



Chinese Cultural Common Sense






The Chinese nation is an ancient nation with profound culture deposits. The

Chinese traditional culture owns a great varieties; it suits both refined and popular

tastes, from the melodious and touching folk music to the exquisite and lingering

local operas, from the simple and elegant wash painting to the calligraphies with

both hardness and softness, all of them are sparkling with wisdom, which makes

people deeply admired.












The lion dance

The lion dance originated in the Northern and Southern Dynasties and

developed into large-scale singing and dancing collective performance by

hundreds of people in the Tang Dynasty.

In China, the lion dance is a traditional sporting event both and a traditional

culture and art. From north to south, from cities to countries, people can enjoy the

cheerful lion dance on New Year’s Day and on other festivals and celebrations.

Folk people think that the lion dance can express their feelings and joy; it can also

set off the lively atmosphere. Around the Guangdong area is the lion dance most

popular, the lion which being waved has dignified appearance, vigorous

movements and changeable expressions, Cantonese call it “Dancing Lion film”.

Chinese people have sense of respect to the lion’s totem. There’re lots of

folk legends about lions, and the statute of lion ranks only second to dragon.

Therefore, the lion dance is gifted with mysterious colors. People believe that the

lion is the beast with auspiciousness and the lion dance can bring people luck. For

this reason, the lion dance plays an important role at official celebrations and

happy events to summon luck and fortune. The lion dance which is exclusively

used in the festival activities to welcome the auspicious sign and propitious omen

has been handed down from age to age. It was developed from the ancient folk

amusement to the sport activity with function of fitness. The lively scenes of the

dragon and lion dance are also common to see in the Chinese film.














终。 “四合如意”,4个如意从四面围拢勾连起来,象征诸事如意。

Auspicious patterns

In the Chinese folk, lots of auspicious patterns have been spread. On festivals

and happy occasions, Chinese people like to decorate rooms and personal items

with these auspicious Chinese patterns, which could represent the aspiration to

happy life and celebration with good days and festivals.

The Chinese auspicious patterns originated in the Zhou Dynasty, more than

3000 years ago. They became later very popular in the folk. Today, they still remain

an indispensible part in our life.

Auspicious Chinese patterns are rich in content. The most common patterns

include: the character of “double happiness”, which indicates two events

occurring at the same time and big fortune and great profit. It often used by folk

people when they prepare for a happy occasion.

By means of processing and beautifying, the upper half part of the character

“longevity’ turns to a symmetrical pattern, which means “lives a long life’. The

patterns of the characters of “longevity” and bats (homonym to fu—happiness)

are used to wish someone a happy life and long life.

The symmetrical pattern composed of two characters “you” (has the

meaning of owning) means surplus in both clockwise and anticlockwise order. In

the Chinese country, people often stick this pattern on the ware which for storing

grain. It indicates good harvest and prosperous. The pattern “Bai ji” (hundred

lucky things) also called “ Pan Chang”(auspicious knot). Without head or tail,

beginning and end, this pattern implies countless knots. It has the same

pronounce as “ Bai ji”, which symbolizes good luck in everything, also unlimited

happiness and longevity. “Wu fu peng shou”: The pattern of the character

“longevity” surrounded by five bats, which indicates five happy lots—a long life,

riches and honor, good healthy and stability, good morals and a happy ending.

“Si he ru yi”(Jade scepter): Four jade scepters link with each other from four

sides, this pattern symbolizes ”may all go well with you’. .














One-Month-Old Feast and One-Year-Old Catch (zhuazhou) of babies

In China, One-Month-Old Feast and One-Year-Old Catch of a baby have

unique characteristics. These two ceremonies have significance as milestone in the

growing process of a baby.

On the day when a baby is one month old, the family of the baby will invite

their friends and relatives to a ceremony to celebrate the occasion together. In a

traditional One-Month-Old Ceremony, there will be a rejoicing and festive

atmosphere in the family and the feast is supposed to be lively and joyful. However,

in recent years this custom has been gradually abandoned in the cities, particularly

among young couple. Nevertheless, One-Month-Old Feast still remains a

memorable and happy moment for every family.

“Zhou” in the word “zhuazhou”means a baby is one year old. The earliest

historical record about zhuazhou appeared during the Dynasty of Northern Qi. On

the day when a baby is one year old, the family of the baby will lay out sutras,

brush pens, ink sticks, paper, ink slabs, abacus, copper coins, account books,

jewelries, flowers, rouges, foods, toys, etc. For girls, shovels, scoops(cooker),

scissors, rulers(sewing kit),needlework, scissor-cut will be added. The parents then

put the baby in front of these things and make it sit up .Nobody will give an

instruction or cue to the baby so that it is left free to choose by itself. Watching the

baby catch the articles it likes and according the sequencing, the family can then

make predictions about its potential interests, future career and development.




纸 宣纸是一种名贵的纸张,早在唐代,就已经作为贡品献给皇帝。由于这种纸的产地





墨 历代的中国书画家对用墨都十分讲究。安徽徽州生产的徽墨是中国最好的墨。徽墨




笔 文房四宝中的笔指毛笔。毛笔的生产和使用可以追溯到几千年以前。毛笔的原料主




砚 砚是研墨的工具,在中国已有3000多年的历史。端砚、歙砚、洮河砚、澄泥砚并




天,人们仍称它们为 “文房四宝“。

The Four Treasures of Study

From ancient times till now, people rely on paper, inks-stick, brush and ink

stone when they write and paint. People call these four stationeries “the Four

Treasures of Study’’.

The Chinese four treasures of study owns numerous varieties. The most

famous sorts of them are Xuan paper, Hui ink-stick, Hu brush and Duan ink stone.

Paper: The Xuan paper is a kind of precious papers. As early as in Tang Dynasty,

Xuan paper had been already presented as tribute to the emperor. Because of its

source area is near Xuan city in the Anhui Province, people call it Xuan paper. The

features of Xuan paper are pure white, fine, uniform, soft and stretchy, it has also

good hydroscopicity. As soon as the ink drop on the Xuan paper, it permeate the

paper immediately. This character can reflect the feature of Chinese calligraphies

and paintings. Xuan paper can be deposited for a long time and will not be broken

or color-changed, neither be damaged by worms. As a result, many Chinese

ancient scripts and paintings can last for hundreds or thousands years without


Link-stick: In all ages, Chinese calligraphers and painters pay lot attention to

the use of ink-stick. The best Chinese ink-stick, Hui ink-stick comes from Huizhou

in Anhui Province. People began to produce Hui ink-stick more than one thousand

year ago, since Tang Dynasty. Hui ink-stick mainly comprises of precious traditional

Chinese medicine and spice, sometimes gold is also been added. Account of its

ingredients, Hui ink-stick has not only bright black luster, but also an exquisite

fragrance. After several decades, it could also be used.

Brush: The pan of the Chinese four treasures of study indicates brush. The

produce and use of brush can be traced back to thousands years ago. The main

materials of brush are fur and bamboo drain. People need to get through more

than 70 processes to produce a brush of good quality. The workers, who produce

brushes, need to select furs from tens of thousands furs of sheep, rabbits and

yellow weasels. After that they collocate and combine these furs, complete these

selected brushes finally.

The most famous bush in China is the Hu brush comes from Huzhou in

Zhejiang Province. Hu brush has more than 200 sorts and is the gem among the

Chinese four treasures of study.

Ink stone: Ink stone is used for grinding ink and has more than 3000 years

history in China. Duan ink stone, She ink stone, Taohe ink stone and Chengni ink

stone are regard as “four famous ink stones” in China. The most famous among

them is Duan ink stone, which made by the Duan stone from Duanxi in Zhaoqing

city in Guangdong Province. Duan ink stone produces ink quickly and the ink is

difficult to dry or freeze. Duan ink stone is not only precious artwork, but also the

tribute offered to the emperor.

Paper, inks-stick, brush and ink stone play an important role in the

development of Chinese culture and traditional art of painting and calligraphy, to

this day, they’re still called as the four treasures of study by people.












China is the earliest country to have produced silk. According to the legendary,

the wife of Yellow Emperor, Lei Zu had invented the technology of breeding

silkworms, spinning and weaving. Archaeologists believe the technology of silk

weaving has at least a history of more than 4,000 years. Silk had been the main

materials to make clothes for the noblemen and their families as well as an

important commodity for export since long ago.

There are various kinds of ancient Chinese silk. More than 2000 years ago ,as

early as the Han Dynasty, Zhangqian, a famous diplomat of the time, opened up a

Silk Road leading to Western Asia and Europe. Since then, the delicate silks are

being continuously transported to those countries. Westerners were very fond of

Chinese silk. It is said that during the first century AD, a Roman emperor went the

theatre wearing silk, which made a great sensation among the audience. Since

then, people wished to wear clothes made of Chinese silk. China, therefore, was

called the "Silk Country".

Silk has beautified people's life and promoted friendly exchanges between

China and other countries.












People often use fan as a tool to relieve summer heat and enjoy the cool.

Chinese fans have the charm of art and unique national feature since ancient


The history of Chinese fan can be dated to over 3,000 years ago, around the

Shang Dynasty. There’s now a great variety of fans in China, such as paper fan,

silk fan, palm-leaf fan, feather fan, bamboo fan and so on. The shapes of fans are

also various: quadrate, circular, shape in plum blossom, crabapple, sunflower etc.

Writing poems and painting pictures on the covering of fans is also a key

feature of Chinese fan. In all ages, many Chinese calligraphers and painters enjoy

writing and painting on the fans, they have left lots excellent works.

The most common fans in China are folding fan. Taking folding fans in the

hand is convenient and makes people elegant. Hangzhou is the most famous place

of producing folding fans in China. The framework of fans in Hangzhou is often

made by rare material. The famous black paper fans, sandalwood fans and ivory

fans belong to the good items among Chinese fans, they also enjoy great prestige

in the world.















Stone Lions

To Chinese people, lions represent mythical beast and have famous reputation

for “King of all animals’’. In China, the stone lions sculptures can be seen


Chinese people regard lions as the symbol of auspiciousness, braveness and

power, for this reason, people always like setting stone lions at the door when they

build palaces, mansions, houses and tombs to exorcise evil spirits and guard gates.

In ancient times, there were particular rules of setting lions. In a general way, the

male lions were on the left side, stepping on a ball with right foot, this style

indicates power. On the right side, the female lions seem to pat the lionets with left

foot, which symbolize prosperous posterity.

In the Chinese history, China was the capital of five feudal dynasties. Therefore,

people can find many various remaining stone lions in the Beijing city. The

biggest stone lions are in front of Tiananmen, the oldest are at the door of the

Alter of Land and Grain on the Zhongshan park. There’s an old saying: the stone

lines on the railing of the Lugou Bridge are countless. It follows that there’re so

many stone lions. Nowadays, most stone lions in Beijing are built in Ming and Qing

Dynasties by craftsman, which seem to be quiet and meek. If you wan to

appreciate the robustness and fierceness from the stone lions, you might as well

go to another ancient capital city in China, Xian.

At present, stone lions are usually being used has a symbol of power and

auspiciousness; they can be seen in the hustling downtown, in front of the doors of

banks, commercial buildings and parks.

It is said that lions like playing luminous pearls, so there’s always a rolling ball

in most stone lions’ mouth.

本文标签: 中国舞狮人们狮子丝绸