


resv-acquire Submit a Reservation Acquire, return results

resv-register Submit a Reservation Register, return results

resv-release Submit a Reservation Release, return results

resv-report Submit a Reservation Report, return results

dsm Submit a Data Set Management command, return results

flush Submit a Flush command, return results

compare Submit a Compare command, return results

read Submit a read command, return results

write Submit a write command, return results

write-zeroes Submit a write zeroes command, return results

write-uncor Submit a write uncorrectable command, return results

sanitize Submit a sanitize command

sanitize-log Retrieve sanitize log, show it

reset Resets the controller

subsystem-reset Resets the subsystem

ns-rescan Rescans the NVME namespaces

show-regs Shows the controller registers or properties. Requires character device

discover Discover NVMeoF subsystems

connect-all Discover and Connect to NVMeoF subsystems

connect Connect to NVMeoF subsystem

disconnect Disconnect from NVMeoF subsystem

disconnect-all Disconnect from all connected NVMeoF subsystems

gen-hostnqn Generate NVMeoF host NQN

dir-receive Submit a Directive Receive command, return results

dir-send Submit a Directive Send command, return results

virt-mgmt Manage Flexible Resources between Primary and Secondary Controller

version Shows the program version

help Display this help

See 'nvme help ' for more information on a specific command

The following are all installed plugin extensions:

intel Intel vendor specific extensions

lnvm LightNVM specific extensions

memblaze Memblaze vendor specific extensions

wdc Western Digital vendor specific extensions

huawei Huawei vendor specific extensions

netapp NetApp vendor specific extensions

toshiba Toshiba NVME plugin

micron Micron vendor specific extensions

seagate Seagate vendor specific extensions

See 'nvme help' for more information on a plugin

nvme list 获取NVMe磁盘信息

[root@my-host-1 ~]# nvme list

Node SN Model Namespace Usage Format FW Rev

---------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------- -------------------------- ---------------- --------

/dev/nvme0n1 T090FRRV1 P50D7040B160 1 4.00 TB / 4.00 TB 512 B + 0 B 001008N1

/dev/nvme1n1 T090FRRR6 P50D7040B160 1 4.00 TB / 4.00 TB 512 B + 0 B 001008N1


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