


Walrus Joins In


Walnus 海象

North Pole 北极



do skating

Arctic Fox 北极狐

Polar Bear 北极熊

Whale 鲸

Seal 海豹

do tumbling 表演翻跟头

quite like me 有我那么好

do diving 表演潜水

won a prize 得过奖

terrible 很糟

chewed his whiskers 嚼着胡须

go up his nose 进到鼻子里

sadly 伤心地

never mind 没关系

practiced hard 刻苦训练

hid behind 藏在…后面

snowdrift (风吹成的)雪堆

the big night 大晚会

front row 前排

bowed 鞠躬

cheered 喝起了彩;叫起好来

forwards 向前

backwards 向后

sideways 向两侧

circles 圆圈

figures of eight 8 字

elegant (举止)优雅

amazing 令人惊叹

sure 确信

leap 跳,跳跃

trip up 站不稳

fall over 摔倒

bumped into 撞上了

went flat on her face 摔了个大马趴

flomp 扑通一声

upset 不高兴

ruined 毁了

wailed 大声叫道

it was Polar Bear’s turn 轮到北极熊了

rolled out 打着滚出来

clapped 鼓掌,拍手

wildly 狂热

did jumps and spins and somersaults 表演了


stood on his head 倒立,拿大顶

look such fun 看起来十分好玩

All of a sudden 突然

tripped up Polar Bear 把北极熊绊倒了

wallop 哗啦一声

pretty 很

gave Walrus a don’t-you-dare stare 瞪了海象


rejoices 高兴

the Northern Lights 北极光

sweetly 甜美地

along with 跟…一起

rusty 生了锈的

burst into floods of tears 哭得泪流满面

with an enormous splash 哗的一声巨响

flippers 鳍肢

twitch 颤动

bristled 竖起了

tried his very best 竭尽全力

brilliant 绝妙的

hold my nose 捏住鼻子

spout a big jet of water 喷出一大柱水

whoosh (鲸喷气发出的声音)噗嗤

landed 落

splosh 扑通一声

furious 气疯了

meddling 瞎搅合的

incompetent 没本事的

buffoon 小丑

roared 吼道

Get out of my sight!(=Go away!)滚开

scary 吓人

fled 逃走了

blushing 满面通红

like mad 疯狂;拼命

clown 小丑

cheers 叫好声,喝彩声

shuffled 一步一拖地走

it couldn’t be any worse 也坏不到那里去

overjoyed 欣喜若狂

do it properly 好好干

clowning around 到处做小丑表演

As long as 只要

Noisy Neighbours


Flinch 弗林奇

Carl Clutch

Poppy Plink

grim 难看的

grey 灰色

unhappy 不幸福

miser 守财奴,吝啬鬼

gave away a smile 露出一个笑容

gave away a penny 捐出一个便士

mean 吝啬的、尖刻的

miserable 悲惨的

stood a jolly red one 立着一栋好看的红房子

belonged to 属于

mended cars 修车

motorbikes 摩托车

vans 厢型车(常为客货两用)

lorries 卡车(等于美国英语 trucks)

woke up to hear 醒来就听到

hammers banging 锤子砰砰

spanners clanging 扳手当啷

engines revving 发动机轰鸣

shook with the noise 跟着噪声摇晃起来

bright blue 天蓝色的

grand tunes 美妙的曲子

grand piano 大钢琴(又叫三角钢琴或卧式钢琴)

arrive 到来

violin 小提琴

screech 尖叫



drums thundered 鼓声隆隆

bellow 低吼

shut 关上

come through 透过……传来

brum-brum 嘣嘣

tootle-toot 嘟嘟

bang 砰

shook and shivered 震动颤抖起来

rap on the wall 敲墙

far too 太

mending cars

making music 演奏音乐


make holes in his wallpaper 把墙纸敲破了好几个洞

It did no good.没有用

locked himself in a cupboard 曾把自己锁在壁橱里

wound old towels round his head 曾用旧毛巾把头包起来

wrote angry letters 曾写过愤怒的信

tore them all up 把它们全撕碎了

stamp 邮票

wore 戴上

keep out 遮挡

jangle 丁零当啷

filling 馅

This can’t go on.不能再这样下去了。

shout it out loud 大声喊出来

nasty tricks 恶劣的诡计

sneak into 偷偷溜进

rat 耗子

fridge 冰箱

get rid of him 除掉他

at midnight 在半夜

climb on 爬上

roof 房顶

crawl across the tiles 爬过屋顶的瓦片

put his head down Poppy’s chimney 把头伸向鲍琵的烟囱

give a long,loud,„Hooowooowoooo‟大声发出长长的一声“呼呜”

a grim grin 冷笑着

ghost 鬼

woke to a HUGE noise 被很大的噪声吵醒了

kettle 烧水壶

a loaf of bread 一条面包

tomato sauce 番茄酱

urgh 呃

cleaning up 在打扫

Take-away 外卖

I give up 我猜不着

With a smug smirk 自鸣得意地笑着

Do tell 快说吧

beam with joy 眉开眼笑

angel 天使

I promise! 我保证

frowned 皱着眉说

I shall! 我一定写

nice and loud 又好听又热闹

cymbal 铙钹(打击乐器)

trumpet 喇叭,小号

It was all too much for… 对…来说简直受够了

a fistful of 一把

The day you move house,all this is yours!只要你一搬家,这些钱就是你的了!

Anything you say 怎么说都行

chief 头儿

wiping his dirty hands on 用…擦脏手

a rag 一块抺布

As long as 只要

I’ll be happy anywhere 去哪里我都愿意

move out 搬出去

as soon as 一……就

offered 给了

a hatful of 一帽子的

If that is what you want.如果你想这么办的话

dear heart 心肝宝贝

cried 大声说道

have my music 开我的音乐课

went home a happy man 高高兴兴回到家

as happy as a man like Mr Flinch can ever be 一个像弗林奇先生这样的


felt in his empty pockets 把手伸进空空的口袋里摸了摸

gulped 深吸了一口气说道

in a few days 几天后

sold up 把…卖了出去

at last 终于

peace and quiet 宁静

nothing but 除了…什么都没有了

scratching 搔抓着

cellar 地下室

pushed ang bumped it down the steps 推着它跌跌撞撞地下楼梯

you pest 你们这些害人虫

muttered 嘀咕道

pity 可怜

waved up at 向上朝…挥了挥手

such luck 运气太好了


agreed 同意

swap 交换

tool boxes 工具箱

struggling with a harp 正吃力地搬着竖琴

All set 准备好了

Isn’t this fun!多好玩啊!

carry the big thing 搬运大件东西

sofas 长沙发

house-warming party 乔迁派对/聚会

There’s no place like home!再没有比家里更好的地方了。

Princess Pip’s Holiday


Princess 公主

castle 城堡

polishing (正在)给…抛光,擦

choosing (正在)挑选

sun hats 遮阳帽,太阳帽

maids 女仆们

running around 跑来跑去

piles of vests 一堆堆的马甲

take on holiday 带…去度假

I’m afraid… 对不起,恐怕

room 空位,地儿

pony 小马,矮脚马

on the coach 在马车上

not even pet ones=not even room for pet snakes 即使宠物蛇也没地儿

scowled 阴沉着脸说


best gold coach 最豪华的金色大马车

wave to 向…挥手道别

Are we nearly there yet? 我们已经快到了吗?

We won’t be there for a long time.要过很久才能到。

folded her arms 双臂交叉

firmly 肯定地

It did take a long time.硬实花了很长时间。

Here we are.到了

seaside (度假的)海滨,海边

at last 终于

by the castle door 在城堡门边

look after 照顾

showed Princess Pip her room 带皮皮公主看了好的房间

four-poster bed 四根柱子的大床

straw mattress 草垫

have the bed 睡大床

banquet 宴会

went on 持续了

More sprouts?还要甘蓝小包菜?

Nonsense 胡说,瞎说

had been walking 一直在走

having a wonderful time 玩得很开心

from her sun chair 躺在沙滩椅上

the way my money shines 我的钱闪闪发光的样子

in the sun 在阳光下

suggested 提议 ,建议

stomped off 噔噔地走开了

That does it.得了,算了吧

The road home 回家的路上

a bit longer 再久一点

suitcase 旅行箱,衣箱

take …out 把…拿出来

found them both backpacks 给她们俩找来了背包

set out for 启程去…,出发去…

went across 走过,穿过

drawbridge 吊桥

have a nice,cool snack 吃一些美味凉小吃

fish sticks 鱼条

stall 小摊,货摊

These aren’t bad.还不错。

admitted 承认道

taste best 味道最好

if you like 如果你愿意的话

went down 沿着…往下走

stone steps 石阶

swished backwards and forwards (海水)唰唰地冲上来又流下去

as if 就像

made of gold 金子做的

pools 池子

hard to catch 很难抓到

take your stockings off 把你的长筒袜脱下来

use them for nets 用它们(长筒袜)当渔网

without …on 不穿…

even nicer 更好了

crown 王冠

cross at 对…生气,恼怒

being caught 被抓住

let them go 放了它们

all the time 一辈子

build 造

sandcastle 沙子城堡

hard work 费力的活儿

moat 护城河

came in and filled 进来并灌满了

That’s just right 对对对

Make it stop coming in now 让水别再进来了

kept on 还在继续

washed …FLAT 把…冲平了

too close to 太靠近

sadly 遗憾地;伤心地

stupid 讨厌地

picked up 拿起了

Dobbin (俚语)大马

merry-go-round 旋转木马

went 转得

exciting music 刺激的音乐

got off 下来了

at least 至少

fun 有乐趣,好玩

FUN-fair 游乐场

sniffed 哼了一声

What’s fun about it? 有什么乐趣?

Went down the roller coaster 坐上过山车

yelled 大叫

go on it 去坐

gone very pale (脸色)变得惨白

began 刚开始说

stared at…盯着…看

can’t be 不可能是

gasped 倒抽了一口气

all dirty 浑身脏兮兮的

have no stockings 没穿袜子

prove it 证明这一点

Good heavens! 老天爷!

How wonderful! 太好了!

It’s just…正是

What a perfect place for 真是…的一个理想地方

picnics 野餐

races 赛跑

What a pity 真可惜;真遗憾



something important 一件重要的事

busy working 正埋头写作业

from far,far away 从很远很远的地方

in fact 事实上

outer space 外太空

Her he is.他来了

looked just like 看起来就像

he was a different colour 颜色不一样

added 补充了一句

take care of 照顾

new boy 新男生

give him a hand 给他搭把手,帮他一把

already 已经

be a dear 做个好乖乖

deer 鹿(音同 dear)

quack 嘎嘎叫

flapped his arms 上下挥动双臂

wings 翅膀

joined in 加入了进来

in class 课堂上

frowned at 朝皱了皱眉头

You know better than that! 你知道什么该做什么不该做!

Get on with your work.继续写作业吧。

fair 公平

grumbled 抱怨道,不满地说道

get into trouble 受批评

That’s when 这时

decided 打定主意

one bit 一点儿

made a lot of mistakes 出了很多差错

leaned back on his chair 坐在椅子上往后仰

fell down 倒在地上

so did all the paints 所有颜色倒在地上

get crosser and crosser 越来越生气

playtime 课间休息时间,游戏时间

playground 操场

scare 吓唬

get eaten by a bear 被熊吃掉

screamed 尖叫道

giggled 格格地笑道

keep the bear in 把熊关在里

the head’s office 校长办公室

went on 继续说道

scared 害怕,恐惧

the class was having a Treasure Hunt 班里要进行一场寻宝游戏

looking forward to 期盼着

each pair of children 每对孩子

clue 线索

work in a pair with 跟双双合作

It will have to be 那得是

We could all get sticky.否则我们都会变得黏黏的。

pear 梨

juicy (水果)多汁

worked with 与合作

follow 追踪,遵循

walk along 往前走

go right 向右走

go wrong 走错

hid 藏

last time 上一次

jumped up 一跃而起

had a plan 心生一计

struck out 伸出

tripped Otto up 把 Otto 绊倒了

Enjoy your trip!好好享受你这一绊吧!(trip 有‘放行’的意思,因此


ran off 跑开了

helped Otto up 扶 Otto 站起来

followed 跟着走了

going to be last 要当最后一名了

pointed at 指着

going the wrong way 走错路了

means 意思是

set off 出发了

in the other direction to the rest of the children


getting fed up 觉得厌倦了

school hall 学校礼堂

There really is! 真的有!

ran screaming 尖叫着跑

corridor 走廊

arrow 箭头

a plant pot 一个花盆

picked up 拿起了

do well 成功

spell 咒语

library 图书馆

read out 读出来

a pile of 一堆

spelling books 拼写本

got it 猜对了

golden coins 金币巧克力

chocolate money 巧克力钱

shared out 平分了

treasure chocolate 宝藏巧克力

what’s the matter with 怎么了

making up 编造(故事)

ashamed 害臊

coat 外套

Have a chocolate.吃块巧克力吆喝吧!

made fun of 取笑

sad 难过,后悔

felt sorry for 对感到怜悯

forgive 原谅

We all have bad days.我们都会遇上倒霉的日子

lost your heads 没了脑子,昏了头

went bright red (脸)涨得通红

hanging 挂

Captain Comet and the Purple Planet


Spanner 斯潘纳(人名,指机器人扳手)

bored 无聊

Stardust Space Station 星尘空间站

Captain 站长

checking 在检查

space shuttle 太空穿梭机

watering the plants 在给植物浇水

robot 机器人

sit at the control desk 坐在控制台

touch 摸,碰

press 按

turn on all the lights 打开所有的灯

flush all the toilets 冲洗所有的座便器

sure 肯定

labelled ‘Gravity’ 标着“重力”

to see what it does 看它管什么

floating above the floor 从地板上飘了起来

guessed 猜到

shouted 喊道

stay on the floor 留在地板上

come back on again 重新起作用

pot plants 盆栽植物

fell to the floor 落到了地板上

groaned 抱怨道

cleaning up the mess 清扫脏乱的东西

for the rest of the morning 早上其他时间

turned the cleaner off 关掉吸尘器

a beeping noise 一种吡吡的声响

scanner 扫描仪

stopped what they were doing 放下手里的事

pointed to 指着

a flashing dot 一个闪光点

screen 屏幕

asteroid 小行星

a lump of rock 一大块岩石

anyway 不管怎么说

it’s too big to be 这太大了,不可能是

set off 出发

look for 寻找

made a humming noise 发出一阵嗡嗡声

flag 旗

a slot in his chest 前胸的一个开口

explained 解释道

bright red 鲜红色

covered in huge spikes 表面全是巨大的尖桩

landed …on 将…降落在…上

carefully 小心翼翼地

have a look around 四周看了看

flagpole 旗杆

a metal rod 一根金属棍

fastened the flag to one end of the rod 把旗帜系在棍子的一端

there was a noise like 传来一种类似…的声响

electric pencil sharpener 电动转笔刀

a nice sharp point 锋利的尖头

giant 巨大的

odd 古怪

feels like it’s alive 摸上去像是活的

name 命名…为

proudly 自豪地

yelled 大喊道

hammered the sharp flagpole into the ground 把尖尖的旗杆打进地里

a huge roar 一声巨大的咆哮声


shake 晃动

strapped themselves into their seats 坐到座位上系好安全带

blasted off 点火升空

surface 表面

was spinning around 打转

opening 开口

came into view 出现在眼前

jagged rocks 嶙峋的岩石

stared at 盯着

monster 怪物

gasped 倒吸了一口气

chase 追击

backside 臀部

huge teeth 巨齿

snapped shut 咔一声闭上了

wailed 哀号道

get away 逃跑

fired the shuttle’s jets 启动了穿梭机的喷气发动机

make a sharp turn 急转弯

zoomed towards them 一步步朝他们紧逼

had been watching them 一直在看着他们

all right 还好/没事

What’s going on? 出什么事了?

prickly 混身长刺的

The size of a planet 有行星那么大

Apart from that 除此之外

dive 俯冲

dodge 躲避

shook her head 摇了摇头

I’ve got an idea! 有办法了!

as big as office blocks 有办公大楼那么大

flew through a narrow gap 飞过一个狭窄缝隙

at this speed 以这一速度

be smashed to bits 撞得粉身碎骨

the only way to 唯一办法

stopped chasing them 停止了追击

flew up to …飞向…

took a big bite out of it 把它咬掉了一大块

chomped its way happily through two or three asteroids


after all 还是

grumbled 嘟嚷道

took one last look at… 最后看了…一眼

after all 毕竟/再怎么说

It does have your flag sticking out of its bottom! 你的旗还插在它屁股上呢!

Jungle Shorts


class 3 had put on their coats 3班的学生们已经穿上外套

waiting in a line to 排成一队正等着

zip 拉链

anorak 防水衣

had stuck 卡住了

nearly 几乎,差一点儿

missed 没听见

rushed across the playground

lend 借给

boots 球鞋

I bet 我敢说

score fifteen goals 进十五个球

stripy 条纹

socks 短袜

strip 球服

begged 恳求道

get out of 脱下

after tea 吃完茶点


get you another coat 再给你买一件外套

had pancakes for tea 茶点吃的是摊饼

knife and fork 刀叉

with a clatter 当啷一声

promised 答应了

football things 足球用品

except for 除了

shorts 短裤

market 市场

made up her mind 打定主意

that was that 不可改变了,就那样了

photos 照片

great 了不起

proper 正儿八百的,像样的

lay awake thinking 睁着眼睛躺着想问题

make sure 确保

set out 出发

two street away from …和… 隔两条街的距离

kicking a ball about 把球踢来踢去

slammed the ball over to him 猛地把球传给他

I’m off with my mum 我得跟我妈走

crowded 挤满了人

piled high 堆得高高地

stalls 摊位

there were … for sale under stripy canvas roofs


Get your jungle shorts 来买丛林短裤喽

a wide straw hat 一顶宽檐草帽

enormous 巨大的

over his trousers 套在长裤外面

they had big green trees on 上面有高大的绿树

with monkeys smiling at the top 猴子在树顶上发笑

big or small 不论大小

cost much 花钱多,贵

pulled at 拽着,拉着

struggled through the crowds 挤着穿过人群

a pair 一条(短裤)

in Lenny’s size 适合 Lenny 穿的尺码

cost far too much money 实在是太贵了

like them better than 比…更喜欢

pulled a face 拉长了脸

no buts

the pile 那堆(裤子)

gone down a lot 下去了很多


put aside …for …给…留了…

held… against 把…往…上一比

a perfect fit 百分之百全身

purse (女用)钱包

paid for 付钱买下

handed it over 把它递了过来

have fun wearing them 穿着好好玩吧

the next best thing 也很不错了

kicking a ball against a fence 对着木板围墙踢球

at the top of …在…的尽头

we can’t wait till Monday for football


so have I 我也买了

noisy 七嘴八舌的

swinging their bags of football things


the changing room 更衣室

boots to fit about it 动作要快

got changed 换好了衣服

get in line 排好队

made sure he was at the back 设法站在了后面

got a surprise 吃了一惊

as well 也

nudged him in the back 用肘捅了捅他的背

It was true.真的

record 记录

in that case 既然那样

play for the same team 在同一个队里踢球

can be 可以叫做

sorted out 挑选出

field 操场

played five-a-side football 进行五人制足球赛

beat all the others 打败了所有其他(球队)

home time 放学时间

champions 冠军

untied 脱下了

muddy 沾满泥水的

kit 球服

leave it for your mum 把事情交给妈妈去做

drove home 开车回家

later on 随后

blowing on the washing lines 在晾衣绳上被风吹拂着

The Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om


castle 城堡

give up 不干了

royal cleaner 王室/御用清洁工

There’s too much work here for one person.这里一个人干的活儿太多了。

Queen Norah 诺拉王后

the keys to 的钥匙

the rest of the royal family 王室的其他成员

Princess Jane 简公主

For a start 首先

have your friends round here 带朋友到这儿来

make too much mess 把这儿弄得乱七八糟

Perhaps 也许

keep the castle tidy 让城堡保持整洁

King Harry 哈瑞王

captain 上尉

do a bit of washing 洗点儿东西

does his own cleaning 自己搞卫生

put up an advert for 张贴广告招聘

at once 马上

notice 告示

pinned it to 把它钉在了 上

Cleaner wanted 招聘清洁工

Good Pay 工资优厚

The days went by 几天过去了

ask about 询问

became dirtier and dirtier 变得越来越脏

plates 盘子

singing 歌声

popped her head round the door 从门边探出头来

shocking sight 惊人景象

at the sink 在洗碗池边

doing the dishes 洗盘子

mopping the floor 拖地板

Stop this 停止

These are not jobs for 这可不是干的活儿

fighting dragons 与龙作战

so upset that 十分难过,于是

made up her mind 打定主意

go on a royal tour 进行一次御驾旅行

that minute 当场,立马

don’t even think about 想都别想

added 补充道

go on a quest 去寻找

while I’m away 我不在的时候

went pale 脸色发白

quest for 寻找

main job 主要任务

burglars 盗贼

sent for 派人去拿

royal cases 御用衣箱

set off on their quest 动身去寻找

waved them goodbye 和他们挥手告别

It’s not fair 这不公平

sniffed 忿忿不平地说

off 离开,出去

I am stuck on my own 我自己一个人被困在

smelly 臭烘烘的

stuck out her lip 噘起了嘴

had a good sulk 生了好半天闷气

when there was a knock on the castle door 这时候城堡大门传来敲门声

There stood three figures in masks.


That was quick 好快呀

chasing 在追捕

protect ourselves from the dust 避免吸入灰尘

scrubbed 擦洗

dusted 除尘

washed 洗涤

polished 擦亮

sparkled 锃亮

take off 取下

demanded 追问道

Er,er 呃,呃(表示犹豫或不知所措)不知所措

think very hard 苦思冥想

stuffing into 把塞进

a pile of 一堆

tablecloth 台布

on “Hot” or ”very hot”用“热”还是“极热”(洗衣机上的水温控制)

came up 出现

grabbed 抓起

pulled it over 把它蒙在上

mumbled 闷声闷气地喊道

dungeon 地牢

cells 牢房,囚室

swept 打扫过

turned the key 转动钥匙锁上门

making a terrific noise with 用发出极大的噪音

vacuum cleaner 吸尘器

creeping up behind her 蹑手蹑脚地从背后靠近她

pointed the nozzle at 把吸口对准

one false move 乱动一下

suck you into 把你吸进

turned out to be 原来是

explain 解释是怎么回事

at least 至少

dressed up as 装扮成

rather like 很喜欢

doing housework 干家务

the smell of polish 抛光剂的味道

hum 嗡嗡声

the feel 手感

soap flakes 肥皂片

rare 稀有,罕见

hunt 捕捉

tell the truth 说真话

please don’t tell 千万别说出去

begged 央求道

agreed 一言为定

neat and tidy 既干净又整齐

success 成功

having lots of trouble with 深受的困扰

tidy 打扫

now that 既然

proper 正规的

本文标签: 起来东西进来穿过城堡