








英 [ˈtəʊtl] 美 [ˈtoʊtl]



形容词 总计的(金额等); 全部的'; 完全的; 绝对的

名词 总计,总数; 全体数量

及物/不及物动词 总计达,计算…的总数


1. I want total silence.


2. What is the total population of Japan?



1. Some 62 percent of the city's total travel expenses are

spent on business trips, while more than 60 percent of Fortune

500 companies are already located here.

2. She expects the domestic business will grow further next

year because it is still a very small part of the firm's total trade.

3. But this global convergence does not mean the total

unification of business practice laws.

4. Its total handset business has been " surprisingly strong "

in the latest fiscal quarter.

5. Wireless business contributed almost two thirds of Sina's

total in the fourth quarter.

6. The great majority of French businesses find their China

operations contributing less than 5 percent of their total business

volume nowadays.

7. The bidding was exciting and 28 technologies were sold,

with the total business volume reaching 3 million Yuan.

8. Its capacity and the total volume of business ranked the

second in China.

9. " It's a total loss of business this year, " a seafood farmer



1. 总数;总额;合计

A total is the number that you get when you add several

numbers together or when you count how many things there are

in a group.

e.g. The companies have a total of 1,776 employees.

这些公司总计有 1,776 名员工。

2. 总的;总计的;全部的

The total number or cost of something is the number or cost

that you get when you add together or count all the parts in it.

e.g. They said that the total number of cows dying from BSE

would be twenty thousand…

他们说患疯牛病死亡的牛的总数将达 2 万头。

e.g. The total cost of the project would be more than $240


该项目的总成本会超过 2.4 亿美元。

3. 总共;总计

If there are a number of things in total, there are that number

when you count or add them all together.

e.g. I was with my husband for eight years

我和丈夫在一起的时间总共有 8 年。

e.g. In total, 45 per cent of adults in Britain are exposed to

tobacco smoke at home.

英国总计有 45% 的成人在家里遭受到烟草烟雾的侵害。


本文标签: 总数总计单词单数店铺