


1:bummed; chilled out

bummed 或者 bummed out, 意思是不高兴,烦恼;

chill 或者 chill out, 意思是休息,放松,或者玩。

I'm really bummed that I have to get up so early! I'm also bummed out that Dr.

Johnson is teaching this class. I've heard she's really tough.

If I got turned down for a date I'd be bummed. I'm also bummed that summer

vacation is over.

Here I used bummed and bummed out. They both mean to be unhappy or upset.

I'm ready to chill for the rest of the morning. I haven't had a chance to chill out

these last few days, getting ready for school and all.

I like to chill out at the cafe with a book sometimes. And I know that you like to

chill at the museum.

Have fun chilling tonight!

Chill or chill out here means to relax.

2:ditch; to hit the spot

To ditch表示要离开某个人,因为你不想跟他在一起了;或表示要马上离开一 个


To hit the spot 是感到过隐,觉得很痛快。

Hey, can we ditch the library now?

To ditch work.(不想干活了)

To ditch the meeting.(不想去开会)

You can also say: to ditch the concert.(不想去音乐会)

To ditch my friend. (和朋友约好了,可是不想去了)

To ditch means to quickly leave a place you no longer want to be.

If we want to get away from someone you could say, "Let's ditch him," which means

to leave someone behind.

For example, if you are hungry and go eat you could say, "That food really hit the


A hot bath would hit the spot.

Hit the spot means to satisfy one's need.

3:big gun; to quarterback

big guns,意思是大人物,对决策有重大影响的人;

to quarterback,意思是主持会议,或总管项目。

Ah, I've got a meeting with the big guns this afternoon. They want to talk to me

about continuing to work here after graduation.

Yes, a president's advisors are big guns. But it can also be used in sports. In soccer the

stars of a team are the big guns.

It's an expression that can be used to describe powerful people.

This is the conference room. We had a meeting here yesterday on our plan for a

new building. The project leader quarterbacked the meeting.

The company's big gun quarterbacked the meeting about their revenue report.

Oh, yeah, I'm sure soon I'll be quarterbacking every meeting and every project.

To quarterback is business someone is responsible for a group working on a

new project that individual is quarterbacking the team.

Quarterback here is a verb, meaning to lead.

4:broke; lame


lame, 意思是无聊,没有意思,或者是不合适的。

Your sister spent all her money to buy a computer, so she is now broke too.

Seriously, after buying these tickets I really am broke!

Here broke means to have no money.

Do you know why I didn't want to come to the show? Because I think musicals are


Saturday morning classes are lame!

I told our professor that my dog ate my homework. Yes, I agree, that was a lame


Ok, but don't give me any lame excuses next time I want to do something!

When you say something is lame you mean that it is silly or it is uninteresting.

5:shot; damage



I think my engine is shot. This is not good.

Yes, if you hurt your knee, you can say: My knee is shot, or if you hurt your shoulder,

you can say: My shoulder is shot.

Let's go rent a car. I don't want our whole day to be shot.

Here shot means something is broken.

You can say almost anything is shot.

Yeah, I'm glad too, but the damage for renting the car is pretty bad.

When you pay for dinner at a restaurant, you can ask: What's the damage?

I know the damage for your new computer was pretty bad.

The word damage does mean that, but damage here means the amount of money

needed to pay for something.

We usually say the damage is bad or not bad.

6:drag; trip



I hate going to the museum on such a nice day, it's such a drag.

As another example, we could also call our professor Dr. Smith a drag.

To call something a drag means it is tiresome.

Actually, I really enjoyed the photography exhibit. I thought it was a trip.

Well, look at that guy over there, sitting on the bench. The long hair and wild

clothes. I really like his outfit, so I would call him a trip.

I would also call our photography class professor a style is a trip.

The word trip does mean travel, but here it means something that is unusual, in a

good way.

7:choke; money

To choke是糟糕,失败的意思;


Well, I think New York is going to lose. Knowing them, they are going to choke.

In fact, I choked on a test last week.

Here, choke means to fail under pressure.

Washington is going to win. Michael Jordan will make the last shot. He is money.

For example, this pizza we are eating is money.

Do you think the coffee shop we like to go to is money?

Here money means that someone performs consistently at a high level.

You can also call things money.

8:hang out; hard-headed

hang out,意思是等一等,或跟朋友一起玩;

hard headed, 意思是:顽固,固执。

I'm not ready yet. Just hang out for a minute.

You and I hang out a lot.

Do you mind if some of my other friends hang out with us?

Hang out means to pass time while you're waiting.

It can also mean to spend time with your friends.

Are you calling me hard headed?

Hard headed does mean stubborn.

Hard headed is only an adjetive to describe people.

9:all-nighter; cram

all-nighter, 意思是开夜车;

cram, 这是指中学生或大学生在考试前临时抱佛脚。

Let's get out of here. In fact, I've got a lot of studying to do. I'm going to need to

pull an all-nighter.

You wouldn't have to pull an all-nighter because you have been studying all


I perform better on tests when I cram.

Well, everyone's different. Cramming works for me.

I'm going to do a lot of studying at the last minute, that's what it means to cram.

It's only used to describe studying for a test, usually college or high-school level.

10:drained; wired



You are full of energy. But I'm drained, I'm going to sleep.

For example, if a couple fight all the time, they would be emotionally tired, which

you can also call drained.

You don't even seem drained after the mid-terms.

Drained, it means exhausted.

The word can be used two ways. To be physically drained and emotionally drained.

I don't think I will be nearly as wired as you are.

Ok, your participation in the college's meetings and being involved in those

decisions means you are wired into the discussion.

The word wired has a couple of meanings. One means to be energetic and the

other means to have nervous energy.

Wired also means to be connected to something, such as being wired into the

Internet, or being wired into a discussion.

11:kick back; one-track mind

kick back,当kickback作为一 个词的时候,意思是贪污受贿;当kick back用作

kick和back两个字的 时候,意思是休息,和某人一起玩;

one track mind,意思是脑子里光想一件事。

It's a good time to just kick back and relax.

Last weekend we were in New York and kicked back with your friends, remember?

Yeah, that company executive got a kickback.

It means to relax with friend.

It can be used that way as well when one person pays someone else in return for a

job or a contract.

When you mean corruption, kickback is one word. When it means to relax, kick

back is two words.

Geez, you have such a one track mind sometimes.

One track mind means you are only thinking about one thing all the time.


13:keep cool; screw up

keep cool,意思是:冷静一些,别太激动;

screw up, 意思是把事情弄糟了。

Yeah, they really need to keep cool out there.

Keep cool means to calm down。

Yeah, they have really managed to screw up this game.

I screw up on tests all the time.

He screwed up at work.(工作没有做好)

I screw up all the time.(和别人的关系搞不好)

"Screw up," it means to mess can be used to describe a lot of things.

14:pig out; big mouth

pig out,就是吃很多东西的意思;

big mouth,就是多嘴的人。

Ok, well. It was a great meal, we all pigged out.

When you use it in the past tense, pig out should be pigged out.

Pig out means to eat a large amount of food.

You have such a big mouth!

Well, don't worry about it. I tend to pig out and you're a big mouth. Everyone has

their faults.

A big mouth means someone who talks a lot about other people's business!

15:what's up; no brainer

what's up,这是一个用来打招呼的通俗说法;

no brainer,意思是某件事很容易, 不用动脑子就能做成。

What's up is really a common greeting.

It's like saying, "What is happening in your life?"

It's really only spoken language.

When you answer,you can explain what's going on in your life, or you could say

something as simple as: Not much.

You stress too much, this test will be a no brainer.

When the University gave you a scholarship to come study here in New York, it was

a no brainer for you too.

No brainer means something that reqires little or no thought.

16:goof off; to hit the sack

to goof off,意思是做一些无聊的事,开玩笑;

to hit the sack,这是指晚上上床睡觉。

Children or young people often goof off. Do you remember when we were at the

movies and those high school students threw candy at the screen, you could say they

were goofing off.

To tell you the truth, when I went to the library in high school with my roommates

we would usually waste time and ended up goofing off.

To goof off does mean that I'm acting stupid and not being serious. Goof is a

people use it a lot. It is often used to describe how young people are


Even though it's not that late, I'm ready to hit the sack!

Ok, now go hit the after tomorrow's test we will have to study seriously for

next week's test, no more goofing off.

It's usually used to talk about going to bed at night, after a long day at work or


It's a colloquial saying.,which means to go to bed. Sack, here means bed, and hit

means going to.

17:to bum; turn-off

to bum,意思是借钱或其他东西;

a turn-off,意思是让人讨厌的地方。

Well, you can order whatever you want, but I need to bum a couple of dollars, if

you don't mind.

If you feel cold at a friend's home and you asked to bum a sweater, then you would

return it when you were going to leave.

Yes, if you will let me bum a couple bucks tonight, I promise to pay you back


Don't use this word for big things. For example, you would not ask your friend, "Can

I bum your car?"It's usually used when asking for something small, like a piece of

gum or candy.

A girl I used to hang out with acted the same way. Whenever a group of us went

out, she would always ask to bum money. It got to be a real turn-off.

Your ex-boyfriend always smoked cigarettes around you, that was a real turn-off.

A girl I once dated always interrupted me whenever I was talking. That was a real


A turn-off is something that repels someone.

18:lucky break; mellow

lucky break ,意思是意想不到的好运气;


I did much better than I expected. It was a lucky break that I knew most of the


Well, we found the mellow place and we pay half price. Really a lucky break.

Worth celebrating too.

Lucky break together means something good that happens that you were not


Yeah, you're right. It'll be hard for us to have a conversation here. Let's go to a

place that's more mellow.

I said that let's go to a place that's more mellow, meaning someplace more calm

and relaxing.

You can use the word mellow to describe a person too.

19:neat; sharp



I'm sure the lecture will be really neat.

Neat, it's a word used here to describe something that is good.

Neat can be used to describe an idea, a concept.

Yeah, I really agree. The speaker was really intelligent, you could say he is sharp.

Sharp is an adjective that can be used to describe a person who is really smart.

It is not used to describe things, only people. You could not call a apartment sharp.

20:jerk; street smart


street smart就是知道在大城市生活该怎么处置一些事情,应该如何应付各种不


People are usually a lot more courteous. That one guy was a real jerk.

See that man across the street? The one who's shouting and yelling at the little girl?

He must be a real jerk.

Jerk is someone who is mean and inconsiderateBut be careful, this word is very


Well, I grew up in the city. I guess you could say I'm street smart.

Being street smart also means you know how to be careful, for example, at night


It means I know how city life operates, I know how to deal with different situations.

21:hit; to roll

hit, 这是指受欢迎的,人们喜欢的人或东西;

to roll, 也就是开始准备做一件事。

Yeah, he's the hit of all these parties.

For instance, you can say "that song is a hit with teenagers".

A hit TV program.(一个受欢迎的电视节目)

"Hit" is a word used to describe someone or something that makes a favorable

can also be called a hit.

Let's roll?

I really do think it's time to roll.

"Let's roll" here means "let's leave!"

If you're doing one thing, you can say "to roll" when you want to start something


22:couch potato; nuts

couch potato,指那些常坐着看电视,吃零食的人;


I want to drag him out to do something. You know, he's such a couch potato.

But sometimes, after a really hard week at school, I also just want to collapse and

be a couch potato.

Couch potato is an expression used to describe someone who sits in front of the TV

all the time eating junk food, such as potato chips.

You know, some people think I'm nuts to have a friend like Jon.

Jon can be rude, and he also argues a lot. Sometimes he does drive me nuts.

You know, my mother used to make me clean my room every night when I was in

high school and that drove me nuts.

Nuts here means someone who is crazy.

Drives somebody nuts means to makes somebody crazy.

23:bomb; mess up

to bomb,弄糟,搞砸。

to mess up就是做错了事,或者把什么东西弄坏了。

That play really bombed!

I think I just bombed my history test. I don't think I'm going to pass.

I said I bombed my test, that means I did very poorly, and probably will get a very

low mark.

Sometimes we might say a movie or a play "bombed". That means that no one

wanted to see it, and it probably lost a lot of money.

Ack! They messed up my order! There are onions on this burger!

She messed up my bike.

Also, "to mess up something" can mean to break or damage something.

24:take a hike; to blow off

take a hike,意思是叫某人走开;

to blow off,这是指取消约会,或者是不做自己不想做的事。

You told me there's that one guy who always bothers you in the study hall. You

should tell him to take a hike.

For instance, when my friend kept teasing me about the way I dressed the other

day, I told him to take a hike.

Take a hike is to tell someone to leave, or to tell someone to leave you alone.

Sometimes you can use "take a hike" in a joking manner.

Bob and I did make plans to go out last night. But he blew me off. He decided to

go out with his girlfriend. It wasn't the first time he blew me off.

When I was at a party last weekend, Nancy acted like she didn't even know who I

was. I can say Nancy blew me off.

There are some things in life you just shouldn't blow off.

To blow off means to break off plans you had with someone.

If someone has been friendly to you in the past, but he suddenly seems to ignore

you, you can say that person blew you off.

You can also use this phrase to talk about things you blow off, such as something

you don't want to do.

25:cop; to freak out

cop, 警察;

to freak out,非常紧张和激动。

Calm down. Just find a parking lot and stop the car. The cop will follow us, and

come over to your window to talk to you.

Calm down! Sometimes the cops stop people just to warn them, not to give them a

ticket. You weren't going very fast anyway.

"Cop" means police officer.

When I say "the cops", I mean the police in general. I'm not talking about any cop in


The word "cop" is too informal. You should show respect when talking to the cops.

Call him "officer", don't call him "cop"!

I told you not to freak out. If a cop sees that you are nervous, he will be even more

suspicious of you.

Actually, I was the one who should have been freaking out!

"Freak out" means to panic or to act crazy and excited.

26:ace; peanuts

大家可能还记得Michael 这个美国学生以往几次考试都考糟了,这一次情况可大


语,一个是:to ace;另一个是:peanuts。

L: 嗨, Michael,今天考得怎么样?

M: Not bad! I aced today's history test!

L: 你历史测验又考糟啦?那你还那么高兴!

M: No, Li Hua, I didn't bomb my test. I said "I aced the test". I did very well on it!

L: 你考得很好,那太好了,Michael!最近你每天都到图书馆来念书, 我知道你


M: Ace. Here, ace is a verb, and you can add a "d" to make it past tense.

L: 噢,在这里,ace是个动词,过去时就是在后面加一个字母 "d",变成 了aced。

这个字是不是和扑克牌里的那张牌A,或者叫"尖子"的那 张牌一样的呢?

M: That's right. The "ace" card is usually the highest value in a card game. Therefore,

"ace" means to do well.

L: 对,在玩扑克的时候ace往往是价值最高的一张牌,所以ace就是 指某件事


M: Usually we can use "ace" to describe how we did on a test, or on things similar to

tests. For example, I can say I aced my last job interview.

L: 噢,一般都用在和测验考试之类的情况,你上次找工作去面谈谈 得很好也能

用"ace" 这个词。再说一遍你刚才说的那句话,好 吗?

M: I aced my last job interview.

L: 你大概回答问题答得很好,所以老板就要你了。

M: That's right. Li Hua, if someone is very good at something, we can call him an

"ace". I can say, for example, you are an ace at taking tests.

L: I'm an ace at taking tests, 你说我非常会考试!这也不见得,我考糊 的时候也


M: Yes, you're right!

L: Michael, 借我$.75 买杯咖啡好吗?

M: Well, okay. Li Hua, how much money do you earn as a teaching assistant, if you

don't mind my asking?

L: 你当然不在意你问我赚多少钱。 当助教的工资很低,才8美元一 小时。

M: Eight dollars? That's peanuts!

L: Peanuts? Peanuts不是花生吗?你是什么意思呀?

M: That's really not much! You only make eight dollars an hour? Your wages are

very low, so I said that's "peanuts"!

L: 原来你的意思是我的工资很低。你说的peanuts是不是和我们吃的 花生一个


M: That's right.

L: 我在想另外找个工作呢。我的同学王燕在图书馆工作,一个小时 就有十美元。

M: That's still peanuts compared with the teaching assistants in other departments. I

make about 13 dollars an hour as a graduate assistant.

L: 哟,你一个小时赚13美元呐! 真不公平,你赚那么多钱,而我 只赚peanuts.

M: I don't see how you can live on so little money.

L: 赚那么点钱是怎么过的日子呀?我还有奖学金呐,每个月给我四 百美元生活


M: Too bad you don't really make peanuts, at least you can

L: 你真想要我赚花生,靠吃花生过日子呀。Michael, 你真废话!

M: I'm just kidding!

今天李华学到两个常用语,一个是:to ace,就是某件事做得很好,特别是象考



26:ace; peanuts

to ace,就是某件事做得很好,特别是象考试之类的事;


I aced today's history test!

For example, I can say I aced my last job interview.

I can say, for example, you are an ace at taking tests.

The "ace" card is usually the highest value in a card game. Therefore, "ace" means

to do well.

Usually we can use "ace" to describe how we did on a test, or on things similar to


If someone is very good at something, we can call him an "ace".

You only make eight dollars an hour? Your wages are very low, so I said that's


That's still peanuts compared with the teaching assistants in other departments. I

make about 13 dollars an hour as a graduate assistant.

27:buck; whatever




Don't worry about it! I'll buy you one. It's only a few bucks.

And the other day, I lent you a few bucks for lunch. And last week, you borrowed

ten bucks so you could buy a chemistry textbook,

"Buck" is an informal way to say "dollar".

Handsome? Whatever! He's got to be over 50 years old now!

Whatever! Piers Brosnan is an old man and he's getting fat. I couldn't possibly be

jealous of him.

I'm fat? Whatever! This movie was a waste of seven bucks!

When someone says "whatever" in this way,he is being sarcastic. He thinks what you

just said is nonsense.

28:rip off; straight answer

to rip off,意思是受骗,上当;

straight answer,意思是坦率,老实的回答。

I bought a pair of tennis shoes. When I bought them, I thought it was a good deal,

but later I saw the same pair at another store for much less. I got ripped off.

If you buy something and then find out that it is of poor quality, you can also say

you were ripped off.

I guess I'm not the only one who got ripped off.

To be ripped off means to be cheated.

They just keep telling me that they will let me know soon. I wish the company

would just give me a straight answer.

Do you still want to come over to my messy apartment? Give me a straight


If you are looking for a straight answer, that means you want someone to give you

a direct answer and tell you the truth.

29:loser; to bug


to bug,意思是为了一件事老是去麻烦别人,让人讨厌。

I feel like such a loser. I keep getting passed by little kids. They laugh at me.

I've always been kind of a loser at sports.

I do have a lot of friends. But if they could see how many times I fell down today,

I'm sure they would not want be friends with such a loser.

A loser means a failure.

You had been bugging me about going skating for so long.

You can say that something is bugging you, such as an assignment that you haven't

been able to finish or a problem that you cannot solve.

It really bugs me when Mary interrupts me in the middle of a sentence.

It bugs me that you never listen to me.

Bugging means to bother or annoy someone about something.

30:play hooky; to snap

to play hooky就是逃学,或者装病不去上班;

to snap就是对某人嚷嚷,很生气地对某人说话。

Yes, I'm supposed to be in class right now. But I didn't read the assignment for class

today, and I just didn't feel like going, so I decided to play hooky.

Why don't you call in to work and tell them you're sick! You can also play hooky

from work.

To play hooky means to skip class.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just that right now I'm so stressed.

His mother must have snapped at him when he broke something at home.

To snap at someone means to yell at someone or talk to them in an angry way.

31:sketchy; sucker


sucker, 指一个很轻信,很容易上当的人。

What? I don't believe her. That story sounds sketchy.

That guy was very sketchy. You have to be careful around sketchy people like that.

Sketchy means suspicious and cannot be trusted.

Sure, everyone is a sucker at one time

Your roommate is a real sucker! She still believes your story even after talking to

her brother?

A sucker is someone who believes people who lie to her, and can be easily tricked .

32:fishy; to luck out


to luck out,这是指没有料到的运气。

She's not usually so nice. Normally all she does is complain. I think there's something

fishy going on.

You really have to be careful whenever you feel something fishy.

There is something fishy going on means there is something suspicious going on.

You can say something is fishy if you think someone is lying about something.

Look, half of the flights are canceled because of the snow, but ours is still on time.

We really lucked out.

I really lucked out on that test last week. I didn't study very much for it, but I still

knew all the answers on the test.

"Luck out" means we were really fortunate.

33:wimps; guts



Don't be such a wimp! You have to talk to her, if you want to get a raise.

You were a wimp

when you crashed your bicycle. You cried because you hurt your arm!

A wimp is a weak person, a coward, or someone who can't take pain.

Wow! That's not bad Li Hua. It took a lot of guts to go in there like that.

It took a lot of guts for you to come to the U.S. by yourself.

34:nerd; cheesy

nerd, 就是奇怪的意思;

Cheesy 就是很俗气,没有水平的意思。

As a matter of fact, when I was growing up, a lot of kids called me a nerd because I

didn't fit in.

If someone is always studying, or seems to know the answers to everything, you can

call him a nerd.

How can those cheesy TV shows make you cry? You're such a nerd.

If you call someone a nerd, it means you think he is weird and not cool.

I think the new TV soap opera on Channel 6 is so cheesy. It is fake and the things

they say on the shows are so weird. I don't know why these shows are so popular.

Don't be mad. But you are a nerd. No one cries while watching these cheesy TV


Cheesy means tacky or dumb. It's usually used to describe a TV show, movie, or

something someone says.

35:wasted; to get a kick out of something


to get a kick out of something,就是为某件事感到很高兴。

Last night a friend and I went out to a bar and got wasted, so I don't feel very good

right now.

We were so wasted that we couldn't even stand up straight.

It always seems like a lot of fun when I get completely wasted, but the next day, I

regret it.

To get wasted means to get very very drunk.

Don't speak so loudly. I still have a headache. I think you get a kick out of watching

me suffer.

I'm so useless. I only get a kick out of doing stupid things, like getting wasted or

watching old cartoons.

You really do get a kick out of tormenting me. I'll never get wasted for the rest of

my life. I promise.

36:chip in; snail mail

to chip in, 意思是凑钱买什么东西,或者是凑钱付大家一起吃饭的钱;

snail mai,这是指通过邮局寄的信。

My mother said her colleagues always chip in to buy gifts to celebrate someone's

birthday or when someone has a new baby.

Yes, the guys and I usually each chip in a few dollars when we go out for pizza on

Friday nights。

To chip in, means to each contribute money to buy something.

I got two letters today from a couple of old friends! I hardly ever get snail mail


Everyone is so busy nowadays, no one seems to have time to write snail mail


"Snail mail" means real letters that you get in your mailbox.

Only a letter written to you by a friend or family member can really be called "snail


37:uptight; to get it


to get it, or don't get it 意思是懂某件事,或弄不懂某件事;

Oh come on! Don't be so uptight! Everyone is having a good time except for you.

Hmm. Sometimes if I feel a bit uptight, I have a few beers. That helps me relax.

Uptight means tense, irritable, or unable to relax.

I tried to teach my dog to sit ,but he doesn't get it.

If I tell you a joke, and you understand it, you can say: "I get it."

Get it means understand.

38:flip out; off my back

flip out,是指非常愤怒;

get off one's back,意思是少管闲事。

Last night they had their music turned on so loud that I finally just flipped out and

went over and yelled at them.

People sometimes flip out because they just can't stand something anymore.

To flip out means to go crazy because you are very angry about something.

She told me to get off her back, because they were just having some friends over

and listening to some music.

I think I've got to talk to the apartment company now. I don't care if that girl told

me to get off her back.

To "get off my back" means to leave me alone or stop bugging me about


39:veg out; in my face

veg out,是说什么事也不做,完全轻松一下;

in my face是一种咄咄逼人的态度或者个性。

Last night I just vegged out in front of the TV all night.

I was supposed to go out with some friends, but I was too tired after being at work

all day. That's why I ended up vegging out in front of the TV all day.

To veg out means to sit around and do nothing.

If you veg out you usually do so at home. You may be reading, listening to music,

watching TV or just sitting there. Basically, your are not thinking of anything very


Usually, I do only have to work from Monday through Friday. But my supervisor

has really been in my face about getting this project done.

He has an "in your face" personality.

It's not a very nice thing to say about someone. You probably shouldn't tell

someone directly that you think they have been in your face about something.

40:to be into; geek

to be into,就是一个人对一件事物特别有兴趣,也对那件事物特别懂。


I really used to be into comic books when I was a high school student.

You have been into calligraphy for a long time, haven't you?

"To be into" means to be very interested in something, and to know a lot about it.

I can't put this comic book down. I am such a comic book geek.

Geeks are not usually into playing sports. They like things like comic books,

computers, collecting stamps, reading science fiction books。

Geeks often put their hobbies before other things, such as their social life, meeting

girls, gaining a useful education.

A "geek" is soomeone who spends all of their time with their special interests or


41:psycho; laid back


laid back,就是个性比较随和的意思。

Well, my last boss was a real psycho. One time, I came to work one minute late,

and he yelled at me in front of everyone.

You can always ditch your psycho roommate and find a new one.

Usually we just call someone with strange behavior, and a bad unpredictable

temper, a psycho.

Wanted: friendly, laid back female roommate to share a two bedroom apartment。

You certainly weren't very laid back when she tricked you on April Fool's day.

Laid back describes someone who does not get angry or excited easily.

42:take it easy; to chew out

take it easy,意思是冷静下来,或者放轻松些;

to chew out,意思是发脾气骂人。

Hey, hey, take it easy Li Hua! You really scared that kid.

I hope you learn to take it easy and not get angry at everyone.

Take it easy means you need to calm down, not get too excited.

You really chewed that kid out.

Don't chew me out! I was talking about myself, not you.

If someone gets angry and yells at you, and starts criticizing your behavior, they are

chewing you out.

43:rule; to blow one's money on something

to rule,是很棒的意思;

to blow one's money on something,意思是把钱都浪费在了某样东西上。

Hey! You don't need to get angry just because I rule at the pool table!

I am king of the pool table! I rule!

For instance, I can say "Chinese food rules!", that means I think it is great.

Sometimes we just say something or someone rules without adding any other words.

When we say a person rules, that means we think they are the best, or at least that

they are impressive.

I just blew my money on playing pool with them.

Like when we were at the mall the other day, and you blew a whole week's pay on


I'll never blow all of my money like that again. I am older and wiser now.

44: big deal; to give it a shot

a big deal是指很重大,或者严重的事;

give it a shot 指的是尽力去试。

Don't worry about it! You have to learn this sooner or later. Give it a shot!

We might also say give it your best shot.(全力以赴去试一下)

We say give a shot when we ask someone to try something they are not sure they

can do.

Don't 's not a big deal. The bumper just hit the parking meter.

It was a very big deal for Chinese people when Beijing got the chance to host the

2008 Summer Olympics.

If something is a big deal,it is very serious, or very important to someone.

45:packed; hype



Yeah, it's really packed today. I've never seen this many people here.

Around Spring Festival, the buses are packed as well, right?

Here we say "be packed" to show that a place is full of people.

We usually use packed to describe a small place full of people.

There was a lot of hype about Titanic, but I don't think it was as good as the hype

said it would be.

I remember hearing a lot of hype about the Forbidden City in Beijing, but I didn't

think it was very interesting.

Hype means a lot of excitement or praise about something that you might hear

about before you see it.

46:no way; to bet

no way表示不可能;

to bet是确信的意思。

There is no way I'm changing my plans.

-Hey, look, there's a red car down the street. I bet that's Anna. -No way.

No way means that there is no way I will do that.

Sometimes no way also means that's not true or absolutely not. It shows that you

disagree with something that somebody said.

I bet you'll say it is stupid no matter how good it really is. You always say action

movies are stupid.

"I bet the traffic is bad" means I think, or I'm pretty sure that the traffic is bad.

47:busted; creep


creep ,指的是一个人的行为举止鬼鬼祟祟。

The police just busted someone for trying to steal my neighbor's car.

They busted the man who lives in the apartment above mine!

The teacher busted my classmate for cheating on the English test."

Busted is the past tense of to bust; it means to catch someone doing something they

shouldn't be doing.

You can say "They busted him for something", or you can just say "they busted him".

He definitely sounds like a creep to me.

A creep is someone who looks and acts in a way that makes people suspicious and


48:redneck; in the sticks

redneck 是指乡下人;

In the sticks 则是指远离城市的农村地区。

Rednecks like life in the countryside. They enjoy sports such as hunting or fishing.

A redneck is someone from the countryside who lives a country lifestyle.

If you call someone a redneck, it means you think that they are not very cultured or


Be careful how you use this word. Some people might get angry if you call them a


He lives out in the sticks. There's nothing for me to do out there.

Stick means a rural area, far from a big city.

The phrase in the sticks is not very polite. You shouldn't tell someone that they live

in the sticks unless you are just joking with them.

49:under the weather.. to grab a bite to eat.

under the weather就是身体有点不舒服;

grab a bite to eat,也就是随便到外面吃点快餐。

I am just a little under the weather today, so I decided to take the rest of the day

off and really rest.

Under the weather, it means sick.

Usually when someone says that they are under the weather, they mean they feel

bad, but are not very sick.

Maybe this weekend we can grab a bite to eat.

I don't always grab a bite to eat at fast food places.

"Grab a bite to eat" means to go out and have a quick meal somewhere.

To be exact, it means to find some quick and simple food, like fast food.

50:piece of junk; cheap

piece of junk就是指没用的废物;


In fact, I'd say my car is a piece of junk too. It's ten years old, it doesn't start half the

time, and pieces are always falling off of it.

What would I do with my old piece of junk computer? Maybe give it to a certain

friend of mine?

A piece of junk is something that is old and broken, or just doesn't work well.

I am too cheap to spend money to buy a new one.

When I say that a person is cheap, that means that they always try to avoid

spending money, or always buy the least expensive thing they can find.

It is not very nice to call a person cheap. It also means that someone is not generous,

or doesn't understand quality.

51:get carried away; to call it a day

To get carried away意思是:因为做事太专心忽略了其它的事.

To call it a day指的是一天工作到此为止。

The work was pretty easy. I guess I got carried away.

At first, I had only planned to spend 50 dollars to buy some pants and a shirt. But I

got carried away and spent 250 dollars.

I was cooking spaghetti sauce the other day. I really like garlic, so I decided to put a

lot in. But I got carried away, and put in way too much.

Why don't you give me an example of how being carried away can be used


"To get carried away" means to be so focused on doing something that you don't

notice anything else, and lose track of time. It can also mean "to do something more

than is necessary."

Let's call it a day.

To "call it a day" just means to decide it is time to quit working, and to relax or go


52:to be canned; to kiss up to

To be canned就是被解雇的意思;

kiss up to是讨好某人,拍马屁的意思。

My friend George was late again, so the boss canned him!

No one is really sad that he was canned.

I'm a good worker, and I kiss up to the boss all the time.

To "kiss up to" someone is to try to be extra friendly to someone so they will treat

you well.

53:psyched; flop


to flop就是"失败,不成功"的意思。

I'm really psyched about this party. Tonight I finally get to relax and have fun with

my friends.

All good athletes have to be psyched before a sports match, otherwise they have no

chance of winning.

When I say "I am psyched," I not only mean that I am excited, but that I am full of

energy and ready to go.

I feel like such an idiot. I can't believe my party flopped so badly!

My party is such a flop even you can't wait to leave.

If a movie or a play "flops," that means it was not very successful. Sometimes we

might say a plan "flopped," meaning it failed.

54:pain in the neck, have had it

pain in the neck是讨厌到了极点;

to have had it是再也无法忍受下去了。

That's someone who wanted to sell me a magazine people are

such a pain in the neck!

It is such a pain in the neck when the electricity goes out.

Oh man! It's my neighbor again! He always plays his drums in the evening. It's such

a pain in the neck.

A pain in the neck is something that is just very very annoying.

Things or situations can be a "pain in the neck".

I have had it! That guy has got to stop I've got to call him.

I've really had it with my neighbor. I'm going to do something about it this time.

I've had it with you too. You always laugh at me. You can be such a pain in the


"I have had it" means that I am so annoyed by something that I cannot stand it any


When we say "I have had it," we just mean that we have been dealing with the

problem for a long time, and can't stand it any longer.

55:already; one to talk


You're one to talk相当于"你竟然敢说这话,我们俩都半斤八两"的意思。

-Just talk to her already! -All right! All right! Shut up already! I'll call her.

I'm hungry. Go ahead and choose something already!

When we say "already" at the end of a sentence, sometimes we are showing that we

are impatient, that we want somebody to stop waiting and to do something.

I'm shy? You're one to talk! What about you? You are always too shy to meet new


I'm too proud of myself? You're one to talk! You wouldn't even consider going out

with a guy if he didn't have a Master's degree.

"You're one to talk!" means, you have the same problem, so you shouldn't criticize


56:mess with; give sb. a break

to mess with someone就是说去打扰某个人,或者是跟他开玩笑;

give me a break就是你认为你听到的,或看到的是不合理的.

Don't take the game so seriously. I'm just messing with you.

A dangerous person might say, "If you mess with me, I'll hurt you."

To mess with someone means to bother the person, or disturb him, or to play a joke

on him.

Sometimes "to mess with someone" can be serious.

When I was in high school, the whole class would mess with the teacher sometimes.

I just had something in my throat. Is it not OK for me to cough? Give me a break!

When someone says "give me a break," that means he thinks what he just heard or

saw is unreasonable, or they think someone is being too harsh on them.

57:folks; rag on


rag on则是不停地批评和嘲笑他人的意思。

Usually my folks call me first! I don't have to call them!

My folks call me two or three times a week to remind me to do things, like go to the

dentist, or change the oil in my car.

You sound just like my folks.

Here "folks" means "parents".

Its not impolite really, but it is very informal.

Please stop ragging on me about my parents. I still visit them all the time!

They rag on me about not cleaning my car, not eating right, drinking too much, not

having a girlfriend, not going to churchs.

"To rag on someone" means "to scold or tease someone over and over."

"To rag" can be used with "on", or without "on." The meaning is just the same.

58: junkie; cut it out


cut it out,就是"别这样!"

I'm a video game junkie.

Now people used the word "junkie" to describe people who are very absorbed in a

hobby or kind of entertainment.

We don't use the word "junkie" for just any fan. We use it for people who can't live

without their hobby.

I was busy playing that game when you tried to grab the controller from me. I

wanted you to stop trying to grab it, so I said "cut it out".

"Cut it out" means "stop it!"

If someone is doing something that annoys you, and you really want them to stop,

you can use this phrase.

59:check sth. out; call sth

to check something out, 在非常口语的情况下是"仔细看看"的意思;

to call something, 意思是:"谁先说,谁就有优先权得到某样东西"。

Let me take a look. Hey, check this one out!

Check it out! That building across the street is on fire.

"To check something out" means "to look at something closely".

No way! I already called this job!

When I was little, before my family went somewhere in the car, I would always yell,

"I call the front seat!" My brother and I would always fight over who got to sit in the

front seat.

Whoever says "I call something" first has the first claim on whatever they called.

60:to crack sb. up; wannabe

to crack somebody up是"让人发笑"的意思;


It's just the idea that Arnold Schwarzenegger is the new governor of California

cracks me up! It's so funny!

For some reason, whenever I see Arnold giving a speech on TV, I just crack up.

"Cracks me up!" means it makes me laugh.

He doesn't have any experience as a politician! He's a wannabe!

I said that he's a wannabe politician.

A "wannabe" is often someone who wants people to think they are a certain kind of

person, even though they aren't the real thing.

61:twenty-four seven; duh


duh, 意思是:废话,当然咯。

In the U.S. a lot of small diners, convenience stores and gas stations are open 24-7.

If you ever have an emergency, you can call me 24-7.

Many students worked 24-7 before the finals.

Duh. Of course they have coffee here.

When someone says something that you think is very obvious, or asks you a stupid

question, you can say "duh".

62:pull soth. off; strike out

strike out表示一件事做了几次都没有成功;

to pull something off表示出人意料地做成了一件很困难的事情。

Even if your friend struck out this year, I hope she tries again.

Too bad I still strike out with the girls. None of the good ones want to go out with


Struck out means that I failed after trying several times.

Most of our friends didn't think that Beijing would be allowed to host the 2008

Olympics, but in the end Beijing pulled it off! I was really surprised.

To pull something off means to succeed at something very difficult, usually


63:dumb blonde; bimbo

dumb blonde, 是用来笑话那些金发女郎,看起来很漂亮,但是脑子很笨;


She's a real dumb blonde.

It's usually only used as a joke behind people's backs.

We often used the term as a joke. Most of the jokes about dumb blondes are not


Remember last week in class, a girl asked who won World War II, the Germans or

the Japanese? What a silly question, she's a real bimbo.

Bimbo is a very dumb woman, not necessarily a blonde.

64:make a killing; break even

to make a killing, 意思是做生意在短期内赚了很多钱

to break even, 意思是做生意没有亏本,也没有赚钱。

Of course people would buy your tofu! You'd make a killing!

My uncle Roger made a killing in real estate. A few years ago, he bought a lot of

land and then rich people started building houses in the area, and he made a lot of


You can also say to make a killing in the stock market, in the insurance business or

even in the tofu business!

"To make a killing" means to earn a lot of money quickly through some kind of

lucrative business.

Don't worry about losing money. At the very least, you will break even.

Good thing you were able to break even, or you'd have to sleep in a cardboard box

on the sidewalk.

"To break even" means to neither lose nor gain money.

65:to fork sth. over; get over sth.

to fork it over, 意思是给什么东西,或付钱;

to get over it, 意思是忘掉不愉快的事情。

That's too bad. Looks like you owe me five dollars. Come on, fork it over!

Hey, I forked over 350 yuan for that statue! Don't make fun of it!

To fork something over means to pay or give something, usually money.

Please, its a game of pool. Get over it!

My aunt's husband was killed in the Vietnam war. She never completely got over

his death. She sometimes talks about him as if he were still alive.

When I was eight, I had a puppy. I really loved that dog! But the dog got sick, and

never got over the illness.

To get over something means to stop feeling bad about something, to forget about

something bad.

66:hot; have a crush on sb.


to have a crush on someone是指对异性有好感。

She's so hot! I've seen her around campus before and I would really love to meet


To say someone is "hot" means that he or she is really attractive.

I don't want her to know that I have a crush on her. She might not even like me.

"To have a crush on someone" means you really like the person romantically.

67:out of line; trash sth.

out of line, 意思是没有分寸,出格;

to trash something, 是把什么东西说成一钱不值。

I argued with him because I thought that a book he's assigning us to read is no

good. I guess I was out of line.

I was not a close friend of this guy, so I was out of line to say that.

"To be out of line" means to speak or act when it is not appropriate, especially when

dealing with someone who is your superior.

I really trashed the book he was asking us to read. I probably should have been a

little more tactful.

Hey, this is a free country. I can trash America anyway I want.

68:gee; oh well

gee, 是一个语气词,可以使你说的话带有遗憾、惊奇的色彩;

oh well, 在中文里就是:"行啊, 得啦!"

His car broke down? that's too bad! I was really looking forward to Professor

Johnson's class!

"" is an interjection that shows surprise, wonder, or uncertainty. Sometimes

when people say "" (in a long, drawn out fashion) they are just pretending

that they are surprised.

It's broken? Oh well, I guess you have to give me a bag. We don't want to waste

food, right?

You're not going to give me any chips?Oh well, I guess I won't be able to give you a

ride home.

"Oh well" is use to show mild regret. We also use it to tease people or pretend that

you are upset.

69:catch a flick; have no business doing sth.

to catch a flick表示看电影;

to have no business doing something表示某人水平很差,不适合干某件事或者某


Do you want to catch a flick or something?

There are also romance flicks, adventure flicks, and comedy flicks.

Flick is just another word for movie, and to catch a flick means to go to a movie.

Are you kidding? That man has no business acting. He is the worst actor ever.

You have no business criticizing Arnold because you are not a movie critic.

You have no business telling me what I can or can't say.

When you say someone has no business doing something, it means that they should

not do it because they cannot or because they are really bad at it.

70:to jinx; come off it

to jinx表示"带来坏运气";

come off it表示"不要瞎说"、"别装蒜"。

Some people believe in jinxes. For instance, a lot of people think that there is a jinx

on the Chicago Cubs baseball team. It hasn't won a World Series for 95 years.

You said it again! I'm going to give you five seconds to apologize for jinxing me.

Jinx can be used as a verb or a noun. One way to jinx someone is to say something


Come off it! You're the one who said that if someone fails, it has nothing to do with

the jinx.

Come off it, Li Hua! It's not my fault. It's your fault you didn't come to class on

Friday. You missed about a third of the material covered on the test.

So you're still blaming me for jinxing you? Come off it, already. You don't really

believe in that jinx nonsense, do you?

"Come off it!" means "stop talking nonsense" or "stop pretending that something is


71:shades; to get turned down

shades, 相当于sunglasses, 也就是"太阳眼镜"、"墨镜";

to get turned down, 意思是"遭到拒绝"。

What do you think? Do I look cool in these shades?

Hey,how about this pair of shades? They are light brown instead of black.

Shade used as plural - shades, is just another word for sunglasses.

My fear of getting turned down is making it difficult to find a girlfriend. I suppose I'll

survive even if she turns me down. Maybe I'll ask her out to coffee next time I see


Nobody likes to get turned down.

Are you sure she won't turn me down if I wear these shades?

"To get turned down" means to get rejected.

72:a drag; to start from scratch

a drag, 意思是倒霉,不好的事;

to start something from scratch, 这是指从头开始。

Your computer crashed? Wow, that's a drag. Is there anything I can do to help?

I'm sure he knows what a drag it is when your computer breaks down.

If something is a "drag," that means it is negative or depressing.

You lost your entire project when your computer crashed, including your research,

so now you have to start from scratch.

To start something from scratch means to start from the very beginning.

73:to be on crack; to get the hang of something

to be on crack, 这可以指"吸毒",但是也可以指:"你疯啦!";

to get a hang of something, 意思是通过练习,熟能生巧。

Are you on crack? You can't drive with a flat tire, you'll ruin your car, and probably

get in a wreck!

He's going to be traveling in Afghanistan! Is he on crack? Can you imagine how

dangerous that place must be right now?

Don't worry Li Hua, you're not a terrible driver! You haven't been driving for very

long. You'll get the hang of it, eventually.

Remember when you first started school, you had trouble with your writing

assignments? I think you've gotten the hang of writing English essays now, right?

You've been living in the U.S. for some time now. You must have gotten the hang of

a lot of new skills?

"To get the hang of something" means to become proficient at something through


74:to slack off; peon

to slack off, 意思是"松懈,懒散";

peon, 指"在工作单位做简单工作的人",也就是所谓的"小土豆"。

This is the holiday season, so everyone at work is slacking off.

Sometimes after slacking off during a holiday or vacation, we do feel refreshed and

ready to get back to work again.

"To slack off" means just the opposite of "being busy". "To slack off" means "to not

work hard".

I am not that important, I'm just a peon where I work.

These days people use "peon" to refer to an unimportant person at work who

performs a simple task.

75:beats me; to be in a bind

beats me, 意思是"不知道";

to be in a bind, 意思是"处境困难"。

Beats me. I don't know much about that period of history.

The expression "beats me" means that I have no idea what the answer is.

Of course, I'm always willing to help a friend out of a bind.

You're going to be in an even worse bind if we don't start studying for your exam


To be in a bind means that you are in a very difficult situation.

76:out of it; gung ho

out of it, 意思是"昏昏沉沉,有点晕乎";

gung ho, 意思是"积极热情"。

I'm O.K. I just have a small cold. I took some strong cold medicine, so I am a little

out of it today.

I had such a terrible headache.I had to take something. I just hope I'm not too out

of it to pay attention in class.

You mean if you don't have coffee, you'll be out of it for the whole morning? Wow,

you're starting to become more and more American.

"Out of it" means that I am half-awake, not alert, or something like that.

I'm not very gung ho about this anti-war protest.

I am not gung ho about this protests because I don't like the organizers, I think they

are too radical.

You have been very gung ho about protesting the war.

I wish I was as gung ho about my studies as you are. But right now, I am so out of it

I don't have energy to do anything.

Gung ho means to be very aggressive, enthusiastic or zealous about something.

77:critter; mug



I would not try to feed those little critters if I were you.

You want to take a look at that ugly critter? Ok, we'll go.

A critter is just an animal, usually one that is relatively small and furry. The word is

used a lot in the Southern part of the US.

Look,here is my roommate's sharpei. Look at that furry mug. He looks like he

should be friendly.

My brother has a really ugly mug.

Mug is slang for a face, usually an ugly one.

We usually don't say a person has a pretty mug. But, if you like the look of that dog,

you can say: "Oh, what a cute mug this little dog has!"

78:have a cow和pack rat

to have a cow, 意思是"惊慌失措";

pack rat, 意思是"什么东西都不肯扔的人"。

Calm down. Don't have a cow. I'm sure you'll find them.

"Don't have a cow" means don't get too excited about something.

You're really a pack rat. Look at all this stuff! No wonder you couldn't find your


A pack rat is someone who saves everything and has lots of stuff.

79:down with that; to pay through the nose

down with that, 意思是"同意",或者是"愿意";

to pay through the nose, 意思是"出高价买东西"。

-What would you say if I suggested we go to my friend's party on Saturday night.

-I'm down with that.

They have nice stuff, but they're really, really expensive. You have to pay through

the nose to buy even a shirt there.

I can't afford to pay through the nose for things.

Some people are willing to pay through the nose to buy tickets to see their favorite


To pay through the nose is to pay a lot of money for something, usually way more

than the item is worth.

80:to kick oneself; raw deal

to kick oneself是由于错过了机会而怨恨自己;

raw deal就是在跟别人打交道时吃了亏。

Please don't mention that! Jerry sold the car to someone else yesterday. I'm still

kicking myself for not buying it when I had the chance.

Speaking of regret, I heard that your ex-boyfriend Ding Yu is doing really well these

days. I bet you are kicking yourself for dumping him, huh?

"To kick oneself" means to feel regret for missing an opportunity, or making a

mistake that could have been avoided.

The last time I bought a car, I got a really raw deal!

My Uncle George worked at a factory for over twenty years. Unfortunately, the

factory was shut down and George lost his job right before he had a chance to retire.

That was a raw deal!

A "raw deal" means an unfair deal, or to be treated roughly and unfairly by


81:zip; drama queen


drama queen是指那种喜欢小题大作,大惊小怪的女孩子。

I don't have to do zip. I'm free the whole weekend.

I don't have zip means I don't have anything to do.

If you ask me for money and I don't have any, I could say I haven't got zip.

I don't have zip in my pockets.

Zip means in zero or nothing.

She is such a drama queen. She makes a huge deal out of losing a book or a bad

haircut. Once, she wouldn't talk to me for a week because I forgot to call her back.

A drama queen is a girl who exaggerates her problems, usually to get attention.

82:bail; call it quits

bail, 表示"离开";

call it quits, 意思是"停止做某件事"。

I'm ready for tomorrow's test. Let's bail and get something to eat!

I went to a movie with some friends last night. After the movie, they wanted to go

to a dance club, but I bailed on them and went home to get some sleep.

last week I had a dentist appointment, so I had to bail on history class.

"To bail" means "to leave".

I heard that Jack isn't going to be in school next term. Is he really calling it quits?

I hope that this time they are calling it quits for real, so I never have to hear about

them again.

"To call it quits" means to quit doing something.

Sometimes "to call it quits" means to break up a relationship between a boyfriend

and girlfriend.

83:shoot; shot



to be shot,这是很累的意思。

I'll just charge it to my Oh shoot! I forgot my wallet!

If I close my car door and realize that I just locked my keys inside, I might yell "Aw,


If someone tells me a story about a scar on their little finger, I might say "Shoot,

that's nothing. Look at this big scar on my back."

If someone say "shoot" loudly and suddenly, it's a way to express alarm or

disappointment. If someone say it slowly, and with a low tone of voice, it shows

disgust or indifference.

The word "shoot" isn't vulgar! Actually, it's a word people use when they want to

avoid cursing.

I really tired myself out running so fast: I'm really shot now!

I used to stay up late studying too, and sometimes I'd be so shot that I'd fall asleep

in class.

"To be shot" means to have no energy, to feel weak and tired.

84:to stick around; guilt trip

to stick around,意思是"在一个地方呆下去,先别走";

a guilt trip,这是指"感到内疚"。

I know, the show isn't very good. But Jack's band is going to be playing soon. Let's

stick around until their performance is over, OK?

Well, you remember Angie Summers? She finished her Ph.D. last spring, but has

decided to stick around and do some post-doctoral work before she starts looking

for a job.

To stick around means to stay or remain in a place.

But if we hadn't waited for Jack to perform, he would have given us a huge guilt

trip about it on Monday.

Don't let him put a guilt trip on you! So why did you break up with him anyway?

A "guilt trip" means guilty feelings one has about doing something wrong. To "give

someone a guilt trip" means to try and make him feel guilty.

85:live it up; Yeah right

live it up, 表示"尽情享受生活";

Yeah right, 这是带有嘲讽口气的反话,表示不相信对方。

Of course he'll be O.K.! I bet right now Michael is living it up in China.

On the weekend, we had plenty of time to live it up!

To "live it up" means to live a fun and extravagant lifestyle.

You think Michael's going to speak Chinese better than I? Yeah Right!

You think someone can learn Chinese just by going to class and doing homework?

Yeah right! I learned more spoken Chinese by living it up and hanging out with

Chinese friends than I did in class.

When someone says "yeah right" like this (uses sarcastic tone of voice) "yeah right", it

means they don't believe something is true, or don't agree with something.

86:hang in there; to be stressed out

hang in there, 表示"坚持下去,不放弃";

to be stressed out, 意思是"压力太大"。

Hang in there! After Friday it will be all over, and then you can relax.

When things get tough, you just have to hang in there.

If someone is having an emergency and calls the 9-1-1 emergency hotline, the

operator might say, "Hang in there, an ambulance will be there in a few minutes".

Hang in there just means "to keep enduring" or "to persist through a difficult


"Hang in there" can also mean "to stay the same" or "to not give up".

I know that to be stressed out usually makes things worse. I find that I do better on

a test when I'm not stressed out about it.

Stressed out means that you were under so much stress and pressure that you

barely made it.

87:neat freak; crash

neat freak, 表示"特别爱干净、有条理的人";

crash, 在口语里可以表示"睡觉"。

Wow, you really are a neat freak.

To be neat is to be very clean and orderly. A freak is a person that is really weird or

unusual. Together, a "neat freak" refers to someone who likes to keep things

extremely clean and organized.

That movie was so long. It's almost midnight! I'm so tired that I think I'm going to go

home and crash.

I was so tired that I crashed on the couch.

I crashed at Jim's house the other night because it was too late to go home.

Crash means going to sleep.

88:snap; spaced out


spaced out就是"昏昏沉沉、注意力不集中"。

Don't worry, bowling is a snap. You'll figure it out in no time.

Beating you at bowling is a snap. Look, I'm 50 points ahead of you.

"To snap at someone" is to speak rudely, but snap can also be used as a noun. If we

say something is a "snap" that means it's very easy and can be learned quickly.

I sometimes feel spaced out when I'm tired.

I might feel spaced out at class.I would be thinking about baseball instead of

listening to the teacher.

Feeling spaced out means feeling kind of detached and unfocused.

89:threads; load up sth.

threads, 在口语里表示"衣服";

load up on something, 意思是"大量储存某样东西".

Those are nice threads you're wearing.

I went shopping yesterday and bought lots of threads.

What's wrong with the threads I'm wearing? Oh, please, my threads are just fine-

Jeans and T-shirt are comfortable.

Threads, when used in plural, is another word for clothes.

I won't have time to eat dinner until late, so I'm trying to load up on food now.

Do you remember the storm we had last summer? Well, people were worried about

losing power, so they loaded up on batteries before the storm.

If you load up on sleep and vitamins, you shouldn't get sick very easily.

Load up on something is to get a lot of it, usually so that you can store some of it for


90:to buy something; to be sold on something

to buy something, 表示"相信某件事";

to be sold on something, 意思是"认为某件事值得、是真的"。

I just don't buy the theory that global warming is caused by humans. There is a lot

we just don't know.

You know my friend Angela? She's often late for class, and she always has different

excuses. So finally one day, Professor Johnson said to her, "I don't buy your excuses. I

think you are just not self-disciplined enough!"

Remember when you were looking for a new apartment? At first you weren't sold

on that place, but when you heard that the rent was only $600 a month, you were


Suppose you can't decide if you want to vote for someone who is running for office,

you could say "I'm not sold on that candidate yet".

We were just talking about that Professor Johnson didn't buy Angela's excuses, we

can also say he wasn't sold on her excuses.

"To be sold on something" means to be convinced that it's worthwhile, or it's the best


91:without a hitch; chow down

without a hitch, 表示事情"进展顺利";

chow down, 相当于中文里所说的"狼吞虎咽"。

Calm down. I'm sure the party will go off without a hitch.

If something "goes without a hitch", it means that everything goes smoothly and

nothing will go wrong.

You can only say that something "goes without a hitch." This is an idiomatic

expression. You can't generally substitute the word "hitch" for "problem."

Some people are really chowing down. Hey, look at Jim, he's eating one hot dog

after another!

What have I chowed down? Well, I have been busy helping you and haven't got

time to eat yet.

I think we should chow down now before all of the good stuff is gone!

"Chow" is slang for "food" and to chow down is to eat a lot and to do it


92:dude; chick

dude, 是口语里男孩之间的称呼,就相当于中文里所说的"家伙";

chick, 在口语里指年轻女孩儿。

Jack and some other dude were having a really intense argument. We were afraid

they might get into a fight, so we had to separate them.

See that dude over there? That's my pal Frank. I'll ask him for a beer. Dude, toss me

one of those beers. Thanks!

Dude just means guy. However, it is very informal, so you'd sound silly if you called

someone important a "dude", or used it in a formal situation.

And usually, only younger people use the word "dude", and it usually refers to fairly

young men.

That tall girl with glasses? Is that the chick you're always telling me about?

Hey, there she goes. She just left with two other chicks and that dude who was

arguing with Jack.

Chick means "young woman". It's not a bad word, although some people find it a

little can use this word around your friends, but not in formal

situations or with strangers.

93:to horse around; jump the gun

horse around, 意思是"闹着玩儿、开玩笑";

jump the gun, 就相当于中文里所说的"操之过急"。

Don't worry, they're just horsing around. They won't hurt each other.

"To horse around" means "to play or joke with someone".

He was so sure that he would get the job that he quit his old job. Unfortunately, he

really jumped the gun. He just found out yesterday that he didn't get the job after


For instance, if a runner starts running before the race starts, he's jumping the gun.

Once I brought a girlfriend home to meet my parents. My mom really jumped the

gun and assumed that we were going to get married.

To jump the gun is to do something too soon.

94:on the fritz; to hog

on the fritz, 意思是"出了故障";

to hog something, 意思是"把某样东西据为己有,不给别人"。

I didn't get your message. My cell phone has been on the fritz. I don't know what's

wrong with it.

If something is on the fritz, that means something is wrong with it and it is not

working properly.

Usually it is machines that are on the fritz. However, the exception is that you can

say that your stomach is on the fritz if it is uncomfortable.

Hey, stop hogging all the popcorn! I want some too.

Well, we are now watching a DVD, if I don't let you use the remote control, then I'm

hogging the remote.

Stop hogging the bathroom.

To hog something is to keep it for yourself and not share it with others.

95:jack; kaput

jack, 在英语口语里 I don't know jack的意思是"我什么也不知道";

kaput, 就相当于中文里所说的"坏了""出了问题"。

I'm sorry.I don't know jack about fishing.

Well, the vacation is so valuable because I can sit around and don't do jack all day.

Usually I'm a very busy guy.

If I can't get my computer fixed soon, I won't have jack to show them in my term


Anyway, I need to get home and start on the term paper. I haven't written jack


I got home and started to work on my term paper, but my computer went kaput!

My cell phone really went kaput and nobody could reach me.

During that time, I was out of touch with everyone. It felt like my whole life went


I'm hoping it wasn't the hard drive that went kaput. That would be terrible!

"Kaput" means "broken, ruined or not working properly."

96:pick-me-up; lay off

pick-me-up, 意思是"给人提神、让人心情一下子好起来的东西";

lay off, lay off something意思是"停止做某件事",lay off someone意思是"别烦某个


I'm sure that seeing her friends and getting such pretty flowers will be a great

pick-me-up for her.

Chocolate is a good pick-me-up.

A pick-me-up as one word is something that makes someone feel better or gives

them energy.

Laura seemed so spacey. I think that maybe the doctors should lay off the


Hey, you ought to lay off the caffeine. You're going to become addicted!

To lay off something is to stop using it or to stop doing it, and to lay off someone is

to stop bothering him or her.

97 rock; letdown

rock, 说something rocks,就相当于中文里的"棒极了";

letdown, 意思是"让人失望的事"。

You are sick and dizzy? What are you talking about? That rollercoaster rocks! I'm

going to ride it again!

If someone tells you some good news, you might say, "That rocks!"

"To rock" means "to be great". If something or some experience is really fun or

exciting, we say "It rocks!"

I liked the two rollercoaster rides, but the park itself was kind of a letdown.

My History Professor is a real letdown. He's a well-known expert in his area, but he's

not very good at giving lectures.

A letdown is something that disappoints you.

98 what's her/his face; thingamajig

what's her face, 也可以说what's his face。意思是"那个叫什么什么的人";

thingamajig, 就相当于中文里所说的"那个玩意儿"。

what's-her-face, you know, the tall girl with red hair.

If I were what's-her-face, er... I mean Jenny, I wouldn't want my notes either.

Well, if you don't believe me, you can ask what's-his-face, Jenny's boyfriend, the tall

Indian guy - He can fix bikes.

It's not really rude, but it's very informal. You shouldn't call someone

what's-her-face if she in that case, you should just ask her what her

name is.

This thing in my hand? Oh, it's the thingamajig I use to measure the air pressure in

my car's tires.

Hey, I never said I'm good with cars. To me, everything under the hood of my car is

just a bunch of thingamajigs.

I think you just need to oil these thingamajigs on your handlebars here.

We use "thingamajig", to replace the name of an object when we don't know or

can't remember its real name.

99 sleep in; slacker

sleep in, 意思是"睡懒觉";

slacker, 是指"喜欢偷懒的人"。

It's Saturday, I want to sleep in for once. What's so important that you have to

wake me up?

Hey, sleeping in once in a while does not make a person lazy.

"Sleep in" means to sleep later than usual.

Come on! I'm not a slacker. I'm just a little tired because somebody didn't let me

sleep in this morning.

A student who doesn't do his homework and is always late for class is a slacker.

A slacker is someone who "slacks off" or very lazy.

100 :blast; lighten up

to have a blast, 意思是"玩得很痛快";

lighten up。这是指"放松,别太认真"。

I tried to get you to come along. You would've had a blast too.

Well, too bad I didn't come back a day parties are always a blast.

"To have a blast" means to have a great time. If something was a blast, that means

it was a lot of fun.

What? Lighten up, Li Hua! You're in your mid-twenties! You have plenty of time to

decide what you want to do!

Looks like you've lightened up already. See? I told you you'd have a blast tonight!

To lighten up means to relax, to be less serious.

本文标签: 意思表示东西没有某件事