

A Model-agnostic Data Manipulation Method for Persona-based Dialogue Generation

A Taxonomy of Empathetic Questions in Social Dialogs

Achieving Conversational Goals with Unsupervised Post-hoc Knowledge Injection

Achieving Reliable Human Assessment of Open-Domain Dialogue Systems

An Interpretable Neuro-Symbolic Reasoning Framework for Task-Oriented Dialogue Generation

Beyond Goldfish Memory: Long-Term Open-Domain Conversation

Beyond the Granularity: Multi-Perspective Dialogue Collaborative Selection for Dialogue State Tracking

CASPI Causal-aware Safe Policy Improvement for Task-oriented Dialogue

ChatMatch: Evaluating Chatbots by Autonomous Chat Tournaments

CICERO: A Dataset for Contextualized Commonsense Inference in Dialogues

Contextual Fine-to-Coarse Distillation for Coarse-grained Response Selection in Open-Domain Conversations

Continual Prompt Tuning for Dialog State Tracking

DEAM: Dialogue Coherence Evaluation using AMR-based Semantic Manipulations

DialogVED: A Pre-trained Latent Variable Encoder-Decoder Model for Dialog Response Generation

Dynamic Schema Graph Fusion Network for Multi-Domain Dialogue State Tracking

GlobalWoZ: Globalizing MultiWoZ to Develop Multilingual Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems

HeterMPC: A Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Response Generation in Multi-Party Conversations

Improving Multi-label Malevolence Detection in Dialogues through Multifaceted Label Correlation Enhancement

Interactive Word Completion for Plains Cree

Internet-Augmented Dialogue Generation

Knowledge Enhanced Reflection Generation for Counseling Dialogues

M3ED: Multi-modal Multi-scene Multi-label Emotional Dialogue Database

MISC: A Mixed Strategy-Aware Model integrating COMET for Emotional Support Conversation

Multi-Party Empathetic Dialogue Generation: A New Task for Dialog Systems

Multi-Task Pre-Training for Plug-and-Play Task-Oriented Dialogue System

Multimodal Dialogue Response Generation

Online Semantic Parsing for Latency Reduction in Task-Oriented Dialogue

Other Roles Matter! Enhancing Role-Oriented Dialogue Summarization via Role Interactions

ProphetChat: Enhancing Dialogue Generation with Simulation of Future Conversation

QAConv: Question Answering on Informative Conversations

SaFeRDialogues: Taking Feedback Gracefully after Conversational Safety Failures

SafetyKit: First Aid for Measuring Safety in Open-domain Conversational Systems

SalesBot: Transitioning from Chit-Chat to Task-Oriented Dialogues

Should a Chatbot be Sarcastic? Understanding User Preferences Towards Sarcasm Generation

Situated Dialogue Learning through Procedural Environment Generation

Structural Characterization for Dialogue Disentanglement

The AI Doctor Is In: A Survey of Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems for Healthcare Applications

There Are a Thousand Hamlets in a Thousand People's Eyes: Enhancing Knowledge-grounded Dialogue with Personal Memory

Think Before You Speak: Explicitly Generating Implicit Commonsense Knowledge for Response Generation

UniTranSeR: A Unified Transformer Semantic Representation Framework for Multimodal Task-Oriented Dialog System

What does the sea say to the shore? A BERT based DST style approach for speaker to dialogue attribution in novels

Where to Go for the Holidays: Towards Mixed-Type Dialogs for Clarification of User Goals

Speaker Information Can Guide Models to Better Inductive Biases: A Case Study On Predicting Code-Switching

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