


Unit 4 Amazing art

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)

第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5 分)



Stained Glass (彩色玻璃) Artwork

Sainte Chapelle, France

While many say that Paris' must-see cathedral (教堂) is Notre Dame de Paris,

Sainte Chapelle should also be high up on the list. Louis IX ordered it to be built in

1239 to house the Crown of Thorns, a famous relic from Constantinople. Within the

ceilings of the church are fifteen of the world's finest stained glass windows.

Unfortunately, as a result of the French Revolution, one third of the stained glass had

to be replaced.

The Chicago Cultural Centre, USA

While the Windy City might not house the nation's winningest sports teams, it

does have one of the world's most eye-catching displays of stained glass. Today's

Chicago Cultural Centre, which was designed as a library in 1887, has a 38-feet-tall

Tiffany glass dome (圆屋顶), which is said to be the largest Tiffany dome in the world.

Erawan Museum,Thailand

The Erawan Museum, built in 1994, houses ancient, priceless Thai artworks, all of

which are displayed within the building's three floors, said to symbolize the three

levels of the universe. The shiny stained glass is on the second floor, which museum

owner Khun Lek Viriyapant considers to be the human level. Designed by German

artist Jacob Schwarzkopf, the stained glass artwork shows five continents, with the sun

delivering light, and therefore life, into all.

Saint Vitus Cathedral, Czech Republic

While the Czech church whose doors many travelers pass through every day was

built way back in 1344, its amazing display of stained glass is a 20th-century donation

from well-known Czech Art Nouveau artist Alfons Mucha. The artwork is nothing if

not fitting for Prague, the city in which the stained glass is displayed. After all, it is the

modern-day Czech Republic from which dreamy Bohemians came.

21.Which of the following has the longest history?

A.Sainte Chapelle.

B.Erawan Museum.

C.Saint Vitus Cathedral.

D.The Chicago Cultural Centre.

22.Where should you go if you want to see the Earth-themed stained glass?



B.The USA.

D.Czech Republic.

23.What is special about the stained glass in Prague?

A.It fits the city well.

B.It is from a Bohemian.

C.It is the largest of its kind.

D.It sits in an ancient church.


Tom could hardly wait for morning. Snow was falling quickly. By morning he

expected that there would be enough snow to make a great snowman. Tom had never

made a snowman before. He had just moved to Indiana from Alabama, where it hardly

ever snowed.

The next morning, Tom's mother shook him gently. “No school today,” she

said. “There is too much snow for the school bus to go through.”

Tom let out a loud cry. He jumped out of the bed and pulled on his snow clothes.

Tom's friends, Herb and Addie, were already outside. “Hey, Tom!” called

Addie. “We are going to Warwick Hill in a little while. Do you want to come?”

“No, not now,” Tom answered. “I'm going to make a snowman.”

Herb shook his head. “It's not snowman snow. It's too dry and soft.” Herb pushed

his gloves into the snow and picked some blew on the snow and it flew away

like dust.

Tom looked down at the ground. “Snow was snow,” he'd always thought. How

was he supposed to know there were different kinds? “What kind of snow is this?”

He asked.

“It's sledding (滑雪橇) snow!” laughed Addie. “That's why we are going to

Warwick Hill. All the kids will be there, and you should come, too.” Addie held a sled

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