














参考译文: After I graduated from primary school, relatives and friends all

suggested that I should drop out and learn a trade to help my mother. Although I

knew that I ought to seek a livelihood to relieve mother of hard work and distress,

I still aspired to go on with study. So I kept learning secretly. I had no courage to

tell mother about the idea until admitted to a normal school which provided free

uniforms, books, room and board. To enter the school, I had to pay ten Yuan

as a deposit. This was a large sum of money for my family. However, after two

weeks' tough effort, mother managed to raise the money and sent me off to

school in tears afterwards. She would spare no pains for her son to win a bright

future. On the day when I was appointed the schoolmaster after graduation,

mother and I spent a sleepless night. I said to her, "you can have a rest in the

future." but she replied nothing, only with tears streaming down her face.







Life is like a cup of wine; people who love it discover inexhaustible wonders

from it.

Hold in the hand and gaze at it, the dark red color is reminiscent of the blood,

which is the impress of life.

Take a sip of it and appreciate the taste, the bittersweet flavor is exactly the

same with life, which is complicated and blurred.

Once the sip is swallowed, the lingering fragrance pleases the heart and

refreshes the mind, leaving a person lifelong benefit.

There was a remarkable resemblance between life and wine: the taste

becomes more delicious as the wine mellows, just as life gets better as it becomes

more abundant.

When life comes to twilight years, it looks calm and tastes full of wisdom and

generosity, just like a bottle of wine to be savored.

2012年原文赏析:台湾作家蔡素芬〈< 烛光盛宴》

泊珍看他第一眼,彷似一声雷劈头而来,令她曼头涨脑,这一岁 的孩子脸型长相如此


痛苦纠聚心中,眉心发烫发热,胸口郁闷难展,胃里一股气冲喉 而上。院长说这孩子

发肓迟缓时,她更是心头无绪,她在肓生所 待的房里来回踱步,这房里还有其他小孩,每

人一张围着栅栏的 床,整个房间只有一扇窗,窗外树影婆娑,就让这孩子留下来吧 ,这

里有善心的神父和修女,这里将来会扩充为有医疗作用的看 护中心,这是留住孩子最好的

地方。这孩子是她的秘密,她将秘 密留在这树林掩映的建筑里。


她专心倣生意,她觉得人生剩下的只有不断地赚钱养育孩子,和 对往曰某些美好时光

的眷恋,即使这些时光如此短暂,但也因为 短暂而弥足珍贵,她家乡的好山好水、她和桂

花的姐妹情谊、留 在心中的曾有过的感情,这些美好的部分就够安慰她的余生。她 心里

也惦念留在家乡的那些人,她的两个孩子、她的父亲,他们 都不再有音讯,他们随着时光

的流逝,成为心里一个遥远的山水 风景,成为眼里模糊的泪水。

1. Tortured by the pains gathering in her heart, she felt something was

burning between her eyebrows. Her chest was brimmed with depression which

was likely to run out of her throat at any moment. She could not think clearly any

longer when the headmaster told her that the child suffered from developmental

retardation. She strode up and down in the room where her child stayed with other

pals. There was only one window in the room, out of which some shady trees were

whispering. “Just leave it here”, she told herself, “This is the best choice by far,

for there are kind priests and nuns in this place which may also be renovated into a

Medicare center”. The child was her secret which would be kept in the buildings

behind the woods.

2. Her heart full of pain, between eyebrows burning, chest stifled, a stream of

gas surged from her stomach out of her throat. The dean remarked that the child

grew laggardly, which made her even more worried and lost. She walked up and

down in the house, which had only one window. Beyond the window, the shadows

of trees confused. There were also other children in the house. Just leave the child

here. It had benevolent priests and sisters and would develop into a nursing center

with medical function. This was the best place for this child, who was her secret

and she would stash this secret into the building among thick forests.









Being hasty and at leisure are two quite distinct lifestyles. But in the real world,

people have to frequently shuttle between these two lifestyles, sometimes not

sure whether they are “at ease” or “in a rush”.

For example, we are enjoying our holidays in the resort while suenly we

receive phone calls from the boss who tells us there are some troubles with our

customers and work----so at this moment the modern, convenient and advanced

device shows its vicious and gloomy features---and we lose all our interest. The

subsequent leisure is the mere showy for we are in a restless and anxious state of








For the relationship between friends, similar habits and tempers help to make

it closer; on the other hand, opposite ones leave distance from each other. No

matter how familiar and intimate the friends are, the relationship should be treated

carefully and respect should be treasured for friends. Otherwise, the partnership

and balance would be broken, as a result, a good relationship would no longer


Everyone has a desire for his own personal space, which could be easily

invaded if the attitude between friends is too free. Then conflicts appear, causing

barriers. Although it seems a small case of not respecting friends, harmful seeds

may be sowed to ruin the relationship. In a word, the best way to keep positive

friendship is associating with temperate manners and without too much











Cell phone has altered human relations. There is usually a note on the door of

conference room, which reads “turn off your cell phones”. However, the rings are

still resounding in the room. We are all common people and have few urgencies to

do. Still, we are reluctant / unwilling to turn off the phone. Cell phone symbolizes

our connection with the world and reflects our “thirst for socialization”. We are

familiar with the scene when a person stops his steps to edit short messages with

eyes glued at his phone, disregard of his location, whether in the road center or

besides a restroom.。

(2008)谁不希望拥有一个小小花园? 哪怕是一丈之地呢。若有, 当代人定会以木

栅围起 那木栅 我想也定会以各人的条件和意愿 摆弄得尽可能的美观然后在春季撒下花

种 或者移栽花秧 于是企盼着自己喜爱的花儿日日的生长吐蕾,在夏季里散紫翻红开成一

片。虽在秋季里凋零却并不忧伤,仔细收下了花籽儿 待来年再种相信花儿能开得更美……

真的 谁不曾怀有过这样的梦想呢?

都市寸土千金 地价炒得越来越高 今后将更高 拥有一个小小花园的希望 对寻常之辈

不啻是一种奢望 一种梦想 某些副部级以上的干部而且是老资格的 才可能希望成现实于


我想 其实谁都有一个小小花园 谁都是有苗圃之地的 这便是我们的内心世界 人的智

力需要开发 人的内心世界也是需要开发的 人和动物的区别 除了众所周知的诸多方面恐

怕还在于人有内心世界 心不过是人的一个重要脏器 而内心世界是一种景观 它是由外部

世界不断地作用于内心渐渐形成的 每个人都无比关注自己及至亲至爱之人心脏的健损以

至于稍有微疾便惶惶不可终日 但并非每个人都关注自己及至亲至爱之人的内心世界的阴

晴 -- 己所无视遑论他人?

我常“侍弄”我心灵的苗圃 身已不健 心倘尤秽 又岂能活得好些?职业的缘故使我惯

对自己和他人的心灵予以研究 结论是——心灵 亦即我所言内心世界 是与人的身体健康


Spiritual Garden

I think everyone, in effect, has a small garden or a flower bed of his own,

namely, our inner world. There is a need for human beings to tap into their own

intelligence, as is the case with their inner world. What distinguishes between

human beings and animals, apart from the various aspects which are universally

known, may probably be in that human beings have an inner world. Heart is no

more than an important organ whereas the inner world constitutes a landscape,

which gradually takes its shape under the continuous influence from the outside

world. So great is the importance that everyone attaches to the physical condition

of his own heart or those of his closest and dearest ones, that merely a minor

disease would enduringly weight on his mind.







详这张张面庞,还会生出无限的怜悯。参考译文:Beside this picture with profusions of

colors, a group of sheep are lowing their heads, eating by the river bank. Hardly

none of them would spare some time to raise their eyes to have a glance at the

beautiful dusk. They are, perhaps, taking use of every minute to enjoy their last

chew before being driven home. This is a picture of the Yellow River bank, in which

the shepherd disappears, and no one knows where he is resting himself. Only the

sheep, however, as free creatures, are joyfully appreciating the dusk. The exuberant

water plants have nurtured the sheep, making them grow as fat as balls. When

approaching near, you would find their lily-white teeth and a variety of innocent

facial impressions.







人容易满足。Since ancient times the Chinese nationalities have never considered

human beings to be superior to every other species. As is reflected in Chinese

philosophy, literature and art, in the natural world human beings occupy a

positioning proportion to all other creatures and the former do not absolutely

dominate the latter. Therefore, generally speaking, we Chinese feel depressed less

often and less severely than people in the west, for the intensity of one’s

depression literally changes along with the magnitude of one’s desire and

ambition. As people in an agricultural society enjoy much fewer comforts than

those in an industrial society, they have fewer desires or wishes. Besides, ancient

Chinese always took it as their most fundamental philosophy of life that one

should not merely be confined to material pursuits, or be kept in bondage by

material things. It is quite true that there are misers in China. But Chinese misers

prove less miserly and less ambitious when they are compared with those misers

and careerists described by Moliai and Balzac. Being very mild-tempered, most of

the ethnic groups in China live a simple life without worldly desires. In comparison

with western people, the Chinese people are easily satisfied. (2006)







此。How significant is a person’s life? Is there any standard to measure it? It will be

very difficult to put forward an absolute standard, but in general, the significance

of one’s existence can be estimated by how he treats his life, by what attitude he

takes to work and what ways he chooses to live. From ancient times up to now, all

the accomplished people treat their lives very seriously. They work and, learn as

much as possible. They hate to spend the best of their lives in vain; they do not

want to let their time slip by. All the laboring people, great statesmen and thinkers

of our country at all ages treasure their time in this way. (2005年)








We shouldn’t be too romantic about human relationships. Human beings are

funny. Usually, when they meet a person they will first notice his or her merits. It’s

just like the experience of dinning in a restaurant. The starter or cold dish will leave

you a very good impression. You will be full of praise while eating the first two

main courses. The more you eat, the calmer you will become. At the end of the

dinner all the shortcomings come out. Then happiness turns to anger, praise to

scolding and nit-picking, and heading-nodding to head-shaking. This is because

first, you are hungry when you begin eating. When you are hungry, the bran tastes

as sweet as honey; when you are full, even the honey tastes insipid. (2004)






Before I fell ill,I had been the bully under our roofs owing to my doting

parents. Feeling like being deposed into a cold palace, I began to taste the

bitterness of depression and frustration immediately after I was segregated and

confined in a small house on a hillside in our garden. On a spring evening, my

parents gave a banquet in the garden where a profusion of flowers were in full

bloom. In no time, a crowd of their guests collected and laughter was heard all

over there. I, without being noticed, lifted the curtain in my small room, only to

spy the bustle of a kaleidoscopic world down in the garden, and my elder sisters,

brothers and my cousins, each full of the joys of spring, were shuttling among

the guests. Quickly enough, I was thrown into a fist of sorrowful anger at being

forgotten and discarded by the rest and could not help crying my heart out. (2003)






Equal are the generous gifts granted/distributed (endowed) by Nature to

(on) all human individuals,whether they are wealthy or impoverished(be they

wealthy or impoverished)。 Therefore,all human individuals have become

unanimously and profoundly indebted to (obliged to,attached to,dependent on)

Nature. This is particularly true in rural areas where ways of life have remained

intact and unchanged for thousands of years---sowing crops and grapes,brewing

and drinking wines,grazing and milking cows,hoeing grasses and planting

flower-trees,going to churches for religious prayers and services on weekends,

playing musical instruments,dancing and singing on squares. The age-old land

remains the same as their family hearth. Each locality has evolved its own unique

folk tales and has transmitted its distinctive habits and customs.(2002)





羽说: “钓鱼可分三个阶段:第一阶段是吃鱼;第二阶段是吃鱼和情趣兼而有之;第三阶


Qiao Yu took to fishing in his old age. He said: “Where there is fish and water,

there is good environment, and good environment fills one’s heart with joy. I

think the best place for fishing is not a comfortable man-made fish-pond where

hungry fish are ready for you, but an enchanting place in the wild where

everything is natural.” Fishing is a game that can help improve one’s

temperament. It is good for mental and bodily health. Qiao Yu said: “Fishing falls

into three stages. The first stage is just for eating fish. The second stage is for

eating fish and for enjoying the pleasure of fishing as well. The third stage is

mainly for the pleasure of fishing facing a pool of green water, one casts aside all

anxieties and worries and enjoys a good rest, both mental and physical.”(2001)

本文标签: 手机孩子母亲没有