



Restoring Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 Using Backup Exec System Recovery (BESR) 2010

Symantec Recovery Disk (SRD)还原Windows Server 2008 R2或Windows 7的使用Backup Exec系统恢



Restore Preparation: 恢复方法:

To get started, Insert the Symantec Recovery Disk.要开始,插入赛门铁克恢复磁盘。Then power on or

reboot the computer.然后接通电源或重新启动计算机。

A restore in which the hard disks are not replaced begins by cleaning the target partition.在其中一个硬盘



Note: Performing a Clean operation on the target disk will remove all partition, data and boot

information from the disk. 注:执行对目标磁盘清理操作将删除磁盘上的所有分区,数据和信息引导。

To do this, perform the following steps:要做到这一点,请执行以下步骤:

1. 1。Select the Analyze tab选择分析标签

2. 2。Select Open Command Shell Window.选择打开命令shell窗口。Once inside the Command Shell


3. 3。Type Diskpart . 键入 diskpart。This will display the Diskpart shell prompt.这将显示Diskpart的shell

提示符。The prompt will change.该提示会改变。(DISKPART>) (DISKPART>)

4. 4。Type the command List Vol then List Disk and hit Enter in order to review and confirm disk

sequence number.键入命令列表卷然后列出磁盘和回车键,以便审查和确认磁盘序列号。

In this case, Disk 0 is the restore target.在这种情况下,磁盘0是恢复的目标。

5. 5。Select the disk by typing the command, Select Disk 0. Press Enter选择通过键入命令的磁盘, 选

择磁盘0。 按 Enter

6. 6。After the disk has been selected, type Clean. Press Enter之后,磁盘已被选中, 清洁型,按回车

The disk is now cleaned of all partitions.现在清理磁盘的所有分区。

7. 7。The command prompt window can be safely closed at this time.在命令提示符窗口,可以安全地关

闭,此时。Type Exit and press Enter twice to return to the main menu. 键入 Exit,然后按 Enter两次,


Recovering Windows 2008 R2 or Windows 7 'System Reserved' partition using the

SYSTEM (sv2i) file: 恢复Windows 2008 R2或Windows 7“系统保留”分区使用系统


1. 1。From the Welcome screen, select the Recover tab从欢迎屏幕上,选择恢复标签

This will start the Recover My Computer wizard这将启动恢复计算机向导

Note: On a Windows 2008 R2 or a Windows 7 image restore, restoring the system is a two part

process. 注:在Windows 2008 R2或Windows 7映像恢复,恢复系统是一个两部分的过程。The first part

is the System Reserved partition. 第一部分是系统保留分区。

2. 2。Select the Recovery Point type: System选择恢复点类型: 系统

3. 3。Browse to and select the .sv2i file for the image to be restored.浏览并选择。sv2i为要恢复的图像

文件。Click Next .点击下一步 。

Because the disk was cleaned, the Symantec Recovery Disk will detect the un-initialized disk.由于磁盘清


4. 4。Check the box next to the drive to be initialized.选中该框旁边的驱动器进行初始化。Click OK .点击


5. 5。Click Yes to proceed with the initialization of the disk.单击是继续执行磁盘的初始化。

The disk will begin initializing.磁盘将开始初始化。

Once the initialization has completed, the Drives to Recover page will appear.一旦初始化完成后, 驱动


6. 6。Select the 100MB System Reserved and un-select the C: partition.选择100MB系统保留和取消选择


7. 7。Click the Edit button.单击编辑按钮。

8. 8。Choose the following options most common for this type of restore:选择最适合这种恢复型普通以下


a. Set Drive Active a. 设置驱动器的活动

b. Restore Master Boot Record B. 恢复主引导记录

9. 9。Click OK to return to the previous screen.单击确定返回到上一个屏幕。

10. 10。Ensure that the Use Restore Anyware option is not checked.确保使用还原Anyware选项未选


11. 11。Ensure Reboot when Finished is not selected.确保重新启动完成后 没有被选中。

12. 12。Click Finish to begin the restore.点击完成 ,开始恢复。

13. 13。When prompted, select Yes to start the recovery of the System Reserved partition.当提示,选择


When this restore is done, the Main Menu will appear again.当此恢复完成后,主菜单会再次出现。

Recovering Windows 2008 R2 or Windows 7 'Data' partition using the .v2i file: 恢复

Windows 2008 R2或Windows 7的“数据”分区使用V2I文件:

1. 1。Click the Recover tab and select Recover My Computer单击恢复选项卡,选择恢复我的电脑

Note: The below error message can occur if the recovery points are directly attached to the

server. 注意:下面的错误消息可能发生,如果恢复点直接连接到服务器。

2. 2。Select the Recovery Point type: File选择恢复点类型: 文件

3. 3。Browse to and select the .v2i file for the System (C:) partition, click Next .浏览并选择V2I的系统(C:)

文件。分区,单击下一步 。

Only one partition should be listed.只有一个分区应列出。

4. 4。Select System partition.选择系统分区。

5. 5。 to change the restore options.单击编辑...改变还原选项。

6. 6。Select only the option to Restore Original Disk Signature.仅选择的选项还原原始磁盘签名。

If restoring to a larger partition on the disk, perform the following steps如果恢复到磁盘上的更大的分区,


a. the partition C:选择分区C:

b. Delete to remove the pre-configured partition information单击删除以删除预先设定的分区


c. the Resize drive after recovery option to increase the partition size使用后恢复选项调整驱

动器大小 ,以增加分区的大小

the Ctrl key and check the option Use Restore Anyware. Ctrl键并选中选项使用还原


the Options by following the Technote as per the system requirement




8. 8。Select the check box Reboot When Finished and select the Finish button.选择复选框重新启动完

成后 ,选择完成按钮。

9. 9。When the restore is done, boot up should proceed normally.当恢复完成后,启动应正常进行。

10. 10。If restoring to ESX 3.5, you may be prompted for a driver for the Network Interface Cards.如果恢

复到ESX 3.5,您可能会提示为网络接口卡的驱动程序。The reason is that Windows 2008 R2 is not

supported for ESX 3.5.0, build 153875.究其原因是Windows 2008 R2是不是ESX 3.5.0,构建153875支


If prompted for a driver: pciven_15addev_0720subsys_072015adrev_10, this driver can be found on the

Host machine in this location: /vmimages/tools-isoimages/.如果司机提示:PCI

ven_15addev_0720subsys_072015adrev_10,此驱动程序可以在主机上找到这个位置:/ vmimages /工具

- isoimages / 。

本文标签: 恢复选择磁盘