



Automation of professional development

Automation in the history of professional development, "industrial automation"

professional and "control" professional development of the two main line,

"industrial automation" professional from the first "industrial enterprises electrified"


In the 1950s, the New China was just founded, the 100-waste question, study

the Soviet Union established system of higher education, Subdivision professional.

Corresponding to the country in the construction of industrial automation and

defense, military construction in automatic control, successively set up the

"electrification of industrial enterprises" professional and "control" professional (at

that time in many schools, "Control" professional secrecy is professional) . After

several former professional name of evolution (see below), and gradually develop

into a "biased towards applications, biased towards strong," Automation, and the

latter to maintain professional name of "control" basically unchanged (in the early

days also known as the "automatic learning And remote learning, "" Automatic

Control System "professional), and gradually develop into a" biased towards theory,

biased towards weak, "the automation professional, and come together in 1995,

merged into a unified" automatic "professional . In 1998, according to the Ministry

of Education announced the latest professional undergraduate colleges and

universities directory, adjusted, the merger of the new "automated" professional


include not only the original "automatic" professional (including "industrial

automation" professional and "control" professional ), Also increased the "hydraulic

transmission and control of" professional (part), "electrical technology" professional

(part) and "aircraft guidance and control of" professional (part).

Clearly, one of China's automation professional history of the development of

China's higher education actually is a new development of the cause of a microcosm

of the history, but also the history of New China industrial development of a

miniature. Below "industrial automation" professional development of the main line

of this example, a detailed review of its development process in the many

professional name change (in real terms in the professional content changes) and its

industrial building at the time of the close relationship.

First a brief look at the world and China's professional division history. We know

that now use the professional division is largely from the 19th century to the

beginning of the second half of the first half of the 20th century stereotypes of the

engineering, is basically industry (products) for the objects to the division, they have

been the image of people Known as the "industry professionals" or "trade

associations." At present the international education system in two categories, with

Britain and the United States as the representative of the education system not yet

out of "industry professionals" system, but has taken the "generalist" the road of

education and the former Soviet Union for Europe (close to the Soviet Union) as the

representative The education system, at the beginning of the implementation of

"professionals" education, professional-very small, although reforms repeatedly, but

to the current "industry professionals" are still very obvious characteristics.


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