


Previously on The Big 《生活大爆炸》前情提要

Actually, I-I need to talk to both of you about your paper. 事实上 我要跟你俩


Oh, right, how are the citations coming? Um... 引文查得怎么样了

We came a-across a-a Russian paper 我们发现了一篇苏联论文

that seems to disprove super-asymmetry. 似乎能驳倒超不对称性

that seems to disprove super-asymmetry. 时至今日

Okay, Sheldon and Amy are still pretty upset 听我说 谢尔顿与艾米还在为

about their theory being disproved. 他们的理论被推翻而难过

So we have made a list of subjects 所以我们列出了一系列

for everyone to avoid. 大家应该避免的话题

- Symmetry. - Asymmetry. -对称性 -不对称性

Uh, SimCity-- 游戏《模拟城市》

sounds too much like symmetry. 发音跟对称性这词太像

That also applies to The Simpsons, Simba from The Lion King, 也音似的《辛普

森家庭》 《狮子王》里的辛巴

and cymbals. 还有钹也都不行

Russia or Russian in any context. 任何俄罗斯与俄罗斯人话题

The country, the dressing, the roulette. 国家 服饰 甚至俄罗斯轮盘赌

Uh, also no talk of Rocky IV. 也不许聊电影《洛奇4》

Why Rocky IV? 为什么不能聊

Because he fights a Russian. 因为主角的对手是俄罗斯人

I'm sorry about her. 贱内出丑了 抱歉

We should just try and avoid anything that makes them think 我们应该尽量避


of their project or science 他们的研究或者科学

or Nobel Prizes or successes or failures. 以及诺贝尔奖 还有成功与失败

- Hi! - Hey, guys. -大家好啊 -你们来啦

What are you guys doing? 你们在做什么呢

Nothing. 没什么

Nothing? 没什么

Like what my career has come to? Thanks a lot. 就像我的事业也没什么一样吗


Nice going. 干得漂亮

What are you doing? 你在做什么

Eating, reading, 吃饭 阅读

watching television, listening to the radio. 看电视 听广播

What does it look like I'm doing? 不然你觉得我是在干嘛

Is that asparagus? I thought you hate asparagus. 那是芦笋吗 我以为你讨厌芦


I thought so, too, but I also thought super-asymmetry 我也曾这么以为 但我也


was a good idea, so what else am I wrong about? 是个很棒的点子啊 谁知道我


Oh, so now you're reevaluating every opinion you've ever had? 所以现在你要


Yes. I am following the example 没错 我要追随着

of 17th century philosopher Rene Descartes. 17世纪哲学家勒奈·笛卡尔的脚步

He subjected all his beliefs to radical doubt 他认为所有知觉感官的知识都可以


so that he could build a bedrock belief 并将此作为形而上学中最基本的出发点

and build his cognitive life back up on firm principles. 然后将他的感官认知建


Ugh! Still yucky, still yucky. 还是难吃 超难吃

Sheldon, I know you're upset about the paper, okay. 谢尔顿 我知道你很为论文


I'm upset, too. 我也很难过

I mean, I was so sure we were right. 我本来好确定我们命中红心了

Every fiber of my being felt like this was it. 我全身上下每一处都确信

This was the one. How can I trust my instincts anymore? 就是这个理论了 以后


Well, just because our theory was wrong, 我们的理论出了错

that doesn't mean you're wrong about everything. 不代表你身边的所有事物都


Doesn't it? I've always thought I hated jazz, maybe I was wrong. 没错吗 我一

直觉得我很讨厌爵士 或许我错了呢

Maybe it's great to hear all the notes at once. 或许听所有音符大杂烩一般感觉


I'm trying, I'm really trying! 我在努力 真的很努力尝试了

- What you eating? - Chicken fried steak. -你在吃什么 -炸牛排

What? You can't have chicken fried steak 什么 你不可以一大早起来

first thing in the morning. 就吃炸牛排当早餐啊

Hey, you knew I was a bad boy when you married me. 你嫁给我的时候早知道


Come on, you want a piece of this? 怎么样 想要来品尝这鲜肉吗

You or the steak? 你这块肉还是牛排

Me. I'm not sharing the steak. 当然是我 我才不分享这牛排

Hey, you guys busy? 你们在忙吗

No, what's going on? 没 怎么了

I'm really worried about Sheldon. 我很担心谢尔顿

I've never seen him this down. 我从没看过他这么低落

Have you tried making him a cup of tea? 你试过给他泡杯茶吗

He's reevaluated tea. 他重新审视了茶这玩意

Now he thinks it's nothing but leaf soup. 现在他觉得只不过是热叶子汤罢了

That's a good point. 挺有道理啊

- No, it's not. - No, it's not. -有个屁啦 -毫无道理

He's rethinking everything. 他在重新审视每件事

How long is it gonna be before he gets to me? 谁知道什么时候就开始审视我了

Oh. It's that bad, huh? 这么严重啊

I'm afraid so. I don't know what to do. 好像是的... 我真不知道该怎么办

I have something that might help. 我有个法宝或许有用

It's-it's a recording of the only person 这份录像是由世上唯一一位

whose opinion Sheldon actually respects. 谢尔顿会尊重他看法的人所录

Hawking? 霍金教授吗

Feynman? 他的偶像费曼

No, himself. 不 是他自己

It's a pep talk he made when he was a kid. 是他小时候给自己录的打气谈话

He gave it to me years ago and told me to save it 他在多年前交给了我 让我保


for a real emergency. 在生死存亡之际用

What? You didn't break it out 什么 你怎么不在谢尔顿之前宣布

when he declared his room a sovereign nation 他的房间是主权国家

and waged a trade war against us? 并且对我们发动贸易战时拿出来

His major export is talking. I didn't want that anyway. 他国家的主要出口货品是

废话 我本来也不想要

Is that a VCR? 那是录像机吗

Yeah, Amy asked if we had one she could borrow 艾米问我有没有的借

and I just want to make sure it still works. 我想先确定一下还好不好用

What's on the tape? 录像带里是什么

Not sure. I used to record a lot of Jeopardy! For my mom, 不确定 我以前替我


然后参赛者得猜出"原问题"是什么 知名游戏节目 游戏形式是先给出"答案"与方向

but if I push play and you see some 但如果我按播放后出现了赤


Got it. What is porn? 知道题目了 "什么是黄片"

Ooh, we were looking for "Vintage '80s erotica," 正确题目应该是"经典80年代


but I'll accept it. 但你的答案我也接受

Hello, everybody. 大家好

I am The Great Howdini. 我是伟大的霍迪尼

Put it back on. You look adorable. 继续播啊 你看起来好可爱

It's just a practice tape 只是录的练习带而已

from when I was trying to become a member of the Magic Castle. 那时候我想


from when I was trying to become a member of the Magic Castle. 洛杉矶知名

夜店 成员只收魔术师与魔术爱好者

I didn't know you auditioned there. 我都不知道你去试镜过

Oh, I never went through with it. 我当时没有坚持下去

I watched the tape and realized I wasn't good enough. 我看了影带觉得自己不


You know that trick where you saw a mannequin in half? 你知道那个把人偶给


- Don't you mean a lady? - Thank God it was not a lady. -不都是锯女郎吗 -幸


I'd just be getting out of jail. 不然我估计最近才刚出狱

Come on, you're a good magician. 别这样 你是很棒的魔术师

Really? You always called magic dumb. 真的吗 你总说魔术很傻逼

You can be good at something dumb. 你可以是一件傻逼事的高手啊

- You know what, you should audition now. - It's fine. -我觉得呢 你可以现在去

试镜啊 -不用了

I don't need to be a member of the most elite magical society 我并没有一定要


on the face of the earth. 精英魔术师社团的成员

Sounds like you still want it. 感觉你还是很有兴趣的啊

And I don't want our kids to watch this tape one day 我也不想有一天我们的孩


and think their dad is a quitter. 然后觉得自己爸爸半途而废

Oh, we don't have to show it to them. 我们不用给孩子们看啊

Oh, I'm definitely showing it to them. 但我绝对要给孩子们看

Hey. 我回来啦

Hello. 回来啦

"Fine with flags"? "还行的旗帜"

Yes, flags-- 是的 旗帜嘛

up there flapping around on poles. 在旗杆上左摇右摆

If you think about it, they're just the strippers of the emblem world. 仔细想想


Well, I got something that I think might cheer you up. 我觉得我有能让你高兴


It is the emergency pep talk you made when you were a kid. 是你小时候给自


Oh, that. 这个啊

I was saving it for the day they stop making Star Wars movies. 我本来想留到


I don't think that's ever gonna happen. 但看现在这势头 估计是没那天了

How long has it been since you've seen it? 你有多久没看过这影带了

Not since the day I recorded it. 从我录下来后我就没看过

No, I had just watched Back to the Future II, 当时我刚看完电影《回到未来2》

where Marty McFly gets a glimpse of his future self 当马蒂·麦克弗莱瞥见未来


and that got me thinking, 我就开始想

the day may come where I needed my help, 有一天我也许会需要自己的帮助

like they did with that movie. That was not great. 就像那部电影一样 烂得不帮


Okay, all hooked up. 好了 接好了

Here we go. 开始吧

Oh, look how cute you were. 看看你小时候多可爱啊

Amy please, of course I was cute. Look how I turned out. 艾米 可爱是自然的


Hello, Sheldon. 你好 谢尔顿

Hello, Sheldon. 你好 谢尔顿

If you're watching this, 如果你正在播放这录像

I assume something bad has happened. 我猜你一定遇到很糟糕的事

Something unfortunate and unforeseen. 倒霉至极又出人意料的事

Something that's making you question everything. 甚至让你开始怀疑人生

I'm so smart. 瞧我聪明吧

Now just to make sure it's really you watching this 现在我要确认一下观看这个


and not an imposter, what am I thinking of? 而不是冒名的骗子 我现在脑子里在


On the count of three. 数到三说出来

On the count of three. One, two, three.

- Robot monkey butler. - Robot monkey butler. -机器猴子管家 -机器猴子管家

Okay, good. 很好

Should I leave you two alone? 我让你俩单独待一会吧

No, this is gonna be inspiring. You should watch. 不 很有教育意义的 你应该看

Sheldon, never forget, 谢尔顿 不要忘记

no matter how bad things seem, 不管事情看起来有多糟糕

you 你永远都...

What? No. N... 怎么回事 怎么了 不要啊

My dad taped over it 我爸爸用这盒带子

with one of his stupid high school football games. 去录他那些白痴高中橄榄球


Sorry. 我很遗憾

You know, it doesn't matter, nothing matters. 算了 无所谓了 什么都无所谓了

Is there anything I can do? 我能帮你做些什么吗

Yes. You can build me a time machine 可以呀 你造一台时光机

so I can go back and tell my younger self to give up, 让我穿越回去 劝年幼的我


because nothing's gonna work out the way he wants. 因为世上一切都不会遂了


I was thinking a nice cup of leaf soup. 我本来是想帮你弄碗上好叶子汤

What's all this? 这是什么呀

Your magic tricks from the garage. 你的魔术器材呀 从车库翻出来的

Your wands, your top hat with the stuffed mouse inside. 你的魔杖 你的大礼帽


I never had a stuffed mouse. 我没有填充老鼠玩具呀

Okay, do not wear this hat. 好 还是别戴这帽子了

Why is it all in the living room? 怎么都搬到客厅来了

Because I think The Great Howdini 因为我觉得伟大的霍迪尼

deserves to be a member of the Magic Castle. 应该成为魔术城堡的一员

That's sweet, but I'm not that guy anymore. 你真好 不过我已不是从前的我了

I've outgrown it. 我已经长大了

Have you? 有吗

Look, I know you still want this, and I can help you. 我知道你心里还渴望这些


All those pageants I did as a kid-- 我小时候参加的那些选美活动

I could teach you how to present yourself, 我可以教你如何展示自己

connect with the judges, sabotage the competition. 和评委建立互动 给对手下


Whoa, whoa, no one's sabotaging anybody. 等等 不可以暗算别人

Of course not. 当然不是暗算

Little girls in ball gowns trip, it happens. 穿礼服裙的小女孩摔倒可是常事

Trust me, I'm gonna be the pageant mom to you 相信我 我会像我妈一样

that my mom was to me. 扮演你的选美妈妈

I thought you hated your mom for making you do that. 我以为你不喜欢你妈逼


More talk like that and you're not getting any dinner. 再说这样的浑话 晚饭你


Amazing how it all comes back. 多神奇呀 回忆蜂拥而来

Yes? 在

- Hello, Mother. - Hey, Beverly. -你好 妈妈 -你好 贝弗利

Hello, Leonard. Hello, Penny. 你好 莱纳德 你好 佩妮

To what do I owe this call? 你们有什么事要来烦我呢

I need your professional advice. 我需要你专业的建议

Well, I'd love to help you out, dear, 我很愿意帮助你 亲爱的

but I'm very busy at the moment. 但我现在非常忙

Perhaps we can schedule a time next week. 也许我们可以约个下周的时间

It's about Sheldon. 是有关谢尔顿的

Oh, well, I-I suppose 那我想

I can spare a minute or two. 我可以空出几分钟

Wh-Why did you just say you're too busy, 你刚才不是说你很忙吗 可是...

Leonard, please, not everything is about you. 莱纳德 拜托 不是任何事都围着


Penny, go on. 佩妮 说吧

Well, ever since his paper got disproven, 自从他的论文被推翻后

he's been a wreck. 他一直郁郁寡欢

He's been and angry. 他既悲伤又气愤

He just seems kind of broken. 整个人像是废掉了

Well, it sounds like he may be grieving. 听起来他正处于沉痛哀悼中

Really? Over a theory? 真的吗 为了一个理论

Of course. You can grieve over any emotional loss. 当然 你可以哀悼任何一种


The more you care about something, 你越在意一件事

the greater the trauma of losing it. 失去它的伤痛就越明显

Oh, boy. He cared about this a lot. 老天 他特别在乎这件事

Yeah. What can we do to help him? 我们能为他做些什么吗

Well, grieving is a process. 哀悼是一种过程

Every culture has its own rituals and traditions 每个文化都有自己的仪式和传统

to facilitate mourning. 来表达哀悼

The ancient Egyptians had their mummification, 远古的埃及人有他们的木乃伊

the Tibetans had their 藏族同胞有天葬的传统

And when I was little and my dog died, my mom sat me down 我小时候养的

狗死了 我妈让我坐下来

and very gently told me that she wished the truck 非常温柔地告诉我她希望

had hit my dad instead. 那辆卡车压死的是我爸

I was trying to lighten the mood. 我那是为了逗你开心

Your dog had just died. 你的狗不是刚死了吗

Howard and I have been working really hard on his audition, 霍华德和我一直


so it'll be helpful to get another set of eyes on it. 所以能让其他人来点评一定很


Well, as someone who has watched every episode 作为一个看过无数集

of America's Got Talent, 《美国达人》的观众

I'm getting pretty good at telling 我对于真正的美国达人

when some American's got talent. 是非常有鉴赏力的

Seriously, 真的

Seriously, 海蒂·克鲁姆 德国超模 《美国达人》评委

Heidi and I agree, like, 90% of the time. 海蒂和我90%情况下都意见一致

All right. 好了

Don't be afraid to be brutally honest. 不要害怕 尽管直言不讳

Like my mom used to say when I was doing pageants, 就像我参加选美时 我妈


"Tears only make your eyes sparkle brighter." "泪花只会让你的眼睛更加闪亮"

That is both sad and true. 这句话又残酷又在理

Half my Instagram is after a good cry. 我网上一半的照片都是大哭之后拍的

Howie, you ready? 华仔 你好了吗

Yeah. 好了

I now present The Great Howdini. 有请伟大的霍迪尼出场

♪ I've got magic to do, just for you ♪ ♪ 我的魔法 为你绽开 ♪

♪ I've got magic to do, just for you ♪ Magic to do - Ben Vereen

♪ I've got miracle plays to play ♪ ♪ 见证奇迹 不要眨眼 ♪

♪ I've got parts to perform, hearts to warm ♪ ♪ 好戏开幕 我心永远 ♪

♪ Kings and things to take by storm ♪ ♪ 风风雨雨 迎头而上 ♪

♪ As we go along our ♪ ♪ 让我们一路洒下 ♪

♪ Way. ♪ ♪ 欢乐 ♪

Hello. I'm The Great Howdini from Altadena, California. 你好 我是来自加州阿


I have no brothers or sisters 我是家中的独子

and my favorite thing to eat is grilled cheese. 我最喜欢的食物是烤奶酪

When does the magic start? 魔术什么时候开始

It already started. 魔法已经开始了

Hi. How are you guys doing? 你们还好吧

A little better, if you can believe it. 进步了一点 不管你信不信

Sheldon? 谢尔顿

Go away. 走开啦

Buddy, come on, let us help you. 老兄 别这样 让我们帮助你吧

The only person who could help me was erased 唯一能帮我的人已经被

by the Medford High Wolves. 梅福德高中的群狼队洗掉了

Oh, that's funny. My high school was also the wolves. 说来好笑 我的高中校队


No? Not now? Okay. 怎么 不能提这事 好吧

Look, t-this might seem strange, but, uh, 这事听起来很奇怪 但是

we thought it might help you get some closure if you had a chance 我们想如


to properly say good-bye to your paper. 也许会对你现在的情况有帮助

Yeah, you know, we could say a few words, 没错 我们可以发表几句感想

you could talk about what it meant to you 你可以抒发一下它对你的意义

and-and we could bury it somewhere. 然后我们可以找个地方把它埋了

You mean have a funeral for our theory? 你是说为我们的理论办个葬礼

Yeah. 没错

That's ridiculous. 太荒唐了

I thought so, too, but my mom thought it might work. 我本来也这么认为 但我


Beverly thought it would help? We should try it. 贝弗利觉得会有帮助吗 那应该


Wha-- How come when you thought it was 你以为办法是我想的时怎


Leonard, please, this is not about you. 莱纳德 拜托 不是任何事都围着你转

I guess we could bury it in the park. 我们可以把它埋到公园里

Yeah, where dogs do their business 你是指狗狗上大小号

and other dogs sniff that business? I don't think so. 然后其他狗狗去闻的地方吗


What would you like to do, Sheldon? 你想怎么做呢 谢尔顿

The only fitting send-off: 只有一种送别仪式适合

a Viking funeral. 维京葬礼

You mean, like, push it out into a lake 你是指把它推进湖中心

and shoot it with a flaming arrow? 然后用点着火的箭射它吗

This guy gets it. 这哥们懂行

How about a bathtub and a match? 用浴缸和火柴代替行不

How about a bathtub and a flaming arrow? 用浴缸和点着火的箭行不

How about a bathtub, a match and an ice-cold Yoo-hoo after? 用浴缸 火柴和


Sold. 成交

Would you like to say something? 你想说些什么吗

Y-Yes, thank you. 好的 谢谢

I know this is just a scientific theory, 我知道这只是个科学理论

but to me, it was more than that. 但对我来说 远不止此

It described the universe in a new and beautiful way. 它用一种美妙的全新方式


I want that to be the universe we live in, 我希望我们生活在那个宇宙中

but I guess it's not. 但看样子不可能了

Would you like to shoot the arrow? 艾米 你想射箭吗

It's kind of beautiful, isn't it? 挺美的 不是吗

Yeah, it is. 是很美

It's getting kind of close to the curtain. 火离浴帘越来越近了

It's in water, it's fine. 在水里呢 没事的

- Looks like we both had theories that were wrong. - -看来我们都提出

了错误的理论 -好了

Are you getting sick? 你病了吗

No, I have glitter in my nose. 不是 我鼻子进了亮片

Just your nose? 只有鼻子吗

Consider yourself lucky. 那你算幸运的了

Hey, I'm gonna take tomorrow off 我打算明天休假不上班

so we can spend the whole day running the act. 我们就有一整天时间排练了

You know what, it has been so much fun working on this with you, 其实


- But what? - It hasn't. -然而什么 -不是真正的快乐

I'm not gonna audition. 我不去参加试镜了

Hey, I didn't raise a quitter. 我拉扯大的孩子可不会轻言放弃

You didn't raise me at all. 我又不是你养大的

Look, I get that you're scared, but we just have to push past that. 我明白你很

害怕 我们战胜恐惧就行了

I'm not scared. I don't like the act. 我不是害怕 我不喜欢那套魔术

It's over-the-top 它太浮夸了

and weird and has more jazz hands than magic. 又奇葩 耍爵士乐手势多过变魔

Why didn't you say something earlier? 你之前怎么不说呢

You seemed like you were so happy, 因为你看起来很开心

and then when I tried to say something, 然后等我想跟你坦白时

you seemed like you were so mad. 你又好像准备河东狮吼

Hey, this isn't about me. 这事我又不是主角

I just wanted you to have your dream, 我只是希望你能完成梦想

and I wanted to control everything 而且我想一手掌控

about how you looked and acted so that your victory was mine. 你的造型和表

演 这样你的胜利就属于我的了

Well, that's honest. 你还真诚实

But if I'm gonna go through with this, 但如果我要做这件事

I have to do it my own way. 就必须用我自己的方式

I respect that, 我尊重你

and I'm glad that I helped lead you to this moment. 我也很欣慰 是我带领你走


Stop trying to make this your victory! 别再说成是你的功劳了

Why are you watching that? 你为什么在看这个

I'm just looking to see 我就想看看

if there's anything left of your speech. 还有没有剩下你的打气录像

It's not important. I remember everything I said. 不重要 我记得自己说过什么

And? 然后呢

It was good, it just would've meant more coming from me. 很鼓舞 只是听到


All right, bring it in. 好了 都过来

Is that your dad? 那是你爸吗

It is. 是的

I've only seen pictures of him. 我只看过他的照片

I know we're down, by a lot. 我知道我们落后很多

And if I'm being honest with you, 说实话

we're probably not gonna win this one. 我们估计是不会赢这场了

In fact, we're definitely not gonna win this one. 事实上 我们肯定会输

Do you want me to turn it off? 你想我关掉吗

But we're not gonna quit, either. 但我们不会放弃

And if we do lose, 如果我们真的输了

you need to know that doesn't make you losers. 你们也得知道自己不是人生输

You learn as much about who you are and what you're made of 从失败中学到


from failing as you do from success. 一点不比从胜利中学到的少

Maybe more. 甚至更多

So you can spend the next half feeling sorry for yourselves, 所以下半场你们可


or you can get out there and give them hell. 也可以让他们尝尝地狱的滋味

Yeah! Let's give them hell! 没错 地狱的滋味

Oh-- watch your mouth, your 别说这词 你妈可能会...

I remember that game. 我记得那场比赛

Did they win? 他们最后赢了吗

Oh, no. 没有

No, they lost so bad, the other team 他们落后非常多

let one of their cheerleaders try to kick a field goal. 对手甚至让他们的拉拉队员


Well, that was a nice speech. Too bad it didn't work. 那番话很激励人心 可惜没


Maybe it did. 也许起作用了

What do you mean? 什么意思

I've been acting like the game is over, 我一直表现得像是比赛结束了

but it's only halftime. 但其实只打了半场而已

And there's a lot more physics left to play. 还有很多物理比赛可以打

Wow, was that your first ever sports metaphor? 这是你人生第一次用运动作比


It was. 还真是

And I think it was a home run. 而且还是一记全垒打呢

That's two. 两个比喻了

It's interesting. 真有意思

I've always thought that my father's journey and my own were so different,


but he also faced failure and setbacks. 但他同样面对过失败和挫折

Maybe our lives mirrored each other more than I thought. 也许我们人生互相


So, from one viewpoint, 所以从一种角度来说

you and your father's lives are asymmetrical, 你和你父亲的人生不对称

but from another vantage point, they're symmetrical. 但从另一个角度来说 是


Sheldon, 谢尔顿

what if symmetry and asymmetry are observer-relative? 对称和不对称会不会


That would mean that the Russian paper 那意味着那篇苏联论文是


But only from one perspective. 但只是从一种角度来说

If we look at it from a deeper view in more dimensions, 如果从更多维度的另一


our theory still stands. 我们的理论仍然成立

Not only stands, I-it might be an even bigger idea 不只是成立 甚至有可能

than the one we were originally proposing. 比我们原来提出的假设更宏大

Go get your laptop. We have a paper to fix. 去把电脑拿来 我们要修改论文

Okay. 好的

Thanks, Dad. 谢谢你 爸爸

We're gonna give them hell. 我们会让他们尝尝地狱的滋味

Hi, I'm The Great Howdini, 大家好 我是伟大的霍迪尼

and it's an honor to be auditioning at the Magic Castle. 很荣幸能来到魔术城堡


Could I borrow your watch, sir? 我能借一下你的手表吗 先生

- Sure. - Thank you. -好啊 -谢谢

Ooh, Rolex, fancy. I'll get it right back to you. 劳力士呢 真高档 等会就还你

Observe one very expensive watch, 请看 这是一支昂贵的手表

one wooden mallet. 这是一个木锤

Do I dare? I do. 我敢砸吗 当然

Would you be amazed if your watch survived that pounding? 如果你的手表没

被砸坏 你会感到惊奇吗

I think you would-- behold. 你一定会的 见证奇迹

本文标签: 魔术知道理论觉得游戏