






To celebrate his girlfriend’s birthday, Luke Fortune drove from a small town in Central Oregon

to Portland, where he parked his car in a paid garage overnight. The next morning, he discovered that

the car’s window had been broken, along with his dreams for the future: His backpack and computer

were gone.

“Everything important to me was on that computer,” said Fortune, 21, who is studying to

become a paramedic (护理人员).” My classwork, every paper I’d written, and all the programs I

needed for my paramedic tests. Every letter I was working on for job applications. I felt sick.”

Two days after the theft, another young man was standing outside his apartment, also in Portland.

Masoud Almazrouei ,29, was an exchange student from the United Arab Emirates. A man came up to

him, saying he had a computer for sale. Only $ouei,who had been in the United States for

only a year, admits now that he was naive (天真).But he needed a computer, so he bought it, took it

home, and turned it on. Within seconds, he saw files and photographs.

“I wondered who would sell a computer with all of this on it,” he said.” I realized it could be

stolen.” Amarone found what appeared to be the owner’s cell phone number and called it.

“This guy with a thick accent told me he had my computer,” Fortune said.” He told me the story

and said it was his fault. I thought it was a trick. I told him if he really had the computer, he should

take it to the police.”

Soon after, a police officer called Fortune to say that a man had dropped the computer off and

had said he was sorry. He passed along the man’s number.

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Paragraph 1:

Fortune called and thanked Almazrouei and insisted on paying him a reward of $200.








Paragraph 2:

A story about the two young men’s encounter made it to the local papers.








第二节 读后续写(满分25分)


Paragraph 1:

Fortune called and thanked Amarone and insisted on paying him a reward of $200. Almazrouei

refused. He said it was his mistake to buy the computer from someone he didn’t know and he was the

one to shoulder the responsibility. More important, he said, it was his honor to return the property to

the right owner. “I saw a photo of this man in his paramedic uniform,” Amarone said. “They help

people. He is a good man. I don’t want my money back.”

Paragraph 2:

A story about the two young men’s encounter made it to the local papers. Overnight, Almazrouei

became a famous name and received many praises for his honesty and kindness. One day he got a call

from the president of Portland State University, where Almazrouei is studying economics. The

president gave Almazrouei a new MacBook Pro. “We thought since you gave back the laptop, we

should give you a laptop so that you’ll have one,” He told him. “We’re very proud of you. It was a

great story, but you did the right thing.”







School mornings were always busy. The first sentence I usually heard was, “It’s time to rise!” It

was Mom’s loudest voice and there was no way I could pretend not to hear it or hide from it.

“Okay, Mum. I’m getting up and dressed!” I would manage to call back.

Mum spoke loudly again as she announced, “Breakfast is ready!”

By then, I couldn’t get to the kitchen fast enough. In fact, it was a race between my sister, my

brother, and me. We usually seated ourselves at the same time, sometimes knocking each other out of

our places. After breakfast, we all rushed out to the bus stop as we took our lunch bags that contained a

sandwich, fruit and dessert.

Then, one day, much to my surprise, there was no dessert in my lunch! What could have

happened to it? Did Mom forget to make or buy it? Oh, well, I thought. It’s only one time, so it’s no

big deal. But, for the next few days, my lunch contained no dessert! So one day, after school, as soon

as I got home, I asked, “Mum! Why haven’t you been putting a dessert in my school lunches?”

Mum answered, “Why, Eugene, I have been including a dessert in your lunch. If you ‘re not

getting them, then who is?”

So then we thought of my activities and what I did with my lunch each day. As soon as I arrived

at school, I always put my lunch in the classroom closet (


) along with all of the other lunches.

And that brought us to Carl the bad boy of the third-grade classroom. The teacher didn’t like him

in class and would send him to the closet, where he would spend most of each day.

Carl lived in a group of foster home (


). He was loud and somewhat of a thief, he

would take just about anything that wasn’t fastened down, so he wasn’t welcome at school. Mom and I

concluded that with nothing else to do Carl was probably going through the lunches and eating what

he liked.














Paragraph 1:

My mother and I talked about ways to solve the problem.






Paragraph 2:

Another day, Carl asked me if he could come to my house and meet my mother.







Paragraph 1:

My mother and I talked about ways to solve this problem. Overwhelmed with irritation, I insisted

that we should play a trick on Carl to teach him a good lesson. However, so tolerant and considerate

was my mother that she said in a tender voice that we should protect his pride rather than criticize him

relentlessly. Therefore, the following weeks, I took two desserts in my lunch bag with a note saying,

“Should you be in need of aid, please let us know.”

Paragraph 2:

Another day, Carl asked me if he could come to my house and meet my mother. Aware that he

had read the note, I nodded with a smile and his face lit up. Much to my surprise. Carl actually turned

up in my house after school, looking nervously and timidly “Welcome to my house and make it your

home.” My mother hugged him tightly, tears of gratitude welling up in his eyes. “It is your desserts

that teach me how sweet the world is.” said he. Casting admiring glances at him, I came to realize that

tolerance is a kind of virtue, making a great difference to the world.























rather than, lit up,much to my

surprise,make a great difference


I insisted that we should play a trick on Carl to

teach him a good lesson. insist



(should +




第二节 读后续写(满分25分)

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