





Don't Bring Home Stray Cats!

Hi friends! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. Today I

want to tell you why you shouldn't bring stray cats into your

house. I know they look cute and fluffy, but trust me, it's a really

bad idea!

First of all, stray cats can be very dirty and carry diseases.

They've been living on the streets, maybe eating out of trash

cans or getting into fights with other animals. Yuck! You don't

know where they've been or what germs they might have. If you

bring a stray cat inside, it could make your whole family sick with

things like ringworm, fleas, or even rabies. No thanks!

Stray cats can also be really mean and aggressive since

they've had to fight to survive on their own. My friend Bobby

brought a stray kitten home last year and it turned out to be a

tiny terror! It scratched up all the furniture, hissed at everyone,

and even bit Bobby's little sister. His parents had to get rid of it

because it was just too wild.

Another problem is that stray cats might already belong to

someone else. Maybe they got lost or ran away from their

owner's house. If you take that cat home, the real owners could

be really sad and looking everywhere for their lost pet. Would

you want someone to steal your cat? I wouldn't!

Some people think "Oh, I'll just take it to the vet and get it all

its shots, then it will be fine." But vets are really expensive,

especially for stray animals with no owners. The vet bills could

cost hundreds of dollars! Plus, who knows if the stray cat has

diseases or problems the vet can't even fix.

Instead of taking strays home, there are much better ways to

help them. You could put out some dry cat food and a bowl of

water in a safe spot. Or get your parents to call an animal rescue

group to come humanely trap the cat and bring it to a shelter.

The shelters have vets on staff to care for the cats and find them

new forever homes.

At shelters, the stray cats get checked for diseases, given any

medicines they need, and secured in safe kennels away from kids

until they're ready for adoption. Healthy, tame cats get

spayed/neutered and put up for adoption to approved families.

Only then is it safe and ok to bring them into your house as new


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