




1. The movie was w . I want to see it again.

2. Jenny is b with Mike, so she doesn't want to see him.

3. Alice, what are your favorite indoor and outdoor a ?

4. The Grand Canyon is one of the w of the natural world.

5. Pandas in the zoo have enough food every day, so they

never go h .

6. I d this house because it is too old.

7. Look! The road is covered with ice. The temperature today

must be b zero.

8. In China, when someone gives you a present, you must w

and open it later.

9. There are many d between the twins.

10. Which do you like m of the three?

11. His son's favorite p is Animal World.

12. Look at those boxes. They are all f of fruits.

13. Don't keep eating. It is bad for your h .

14. They are talking about the r of the English test.

15. They are generous(慷慨的) a (尽管) they are poor.

16. More than 40 p of the students wear glasses.

17. I went to the d because I had a bad tooth.

18. His grandma is a sixty but she still keeps exercising.

19. Some students often surf the I to get more information.

20. The wind comes into the room t the open window.

21. He is very quiet, but his sister is quite o .

22. Listen! Someone is knocking(敲) on the door l .

23. The new student sat q and didn't talk with others.

24. He is really h with his study, so he always gets the best


25. I took part in the singing c yesterday and won the first


26. The firemen are so brave and I think they are f .

27. Pass me that pair of glasses, please. I can't see the words

c .

28. Tina and her sister are both t in music.

29. Mr. Li always looks s . He never laughs.

30. It's n for children to have enough time to exercise every


31. If you find some important i on the Internet, you can

download it.

32. We shouldn't l at the people who are in trouble. Instead,

we should help them.

33. Nobody b the window. It may be the wind.

34. Work hard and you'll get good g (分数).

35. I was a p school student when I was seven years old.

36. Usually she watches TV in her c sofa at night.

37. Alice will sing an English song in the school t show.

38. Get up early, go out for some f air and enjoy a healthy


39. He often helps the p .

40. Our class is going to win the first p for the exercises


41. There are two new bicycles, and you can c one of them.

42. You should read the instructions(说明书) c before you take

the medicine(药).

43. Edison was so c that he invented a lot of things.

44. We should take these problems s .

45. I like listening to Beijing Opera, so I often go to the t at

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