to-late 2020s. (38) ___________ launch, from the Wenchang

Spacecraft Launch Site at Hainan Island in China’s south, (39) ___________ (broadcast)

live by Chinese state media. The broadcast without any delay is a sign of China’s

growing (40) ___________ (confident) in the proven track record of its space program.

Those samples brought back have made major contributions (41) __________ the

understanding of the solar system’s evolution, and planetary scientists are waiting

(42) ___________ (eager) for the day when more samples will be brought back to the


In this century, so far only China (43) ___________ (put) robotic spacecraft on the

surface of the moon successfully: Chang’e-4 in December 2013, and Chang’e-4,

(44) ___________ in January 2019 became the first spacecraft to land on the far side of

the moon. Chang’e-4’s rover, (45) ___________ (call) Yutu-2, is still operating,

studying lunar geology for two years.


Rishab Jain is an intelligent teenager. In October 2018, Rishab Jain was named

America’s Top Young Scientist (36) ___________ his award-winning tool which uses

artificial (37) ___________ (intelligent) to improve treatment for pancreatic (胰腺的)

cancer patients.


Such a tool would be impressive no matter (38) ___________ invented it. What

makes it almost unbelievable is that Rishab was only (39)___________ 13-year-old boy

when he invented it. In 2019, Rishab (40) ___________ (admit) to Westview High School

in Portland, Oregon. After receiving his title of “America’s Top Young Scientist”,

Rishab has attracted the public’s great attention.

Today Rishab still keeps working on inventing other (41) ___________ (power) tools

to help patients with pancreatic cancer. Rishab also (42) ___________ (active) promotes

STEAM: science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. He has set up

various STEAM-related (43) ___________ (workshop) in his community to help boost

younger children’s science interest. Rishab has also been one of the supporters of

raising people’s awareness of pancreatic cancer, having called on scientists (44)

___________ (carry) out more research regarding this specific type of cancer. In

February 2020, Rishab (45) ___________ (spread) awareness of pancreatic cancer at the

TEDxGateway 2020 event.


Singapore’s tradition of eating out in places called hawker (小贩) centers is now

recognized by the United Nations for its cultural (36) ___________ (significant). The

United Nations’ cultural agency announced it in December, 2020. Singapore (37)

___________ (seek) to have hawker culture added to the Representative List of the

Intangible (非物质的) Cultural Heritage of Humanity about three years ago.

A hawker is a person-who sells food or goods and advertises by shouting at

people (38) ___________ (walk) by the street. Hawkers are (39) ___________ important


part of Singaporean culture. Open-air eating areas (40) ___________ hawkers sell their

goods are very popular.

Now Singapore must submit a report every six years to UNESCO. The report must

show efforts the city-state has made (41) ___________ (save) and support its hawker

culture. In Hie 1970s, Singapore cleaned up its streets so the city moved street

hawkers to new eating centers.

Now, the centers provide many different low-cost meals (42) ___________ people in

a pleasing social setting.

However, Singapore’s hawker culture does face a few (43) ___________

(challenge). The median age of hawkers in the city-state is 60. Younger Singaporeans

are (44) ___________ (increasing) avoiding crowded, sweaty kitchens for office jobs. The

COVID-19 pandemic was also a blow, because the locals (45) ___________ (prevent)

from dining out during lockdown last year.


How does your teacher make you sit — in rows or in groups? Does sitting in rows

make you feel good (36) ___________ does it make you feel lonely? Do you feel that

sitting in a group and discussing things make you learn more and learn in a much (37)

___________ (easy) way?

In the last 30 years or so, experts on teaching methods (38) ___________ (think)

about these questions. They have felt that sitting in rows is not very-beneficial (39)

___________ children, and that children learn more easily and better when they sit


around a table in groups.

However, it seems that they aren’t quite right. At least Nigel Hastings, the

professor of Nottingham Trent University, doesn’t think so. His (40) ___________

(conclude) is that children work much better in the old-fashioned seating

arrangement of rows. He says that students waste a lot of time (41) ___________ (talk)

when they are placed in groups.

His study finds that when children are made to sit (42) ___________ (single) or in

pairs and not in groups as they are used to, they are more likely (43) ___________ (focus)

on their work. The report of the study (44) ___________ (release) next year. It will make a

big difference to (45) ___________ primary school children sit and learn.


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