




第二节 读后续写(满分25分)


Albert was mad about computer could spend hours and hours in front of the screen,

and even though his parents found it hard to believe,he really enjoyed every minute of hardly

left his people encouraged him to get involved with normal life,he would respond:"This

is my doorway to the world,there is much more here than you realize."

Among all his games there was one he especially it he would move a character around,

collecting turtles(乌龟)on an infinity(无限)of levels and was a real expert at

there was no one else in the world who had collected as many turtles as he had,but,nevertheless,

Albert still wanted more and more

One day,when he got home from school,everything had usual,as soon as he

arrived,he ran to his room to switch the computer this time he heard some strange noises, like

breaking ly the screen broke,and from inside came dozens,then hundreds,then

thousands of little they filled every square inch of his was astonished.

He couldn't believe what was after pinching(掐)himself,he shut down and started the

computer up many times,and called to his parents to see if he was dreaming about it

happens,he had to accept that on that day something very strange was happening.

On entering,his parents put their heads in their that the turtles were staying in

Albert' s room,they decided to make them his responsibility.



2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Looking after thousands of turtles,day after day,was no easy task.

When Albert forgot about his beloved computer games,the turtles disappeared.








整理房间 等等琐碎的活儿 2. Albert如此之忙碌以致于他完全没有时间上网,有时候网瘾又上


第二段:1. Albert得出感悟,虽然喂养乌龟很繁琐,尤其是那么多乌龟在一起的时候,但是喂

养乌龟,看他们伸着脖子,爬石头,下乌龟蛋,孵化小乌龟,其实乐趣也无穷 2. Albert开始体


Looking after thousands of turtles, day after day, was no easy task. Every day after school, Albert

would rush to the turtle tank and made sure every one of them was properly fed and carefully attended.

Sometimes, a few naughty little ones would creep out and leave their droppings hither and thither,

which meant extra cleaning and taming from Albert's side. He was, to some extent, a feeder, tamer,

guardian and mentor for the big turtle family. When all these responsibilities weighed down heavily on

Albert’s feeble shoulder, he could no longer squeeze time on games, which he had held dear for

life. (92 words)

When Albert forgot about his beloved computer games, the turtles disappeared. Almost overnight,

Albert regained his liberty, which meant he could immediately re-plunge into the colorful virtual world.

However, this time, the internet lost all its charm and Albert just wouldn't open the monitor. Instead, he

kept reminiscing about the good old days with the turtle tribe and claimed taking care of real turtles

was the best days ever in his life. Obviously, this unforgettable experience taught Albert an invaluable

lesson: real life exists in reality, not online. (78 words)


第二节 读后续写(满分25分)

One day, the Mullah, an important man in the village, found his donkey was gone when he

wanted to go visit a friend. He was very angry and ran around to look for his donkey.

The Mullah ran about looking until he was too tired. He sat down to rest at his gate. A few friends

came to join him.

“That no-good lazy donkey!” said he. "If I ever see her again, I’ll sell her for a dollar!" Selling a

donkey for a dollar was just a joke.

Just then the Mullah heard the sound of his donkey’s feet. He looked was his

her back rode a boy,

"Where did you find her?" asked the Mullah. "We couldn’t find her anywhere."

"I knew where I would go if I were a donkey," said the boy. "I found her eating grass with the

sheep and goats."

Suddenly, the Mullah looked to one side and saw one of his friends holding up a dollar. On the other

side he saw another with a dollar.

"I’ll buy your donkey, " said the two.

"I was joking!" said the Mullah.

"You didn’t sound as if you were joking, " said the two.

The Mullah couldn’t break his word. That would be wrong for an important person in the village. He

certainly didn’t want to sell his donkey for a dollar. So he said, "Meet me at the donkey fair on

Saturday. I shall sell her at that time. I shall sell my donkey to the one who will treat her most kindly."

Everybody was kind to animals in the village.


1.所续写短文的词数应为150 左右;

2.应使用5 个以上文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3.续写部分 分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;


Paragraph l:

So the Mullah thought out a plan.




Paragraph 2:

My donkey and my cat are very good friends.





So the Mullah thought out a plan. He wanted to keep his word and also to keep his donkey.

On the night before the donkey fair, the Mullah bought a piece of rope. No one had any idea

on why the Mullah should want a piece of rope. On Saturday, the man and the boy in the

village came to the donkey fair as scheduled. They found a cat tied with a piece of rope to the

tail of the Mullah's donkey! Beside them stood the Mullah, who looked happy. "It is true, I'll

sell my donkey for adollar," said the Mullah. “Just one thing, though.”

My donkey and my cat are very good friends. They must not be parted. The kind man who

buys my donkey must buy my cat also. ""How much is your cat?" asked many voices. "Oh, my

cat is a very important animal," said the Mullah. "Her father caught a mouse for the King. Her

mother seized a mouse for the Queen. None can equal its agility and smartness. For such a

great cat, I want one hundred dollars." The men burst out laughing and gave up the idea of

owning the donkey.


第二节 读后续写(满分25分)


I stepped off the bus and headed for the pool with my friends,concentrating on what I needed to

do to win this swimming competition.

I jumped in the water,amid(在....中)screams of"Oh man,it's freezing",and found it wasn't too

bad. started to warm up,and noticed the sky getting gray."It's going to rain,"my friend Ashley said

behind me."Let's pray for no thunder or lightning,"I replied.“This meet can't be canceled.”That was

when I noticed his uneasiness."What's wrong?"I asked.

He looked over at the other team and back at me,saying,"Their 50m freestyle swimmer,Jack,is

talking something bad about said you'd be a good swimmer if you didn't swim like a girl.

And he's not only saying something bad about you,but every one of us."Ashley gave me a look of

encouragement and added,Atom,you'd better swim as fast as possible and beat him who's

the boss!”

My event was that time,all my friends had shown up and I was preparing for my

50m freestyle sprint(冲刺)I walked over to the blocks(起跑器)and began to prepare myself.

"You think you actually have a chance?"came an aggressive voice from my side.I turned and

recognized the guy who Ashley had pointed was Jack,who added,"Don't even try."Luckily,I was

not friends were close by.

“My friend is going to beat you,”Ashley replied,"That's a good 'll settle

this in the water.”

"Swimmers up!"the official called.I stepped onto the starting block and prepared for the race.

That was when all my friends started to cheer me on.I focused all my attention and followed the

officials order,"Take your mark."I bent down into my starting position,the cheering around me

growing louder.


1.所续写短文的词数应为150 左右;


Paragraph 1

When the starting gun fired,I jumped into the water._

Paragraph 2

All I heard was cheering._

One possible version

When the starting gun fired,I jumped into the water.I began pumping my arms fast.“Faster,”I

thought,"swim faster!"I was pushing myself to the limit.I took a breath and headed for the wall of

the of the corner of my eye I saw the guy,Jack,neck and neck with me.“This is close,"I

thought I came to the last five meters and sprinted with all my strength.“Go,go,go,"my brain yelled.

I hit the wall and lifted my head at almost the same time as Jack.

All I heard was cheering.I looked around and nearly every one,including the other team,was

pointing at me in amazement.I had touched the wall a second before Jack.I looked at the official,and

he signaled that I had won.I screamed in my and my other friends were jumping with

joy.I did not celebrate;it wasn't my style.I glanced over at Jack,who had a look of embarrassment.

Seeing that I said sincerely to Jack,“Hey,a good swim.”


第二节 读后续写(满分25分)

假定你是李华。请根据写作要点用英语写一篇周记, 记述你周末帮助家人做家务的一次经



1. 做家务的理由; 2. 做家务的过程; 3. 你的感受。


1. 短文词数不少于100;

2. 开头部分已写好, 不计入总词数;

3. 不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。

I am an 18-year-old middle school student.




第二节 读后续写(满分25分)

One possible version:

I am an 18-year-old middle school student. I have been busy with my study and seldom helped

my parents with the housework. Feeling quite sorry for that, I begin to think about what to do to help.

Last Sunday, when my parents went out shopping, I suddenly got an idea: why not give the

rooms a thorough cleaning? Firstly I collected all the books, newspapers and other things scattered in

the rooms and put them in place. Then I wiped the dust off all the furniture. After that, I swept and

mopped the floors.

At this very moment, my parents came back and were quite surprised to see all the rooms tidy

and floors shining. My mother gave me a hug and I could see satisfaction in her eyes. Tired as I was, I

never felt so happy.









It was a rainy November morning. Overcome with anger I knew if I didn’t leave the house soon I

would lose my temper with my husband, Joe. As rain came down in sheets, Joe offered to take me to

work. I struggled into my jacket, seized my bag and teaching plans and ignored him.

He insisted and reached for his boots. I looked at the piles of newspapers and the dirty dishes still

on the table. “Don’t you have enough to do? I can take care of myself” I stormed out, not even kissing

him good-bye. Joe shouted after me not to take the shortcut (



Joe and I had been eagerly looking forward to our retirement when a heart attack that past spring

forced him to leave his job earlier than we had planned. As the medical bills mounted we realized I

would have to continue working full-time while Joe stayed home and took over the housework.

The new arrangement was a disaster. Exhausted after a day of full work, all I wanted was a hot

home cooked meal and a good night’s sleep. However, what greeted me at the table was a microwave

package. Sometimes he would serve oatmeal (


)for several nights in a row. One night when I

dragged myself to bed, I was terrified to discover Joe had turned our white sheets blue. He told me he

had found out how to save on water, soap and electricity. He patted his blue trousers and announced

proudly washing everything together was just the secret.

Ten minutes later, ignoring Joes warning I turned off the main route. I thought it hadn’t rained

enough to flood the road, but as I rounded the corner water rushed across my path. After a few feet, the

car got stuck. I opened the door and water poured in. I hurriedly closed the door. I couldn’t risk

walking in this. Almost 20 minutes passed. The car began to shake. I got frightened to death when I

heard three long honks (










Looking over my shoulder, I stared into the flashing lights of a




I screamed that I couldn’t make








Looking over my shoulder, I stared into the flashing lights of a truck. It was Joe! I couldn’t help

bursting into tears. Joe shouted to me not to be frightened. Then he threw a thick rope so that I could

hang on to it and walk straight toward him. I opened the door, grabbed it and inched out. However, a

sudden fall left me in the rushing water. I struggled to my feet, only to find a branch blocking the way

right in front of me.

I screamed that I couldn’t make it. Joe, however, remained calm! He urged me to take one step at

a time and assured me I could make it. I moved forward slowly and cautiously before I fell into his

arms. Sobbing against his chest, I apologized that I shouldn’t have taken the shortcut. Joe patted me

saying his primary concern was my safety. Only then did I realize Joe actually understood how to take

care of me despite his trouble with the housework.























本文标签: 续写时间短文网瘾