



1. Above-mentioned cargo damaged at loading port. 上述货物是在装货港损坏


2. Above damage caused by stevedores of loading port. Ship not responsible

for above-mentioned damage of cargo. 上述残损是装货港装卸工人造成的。船方对上


3. Cargo damaged during or before loading. 货物是在装货中或装货前损坏的。

4. Damage of cargo caused by nature of cargo itself. 货物残损是由于货物本身性


5. Subject to cargo surveyor’s report. 以商品检验员的报告为准。

6. Damaged cargo reported after discharging. 残损货物卸货后才报告。

7. Deck cargo at shipper’s risk. 甲板货由发货人承担风险。

8. Cargo loaded in rain (snow). 雨中(雪中)装货。

9. According to shore tally figuure. 根据岸上理货数字。

10. Figure in dispute. 数字有争议。

11. Short in dispute. 短缺待查。

12. ship not responsible for shortage. 船方不负责短少数。

13. Ship not agree to above-mentioned short-landed cargo. 船方不同意上述


14. all cargo discharged, nothing remaining on board. 全部货物卸完,船上无


15. short-shipped in dispute subject to discharging figure. 短装争议,以卸货


16. delayed on delivery, 20 cases sent back. 延迟交货20 箱退货。

17. nospace, 100 bags short-loaded. 无舱位,少装100袋。

18. according to loading port figure. 根据装货港的数字。

19. according Import Manifest figure. 根据进口舱单的数字。

20. according to Bill of Lading. 根据提单(数字)。

21. cargo discharged as loaded. 原收原交。

22. to be recheked. 有待重理。

23. subject to rechecked figure. 以重理数字为准。

24. signed under disagreement. 在异议下签字。

25. signed for sailing. 为开船而签字。

26. signed under protest. 被迫签字。

27. for charterer’s account. 由租船人承担。

(1) 货物残损单常用批注

1) 箱装货(cargo in cases/boxes/chests/cartons/crates):

1. seal off (missing). 铅封脱落(失落)。

2. nail off (loose). 铁钉脱落(松动)。

3. case renailed. 箱子重钉。

4. hoops(bands) missing. 箱箍失落。

5. case plank bulged (dented, broken, split). 箱板凸出(凹进、破损、破裂)。

6. case blank patched. 箱板修补。

7. side board broken. 旁板破裂。

8. oil stained(stained by oil). 油渍。

9. wet stained. 汗渍。












case stained by moisture. 箱子有潮湿渍。

stained before shipment. 装船前已有污渍。

contents exposed (leaking out, rattling, short). 内货外露(漏出、有响声、

contents unknown (empty). 内货不详(全无)。

case crushed (deformed, misshaped). 箱子压坏(变形)。

case upside down. 箱子倒置。

marks indistinct. 标志不清。

damaged by hook. 钩损。

collision (squeezing, crushing, towing) damage. 撞(挤、压、拖)坏。

broken 破碎

20. crashed 摔碎

21. smashed 撞碎

22. crushed 压破

23. torn & dented 撕破、碰扁

24. fragile 箱子脆弱

25. nails off 钉脱落

26. nails started 钉松动

27. bands off 箍条脱落

28. bands broken 箍条断裂

29. panels split 镶板裂开

30. side battens (boards) broken旁板破裂

31. boards & battens broken 板条破裂

32. end battens split 末端板条裂开

33. ends split 箱端裂开

34. broken at side 箱旁破裂

35. broken at bottom 箱底破裂

36. broken at corner 箱角破裂

37. bottom off 箱底脱落

38. jammed at the side箱边压坏

39. repaired 经修补

40. repacked 重装箱

41. renailed 经重钉

42. reclipped 重钉码钉

43. of second hand 旧箱

44. empty 空箱

45. half empty 半空箱

46. nearly empty 几乎空箱

Three (3) cases crashed, contents exposed. 3箱摔破, 内容外露。

Insufficiently packed. Ship not responsible for contents damaged or missing.


Two (2) cases smashed, contents exposed. Cargo damage unknown. 两箱摔破,


Carton No13 broken. Contents collected. Weighing 35.5 kg. 13号纸箱破损, 内

容归拢。称重35.5 公斤。

2) 袋装货(cargo in bags/sacks/bales):

1. seam slack (open). 逢口松(松开)

2. hoop (band ) missing. 箍失落

3. bale slack (off). 松(散)包

4. one end hoop off 一头箍脱落

5. cover with holes 袋皮有洞

6. bags leaking (broken, torn, empty) 袋漏(破、撕破、空)

7. cover torn(dirty). 包皮破(脏渍)

8. cover torn by cargo hooks. 包皮被钩破

9. bags stained by contents(syrup, sweat). 袋子被内货(糖汁、汗水)污渍

10. bag cover dirty. 袋皮有脏渍

11. oil (water) stained 油(水)渍

12. wet with water (rain, moisture). 水(雨、潮)湿

13. damp and mouldy. 潮汐发霉

14. rotten, melted 霉烂、融化

15. deteriorated. 变质

16. damaged by insects (worms). 虫(蛀虫) 害

17. cover in order, contents melt. 袋皮完整,内货融化

18. sencond-hand (used) bags. 旧袋

19. old and fail. 旧袋不牢

20. mended (patched, empty spare)bags. 修补(重逢、空)袋

21. refilled (collected) bags. 换(重新灌)包

22. bales burst. 炸包

23. broken破舱

24. torn 撕破

25. cover torn 袋撕破

26. burst 破裂、脱裂

27. split 撕裂

28. mouoths open 开口

29. loose 散口

30. chafed 擦花

31. badly chafed 擦破

32. resewed 补舱

33. patched 经缝补

34. refilled 经换袋

35. collected 经灌舱

36. old & frail旧袋不牢

37. with book holes 有手钩洞

38. holed by cargo hooks 有货钩洞

39. wet 受潮

40. more or less wet 有些潮湿

41. welted 融化

42. evaporated 蒸发

43. deteriorated 变质

44. stained 污渍

Five bags cover torn, contents exposed, ship not responsible for any loss or

damage. 5袋破损, 内容暴露,船方不负责任任何灭失或损坏。

Three bags deteriorated due to contents melting. 3袋由于内容溶解而变质。

Three bales cover holed by hooks and repaired before shipment. 3包钩破, 装


3) 桶装货(cargo in drums/barrels/casks/tins):

Drum leaking. 桶漏

Drum oozing 桶渗漏

Drum lid loose(missing, off). 桶盖脱落(失落)

Band (Hoops) off. 桶箍脱落

Bottom off. 脱底

Drum empty (rusty, dented, bulged, rewelded) 桶空(锈、瘪、凸、重焊)

Top off 桶盖脱落

Bung off 桶塞脱落

Leaking at plugs 桶塞处渗漏

Bands(hoops) off 桶箍脱落

Staves off 桶板脱落

Staves broken 桶板破裂

Leaking through seam 板缝渗漏

Bottom off 箱底脱落

Dented 碰凹

Badly dented 严重碰凹

Punctured & leaking 穿洞并泄漏

Re-coopered 重修理

(1) 罐、坛装货(cargo in cans/jars)

Oozing 渗漏

Leaking 漏

Slightly leaking 微漏

Sprung out 内容漏出

Tops off 无盖

Bottom off 底部脱落

Bungs off 塞子脱落

Heads broken 顶部破裂

Two (2) drums leaking seriously, and rejected. 2 桶严重泄漏,退回。

Three (3) barrels slightly leaking and repaired before shipment. 3 桶轻微泄漏,


One (1) cask broken, part of contents missing. 1桶破裂, 部分内容缺失

4) 捆装货(cargo in bundles)

Bundle off 散捆

Hoops off(missing) 箍脱落(失落)

Ring off (missing) 圆箍脱落(失落)

Bundle slack (deformed, transfigured) 捆松(变形)

Cover off (missing) 包皮脱落(失落)

Edge folded 卷边

Corner folded 卷角

Pipes bent 管子弯曲

Pipe-end split 管口裂

Pipe dented on both ends 管子两头瘪

Screwing threads damaged. 螺丝口残坏

Frayed (chafed) 磨损

Scratched, chipped. 擦损

Holed by fork arm 铲车叉臂穿洞

Two (2) bundles off. Not responsible for contents’ shortage. 2捆散开。


Partly unprotected. Bundle No3 broken. 部分货无遮盖。3号捆散

5) 贵重物品(valuable goods):

Sealed. Contents unknown. 已加封。内容不详


Seals broken (off). 封条破损(脱落)

Racked and resealed. 破裂后重加封

Broken and repaired. 破损后重新修补

Seal off 封条脱落

Seals broken & repaired 封条弄破后经重修补

Seals cracked & resealed 封条破裂后经重加封

All cases sealed. Not responsible for contents. 全部箱封妥,船方不负责内容。

One case sealoff. Not responsible for shortage. 1箱封条脱落,船方不负责短少内


Cracked and resealed by the shipper. Not responsible for contents. 破裂后由货


6) 钢板、机器、车辆等(steel plate, machinery, car, etc.)

Badlly bent. 严重碰弯

Broken (split) into two pieces 断成两截

Rusty 生锈

Chafed 擦花

Bent 弯曲

Dented 碰凹

Deformed 变形

Concave 凹陷

Convex 凸起

Scratched 刮花

Paint surface scratched 油漆表面刮伤

Badly bent 严重碰弯

Slightly bent 轻度碰弯

Dented 碰凹

Deformed 变形

Concave 变凹

Convex 凸起

Steel plates delivered from open trucks, cargo rusty before shipment 钢板由敞


One truck’s engine hood dented caused by stevedores during loadiing 一辆


有关货物标志与包装的批注(remarks about the marks & packages of goods)

Marks mixed 标志混杂

Various marks 标志不一

No marks 无标志

B/L mixed 提单(货物)混杂

Marks insufficient 标志不详

Marks indistinct 标志不清

Marks invisible 标志模糊

Marks irrecognizable 标志不明

Marks obliterated 标志涂抹

Marks inadequate 标志不当

Insufficiently packed 包装不固

Covers old& stained 包装陈旧、玷污

有关货物内容的批注(remarks about the contents of goods)

Contents O.K 内容完好

Contents intact 内容完整

Contents exposed 内容外露

Contents running out 内容脱出

Contents damaged 内容残损

Contents broken 内容破碎

Contents lost 内容灭失

Contents caked 内容结块

Contents leaking 内容漏出

Contents discoloured 内容变色

Contents unknown 内容不明

有关货物溢短的批注(remarks about shortlanded & overlanded cargo)

Shortshipped 短装

Shortlanded 短卸

Overshipped 溢装

Overlanded 溢卸

…bags short in dispute 袋短少,在争议中

Drums over in dispute 桶溢/装卸,在争议中

…pkgs less in dispute, and if on 件短少在争议中,如已装船

Board to be delivered at destination 则到目的港如数交货

Subject to rechecking 有待重新理货

To be rechecked ashore 有待岸上重理

Subject to owner’s approval 须经船方认可

Notime, shut out due to shipper’s 由于托运人,货未备妥来不及

Cargo unprepared 装船而退关

Cargo delayed 到货延误

Lighter unarrived 驳船未到

Fallen overboard货物跌落下水

有关货物渍损、湿损的批注 (remarks about sweaty & wet cargo)

Stained by oil 有油渍

Rust 锈

Water 水

Paint 油漆

Mud 泥

Dry stained 干渍

Mildew stained 霉渍

Traffic stained 运输中玷污

Wet by sea water 因海水而变湿

Rain 雨水

Spray 溅水、浪花

Snow 雪

Sweat 汗

Soaked and spoiled 浸湿变坏

Soaked and moulded 浸湿发霉

有关甲板货的批注(remarks about deck cargo)

Carried (shipped/ stowed) on deck

At merchant’s risk 装于甲板,由货方承担风险

有关散装货的批注(remarks about buld cargo)

Shipper’s weight 托运人提供的重量

Said to weigh (be) 重量据称为

有关特殊货的批注(remarks about special cargo)

1. 鲜货

Liable to putrefy 易于腐烂

Liable to melt 易于融化

Liable to liquefy 易于液化

Perishable cargo at merchant’s risk 易腐烂货由货方承担风险


Mouldered 发霉

Sweated 发潮

Damaged by vermins 有虫害

Damaged by rats 有鼠害

Rats eaten 有鼠咬

船方对有关后果不负责任的批注( carrier’s remarks about denial of


N/R for any consequence 船方对任何后果不负责

N/R for breakage of contents 船方对内容破损不负责任

N/R for loss of, damage to or shortage & condition of contents 船方对内容灭


N/R for consequential leakage 船方对因此造成的漏失不负责

N/R for wastage (loss) in weight 船方对重量减少不负责

N/R for wastage (loss) in bulk 船方对容积损失不负责

N/R for deterioration of contents 船方对货物变质不负责

N/R for lower quality (value) of contents 船方对货物质量(价值)下降不负责

有关活动物的批注(remarks about live animals)

N/R for mortality 船方对死亡不负责

Injury 受伤

Sickness 生病

Escape 逃跑

有关货物装卸条件的批注(remarks about the condition of loading & discharging

of goods)

Rain work 雨天作业

Snow work 下雪天作业

Night work 夜间作业



Dry cargo container 干杂货集装箱

Refrigerated container 冷藏集装箱

Tank container 液体货物集装箱

Bulk cargo container 散货集装箱

Car container 汽车集装箱

Live stock container 家畜家禽集装箱

Flat rack container 板架集装箱

Open-top container顶开集装箱

Open-side container边开集装箱

Ventilation container通风集装箱

Tilt container 倾侧集装箱

Platform container 平板集装箱

High cube container 超高集装箱

Hanger container 挂衣集装箱

Merchant container 货主集装箱

Half-height container半高集装箱

Odd-size contianer特殊规格集装箱


Corner post 角柱

Corner fitting 角件

Lifting or securing eye吊环

End frame 端框

Side frame 侧框

Side wall 侧壁

Roof rail 顶部纵梁

Bottom side rail 底部纵梁

End door 端门

Side door 侧门


Base 箱底

Cross members 地板横梁

Floor 底版

Skids 托梁

Fork pockets 叉扎


Tare weight 皮重

Maximum gross weight 最大总重量

Maximum payload 最大载货重量

Actual gross weight 实际重量

Actual payload 实际载货重量

Overall external dimensions外部尺寸

Displacement 外部体积

Internal unobstructed dimensions内部净空尺寸

Internal unobstructed capacity外部净空容积


本文标签: 集装箱货物内容负责有关