


Lesson One Thinking as a Hobby


I. I have concluded that there were three grades of thinking since I was a

child, while myself could not think at all. The subject of thinking was first brought

up to me by my headmaster, in whose study I was shown the statuettes of Venus,

leopard and the Thinker, which stands for love, nature and pure thought

respectively. I was demanded to learn thinking there. People like Mr. Houghten

provided me the image of Grade-three thinking, which is often full of unconscious

prejudice, ignorance and hypocrisy. The grade-two thinker tends to find the

deficiencies of the others, and may enjoy moments of delight, but it does not

make for personal security. A still higher grade of thought demands people set out

to find the truth and get it .Though these grade-one thinkers were few, I aspired to

become one of them and devised a coherent moral and logical system for living. I

stood to lose a great deal for my determination, but finally I dropped my hobby

and turned professional in that.


1 . C 2 . C 3 . D 4 . D 5 . C 6 .B 7 .C 8. D 9 .D 10. D 11. B 12 .D 13 .D 14 .B 15 . C

16 .D 17 .B 18 .D 19 . D 20 .C

III. Omitted

Lesson Two Waiting for the Police


Ⅰ.Oral work


⒈ Choose the right word and put it in the proper form

1)earnest/serious serious serious earnest/serious earnest/serious

2)make full use of took advantage of take advantage of

make full use of take advantage of make some use of

3)advise advised suggest proposed suggest propose suggest

⒉Put the missing word

2)will work is are reproduces deplete add

3)can move don’t tear skin will never take are

Ⅲ.Grammar work

本文标签: 精读答案大学