


应用本地化统计,案例研究和分析 (App localization statistics, case studies and analytics)

The goal of every app developer, product manager, and marketing manager is to drive their app’s visibility and broaden its coverage. At the same time, this is also a way to approach the ultimate business goal of increasing monthly active users and revenue.

每个应用程序开发人员,产品经理和市场营销经理的目标都是提高其应用程序的知名度并扩大其覆盖范围。 同时,这也是实现最终业务目标(增加每月活跃用户和增加收入)的一种方法。

This brings us to the idea of app localization, which allows a product to reach new geographical regions and satisfy specific needs and user expectations. As such, localization must address multiple linguistic, cultural, regional, and religious considerations.

这使我们想到了应用程序本地化的思想,该思想使产品可以到达新的地理区域并满足特定的需求和用户期望。 因此,本地化必须解决多种语言,文化,地区和宗教因素。

由Alconost撰写 (Written by Alconost)

应用本地化重要吗? (Is app localization important?)

The most common misperception widely cited by those who are critical of localization is that everyone in the world speaks English nowadays, so it’s enough to have your app in English. However, if we take a closer look at the statistics of the world population, only roughly 25% of people speak English. This means that 75% of the world’s inhabitants will never be able to use an English-language app unless it is localized.

批评本地化的人最普遍的误解是,当今世界上每个人都在说英语,因此,用英语编写应用程序就足够了。 但是,如果我们仔细研究一下世界人口的统计数据,则只有大约25%的人会说英语 。 这意味着,除非本地化,否则世界上75%的居民将永远无法使用英语应用程序。

本地化后,下载量增加+ 128%,收入增加26% (+128% more downloads and +26% more revenue after localization)

Another argument for localization is provided in the study “The Impact of App Translations” by Distomo, a global provider of app-related statistics, analytics, and other market data. Distomo’s research has shown that localizing an iPhone app leads to 128% more downloads on average per country. Moreover, a 26% growth in revenue has been observed for each country covered by an app localization. In addition, these growth rates were achieved within only one week after introducing the localized app.

本地化的另一个论点是Distomo的研究“应用程序翻译的影响”,Distomo是应用程序相关统计,分析和其他市场数据的全球提供商。 Distomo的研究表明,对iPhone应用程序进行本地化可以使每个国家/地区的下载量平均增加128%。 此外,应用本地化覆盖的每个国家/地区的收入均增长了26%。 此外,在引入本地化应用后仅一周内就实现了这些增长率。

From the case-study by Alconost来自Alconost的案例研究

One more example of the positive impact of localization is a project performed by Alconost for a personal finance application. Within ten days after the app was localized, its rating on Google Play improved tremendously, as illustrated above. This was one of the rare cases when the client didn’t conduct any advertising campaigns during that period, which allowed Alconost to calculate and attribute the net effect of the localization itself.

本地化的积极影响的另一个示例是Alconost为个人理财应用程序执行的项目。 如上图所示,在应用本地化后的十天内,其在Google Play上的评级得到了极大的提高。 这是客户在此期间不进行任何广告活动的罕见情况之一,这使Alconost可以计算并归因于本地化本身的净效果。

Now that we are absolutely convinced that localization is a vital part of app promotion, a couple of new questions arise.


您应该从哪里开始进行应用本地化? 您应该首先选择哪些国家和语言? (Where should you start with app localization? Which countries and languages should you choose first?)

To help us find answers to these questions, let’s refer to the following statistics:


  • Key languages by speakers


  • Key languages by number of internet users


  • Top countries by e-commerce sales


  • Top countries by e-commerce sales growth 


  • Top countries by app store downloads


  • Top countries by app store revenue


Now let’s take a look at a chart comparing countries and languages by the above categories and placing them in order of priority.


We’ve intentionally built the comparison model driven by multiple parameters both static and dynamic as to encompass the current apps market drivers and its future trends.


From the research by Alconost来自Alconost的研究

Applying a balanced approach, we’ve highlighted the ten languages and corresponding countries that are present in at least 4 of the 6 categories. In doing so we’ve moved from the top down the list in order to keep the priority order of the languages.

采用一种平衡的方法,我们重点介绍了6种类别中至少有4种的10种语言和相应的国家/地区。 为此,我们从列表的顶部向下移动,以保持语言的优先顺序。

总之,这是应用本地化的前10种语言以及相应国家/地区的列表 (In conclusion, here’s a list of the top 10 languages and respective countries for app localization)

  1. English — USA, UK, Australia, Canada

  2. Japanese — Japan

  3. Mandarin Chinese — Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong

  4. Hindi — India

  5. Russian — Russia

  6. Korean — South Korea

  7. German — Germany

  8. Spanish — Mexico, Argentina

  9. Portuguese — Brazil

  10. Indonesian — Indonesia


Depending on your app’s type and promotion strategy, this list can be referred to when deciding which languages and countries to focus on during the localization process.


关于翻译 (About the translator)

This article has been contributed by Alconost, a global provider of localization services for apps, games, videos, and websites into 70+ languages.

本文由Alconost撰写, Alconost是为70多种语言的应用程序 , 游戏 ,视频和网站提供本地化服务的全球提供商。

We offer native-speaking translators, linguistic testing, a cloud platform with API, continuous localization, 24/7 project managers, and any format for string resources.


We also make advertising and educational videos and images, teasers, explainers, and trailers for Google Play and the App Store.

我们还为Google Play和App Store制作广告和教育视频和图像,预告片,解释器和预告片。

翻译自: https://habr/en/company/alconost/blog/468615/


本文标签: 十大程式应用程序语言