








the price for the hotel includes breakfast

there are many different kinds of mooncakes including fruit,coffee and ice。


如第一个例句:The price【主语】 for the hotel 【(修饰主语的后置)定语】 includes【谓语】




如第二个例句:There are many different kinds of mooncakes including fruit,coffee and ice.

再如:There are 40 students in the classroom, including me.

同样,included也有介词用法,且:including + 宾语 = 宾语 + included.

所以上个例句亦可写成:There are 40 students in the classroom, me included



Lesson 29 Taxi


1 taxi['tæksi] n.出租汽车 4 plough[plau] v.耕地 7 roof[ru:f] n.楼顶

2 Pilatus Porter皮勒特斯·波特(飞5 lonely['ləunli] a.偏僻的,人迹罕8 block[blɔk] n.一座大楼

机机名) 至的 9 flat[flæt] n.公寓房

3 land[lænd] v.着陆 6 Welsh[welʃ] a.威尔士的 10 desert ['dezət] v.废弃


Captain Ben Fawcett has bought an unusual taxi and has begun a new service. The 'taxi' is a small Swiss aeroplane called a

'Pilatus Porter'. This wonderful plane can carry seven passengers. The most surprising thing about it, however, is that it can

land anywhere: on snow, water, or even on a ploughed field. Captain Fawcett's first passenger was a doctor who flew from

Birmingham to a lonely village in the Welsh mountains. Since then, Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual

places. Once he landed on the roof of a block of flats and on another occasion, he landed in a deserted car park. Captain

Fawcett has just refused a strange request from a businessman. The man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the

Atlantic Ocean, but Captain Fawcett did not take him because the trip was too dangerous.

【Useful Expressions】

★taxi n. 出租汽车

taxi driver 出租车司机

take a taxi, take a bus, take a lift

★land vi. 着陆

Whose plane landed in the field?

★plough v. 耕地

plough n. 梨;v. 耕,犁,犁耕,费力穿过,艰苦前进,在考试中淘汰

farm n. 农田,家场

★lonely adj. 偏僻的, 人迹罕见的(地方)

lonely adj. 孤独的,孤僻的(人)

She felt lonely. 她感到孤独(主观)

alone adj. 单独的,独一无二的,孤独的,独自的;adv. 独自地

She is alone. 她独自一个人(事实, 客观)

★roof n. 楼顶(从外面看)

raise the roof v. 喧闹,大声抱怨

ceiling n. 天花板(从里面看)

hit the ceiling 勃然大怒,暴跳如雷,怒发冲冠(美口语)

★block n. 块, 一座大楼

★flat n. 公寓房

a block of flats 公寓楼 (英国英语)

a block of apartments 公寓楼(美语,apartment n. 公寓)

office block 办公楼 写字楼

★desert v. 废弃

① v. 废弃

desert the house = let the room empty

② n. 沙漠, 不毛之地

★Refuse and Deny

refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事

I offered to pay him for his help but he refused (payment).

deny doing sth. / deny that +从句 否认(指控、做过某事等)

The secretary denies that she has stolen the letter.



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