


Unit 5 Delicious Food

单元主题: 食物


Speaking: Talking about the pictures of food.

Dialogues about eating out.

Talk about fast food.

Listening: PET(A)——(2008年6月真题听力练习)

Reading: A:Food and Health

B:Origin of Pizza


Grammar: 进行时态

Writing: Recipe





学习重点:1. 学生能简单地用英语与他人讨论食物和外出就餐;

2. 学生掌握Text A 中的词汇以及重点句型,基本理解文章意思;

3. 学生掌握英语进行时态;

4. 学生掌握英文菜单和菜谱书写格式及常用短语与句子。

学习难点:1. 学生能用英语进行与单元主题相关的话题讨论;

2. 学生能在限时阅读中运用查读、泛读完成阅读任务;

3. 学生掌握英语进行时态;

4. 学生会写英文菜单和菜谱。



1. Class presentation 2. Oral Practice 3. Listening Practice


Text A -----Delicious Food

5. Exercise of Text A

B and Extra reading

7. Grammar----- progressive tense

8. Writing----- Recipe and Menu






Section I Oral Practice

Task 1 Brainstorming

List words and phrases about the following pictures, and share them with others.

Teaching tips:

1. Ss read Speaking Task 1.

2. Ss list words or phrases about these pictures.

3. List the words or phrases on the board or invite students to write them on the board.

4. Teacher gives more supplements of the topic.

Suggested words:

Family day have meals fast food hamburger chef cook beef

Chef uniform outdoor party red wine bakery make cookies animal crackers

Task 2 Pair work

Talk about advertisements with your partner. You can take turns asking your partner

the following questions.

Do you like eating fast food?

How often do you go to fast food restaurants?

What do you think of fast food?

Teaching tips:

1. Give Ss 5 minutes to interview each other using the given questions or their own.

2. Teacher monitors and assists if necessary.

2. Ss prepare an oral report using their partner’s answers.

3. Some Ss present their reports.


Fast food is becoming more and more popular in China, especially among children

and teenagers. Today, it's certainly difficult to think of any other single thing that represents

the fast pace of modern society as powerfully as fast food. There are several reasons for

its popularity. First, it is quick and convenient. Go into a fast food restaurant, and your food

will be ready in a minute. You can satisfy your hunger instantly. Precious time won't be

wasted in waiting-in-line to order or waiting at your table for your food to arrive. Second,

its popularity is also attributed to the tasty food, the excellent service and the comfortable

environment of the fast food restaurant.

Task 3 Role play

Read the following conversation and role play it with a partner.

Situation: Ann and Ken are classmates. They are talking about advertisements.

本文标签: 学生掌握进行食物讨论