






Rice fields art recording the beautiful landscape of the harvest season in China and

reflecting farmers' simplicity and romance have gone popular on Kuaishou, a Chinese leading

short-video platform.

Layered with different colors, these art pieces spread vivid patterns across the vast fields,

representing the harmony between nature and farmers.

Web editor: Chai Haorui

Silver accessories have a long history in the culture of the Miao ethnic group. Their

silver processing technique has been handed down and innovated on from generation to

generation and has been made the national intangible heritage. Nowadays, silver accessories

have gained popularity among youngsters.

Miss Xue is one of the craftspeople who have mastered this technique. Let’s watch the

video and see how she makes a unique silver bracelet.

Yi embroidery(刺绣), one of China's intangible cultural heritages, made a splendid

appearance in Beijing in September during the Beijing Fashion Week. The Yi people have

created exquisite embroidery over the years, knitting unique patterns on costumes and

accessories. How does it look? Click to find out.

Peking Opera is a key element of Chinese culture. Nowadays, some young performers

are quite innovative, like Guo Xiaojing, who makes videos integrating this traditional

intangible heritage into modern everyday life. These efforts popularize this old art form in a

fashionable new way.

Web editor: Lang Yun


Where do these reports come from?

A. newspapers B. magazines C. the Internet D. novels


Which is NOT the intangible heritage?

A. Rice fields art

B. Miao silver processing technique

C. Yi embroidery

D. Peking Opera


What do the four reports have in common?

A. They all need vast space to display.

B. They are all popular among the young.

C. They all have strong ethnic features.

D. They are all about excellent art works.

The winter migration(迁徙) season has arrived. With the cold wave heading down south,

migratory birds from faraway places such as Siberia have begun to arrive at Dongting Lake,

central China for the winter.

Dongting Lake in central China's Hunan Province is the country's second-largest

freshwater lake. When the temperature rises after a short cold time, locals call the 10th lunar

month "Indian summer." During this time, the lake's water level drops and sedges(莎草) grow,

allowing wintering birds to plentiful food.

Song Yucheng, deputy chief engineer of East Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve, is

proud of their protection work. According to him, the Eurasian spoonbills are the first to

arrive at the heart of East Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve. They line up and use

sideways sweeps of their beaks to filter(过滤) out tiny fish and shrimp. When they fly to

another spot looking for food, people can only see the vast expanse of a white sky.

"Now the weather is also very good, the sky is very clear, with green grass, clear water

and white spoonbills wandering for hunting. It's a beautiful picture of nature," said Song.

For the villagers living in the East Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve, their farm

fields are still full of busy and active fellows after harvest because there are about 100 swans

settled down there. To provide these birds with an quiet and safe environment, the local

government has stopped the vehicles and visitors from entering the area.

"Firecrackers are not allowed, and loud noises are also not allowed in the surrounding

area," said Long Yong, a villager from the Hehua Village, citing the local government.


The birds migrate to Dongting Lake not because _____.

A. Siberia is cold at winter.

B. It is the nearest to Siberia.

C. The protection work there goes great.

D. The warm temperature and plentiful food.


The underlined words in paragraph 3 is a name of ______.

A. an engineer B. a kind of bird

D. birds food C. migration destination


From what Song said, we can infer ______.

A. Weather is always good here.

B. More birds are coming here.

environment is beautiful here.

D. It's good to draw pictures here.


The last two paragraphs tell about ____.

A. government measures

e life

B. fields harvest

D. how to observe birds in nature

Most plants you see out in nature are leafy and green, at least for some part of their lives.

That's because they use green pigments , which are called chlorophyll(叶绿素), to harvest

energy from sunlight. But the plant Hydnora Africana, doesn't have leaves or chlorophyll at


So, how can it survive? Well, it's a parasite(寄生), and H Africana attaches itself to other

plants' roots, and begins getting sugars, minerals, and water from its host.

At the same time, the parasite grows a root system, living completely underground, until

it's ready to reproduce. At which point, it grows one of the strangest looking flowers in the

world. When the flower's mature, it breaks the soil from beneath and reaches out in order to

be pollinated(授粉).

But just as this plant doesn't look like the normal flower, it doesn't smell like one either. It

gives out a smell like a rotting(腐烂) animal . The smell attracts insects and flies looking for

a delicious meal. But when they get inside the flower and find no tasty treat, they can't get

back out again.

There's a sort of room inside the flower, and the top of the room closes behind the insects.

The walls of the flower are also slippery, making escape even more difficult.

Over the course of about a day, the flower's male organs mature, and the insects get coated

in pollen. And at the end of this transformation, the inside of the plant gets less slippery, and

the chamber opens, allowing the insects and flies to escape.

At that point, attracted by a new rotting smell, they might just find another H Africana

flower and pollinate it as they fall inside.


Why is chlorophyll so important to plants?

A. Chlorophyll gives plants green color.

B. Chlorophyll helps leaves to grow.

C. Chlorophyll can harvest energy from sunlight.

D. Plants cannot survive without Chlorophyll .


About H Africana, which description is right?

A. It’s a parasite without roots.

B. It gets food through other plants' root.

C. It never grows out of the ground.

D. Its flowers smell sweet.


The insects attracted to pollinate will _____.

A. find tasty treat inside the flower.

B. never get out of the flower again.

C. get little chance to pollinate successfully.

D. escape after being trapped about a day.


The passage mainly interprets______.

A. What is a parasite.

C. How H Africana reproduce.

B. How a parasite to survive.

D. Why bad smell is so useful.

There are few things in the food world that bring about stronger opinions than spices like

peppers(胡椒) and chilies(辣椒). Capsaicin(辣椒素) is the chemical in peppers that provides

that burn you know and love.

Eating spicy food six or seven days a week — even just once a day — lowered death rates

by 14 percent, according to a large 2015 study by Harvard and China National Center for

Disease Control and Prevention.

"It seems to speed up the body's fat-burning mechanisms," says Patricia Bridget Lane, a

registered dietitian/nutritionist. "That can help with weight loss and weight management."

A 2012 review article published in the journal Chemical Senses mentioned that those who

eat spicy foods like cayenne pepper noticed a reduction in their desire for fatty, sweet, and

salty foods.

If you're putting too much hot sauce in your food — or you're eating entirely too many

meals that are extremely-high in spice levels — you could be damaging your body as well.

According to one scientific study in the National Library of Medicine, capsaicin consumed

in plenty can cause discomfort to the inner tissue of your stomach after you eat it. The

resulting symptoms of too much capsaicin include "nausea", "vomiting", "abdominal pain",

and "burning diarrhea".

Rebecca Tung, MD, a Florida-based dermatologist said, "When spicy food creates

inflammation ( 炎症) in the gut—from an upset stomach, acid reflux, or other symptoms—

sometimes this inflammation can also be seen on the skin with flushing, acne breakout, or

even eczema."

"Spicy foods can also kill sleep efforts because they cause heartburn. Lying down makes

heartburn worse, and the discomfort from heartburn hinders sleep," said the health experts at



The underlined word “that” in Paragraph 1 refers to _____.

A. food B. opinions C. chemical D. pepper


Which information about the text is true?

A. Eating spicy food will increase death rate.

B. Spicy food may be helpful in losing weight.

C. Spicy food makes people want more fatty food.

D. The more spicy food, the better.


The last three paragraphs show the _____ of too much spicy food.

A. benefits B. harm C. advantages D. property


Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Spicy food, good or bad?

B. The spicy food of great popularity.

C. Cook spicy food, so easy!

D. Capsaicin and science.


16、 Luck may not seem like something we can control. ①_____ So with that in mind,

here are some things lucky people do differently.

They maintain a positive mindset. Lucky people generally expect good things to happen

because they know that if you believe in yourself and work hard enough, good things will

come. ②_____ When something doesn’t go the way they want it to, they look at it as an

opportunity to learn and grow instead of getting upset or discouraged. ③_____ So when they

fail at something, they take it as a reason to improve and then they keep trying.

They use creative methods to solve problems. Lucky people are able to step back and

assess a situation. ④_____ Nevertheless, they see the big picture and can recognize how one

event affects another and how one solution will solve multiple problems at once. The ability

to do this allows them to develop creative solutions that others might not think of.

⑤_____ Lucky people have a lot of things going for them. For example, they don’t get

stuck in old ways or worry about things they can’t control. Instead, they welcome change and

are adaptable in their thinking, always ready to try something different. The more open your

mind is to new ideas, the more likely it is that something good will come along and surprise


A. They don’t get caught up in the details of a problem.

B. A lucky person views failure as feedback, not punishment.

C. They keep themselves flexible and open-minded

D. They trust their own insight.

E. They’re also able to see the bright side of bad situations.

F. But there are things we can do to create the conditions for it.

G. The more effort you put into something, the more likely it is to go well.


A boy , 3 years old, after visiting and playing in his neighbor's with his grandma, 1 a

bottle of yogurt(酸奶) when leaving. Soon later, his grandma found it, and asked him to 2

the yogurt. 3 , the boy cried and screamed. Then getting 4 , the grandma seized him,

and said, “This is the act of 5 ! Now come with me to the police station!” The boy was so

6 , struggling to escape bitterly. While his grandma took off the gloves, dragging him on the


The video was posted online and gave 7 to a heated discussion. A rather large portion

of 8 left there were in 9 of what the grandma had done, and argued that this lesson

would help the boy develop the right 10 character.

In the market, it is a common 11 when you see a child, between 2 and 5 years old,

getting hold of the toys he or she wants or 12 the food he or she likes, ignoring whether

it has been 13 or not.

It never strikes to them that they are stealing something. Nor do they take into

consideration the 14 of their action or other people's feelings on their 15 . In their

sense, all the things they like belong to them.

According to some psychologists, during the period from 2 to 5, the children have no sense

of property rights, and are not able to distinguish the 16 between what's yours, what's

theirs, and what's mine.

Besides, this is also a stage when self-consciousness(自主) starts to 17 . Children

begin trying to go out of the adults' watching territory to 18 with the outside world

19 . In this sense, what is thought of as stealing, in the young children's eyes, may be just an

attempt on 20 .


A. took away


A. return for


A. Unusually


A. amazed


A. policeman

B. took off

B. turn back

B. Unwilling

B. alarmed

B. astronaut

C. took apart

C. return back

C. Unlikely

C. amused

C. thief

D. took over

D. turn to

D. Uneasily

D. angry

D. blogger


A. frightened


A. a hand


A. letters


A. support


A. critical


A. accident


A. plotting


A. replaced

B. surprised

B. rise

B. theories

B. memory

B. financial

B. scene

B. permitting

B. outdated

C. delighted

C. way

C. conclusions

C. need

C. moral

C. comment


C. paid

B. causes

C. speeches

C. courts

C. run out

C. be in company


D. stressful

D. birth




D. pocketing

D. faded

C. origins D. selections


D. boundaries


D. fight

ly D.


A. consequences


A. aims


A. figures


A. go away

B. behaviors

B. branches

B. come up


A. get in touch B. keep in touch


A. disappointedly


36、A. faith B. grace C. exploration


37、 Team China's B-girl Liu Qingyi pocketed silver in the 2022 WDSF World

Breaking(霹雳舞) Championships on Oct, 22, ①_______(make) a breakthrough to bring

China its first world championship medal.

Liu, ②_______ goes by B-Girl 671, ranked fourth in the pre-selection and had an excellent

③_______ (perform) in the following match, progressing to the last four with three Japanese

breaking dancers.

In the semifinal, Liu defeated Riko Tsuhako of Japan 2-0 by showing her powerful moves

and ④_______ good sense of rhythm(韵律).

In the intense gold medal match, Liu ⑤_______ (defeat) by 2019 world champion Ami

Yuasa of Japan 2:1 to settle for silver.

Setting the goal of being among the top eight before the event, Liu was ⑥_______ (satisfy)

with the silver medal as she recovered her form from the semi-final.

"It is ⑦_______ (I) pleasure to compete with the champion." Liu said, "I will continue to

carve my moves, and I look forward ⑧_______ next year's World Championships."

"The team is very talented." Chinese breaking team head coach Mounir Biba told Xinhua,

"As we are approaching Paris 2024, we need to keep the takeaways in mind and go all out. I

believe that we will do ⑨_______ (well) next year."

Breaking will make its Olympic debut(首秀) since the International Olympic Committee

(IOC) has officially added ⑩_______ to the 2024 Paris Olympic Games in 2020.










All Saints' Day(万圣节), which fall on the 1st of November every year, celebrated to

remember all Christian saints, especial those who have no special feast days of them own.

What is a saint? You might ask. I will not answer that questions. A saint is a very good person

who is giving special respect after death by the Christian church, so as t. Mary the Virgin and

Saint Peter, one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ. In the Western Christian practice, the

celebration begins in the evening of October 31st, Halloween (All Saints’ Eve), and ending at

the close of November 1st.











Dear Mike,










Web editor: Chai Haorui(





Click to find out(




Web editor:Lang Yun(












Silver accessories have a long history in the culture of

the Miao ethnic group. Their silver processing technique has been handed down and

innovated on from generation to generation and has been made the national intangible








Yi embroidery(


), one of China's intangible cultural heritages, made a

splendid appearance in Beijing in September during the Beijing Fashion Week.(








Peking Opera is a key element of Chinese culture.

Nowadays, some young performers are quite innovative, like Guo Xiaojing, who makes

videos integrating this traditional intangible heritage into modern everyday life.(















Layered with different colors, these art pieces spread

vivid patterns across the vast fields, representing the harmony between nature and






Silver accessories have a long history in the

culture of the Miao ethnic group. Their silver processing technique has been handed down

and innovated on from generation to generation and has been made the national intangible








), one of

China's intangible cultural heritages, made a splendid appearance in Beijing in September

本文标签: 物质修改包括错误解析