


Chapter One

1 Six Harmonies Pagoda

Six Harmonies Pagoda, highly erected by the Qiantang River and to the south

of the West Lake, is a perfect symbol of brick-and-wood structure built in the

ancient China. It is first built in 970 AD in the Northern Song dynasty (960-1127), in

a way to press down the evil of the river tidal bore in Qiantang River. The name of

the pagoda is related to six codes of Buddhism. Six harmonies mean the

harmonies of body, mind speech, opinion, wealth and abstinence from temptation.

When you climb to the first floor, you will attain the harmony of body; the second

floor, the harmony of mind; and so on. Another explanation goes that The "six

harmonies" comes from the six Buddhist ordinances, meaning "harmonies of the

heaven, earth, east, west, south and north". The pagoda has fallen into ruins and

gone through reconstruction many times. The original pagoda is nine storied with

a light on the tip, serving as a navigation tower in the river. The present tower was

the restoration in 1156. Seen from outside, the tower, with a height of 59.89 meters,

have 13 stories while in fact only seven stories inside. The core of the present

pagoda was built with the bricks left over from the Southern Song dynasty. The

upturned wooden multi-eaves and wrapping structure were first built in the

ending years of the Qing dynasty and have been refurbished many times.

Commanding a spectacular view of the surging Qiantang River, the pagoda

presents a quiet image of age-old majesty. Looking out from the top of the

pagoda, sightseers can see as far as the misty horizon, enjoying an unforgettable,

breathtaking experience.

The Six Harmonies Pagoda has been under the state protection since 1961 as a

state-level cultural site.

Words and Expressions

Six harmonies mean the harmonies of body, mind speech, opinion, wealth and

abstinence from temptation.

出自佛经“生和同住, 口和无争,意和同乐, 戒和同修, 见和同解, 利和同均”

navigation n.航海, 航空, 导航, 领航, 航行a navigation tower 航标塔

refurbish vt.再磨光, 刷新 refurbish an old car整修一辆旧车 refurbish an old


Commanding a view of 鸟瞰 a image of age-old majesty. 古代权威的象征

2 Qiantang River Bridges

Pagoda of six harmonies commands a broad views of the Qiantang river, the

rural scene on its south bank. And more attractively, the double-decked

bridge---the famous Qiantang river bridge, a newly added national monument.

The Chinese are proud of the bridge, for it was designed by Mao Yisheng, a great

Chinese engineer at a time when a number of foreign engineers dismissed its

construction as an impossibility on account of the swift current and quicksand in

the river. Further more, the bridge was the first such bridge ever built by the

本文标签: 航空领航导航简介磨光