



英语短语low key是什么意思

low key是一个不怎么常用的英语短语,但是依然是有必要了解一些它的中文是什么

意思。为此店铺为大家带来英语短语low key所表达的中文意思。

英语短语low key的中文意思

英 [lu ki:] 美 [lo ki]


1. 低色調:共有4种灰度层次设置可选:亮色调(High Key)、标准(默认值)、低色调

(Low Key)和自动. 充分利用数码相机能够自由改变感光度的独特优势,快门/光圈优先(TAv)


2. 低调,暗调 暗调、低明调 暗调:Intermediate roller 中间辊 中间墨辊 转布辘 |

Low-key 低调,暗调 暗调、低明调 暗调 | Jack 夹版具 夹版具 插座

3. 抑制的:low-grade 低劣的 | low-key 抑制的` | low-keyed 有节制的

4. low-key:lk; 低调

英语短语low key的单语例句

1. Low carbon and energy saving are key ingredients to move towards this

objective, an expert said on Thursday.

2. Among key risk factors for cancer are tobacco and alcohol consumption, a

diet low in fruit and vegetable intake and lack of physical activity.

3. It is a key channel for increasing farmers'incomes, and maintaining the

competitive edge of China's low cost manufacturing and service industries.

4. Telecom operators are now focusing on rural areas where low cost is a key


5. " Key " schools received more funding than low quality schools, resulting in

an increasing gap between schools in the quality of their teachers and students.

6. " The key is low cost and easy usage of GA airplanes in China, " he said.

7. However, both squads have chosen to remain low key before the decisive


8. " The unreasonably low price was a key reason behind high resource

consumption, " an NDRC official said yesterday.

英语短语low key的双语例句

1. I am a man of very low-key.


2. That is to say labor is key factor to economic growth, and Hainans economy

is of low status.


3. Do not look at people a yardstick to see if their is another ruler, of course,

the teacher should pay attention to this public image problem Well, this kind of

thing is a good low-key points.



4. Providing good quality, low cost, and fast delivery is the basic requirement

in the global competitions nowadays. To ensure survival and growing, a business

has to not only satisfy customers` needs, but have unreplacable key factors of

success, namely, continuous research and innovation.




5. Clear atmosphere the sky, at first glance looked dark like ink, but look closely

will find Cecil blue looming as a dark blue gem, with an ink Yan Qu surface of luxury,

only bit by bit between the low-key showing silk strand noble and magnificent.



6. Very much flexible language is read if sit, rise spring breeze, as prose poem,

and the key word that needs conduct propaganda, occurrence frequency is so low

however that occurrence frequency have pity on, I should say this, the

phenomenon taking the branch for the root that flexible language appears.



7. It is understood that the Jinniu District抚琴street is quite a lot of difficulties,

a total of 1414 low, and 92 key entitled groups.



8. Recently, the Government has decided to Chengdu for urban and rural low

object, object Five rural, urban and rural key entitled groups, such as Payment of

the consumer Certificates.




lowkey photograph低调照片

lowkey tone暗色调屏

lowkey image低调图像,软调图像

lowkey(ed) picture软调图像

lowkey暗色调图象调节键 低调

lowkey tone阴暗色调(图象)

key on接通

key tovt.的关键,用键固定到...上

Key in键入

key inv. [计]键入

lowkey photograph低调照片

lowkey tone暗色调屏

lowkey image低调图像,软调图像

lowkey(ed) picture软调图像

lowkey暗色调图象调节键 低调

lowkey tone阴暗色调(图象)

key on接通

key tovt.的关键,用键固定到...上

Key in键入

key inv. [计]键入


本文标签: 低调农村对象光圈图像