





Author: Bob brown sources: the SCM”

Abstract: the music player is to use STC89C51 SCM combining internal timing system and

digital tube display design a simple microcomputer music box. This paper analyzes the music

player based on 51 single chip hardware circuit and software design of the specific process

including data processing procedure design, display subrouOne design finally based on the

simulation process meet phenomenon was carried on the concrete analysis and description.

Keywords: player; SCM; STC89C51

Along with the horizontal exaltation in people physical life, people pay more and more

attention to the spiritual life satisfaction, keen to seek happiness in consumption and entertainment

experience. Music as a human entertainment life important elements, has been all concern. But

humans into the industrial society since, will music play and industrial products combined with

developed a series of music play products, and with the innovation of technology and customers'

demands change constantly updated, for human entertainment life provides fashion convenience

items. Before two years fashion modeling, small portable, free download songs popular MP3

player is to make music play product unprecedented prosperity. But in the prosperity, the

mainstream music play products MP3 player in the model and the design of the system seems to

be into a bottleneck, new products and old products than just the firmware update and hardware

alternating, and no content and essence of the jump, therefore in the same with portable sexual

characteristics and music play function of music cell phone appeared, MP3 0riginal functional

advantages of no longer, the market and then be quickly extrusion, status, received an

unprecedented threat. Throughout the history of music play products, and each time the music

play product innovations are concept breakthrough or the idea of the result of innovation. As from

the radio to record machine realized the listening mode from "passive listening to" to "independent

choice" change, from record machine to realize the Walkman fixed to a portable leap. Therefore,

how to in concept, the concept of innovation and breakthrough, find the music play products new

development direction, to adapt to the new demand of consumers, it is current product designers

urgent need to resolve problems. Firstly, this paper reviews the history of music play products, and

analysis of the current music play product situation, this paper proposes a new concept for the

importance of breakthrough point; Secondly, based on the current economic environment and

social group environment analysis, as well as the music industry development present situation

and trend analysis, it sums up the current consumer demand trend; Finally, according to the

summary of the consumption demand and market some existing music play product guidance, puts

forward the future music play product the development direction and the corresponding some idea


STC89C51 microcontroller design a music player through the single chip

microcomputer music player system design and research, to be mastered SCM related knowledge

is of important theoretical and practical significance. The curriculum design of the music player is

the combination of software and hardware, different notes form of expression is different

frequency to voice. Through a single chip microcomputer STC89C51 produce different frequency

pulse signal, through the amplification circuit, by the buzzer release, he produced a wonderful

harmony beautiful moving music. According to the thythm of the scale is given for time, finally

realizes the function of play simple songs. For better life for the people provides reliable, respect,

cheap method.

STC89C51 single-chip microcomputer as core hardware control unit, combined with triode

as amplifier, digital tube constitute a typical display circuit, key as input part and other peripheral

equipment composition of music broadcast system. According to the music playing controller to

achieve the display and selects and music produce function principle, system including play

speaker, selects, played and display a few parts. Among them, the button AGAIN with open play

tunes and repeat play the tune function, FORM key has played a song before work can, NEXT

button has played a song after the function, RES key has played before the function of a song. The

design music player can play many first music, songs can choose by the keyboard control, and

through the display make its display songs serial number. Design of the music playing controller is

through the control of single chip microcomputer internal timer to produce different frequency

square wave, drive speaker different syllable voice, and then delay to control the length of time the

pronunciation, i.e., the controlling tone of the beat. At the same time set button to make the design

process can be in three to four songs between performers, design display make its display songs

serial number. With the traditional mechanical music box than smaller, more beautiful timbre and

can play chord music. Electronic music box is the source of power batteries, simple manufacturing

process, can be conducted batch production, so cheap. Based on SCM make electronic music box,

control powerful, can according to need to choose songs, easy to use. According to the size of the

storage capacity, can be as many store songs. In addition, can design lights appearance effect,

make the music box function more nch.

This design is STC89C51 chip circuit as the foundation, external and playback equipment, so

as to realize music playing controller hardware circuit, through the software program to control

the MCU internal timer make it play beautiful moving music. The user can choose according to

oneself be fond of music and translate into machine code in SCM storage. For different types of

single chip microcomputer only need the corresponding change of address can. The software and

hardware system has the very good generality and high practical value in use, for the majority of

SCM and music lovers to provide a good reference. Using key switch to play out different music.

The speaker sends out the music, the use of five key, two used to switch song, a used to start, a

used to stop, the other is a reset. With protel 99 se to design the circuit diagram. Song can optional

written into music box. Due to the songs of memory is bigger, single-chip microcomputer memory

small, will be two pieces of MCU used together, both can communication. Digital tube display the

current broadcast is which song.

The chart, acknowledgments and reference documents have lost (see the original).



作者:Bob brown 来源:《SCM》








本文标签: 音乐设计播放器单片机生活