



1. Turn up: 出现,露面

- She didn't turn up for the meeting yesterday.

- I was waiting for the bus, but it never turned up.

2. Turn on: 打开, 开启

- Can you please turn on the lights?

- I turned on the TV to watch the game.

3. Turn off: 关闭

- Don't forget to turn off the oven before you leave.

- He turned off the radio because it was too loud.

4. Turn over: 翻转

- Can you please turn over the page?

- The turtle turned itself over to get back on its feet.

5. Turn out: 结果是,证明是

- It turned out that she was right all along.

- The event turned out to be a huge success.

6. Turn in: 上交,交付

- Don't forget to turn in your assignment tomorrow.

- He turned himself in to the police after committing the crime.

7. Turn down: 拒绝,调低

- They turned down my job application.

- Can you please turn down the volume? It's too loud.

8. Turn up: 调高

- Can you turn up the heat? It's cold in here.

- She turned up the music to dance to her favorite song.

9. Turn out: 出席,参加

- Many people turned out for the protest march.

- He didn't turn out for the party like he said he would.

10. Turn away: 拒绝进入,驱逐

- The club turned away anyone without a valid ID.

- The bouncer turned away the underage kids from entering the bar.


本文标签: 拒绝用法露面打开证明