


Skype for Business: Quick Start Guide

(using a Windows PC)

What is Skype for Business?

Skype for Business provides quick and simple ways of communicating and collaborating

through a single, easy to use interface. You can ‘txt’ with Instant Messaging and ‘chat’

using audio/video and web conferencing. You can work together in real time, work from

any location using any device and communicate with people outside of LAFS. You can

share your desktop, transfer files, work with a virtual whiteboard, record your chat and

online meetings and monitor your contacts’ availability. Skype for Business gives you a

much richer experience than Skype.

Signing In To Skype for Business

Skype for Business is usually set up to start

automatically whenever you log in to your

computer/laptop. Once you have logged in for the

first time you will not need to sign in again until you

change your password.

The Skype for Business ‘Sign in’ screen is

shown opposite:


Your sign in address is your username

e.g. ****************

Your password is the same as your LAFS

computer account password.

The open Skype for Business client is usually

located on the left side of the screen.

Skype for Business Client Tour

(After contacts have been added to the contacts list)

Presence Indicator:

Your presence indicator is linked

to your Outlook

calendar by default

but you can select

an alternative status

to display from the

Availability drop

down arrow

Status note / Location:

Text typed in the upper box will be

displayed with your Presence

Indicator in other people’s contact

list. Click and type to update. Also

click and type to update location.

Options icon:

Takes you to a list of options

where you can change the

setting for: your Skype for

Business account, contacts

list, status, alerts, audio and

video devices, file saving

and meetings.

Show menu icon:

Provides you with various

options such as signing out,

exiting, viewing any received

files, accessing the

recordings manager, getting

help or switching on the

menu bar.

Horizontal navigation buttons:

See below left:

Display Options:

See below right:

Search box:

Type the name or email of the

person you are searching for.

Double click to start a

conversation / meeting

Right click and select either

Add to Favorites or Add to

Contacts List


Add a Contact icon:

Click this icon to display a

drop down menu which

includes options to:

Add a contact for someone

not in your organization

Create new Groups for

organizing your contacts


Group name

Horizontal navigation buttons:

to change what is displayed in the pane



(Log of IM and video calls)

Display options:


change the view of your Contacts.

Click NEW to see who’s added you as a contact –

you can add them to your Contacts list too.

To move a contact to another group click and

drag it over a group name.

To change the relationship with a Contact right

click it, select Change Privacy Relationship and

select from the list.


(Displays your Outlook

calendar appointments)

*icons may vary

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Contacting People Ad Hoc

your mouse over the contact you wish to

connect to (either in the contacts list or search

results list). This displays the Quick Bar.

Click on the appropriate icon. See opposite:2.


To contact multiple people select more than

one contact in the list (hold down CTRL and

click on each of the additional contacts) then

start the IM or meeting.

A quick way to begin Instant Messaging is to double click on a Contact photo

To receive an alert when the availability (presence indicator) of a particular contact

changes: right click the contact and select Tag for Status Change Alerts

Accepting Calls

When someone tries to contact you a pop up alert will appear in the

bottom right of your screen. A white/blue icon on the alert will indicate

what type of call it is.

To accept the call - click on the picture

To ignore the call - click on Ignore

Creating a Contacts List




Type the person’s name or email address into the Search box,

Right click the name of the contact in the results list

Select either Add to Favourites or Add to Contacts List


Set up Contacts for your closest colleagues as soon as

you can. This allows you to see everyone’s availability very

easily and helps you to decide who to contact at any given


The figure opposite shows you the


view of the

Contact List – contacts are grouped by their Presence

Indicators, ie. contacts are grouped by availability.

To create a group go via the Add to Contact List button

To create a contact for a non-LAFS person go

via the Add to Contact List button

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Instant Messaging/Chat

You can transfer files by dragging them into the message area

You can format text (font, font size, font colour) and add

emotive icons

You can upgrade the IM session to an audio or video call

Press the ENTER on the keyboard to send the


Audio/Video Calling:

Summary of commands when in an audio/video call or online meeting.

Participants list:

You can have up

to 250 participants

Participant Actions:

E.g. mute audience, hide

names, everyone an attendee

Participant video:

If more than one person is in the

meeting it will be the current speakers’

photo which will come up to the top.

Invite more


To join at any


Your video

More Options

E.g. start recording,

manage recordings,

IM text display size,

change font (for IM

text), end meeting



Useful if you

have many


Switch on and off: Instant messaging, video, audio

Hang up (Control+Enter)


This icon allows you to select what to present. You can:

Share your desktop, any program you have open or a PowerPoint


Open a white board - here you can upload pictures, then ask

participants to annotate the board.

Run a poll

Schedule A Meeting

Add Attachments

You can schedule an online Lync meeting for a particular date

The Manage Presentable Content option will allow you to

and time and also invite people who you know do not have a

manage all your open presentable content windows. You can

Lync account or do not have Lync installed on their computer.

select which window to present, stop presenting or remove.

You can save any of the open presentable windows as an

image file. Do this using the Manage Presentable Content


option, then More, then Save As.

Starting a ‘Meet Now’ Meeting

The Meet Now option will allow you to prepare the meeting, such as get all the

presentation windows ready, before you invite people to join in with the meeting.

To start a Meet Now meeting:



Click on the Show Menu icon on the Skype for

Business client

Select Meet Now

You can now prepare all White boards, PowerPoint

presentations, the sharing of files etc. before you invite

more people to join (use the Invite More People button)

Schedule a Skype for Business Meeting

You can schedule a Skype for Business meeting in the same way that you schedule a

calendar appointment in Outlook. You can invite people outside of LAFS organization

and even those who do not have Skype for Business installed on their computer.



Open Outlook and create a new meeting in the normal way. Enter all email

addresses, (this can include both LAFS and non-LAFS addresses).

Click on the Skype Meeting button

Notice a Join Skype Meeting link

has been inserted in the message


any further text in the message area and send.

Joining a Meeting

People join the meeting by clicking the Join Skype Meeting link in the email.

If an attendee does not have Skype for Business installed on their computer or they do not

have a Skype for Business account the computer will join the meeting using Skype for

Business Web App (assuming there is internet access). Once the attendee clicks on the

link they will need to follow the instructions in the browser window to join.

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Setting Status, Availability and Location

Status: Type in any note or information you wish to

share in the status box. People will see this

information against your name in their

contacts list.

Availability: By default the availability (presence

indicator) is linked to your Outlook calendar.

You can select an alternative availability

status from the drop down menu

Location: Please always enter or edit your location

if you are at a new desk or location.

You can click on the existing location text and

type an alternative location or select from the drop down list if it is a location

you have previously entered.

People will see the location

information against your

name in their contacts lists.

Some Useful Settings / Options

The Options icon will give open a menu of options which you can use to personalize

your Skype for Business experience.

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Highlights of Options

Personal menu


Audio Device

Video Device


Skype Meetings

Automatically start the app when I log on to Windows

Update my presence based on my calendar information

Save IM conversations in my email Conversation History


Order my list by name or availability

Show favourites group

Show me as inactive when my computer has been idle for

this many minutes – x minutes

Show me as Do Not Disturb when I present my desktop

When my status is Do Not Disturb – select actions from list

Set volume for speaker, microphone and ringer

Advanced camera settings

Set where to save recordings to and at which resolution

When I join meetings show IM, show the participant list

Contacts List


Help and Online Training

Help Feature

Skype for Business has an excellent Help feature. Start Help from

the Show Menu drop down arrow located top right of the client.

Online Training Resources:


Skype for Business

(Lync 2013) training

resources. (Microsoft)

Help topics about Lync


Quick Start Guides for

Skype for Business


*Highly recommended

Best practices for a

Skype for Business

(Lync) Meeting





A series of links to helpful training resources

including articles and videos

Around 14 short help files covering all the topics

you need to get you started

This site provides 7 quick reference guides/

instruction guides for Lync. Scroll down for link to

download the Skype for Business Quick Start

Guides bundle (5 guides). Excellent for printing

and keeping at hand. Each is a folded A4 sheet


This article provides information on running

meetings, particular larger scale meetings.



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Tablet/Mobile Access

You can participate in instant messaging and Skype for Business meetings from your

tablets or mobiles. (Download of Microsoft Lync App / Skype for Business App is required)

Lync 2011 for Mac Users

The client for Mac users is Lync 2011. Most of what is possible for Skype for Business PC

users is also available for Lync 2011. A new version of this client is due to be released


The following tasks are not possible when using Lync 2011:

Share a program (instead, share the desktop)

Upload or navigate a PowerPoint presentation (instead, share the desktop)

See or share a whiteboard or poll

Record a meeting

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