



Module6 Unit3&4


一. 重点单词

1. due adj. 到期(应付给或举行等)

The dictionary of the tenth edition is due to be published next month.

due to由于; 因…造成, 归功于; 应给予, 应属于

Due to the foggy weather, the traffic moved very slowly.

The failure is due to his carelessness.

The sum of $20 is due to you as a bonus.



The failure of the scheme _________ ____________ _________ bad management.

2. accustomed adj. 惯常的; 习惯于

He took his accustomed seat by the window.

拓展:accustom… to …sth. 使……习惯于

The animals in the zoo have accustomed themselves to the life confined to a small place.

注意:be accustomed to = be used to sth. 习惯于……

You will soon get accustomed to the weather here.



You will soon ____________ _____________ _____________ the climate here.

3. manage

(1)v. 负责; 管理; 经营

manage a shop/ a business 管理商店/企业

manage the personnel department负责人事部

manage money理财

(2)vt. &vi. 做成; 应付

Do you think we can manage without him?

manage to do sth. = succeed in doing sth. 设法做到; 成功做到

Do you suppose you can manage to get a passport?


manageable adj. 可管理的; 易控制的 management n. 管理; 经营

manager n. 经理; 管理人, 经纪人 manageress n. 女管理人


A big fire broke out in the famous hotel, but fortunately all of customers __________ escape

from the hotel.

A. possible to B. can C. managed to D. succeeded in

4. quantity n. 量, 大小; 数量

His reputation as a painter depends more on quality than quantity.

a large quantity of = large quantities of 许多(修饰可数和不可数名词)

注意:当修饰不可数名词作主语时,谓语与quantity的单复数一致(同:a large amount of=

large amounts of)

Large quantities of information have been collected.

This hotel buys a vast quantity of meat every day.


in quantity大量地

It’s cheaper to buy goods in quantity.

二. 重点短语

1. take a risk/risks冒险

I know that I am taking a risk, but it is all worthwhile.


at risk处于危险中

If you take drug, you put your life at risk.

risk doing sth. 冒险做某事

No one would risk putting all his money in the stock market like you.

run the risk (of doing sth. )冒着……的风险

He ran the risk of being trapped in the fire.



He saved my life ____________ ________ ________ _________his own.

2) No one is more silly than John, because he dares risk __________ life to have a trail on


A. lose B. losing C. to lose D. /

2. go into (a bad habit)染上恶习

He got into the habit of smoking following his father’s example.

get into trouble惹上麻烦

His bad reputation often gets into trouble.


get over a difficulty克服困难

get over a cough咳嗽好了

get through to you打通你的电话

get in crops收获庄稼

get a word in插话

get down to sth. / doing sth. 开始做某事


It is urgent. Let’s ___________ discussing the problem.

A. get over B. get through C. get in D. get down to

3. result in产生某种作用或结果 result from(因)产生, 发生, 出现

The tragic accident _____________ _____________ a lot of death and the destruction of

several vehicles.

The illness ______________ ____________ exhaustion possibly.

The injure _______________ _____________ a fall kept him in bed for months.

4. compare用于以下三种句型

(1)compare with/to …与……比较

Compared to/with last years, we have made great progress.


People compare teachers to candles.

(3)compare. . with…把……与……相比较

If you compare the climate here with that in your place, you will find ours is milder.


compare with相比或值得相比

I don’t think this method can compare with that one.

compare notes (with sb. )交换意见或看法

I wanted to find a friend to compare notes but they were all occupied.

by comparison; when compared相比之下; 比较而言

By comparison, the living conditions in big cities are good.

三. 重点句型

1. When I was taken off the school football team because I was too slow, I knew it was time to

quit smoking. 当我因为动作太慢而被学校足球队开除时,我认识到是我要戒烟的时候了。

英语中有一些关于it is time…的句式, 如:

(1)It is time for sb. to do sth. 该是某人做某事的时候了。

It is time for us ______________(have) a rest.

(2)It is (high/about) time that sb. did / should do sth. 是该做某事了(从句中用虚拟语气)

It is high time that I _______________(go) to fetch my daughter.

(3)It is the first/ second/ third etc. time that sb. have done sth. 某人第几次做某事

It is the fourth time that she___________________( ring) you in a week.



The train has arrived. It arrived half an hour ago.

(2)用以代替提示代词this, that。

—What’s this? —It’s a knife.

—Whose watch is that? —It’s mine.


—Who is knocking at the door? —It’s me.


It was very noisy (quiet) at the very moment.


—What time is it? —It’s eight o’clock.

It often rains in summer here.


It is a long way to the school.


It is not easy to finish the work in two days.


I found it very interesting to study English.


It was Xiao Ming whom(that)I met in the street last night.

2. It is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick.


本句中含有It is …that…强调句型, 强调了when引导的时间状语。

It is all the members ______________ held a meeting in the club yesterday.

It was in the bathroom _____________ Joe found his wallet.

It was three years ago _______________ that I first met him.


1) It was ___________ he said ___________ disappointed me.

A. what; that B. that; that C. what; what D. that; what

2) I hate _____ when people talk with their mouths full.

A. it B. that C. these D. then

3)——He nearly died from cancer once?

——When was ________?

——__________ was in 2000 when he was in middle school.

A. that ; It B. this; This C. this ; It D. that; This

4) 用it进行句型转换, 意思不变

a. To keep order in an important football match is a hard job for the police. =

_______________________________________ for the police to keep order in an important

football match.

b. Who will take us to visit the nature park hasn’t been decided yet. =

________________________________________ who will take us to visit the nature park.

c. I spend two hours writing the essay. =

________________________________________ to write the essay.

d. They seem to be quarrelling about something.

________________________________________ they are quarrelling about something.



addict to, on the whole, result in, get into, put up with, as long as,

come about, make a difference, due to, accustom to

1. Does it __________ to you if you are not invited to attend Jim’s birthday party?

2. You had made some mistakes, but _________ you have done well.

3. Sometimes it is hard to tell how a quarrel ________.

4. “To be frank, I can hardly ________ the noise you make” shouted Tom.

5. _________ you continue working in this way, you will catch up with the others soon.

6. The fierce quarrel ____ both sides’ breaking up from each other.

7. The little boy ________ computer games, and his mother is very angry with him.

8. The company’s problems are __________ a mixture of bad luck and poor management.

9. You should ________ the routine of saving the document you are working on every 5


10. He is person ___________ sleeping very late every night.


1. Of course, he ____________ associating with society people like you. (not accustom)

2. A power failure, __________ a break in cable, brought the whole factory to a standstill. (due)

3. All the scientist’s comments __________ large quantities of materials. (base)

4. __________ his surprised look, he couldn’t know about the news in advance. (judge)

5. The story you have just told __________ me _______ an experience I once had. ( remind)

6. The government _________ measures to improve the environment so far. (measure)

7. Few writers can _________ Scott as creators of romance. (compare)

8. These youth are _________ better educated than those already in the marketplace. (average)

9. Reactions to the new __________ bitterness and hostility _________ cautious optimism.


10. ___________, I am quite satisfied with the experiment. (whole)


1. 圣诞节在中国人中大受欢迎这事缘于改革开放的政策。(due to)

2. 吸烟的人在生理和心理上都对香烟有瘾。(addict)

3. 这些旧照片使我想起了和你们一起度过的快乐童年。(remind)

4. 他对营救工作起了很大作用。(make a difference)

5. 不要在考试中冒险作弊。(risk)

6. 喝酒常引起交通事故。(result in)

7. 暴风雨对该城市造成的影响在继续增强。(build up)

8. 我决定离开因为我再也受不了你的坏脾气了。(put up with)

9. 人类能说这么多不同的语言是怎么形成的?(come about)

10. 尽管有些缺点,他总体上仍然是一位合格的研究者。(on the whole)



1. make a difference 2. on the whole 3. come about 4. put up with 5. As long as

6. resulted in 7. is addicted to 8. due to 9. get into 10. accustomed to


1. isn’t accustomed to 2. due to 3. are based on 4. Judging from/by

5. reminds of 6. has taken measures 7. compare with

8. on the average 9. range from, to 10. On the whole


1. The fact that Christmas is popular with the Chinese people is due to the reform and opening

polity of China.

2. Smokers are addicted to cigarettes both physically and mentally.

3. These old photos remind me of the happy childhood I spent with you.

4. He made a great difference in the rescue.

5. Never risk cheating in exams.

6. Drinking alcohol can result in traffic accidents often.

7. The influence that the storm had on this city was building up.

8. I decide to leave because I can’t put up with your bad temper any longer.

9. How did it come about that humans can speak so many different languages?

10. In spite of those shortcomings, he is on the whole a qualified research worker.

本文标签: 管理代词句型