




Welcome Unit (1)

and phrases

ge n.交流;交换v.交流;交换;交易;兑换

1)exchange A for B用A来换B

Eg:I'd like to exchange this dress for one of a larger size.我


2)in exchange for交换

Eg:Would you like my old TV in exchange for this camera?


3)cultural exchange文化交流

4)an exchange student 交换生

2. lecture n.讲座;讲课;教训

vi.(开)讲座;讲课vt.训斥lecturer n. 讲演者1)a series of


2)attend a lecture 听讲座(讲课)

3)give (deliver) a lecture(on sth.) 讲演;讲课

4)give sb. a lecture 教训某人一顿

5)go to a lecture 参加讲座

ration n. 登记;注册;挂号

register vt./vi. 登记;注册n.登记簿;花名册

1) a register of births and deaths 出生和死亡记录

2) register office 户籍登记处

Eg:At the beginning of every term, the college students

need to register. 每个学期开始,大学生需要登记注册。

4.1)nation n.国家;民族;国民

an independent nation 一个独立的国家

the Chinese nation 中华民族

2)national adj.国家的,民族的

National Day 国庆节

a national hero 民族英雄

3)nationality n.国籍;民族

the Chinese people of all nationality中国各族人民

Eg:She lives in France but has British nationality.她住在法国


5.1)design v. 设计,筹划



The table was designed to do our homework.这个桌子是设计


This course is designed for new learner.这个课程是为新学者设

计的。by design = on purpose 故意地

2)designer n.设计者,设计师

Eg: I hope I’ll work in a computer company as a program



asked the two students, whether they were willing to

study abroad as e students.

you know that a lot more students have (注册,登记)

for English classes this term than we expected?

3.I have never (exchange) words with those mums beyond

small talks, but they wanted to help.

can I exchange my dollars pounds?

5.I exchanged seats Bill.

would you give me exchange for my recorder?

became a photographer more by accident than design.

building (design) for weddings and other celebrations

and it s beautiful.

course is designed an introduction to the subject.

, 21, plans to be a fashion (design).

本文标签: 设计讲课讲座注册民族