



英 语 试 卷


(完卷时间:120分钟 总分:140分)


I. Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a

question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear

a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best

answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. Customer and salesperson.

C. Interviewer and jobseeker.

2. A. About 108.

3. A. In a professor’s workshop.

C. At a university laboratory.

4. A. She takes no notice of the board.

B. She thinks the noticeboard is too dark.

C. She doesn’t understand the notice either.

D. She can’t see what’s in the notice clearly.

5. A. Type for a few minutes.

B. Take her to have a rest.

D. Finish writing the report. C. Look for another typist.

B. Employer and employee.

D. Consultant and student.

D. About 360.

B. In a doctor’s office.

D. At a hotel reception.

B. About 180. C. About 216.

6. A. Johnson was late for their dinner yesterday.

B. Johnson didn’t show up at the dinner time yesterday.

C. He didn’t call Johnson to have dinner together yesterday.

D. He couldn’t go to Johnson’s house for dinner yesterday.

7. A. The man needs ten minutes to ride the woman to the hotel.

B. The woman will arrive at the hotel ten minutes later than planned.

C. The man doesn’t think he can manage to reach the hotel in ten minutes.

D. The woman doesn’t hope he will be able to drive quickly to the hotel.

8. A. To pick him up.

C. To convey a message.

9. A. He says that it costs too much money.

B. He thinks it does harm to the environment.

C. He believes it is sure to bring huge profits.

D. He knows nothing about the construction of it.

10. A. The man has finished the project.

B. The man wants to apologize to the woman.

C. The woman will let Bob call the man.

D. The woman is losing patience with the man.

B. To give him a ring.

D. To return home at once.


Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation,

you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken

only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the

best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11. A. It is usually given immediately by a physician.

B. It usually makes the services of a doctor unnecessary.

C. It usually causes the confusion of the first aider.

D. It is usually done by someone in accidents or emergencies.

12. A. Asking for sound suggestions. B. Finding out the cause of the problems.

C. Arranging for an ambulance. D. Telephoning the victim’s best friend.

13. A. Reassure the victim that help is at hand.

B. Give the victim care and encouragement.

C. Handle the injured parts only when it is necessary.

D. Move the victim’s body to find and dress all the injuries.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

14. A. To compare a music journalist and a musician.

B. To give suggestions on becoming a music journalist.

C. To describe the specific needs of music magazines.

D. To introduce the requirements of a professional musician.

15. A. Have a good knowledge of great musicals.

B. Get familiar with the music of recent years.

C. Be expert at a special type of music.

D. Create opportunities for more musicians.

16. A. It’s easy to get advertisements so as to earn more.

B. It helps to sign long-term contracts with great organizations.

C. It offers time to write for a wider range of music magazines.

D. It contributes to developing readers’ specific expectations.

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

17. A. The course is only open to poetry majors. B. The course requires another course first.

C. The course is all filled up yet. D. The course is only offered in the morning.

18. A. He has another course at the same time.

B. The class is too far away from the community.

C. The course is given during his working hours.

D. He’s already familiar with the material of the course.

19. A. His work schedule doesn’t conflict with his other classes.

B. He doesn’t want to ask his boss for another favor.

C. He wants to work the same schedule as his friends.

D. He likes to do his homework in the evening.

20. A. Its courses cost much less. B. It has an evening cafeteria.

C. The class size there is smaller. D. It may offer courses during the day.


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