







School of Management, HIT

[1] Journal of Accounting Research (UTD 24)

[2] Accounting Review (UTD 24)

[3] Journal of Accounting and Economics (UTD 24)

[1] Journal of Finance (UTD 24)

[2] Journal of Financial Economics (UTD 24)

[3] Review of Financial Studies (UTD 24)

[1] Information Systems Research (UTD 24)

[2] MIS Quarterly (UTD 24)

[1] Journal of Consumer Research (UTD 24)

[2] Journal of Marketing (UTD 24)

[3] Journal of Marketing Research (UTD 24)

[4] Marketing Science (UTD 24)

[1] Management Science (UTD 24)

[2] Operations Research (UTD 24)

[3] INFORMS Journal on Computing (UTD 24)

[1] Production and Operations Management (UTD 24)

[2] Journal of Operations Management (UTD 24)

[3] Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (UTD 24)

[1] Academy of Management Journal (UTD 24)

[2] Academy of Management Review (UTD 24)

[3] Administrative Science Quarterly (UTD 24)

[4] Strategic Management Journal (UTD 24)

[5] Organization Science (UTD 24)

[6] Journal of International Business Studies (UTD 24)

[1] American Economic Review

[2] Econometrica

[3] Journal of Political Economy

Total 27


Information Systems


Management Science

Operations Management

Strategy and Management



(Business Week, FT列表期刊中未列入我院A+列表的期刊)

[1] Accounting, Organizations and Society

[2] Contemporary Accounting Research

[3] Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice

[4] Human Relations

[5] Human Resource Management (US)

[6] Journal of Applied Psychology

[7] Journal of Business Venturing

[8] Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

[9] Journal of Management

[10] Journal of Management Information Systems

[11] Journal of Management Studies

[12] Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

[13] Organization Studies

[14] Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

[15] Research Policy

[16] Review of Accounting Studies

[17] Review of Finance

[18] The Quarterly Journal of Economics

[19] The Review of Economic Studies

[20] Harvard Business Review

[21] Journal of Business Ethics

[22] Journal of Consumer Psychology

[23] Sloan Management Review

[24] Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal

本文标签: 期刊列表管理学院国际