


Hi, Fly Guy 你好,苍蝇小子

Chapter 1 第一章

A fly went flying. 一只苍蝇在飞。

He was looking for something to eat— something tasty, something slimy. 它正


A boy went walking. 一个男孩出来散步。

He was looking for something o catch— something smart, something for the

amazing pet show. 他正在寻找一个聪明的小东西,捉来当宠物,参加奇妙的宠物展.

They met. 他们相遇了。

The boy caught the fly in a jar. 男孩把苍蝇捉进罐子里。

“A pet!”he said. “一个宠物!”男孩说。

A fly was mad. 苍蝇非常生气。

He want to be free. 它想要自由。

He stomped his foot and said—Buzz! 他用力地跺脚说:“巴兹!”

The boy was surprised. 男孩很惊讶。

He said, “You know my name! You are the smartest pet in the world!” 他说:


Chapter 2 第二章

Buzz took the fly home. 巴兹把苍蝇带回家。

“This is my pet,” Buzz said to Mom and Dad. “这是我的宠物,”巴兹对妈妈和


“He is smart, He can say my name. Listen!” “他很聪明。他能说我的名字。听!”

Buzz opened the jar. 巴兹打开罐子。

The fly flew out. 苍蝇飞了出去。

“Flies can’t be pets!” said Dad. “苍蝇不能当宠物!”爸爸说。“它们是害虫!”

He got the fly swatter. 爸爸拿起苍蝇拍。

The fly cried—Buzz! 苍蝇大喊:“巴兹!”

And Buzz came to the rescue. 巴兹冲过来营救。

“You are right,” said Dad. “This fly is smart!” “你是对的,”爸爸说。“这只


“He needs a name,” said Mom. “他要有一个名字,”妈妈说。

Buss thought for a minute. 巴兹想了一会儿。

“Fly Guy,” said Buzz. “苍蝇小子,”巴兹说。

And Fly Guy said—Buzz! 苍蝇小子说:“巴兹!”

It was time for lunch. 到了午餐时间。

Buzz gave Fly Guy something to eat. 巴兹给苍蝇小子拿来食物。

Fly Guy was happy. 苍蝇小子很开心。

Chapter 3 第三章

Buzz took Fly Guy to the amazing pet show. 巴兹带着苍蝇小子去参加宠物展

The judges laughed. 评委们哈哈大笑。

“Flies can’t be pets.” they said. “Flies are pests!” “苍蝇不能当宠物,”他

们说。“苍蝇是害虫!” Buzz was sad. 巴兹很难过。

He opened the jar. 他打开了罐子。

“Shoo, Fly Guy,” he said. “Flies can’t be pets.” “飞走吧,苍蝇小子,”他说。

“苍蝇不能当宠物。” But Fly Guy like Buzz. 但是苍蝇小子喜欢巴兹。

He had an idea. 他有了一个主意。

He did some fancy flying. 他做出一套花样飞行。

The judges were amazed. 评委们很惊讶。

“The fly can do tricks,” they said. “But flies can’t be pets.” “这只苍蝇可以


Then Fly Guy said—BUZZ! 然后苍蝇小子说:“巴兹!”

The judges were more amazed. 评委们更惊奇了。

“The fly knows the boy’s name,” they said. “But flies can’t be pets.” “这


Fly Guy flew high, hight, high into the sky! 苍蝇小子飞得越来越高,飞向了天空。

Then he dived down, down, down into the jar. 然后它俯冲到罐子里。

“The fly knows his jar!” the judges said. “this fly is a pet!” “这只苍蝇认识它


They let Fly Guy in the show. 他们让苍蝇小子参加评选。

He even won an award. 它甚至获得奖项。

And so began a beautiful friendship. 自此,一段美丽的友谊之旅开始了。

本文标签: 苍蝇巴兹小子宠物罐子