




is the world’s most widely used search engine. In addition to its web search function, Google

also offers many specialized services such as Google Scholar, Book Search, Image Search, News

Search, and Maps.


This guide explains how to effectively use the Google search engine (/) and

some of its specialized search tools to find information online.

Points to remember:

single search engine searches the entire Web. For the best results, try your search in more

than one search engine.

scholarly journal articles cannot be found by search engines. This includes Google

Scholar. To find and access scholarly journal articles reliably, use the library’s databases


es often lack the quality controls that are used in publishing other types of resources

(e.g., scholarly journals), so you should always evaluate internet resources for quality and

appropriateness for your research. To learn more, refer to the Library’s guide

on evaluating

internet resources.

because a result is the top hit on Google, this does not mean it is credible, reliable or

accurate. Google’s sorting is based on relevancy – to you, your search, your location, your past

searches… – not quality.

search results are affected by personalized information such as your location and past

search history. Google’s algorithms guess what information you are looking for, which can result

in a “filter bubble”.

For example, you may not be shown results that disagree with what Google perceives as your

viewpoints or ideologies. To see this personalization in action, try comparing your search results

from your regular browser to that of a private or incognito window! You might also try searching


, a search engine that shows the same search results to every user.

of your search results may include advertisements (denoted by a small “Ad” to the left of

the URL). These are from companies that pay Google to advertise their products or services

and are not an indication that the site is a credible source.

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Basic Search

Google search has some customizable features and will perform differently depending upon which

settings are selected.

Google has a built-in Autocomplete feature that is not possible to turn off. As you are typing your query,

Google makes predictions about possible search terms for you. However, it is not necessary to choose

any of the predictions.

Google has an option to include Private results that can look for tailored content for you from other

Google products you use, like Gmail or Google Calendar. This only works if you are signed into your

Google account while searching, and it can be turned off by going into Settings and selecting Do not

use private results.

Searching with Google:

To perform a search with Google, enter your keywords into the search box.

When you have entered your keywords, either click on one of the Autocomplete predictions, hit Enter

on your keyboard, or click on the search button on the browser.

Search button

Search terms

Autocomplete predictions

Voice Search:

To use Voice Search, click on the microphone icon in the search bar and follow the instructions.

When choosing search terms:

Microphone icon

Be specific and try to include at least 2 keywords that best describe what you are trying to

find. For example, to find apartments for rent in Halifax, you could search:

•Avoid common words such as “how”, “of”, and “where” because these stop words will normally

be excluded from a search. If stop words occur in a common phrase or title such as Of Mice and

Men, use quotation marks to search for the exact set of words:

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